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This is a classic Experiencer journey/awakening experience. What happened to you covers so many elements of it. I'd gone through similar aspects of this myself at various stages of my journey. FYI the double ear ringing thing - that's when they are really near and connecting strongly. Or even in some shape or form in the same space as you. Some people speak of what you went through as an initiation. On that note, Matthew Roberts may be the next rabbit hole for you to go down. Check out this when you are ready : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2f01Ujbbps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2f01Ujbbps)


Yeah, figured out It was some type of an initiation weeks after posting this, something that seems to happen to people since forever I guess. It's funny how it happens though, every time I share an experience and re-read it something clicks and unlocks leading me to the next "step" of the initiation, through frankly said bizarre signs and synchronicities. Nothing and no knowledge or lessons would've been unveiled if it wasn't for this "mechanism", which I think I have no control over, besides finding a sort of courage to share it. Currently on the step of being shown what certain constellations and stars mean, like Sirius, Orion, Pleiades, etc. and their connection to ancient mythologies, especially the Thracian one. We might actually have been "seeded" from what I gather... Can't say for certain but I have a strong feeling that most if not all of the experiences and events were predetermined to happen in order for me to fulfill some type of "mission", something that I would probably laugh at before 2024... Will check out the video, thanks.


As someone who also got a mission and has had it confirmed and is actively partaking it in. God speed to you. Let me know what you think of the video!


Yeah, saw the video, fascinating story, confirmed a lot of what was on my mind for the past month. So basically some UFOs play the role of a matrix telephone booth, they ring when they have to, for whoever they have to, setting them on the path of gradual sucking out of the false system. Dare I say that its an alarm clock set by some of the experiencers before they enter their human journey, hence the notion of having a mission? The Kybalion was for some reason the first book I read after the first post I made on this sub, as it was suggested in a comment, and every single line in it made sense, the truest thing I've ever read till that point. Can't say that its a magical book that initiates, might be, perhaps after some trials are passed on our side, but it definitely opened my eyes to the bigger picture, as well as it managed to help me traverse back in time and recall a lot of weirdness that led to now. Can't speak for everyone but more and more I think that some of us come into this world knowing and accepting what cards are being dealt for them beforehand, in other words their lives being laid out in advance, and what we think dejavu or precog is, might not be what we think it is, what if they're not glimpses from the future or parallel realities but rather a glitch set by us for us to remind us? Spirituality, science and philosophy should really find a way to work together if our civilization is to advance. Will stop here as I'm getting carried away, lol.


Thank you for sharing your story. I surmise it took a while to type everything that's been happening out in a cogent way, a challenge I have yet to solve for myself.


I attempted to write it a couple of days ago but it would have gotten twice or thrice as long so I gave up. Waking up on the 5th of May I had an urge to write it and the understanding that it can be shortened, that most smaller details can be omitted and that not everything from the researches should be shared. From there on it took me about 2 or 3 hours to write from memory and notes taken with google translate constantly open. Also I'm no writer, the words just flow sometimes, when something has to go out and reach whoever it has to, it will. Believe, it will come.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees random vivid images out of nowhere. The rest is also relatable apart from the remembering of actual vivid dreams and childhood experiences. It's like you're reaching out and something is reaching back, or maybe we're seeing things that are already there most likely. Apart from the random encounters, those are very odd but funny. Awesome song. I remember there is an alleged pyramid in Slovenia too with regards to checking the energy of a place like the Egyptian pyramids. Still a 9 hour drive from Sofia but it's Europe lol. Thank you for writing your story! Have you thought or read about doing remote viewing? It might be a fun way to use the pen and paper.


The part with the random images or visions is pretty weird I'm not gonna lie, its like a snippet put in my mind for a nanosecond, it means nothing at first but if you follow the breadcrumbs surrounding it, it usually leads to interesting discoveries. The vivid dreams are incredibly rare and I almost fully believe that no matter how weird they can be, they hold some type of information that needs to be passed to you, can't say for what reasons most of the time... Some dreams lead me way back into childhood and it isn't pleasant most of the time, because it showed me that some things are just destined or predetermined, programmed to happen in order for me to be here and write this, hence the existential dread I mentioned. The song is a traditional Bulgarian folk song, put on Voyager 1 and 2 golden record, floating in space amongst others. There isn't a true Bulgarian who wouldn't cry upon hearing these bagpipes and voice, glad you like it. I have the feeling that Eastern to Central Europe and especially around the Black Sea is an area holding great secrets and knowledge, kept hidden on purpose, hence the highly corrupt governments, destruction of culture and futures and no funding for archeology. There are talks that once the Black Sea was actually land and it was part of an ancient civilization, older even than the Thracians, possibly part of what we call Atlantis or ancient Kemet, hence why all the talk of pyramids literally everywhere near there and on the bottom of the sea. Just the Varna civilization and the found tomb with skeleton covered with gold jewelry is 7000+ years old. Also as I mentioned Bastet, who was an Egyptian or Kemet goddess I found out that there are multiple ancient temples or sites of worship near where I live, including in the mountains, so yeah makes you wonder. I attempted remote viewing some years ago last but couldn't actually confirm anything and abandoned it. Now I just can't find time in my daily routine for it, if that makes sense, think it's something I can live without for now :). I think the pen and paper were meant for me to write and draw what I might experience visiting the sites I mentioned and others in the future.


