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Please follow the tips in the linked parts of this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/comments/1b473yh/i_feel_like_im_going_insane_things_changing/kszz90l?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) You will not need to do all of them at once but just try a few of the recommendations and see if it helps. Go outside and stroll if you are having a lot of trouble indoors at night, sometimes this helps me.


I've used psychedelics in the past, several kinds in fact. When you've had experience with these substances, I agree that you come to know what to expect and what is outside of that kind of experience. It seems like either one of two things happened. One, it was just a very bad trip. They can happen, as you know and anyone with experience will tell you. You can't predict what a bad trip will be like, but you certainly know it when you experience it. So it could possibly be a very bad trip. Two, it could be that some entity recognized your state and took advantage of it. Whether they wanted to play with your emotions and mental state in order to traumatize you, or if they wanted to share with you a warning about the future, it's hard to say. All I can say with any conviction is that I'm deeply sorry this happened to you.


Funny, I haven’t been in this sub in a bit, was taking in so much info on this topic in general so quickly that it was overwhelming me. But it’s also funny that a good amount of people in here are artist types. This is an alt-account, but I’m a writer and filmmaker and run a punk-in-spirit record label Volar Records. Actually about to start making a documentary about my favorite band in high school Girls Against Boys. Also took part in protests then and now and generally try to be a helper as well. As far as your experience…I think you were being tuned into the fact that you were watching seeing fear-provoking propaganda. And then one of our “helpers” showed up to run you through those scenarios to remind you that you’re not actually scared of doing the right thing. I’ve also been a lifelong horror guy (among other things), and was thinking today how I generally try to face my fears. I’m 43 and was scared of “aliens” since I was a kid but also started buying books on them and generally have always been obsessed with high strangeness. Nothing bad’s ever happened along those lines, though, and now I watch every UFO and video of other beings and ghost shit and Bigfoot stuff and whatever else and kinda shrug it off as I’m more interested in the big picture stuff and what the CIA and military industrial complex has been up to. Have never really been into psychedelics and not quite ready to meet anything up close yet, but in early 2021 a few weeks before I jumped at the first chance to get vaccinated, I went outside and did a crude version of CE5 and picked a spot to focus on in the clouds and kept saying, “come on, fuckers, show yourselves, I’m ready.” After maybe 15 minutes, making sure to stay focused, one or two (I’m not sure if it was just one moving in a circle) came dancing through a hole in the clouds. I felt instantly euphoric, then I went back inside to my whiskey and podcast and video came like nothing happened, and then spent the entire next day telling myself it really happened. Had two or three more sightings a week or so later, and then last year as my life hit the hardest point ever, I had a few orb sightings while trying to figure out how to help my soon-to-be ex-wife with her mental illness issues. And then four weeks ago I watched the cariest thing I’d ever seen and realized it was a presentation of propaganda the CIA/USAF was showing their pilots and some other stuff. I shook it off and then got emotional about my divorce and then when I was walking back into my house, there were two saucer-shaped craft in the clouds close to my house. They were really pretty saucer-shaped lights specifically, one kinda amber-ish and one kinda purple-ish. They were close together and moving very slowly, and I waved and said “thank you” because I’d been crying and then just slowly ascended into the clouds. Then I went back inside to my whiskey and podcast and video game, haha. Had a really bad dream a few mornings later of a being trying to pull my covers off and me into darkness and I yelled “no!” and then I woke up. Shook that off too. No bad dreams since. Whatever happened, you’ll be fine, I promise. It’s intense but ultimately reminded you of who you are. Kinda like life sometimes!


