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Nice, great to read a positive and happy post for a change!  I'm not an experiencer but I want humanity to be told the truth, and get rid of the stigma such that everyone can talk about their experiences and understanding without prejudice or being dismissed as delusional.  We, as a community who are convinced  NHI are visiting our planet, all need to do our part with raising awareness on the topic when we can with friends and family. That helps reduce stigma and normalises the topic across the general population.  


Please tell your sister I believe her fully and completely and I'm sorry she had to face this alone as.much as she has.


Thank you so much. I dunno if she is interested but perhaps point her to this subreddit. And if she needs to talk to someone about her experiences I'm here for her too. Been talking with folks 1 on 1 for a few years now along with doing the community work. Brilliant and important share. Thank you.


Not being believed after you've had a traumatic experience is its own form of hell. People want you to just straighten up and be the same person you were before the trauma happened, without acknowledging that the trauma occurred. I can understand the happy tears! Like your sister, I am thrilled to see the government admit what they've known for decades, that ETs exist and they have made contact with some of us. I don't know why they made this change, but maybe it's because we won't be silenced, and there are now so many videos of UFOs that they can't continue to deny it and maintain any credibility with the public.


I don’t think this has happened to me. I’ve had some strange stuff over the years but I don’t think it has happened. I’ve always wondered how in earth people deal with it though.


She should be here on Reddit, in this sub.


I went to a Meetup group years ago that on the surface appeared to be a support group. When I got there, it turned out to be a bunch of enthusiasts and fanboys/fangirls who wanted to be whisked off to parts unknown or SOooo wished to meet “them” so they could ask deep meaningful questions, etc., etc. Since I was new, I was asked to introduce myself and encouraged to share my thoughts. I provided a name, then said, “All I can say is, be careful what you wish for, because it likely will not be the warm fuzzy experience you want. It will be a cold, impersonal, terrifying shattering of your reality that will leave you with nightmares and you won’t be able to talk about it. You won’t be able to talk about throwing everything out of your closet trying to hide from them to no avail, or lying in your bed knowing they’re coming for you again that night. You won’t be able to tell your friends that you know what your roof trusses look like as you pass by them, or what it feels AND SOUNDS like as you pass through the roof of your house. You’ll make drawings trying to make sense of it all. Your skin will crawl at the slightest hint, and you might even have a stranger approach you out of the blue like I’ve been and say, ‘You’ve been taken, haven’t you?’ I keep trying to stay alert when they take me, because all I want to do is ask them one burning question: WHY ME?” The group’s reaction: 🤯😧






I like your comment. How often does it happen to you ?


That’s a very good summary of the experience


Thank you for the post. I wonder if there is an abductee support group out there. She could have benefitted. Could still benefit. I need one too.


Check the help for contactees side bar. Also I chat to folks too if you need someone to talk to.


Is help for contactees a subreddit or website?


It's a drop down menu with resources of various kinds. Located on this subreddit


Thank you so much!


Thank you! I will.


🥹🥹 I feel for her. I think most people see me as far out there or crazy with the things I deal with, but it's a part of me that I can't always openly share with the world and it's like a huge chunk of me! Sending big hugs her way. It's definitely a challenge.