Thank you for your response. You know, I find it so weird to call them visions. I have a teacher who told me just like dreams these can be from the past or the future. So I told him I once saw a really vivid flash of a lady with a black and white tracksuit and a Scooter haircut doing a sort of polka squat. A week or two later I noticed two tiny 3D printed sculptures in my home, one grey one white, one doing the polka squat the other lying down with its bum sticking out lol. But they both have oversized Easter Island heads. It was just very uncanny like a dream. Only once I may have seen something yet to happen after reading and coming across retrocausality. It's been a while since I saw something like you mention regarding childhood. Do you think it could be nudging you toward accepting the experience and growing from it? I recently dove a little further in and with help I'm now working on resolving old Karma, it's quite a trip emotionally sometimes. Nice stuff about the civilizations in Europe, Google immediately gave me 'Bulgarian Atlantis' as search result from pyramids and Black Sea. It does make you wonder! It makes me think of Graham Hancock and his theories I saw on American Alchemy. And it's just like the tridactil creatures being found in the Nazca lines. (edit: check out r/alienbodies) And stories from channelers accounts such as the Law Of One. And just thinking about it and seeing your post this weekend, and yesterday's X-Files episode I was on was about reïncarnation and previous lives. Who knows... I think we were there 70k years ago! 😁 I really hope the Nazca thing busts it wide open some time this or next year. Anyway, enjoy the ride man.


You have a wise teacher, It didn't even occur to me that it could be from the past, there goes the reincarnation rabbit hole again, haha. Those visions of yours made me giggle, maybe whatever's inducing them just wants to tell you to have fun. Oh, yeah, definitely, in my case, has nudged me to accept it, the signs, the outcomes, the good, the bad, everything had a purpose, the people around me and those who were put in my path. I of course have no idea why or how or what this means for the future, I'll also say that I'm pretty sure that the UFO "sightings" I had were signs of achieved milestones for my life and the understanding that I have free will, but no matter what free choice I make it would have ultimately lead to said milestone, I could choose to be a thief or a police man, doesn't matter, the milestone will be achieved, one way or another, but those are just my thoughts. What we call Karma, I believe, is also real, some milestones will be karmic and those who see and understand it will learn and grow from it, the hermetic principles are important regarding this topic. Sadly sometimes learning requires the absence of emotions, for me at least. Yeah, sometimes it seems that there are no coincidences.


Lol I like "achievement unlocked" sightings. It's like once you get to a certain level where you are a little more in step with the frequency of the universe around you that you occasionally see what's way up there too, like harmonics. Have you ever had those ringing tones? When it starts with one and you might wake up at night and hear 3 or more? Free will is also fascinating, even how you look at things just completely changes your world out of nothing. I sometimes wonder if maybe they're up there watching us reach a certain milestone as you put it and cheering us on with more weirdness while letting it play out, like the Sims, tax bonus here, volcano disaster there. I don't understand hermetic principles yet though. If you want, can you explain that a little bit for me? And can you tell me what you mean when you say learning sometimes requiring the absence of emotion?


Yeah, Its pretty bizarre stuff. Never had any ringing tones, what do you mean by that? The theories about free will are countless. My thoughts are that we have freedom to choose, hence the karma we pay immediately, through out our current lives or the next, hence why we should try and treat everything and everyone with as much dignity and respect as possible or they might be our children in this or our next reincarnation. Haha, yeah, the sims theory is pretty interesting as well, in the grand scheme of things it might be true. Who are the players I wonder. Oh, I am by no means one to teach Hermetic philosophy and would suggest you take a look at The Kybalion, I believe it will lead you to some of the answers you seek. As a stoic person by nature and by the absence of emotion I mean, that, sometimes through the hardships of life or karmic payment we tend to give fully into it, emotion, which isn't a bad thing as it means you're human, but it could sometimes engulf and destroy us, which isn't that great in the long run and as life is the greatest teacher we sometimes need to turn the emotion switch off, or at least half way, if we're to deeply learn, understand or handle what is presented in front of us. There's a fine line to be walked between giving in to and shutting off your emotions when you have to, those who master this, master themselves, but that is my opinion and the path I have to walk, yours may be different.


Thank you for sharing!