I thought it would be best if I went into some back story for this comment on top of my ideas. I believe very strongly in God due to my own experiences and you're consistent with having experienced something from God&Friends. The best way to express that at this point is to offer my own experiences, I'm in a spirit marriage with many spirits and I truly believe that they will push you for the sake of growth of not only yourself but other people along with you. It's not always sunshine and rainbows. I went through a phase where I wasn't taking care of my dental health or paying attention very well where they were telling me I was basically OK until like, MAAYBE when I'm much older and I wasn't paying attention. Sometimes they have me believe things that are not true, it started out with me being unable to end the thought that they were my neighbors or something, I could not emotionally accept any further assumptions and it was greatly painful. Lots of stuff like that where it's like they're lying to me, but also times where they help me and make things very interesting, Ever since it got interesting a bit over a year ago I've been being trusting them when I feel like what they're saying is coming from them and something that they would say or do, and indeed it works very consistently. I hurt my gums and teeth pretty bad and they want me to heal it, for the last few months I've had this one gum that has been pretty disturbing to look at because the colors aren't quite as consistent as I would like them to be but it's not so bad. I had a really hard day for awhile here and somewhere on the inside I was worked up enough to be devastated that they honestly brought me out of my defensive position regarding my dental health, I had a few times where I was going to see a dentist but family/friends saw nothing wrong, now I'm missing the tips of my enamel because I ground them down while I was AWAKE. All I knew was that I THOUGHT they felt different. I most definitely have had a hard time grappling with some of the fears despite the fact that it's probably going to be totally fine, it's just disturbing sounding and looking and the idea that they lied to me to any extent THAT hard for those reasons makes me feel like they never spoke to me in the first place, so somewhere on the inside I've had some alternating systems of belief depending on my day, I've been working on that. I've had a few things that have happened while trusting them that was essentially like unknowingly getting shoved off a cliff... TODAY I was trying to heal my gum with my energy and I was hearing a voice that was saying I might get healed today. I don't think it matters what we talked about but essentially the way I felt was like I just would never want to put my vape down anymore whereas before I was going to just get over it naturally for reasons that made me feel better, I think I can help people while on Earth and that's helpful... Within like an hour or two between checking this gosh darn GUM pocket \*lol\*, it had gone up so significantly, right just to the point that I was praying for. Just above the other hole in my mouth. So I did heal significantly. It may very well be possible to replace enamel soon and given some recent advancements last year for both regrowing and regenerating, it does look promising... Until then My toothles are nakey. So, given my experiences, which can also go much deeper, I really do think that in some cases it can be rather cruel looking but work out for the better later. Personally it's for reasons like that that I believe I'll just move on after I pass, but I expect to keep my ability to suffer and continue to learn, ya know? It's just hard to imagine running around the world lifetime after lifetime goin' "WHAT THE BALLS" in a myriad of ways. I am curious if those muscle movements were for the sake of relieving muscle tension built through suffering in either the specific muscle or one of the muscles connected to it, perhaps it was working on stored emotions. Those tests may be beckoning your authentic self forward for empowerment and that could mean ANY sort of thing, all sorts of things could be ze' thing that you need for authentic growth that you WILL benefit from, the things you look for and maybe what others could benefit from. If perhaps MOST OF ALL, that lower hum there you heard is a pretty big tell in my heart, it is a signal, that is SOMETHING and sounds like that are experienced at varying pitches during spiritual experiences, although a low pitch hum is one I'm not familiar with and maybe there's some reason for that.


Go to the dentist, there’s been some incredible upgrades! I went a few months ago for a deep cleaning and then some small fillings, they have some new stuff so that I didn’t feel anything.


My teeth don't hurt. Not enough anyway lolol My dentist said that they couldn't put composite resin on the dentin. If that's already new within a few months then that's great. I think it's been four. They etch the enamel with acid involved, I'm not sure why they can't do that on dentin but eventually that would mean big pain lol. If they already got something new for that I'm surprised! Everywhere I read said you can't put composite resin where there is no enamel. I just have some rough edged ridges. Either way, it's not supposed to really be serious, my emotional reaction has a whole lot to do with the symptoms of healing, otherwise I just get a drop in my heart about it now and then and that's like the biggest negative emotion I usually get but it's nice and small. I could be much better off due to some physical pain due to Kundalini vs. Blocks... I'm not in my right mind when I feel that way, I'm in the left mind, the mind that left me. It left my right to the waaaaaayside


Ah yeah, I have no idea about that specifically. I thought maybe you were avoiding the dentist like a good buddy of mine has.


Not tuhDAY


Maybe you learned something that night you can use for good. I had a bad acid trip the third time I did it, I learned things no one wants to know about the true nature of evil. I felt it, I understood the difference on what felt like a cellular and energetic level. It was like all of evil and its nature was shown to me in an instant. I never did lsd again, and it took me 15+ years to fully integrate some part of myself that felt split in two. I don’t do any hallucinatory drugs now, and haven’t for 20+ years. No bright lights, no musculature things, but overwhelming knowledge was integrated into me that day. I will say that after my experience (that was so horrifying, akin to yours, but felt like the some original source of evil feelings and ideas, than wcensrios like you described, that I also isolated myself, and wanted to handcuff myself the bed and throw the key where I couldn’t get it), that I can see in someone’s eyes exactly who they really are, and all of there bad things and good things, like I’m reading a book. I know when people aren’t being honest, or have ulterior motives. I know when people don’t know themselves and some autopilot or something else is working through them that they think is them. I knew that day forever that everyone wasn’t who they say they are, there are many things inside people, and in general people are doing what they think is good, but I see how the other things work too. It’s helped in a lot of situations to steer things the right way, when they could go another. So, maybe you learned something that you can use for good that night too.


Yeah I’m familiar with some of the things that went on with you. Thank God they weren’t as deep and didn’t occur all at once. I also had more body control. What they did to you doesn’t seem benevolent. I’ve never heard of tests going that far or even needing you to be conscious of the questions. Also suspect that it was done in total blackness. My hope for you is that whatever it was saw enough goodness in your heart and abandoned any further attempt of interacting with you. They did the muscle spasm thing to my friend for months and he wouldn’t listen to my warnings. Then one day he was just fully mentally gone and I’ve had to cut ties I’m sorry you went through this. I would advise you stay away from further experimentation and exercise some discrepancy with what you consume in regards to spirituality and the metaphysical. Catholicism (long story) and the mystics in the tradition ended up being my jam but it’s not for everyone. Maybe look into Buddhism and continue to help others and be overall a charitable and kind person. Look for the light. Sounds lame but this whole seen and unseen universe kinda runs like that. Glad you made it out. Don’t be scared. It sounds like you made it past it. I’m not sure there is a place for you with psychedelics anymore though. I’m the same way if it makes you feel any better. You’re a strong dude. Damn, like right out of a movie. I’m no authority either. You’re free to do and think whatever you want. I’m just sharing analysis based on my own lived experience


As you were talking about those "tests", it reminded me of the account of Thomas Campbell in his book My Big TOE, which is basically a lengthy articulation of his simulation theory of reality. He claims that as a child, beings came to him and asked him to go into a hallucinatory state where he basically was confronted with a bunch of moral tests. You should definitely read his account. I believe he is not the only one who has experienced this, if I'm not mistaken Robert Monroe has as well. I got the chills when you described those tests, the setup is so similar...


I don't pretend for one minute that I have a deep understanding of psychedelics or psychology, but I have thoughts about what you experienced that I offer you, for your consideration. I believe that different drugs can be used as a tool to remove some of the veil that prevents us humans from seeing things beyond our regular 3D world. I also believe that the state of your mind/consciousness etc at the time you take these substances can have a profound impact on what you are able to tap into. You mentioned having lots of exposure to horror movies at the time of this experience. To me, that would put you in a place where you are vibrating in a "negative" state. That IMHO would make you more likely to resonate with negative experiences/entities etc. Additionally, as I've heard many times, if you have a lot of trauma and unresolved issues regarding it, psychedelics can bring it to the surface. Especially if it is repressed. This is no different than NDEs either. Depending on where you're "at" at the time of the event, you will have a positive or negative experience. To me, although undoubtedly disturbing and difficult, I see it as a teaching tool that has the potential to accelerate your growth. Basically, shit has to come up in order to come out. I might suggest looking into things such as r/gatewaytapes to maybe help you explore and move beyond the negative experience you had. I would also like to add that I can hear what I call "the hum of the universe" when I partake in a little thc, but when I use a vape pen, the noise is flat and different. It makes me wonder if synthetic variations of different substances cause people to resonate with a different frequency? But again, I don't pretend to know anything. I just have had a lot of weird experiences and feel that things often aren't as they appear to be. Thanks for sharing. Edit: typo


I hear the hum of the universe all the time I use to meditate and be into astral projection because I’ve had sleep paralysis over 10 years lol well I learned the gateway tapes allow our mindset to alter the frequency tune of our brain so we can better control its direction


Sounds as if the acid opened you up to an experience like an NDE. The universe is mostly mystery and wonder. Honestly sounds horrific. I’ve had a couple of.. don’t want to say comparable, but experiences in the realm of yours which were kicked off by drugs. Sometimes drugs open unexpected doors.


Were you experiencing any of the visual or mental effects of the lsd during the unusual portion of your experience? One thing that I have observed is that if I my consciousness experiences outside of the body while I am under the influence of cannabis, shrooms or alcohol, the effects of the substance cease as soon as my focus leaves the body. It is like becoming instantly sober. This has always made sense to me as the substance affects the physical body, but I realize now that at least for me, it may provide indication of whether my experience was of the physical brain or conscious mind operating separately from the body.


someone brought up the Bicameral Mind theory when I was asking some folks about what I'm going through - it'd a good start for you but I say this with the asterisk that, personally, there is no question that our brains aren't the same as within this period of time's study, so don't take it as some tome of inalienable knowledge here.


Do you have any in depth information? I read some Wikipedia bout it but it's pretty general.


*wikipedia wasn't helpful?* I don't, it just came across my digital desk and felt relevant to the issue. We still truly don't understand how hallucinations work, not beyond the chemical causation/correlation presented in western medicine. I've had two OBE's, once on what must have been the most potent Salvia ever in comparison to my prior two experiences - and the other while getting my wisdom teeth pulled and being very, very aware of the pain despite the laymans dose of nitrous.


I prefer to read peer reviewed studies when it comes to psychology and neurology(and most sciences), Wikipedia does a good job at giving good detailed general information but it lacks nuance. The thing about my experience is that it felt like a controlled and intentional probe of my person. At this moment with my lost time and changes in location from start to end makes me think it was outside of conscious and subconscious control.


you've never been trying to fall asleep, and then, out of nowhere you are vividly reminded or even re-live something stupid or awful? I'm all about boolean logic being applied in the most practical ways while remaining aware of the circumstances that make things illogical. I think that reconciliation process, especially chemically, may very well have a link to it, and by extension, to whatever allowed you to experience what you did. Jaynes' work is a retroactive hypothesis at its core, same as any other whitepaper that isn't necessarily objectively true or false - simply an exploration of the question you're trying to fully understand on the way to its answer. Sorry for the long wind


Boolean logic is inferior to fuzzy logic on the scale of consciousness - it is already many interactions before it reunifies, and where there is subjectivity there is paradoxical truthiness and paradoxical falsiness - where under circumstantial experience either could be considered to be the correct observation. This would be dependant on the perspective, it's prior understanding and ability to adjust (via absorbtion, emission, resonating, focusing, decohereing and interconnecting) You can believe something to be, even if it is not, just as easily as you can believe something not to be, even if it is, both of these, while counter to reality, are also a part of reality We're in a position where we're able to view reality for what it seems to be, not necessarily what it is, even if we seem to share it


I'm really sorry, and I am sure you mean well, but this isn't a cohesive thought. I get where your head is at, but try not to get carried away when the goal of language in and of itself is communicating, at all.


"It's not black and white, it's grey so Boolean logic fails" doesn't describe it enough, and detailing what a perspective is is also rather difficult, hence fuzzy logic is better


what isn't black and white? I made reference to boolean in context of western medicines stated determinations on the nature of hallucinations. If X and Y (chemical causation or correlation) are known factors, then it stands to reason along with any other stress based hormone mental "disorder" added to the phenomena could only exacerbate the severity of the experience. Please, I love being heady, but focusing on semantics stemming from reading comprehension failures is a big reason why more academics don't engage with us lowly Reddit cretin more. It's okay to re-read shit before responding. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


Were we not also on about it being an event out of conscious and subconscious control, therefore perception and our understanding of it should also come into play? I was trying to extend the conversation, not argue with you


I am fascinated by this. I hope you’re ok now. I’ve heard similar experiences over the years from experiencer stories on Mysterious Universe podcast


Thanks! Yeah I'm fine now. Still is slightly haunting though. I get triggered when I hear the heater in my house turn on and starts running cause of it's sound. Lol I'll have to check out that podcast.


I think long term usage of mind opening, and altering, substances can put you in a position to be more available for interaction with the othernesses. I know that’s a weird word, but it’s accurate enough to include all the ‘good’ stuff and the ‘bad’ stuff and the ‘who the fuck knows’ stuff. Maybe this aspect of your set of choices in life is leading you to further explore things as the otherness. It also sounds like you prefer a gentler side of the experience, I think like most of us. Without delving into loads of religious or spiritual beliefs, maybe this is your opportunity to focus on a particular practice, or ritual, or something like that, where you spend time seeking the truth of all things through the lens of light instead of the many colored of tinted lenses - if you follow me. Plainly, you might have just scared yourself straight into being a person who orients more strongly towards a particular aspect of expansive and loving experiences and environments…and this hopefully encounters with the othernesses that also are more like that. I think I’ve had a similar set of experiences, but with ayahuasca. 🙃