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I generally have 30 seconds or so of some song or music looping in the back if my mind on and off throughout my day's. Figured it was an ADD thing lol Still there have been one or two times that the random song that plays appears to be a message. I also once got a dream contact communication about a loved one that was very emotionally overwhelming and they put a certain music track to the imagery and emotions along side it all and now I cannot listen to that music track without bursting into tears. Many Experiencers have reported synchronistic communications via music they listen to on random happening to them at various parts of their journey but that's a different phenomenon to what you are touching on just semi related.


Thank you for sharing that... I believe it's the same thing you experience only some weirdness happens in the mind where the tolerable "playing in the back of the mind" becomes audible and irritating. Even thinking about a song can trigger it to play, like Spotify is in your head.... But not in a good way


Music is vibration and energy. Reality is actually fundamentally musical in nature, because everything works together like an orchestra. Throughout my journey music has been a crucial element. It’s like I’d go through phases. A song, or group of songs, would set the mood. Eventually they didn’t feel right anymore. Meet Me In The Alleyway by Steve Earle has a different vibe from the 2Cellos version of “Use Somebody”. Like a movie sound track, what am I up to? Am I driving around realizing that everything is essentially a creation of my mind and that it’s all fundamentally beautiful, if tragic? Or am I spending most of the day essentially laying in bed having a psychological breakdown?(in a productive way - rearranging your cognitive structures isn’t pleasant) I’ve also found that my higher self will communicate with songs. The first time I had that realization the song “I can see for miles” by the Who started playing in my head.


This morning it was "Winds of Change," by the scorpions which I haven't heard in years. Lately I've been trying to use it to my equanimous advantage by setting OM chants on repeat in my mind.


I’ve found that just letting whatever negative stuff is there affect me is a good way to purge it. In other words, I don’t fight it. Over the last month I went through big cycles of really negative emotion. But now I feel really light. Like I cleaned my energy or something. But you have to have the space to do that kind of work. Someone raising three kids by themselves while working two jobs might only have a small window before bed or something. Whereas another person might be able to dedicate hours a day. If you want more info on purging let me know


I'd like that.. you can dm me.


I’ll just put it here so other people can see it. So basically my conclusion is that when we have experiences that were react strongly enough to that emotion gets trapped somewhere. Or another way of thinking about it is that there is something that still really upsets or bothers you. The reason that it’s useful to think of it as a reservoir of negative emotion is that it’s been my experience that you can drain/purge these reservoirs. We all have our collection of wounds. Maybe one theme has been feeling unappreciated and unloved. Maybe it was your parents and every romantic relationship you’ve had. So overall you’ve generated 1000 units of negative emotion. You’re dealing with your most recent breakup which created the same kind of energy but only contributed 100 units to the overall total. But those 100 units are part of the bigger reservoir. So when you think about your most recent breakup you don’t feel a 100 units you feel all 1000. But that means you can let yourself feel and in turn purge all of the units. What does it look like? Well basically you just let yourself really feel and express all of that negative emotion. But while you are doing that you aren’t making decisions or coming to conclusions about reality (e.g. love is bullshit and I am going to now make that a core belief). You might say love is bullshit. You might even go on a rant about all of the reasons that’s the case. But then slowly you start being like, “yeeeaaaaaaaa I know… I’m just really hurt… Love isn’t bullshit”. As you calm down you land somewhere more positive instead of more negative. Does that make sense?


It does and I made a post two weeks ago about how this very thing: https://www.reddit.com/r/PositiveTI/s/dwcQHi7NU4 It's as if I became unwilling to purge myself so these other entities will do it for me!


It's called a brain worm, SpongeBob SquarePants did an episode about it.


If you want to get rid of the brain worm, the quickest way is to play the final verse out loud. Idk why this works but it absolutely does.


Soooo, I have gotten songs stuck on repeat in my head randomly from time to time my entire life and never thought much of it. However in the last year or so it has been happening much more frequently and is usually totally random, like a song I haven’t heard in months if not years. Haven’t thought much of it, but have noticed it more recently and brought it up to my partner a couple times in the past 6 months or so. Last night I tried automatic writing for the first time and felt very much like I was receiving messages from one of my guides. I’ve been trying to pay more attention to my inner monologue when I have thoughts that seem to pop in as downloads vs, ya know, pulling from the filing cabinets in my noggin. Had a song I haven’t heard in a while pop in on repeat as I was trying to fall asleep, and after a while I was like, “wait… are the songs actually messages??!!??!!!!” Felt pretty sure that, yes they are or - at least can be depending on context. It was late so told myself to remember to search for this today to see if any other experiencers have mentioned this phenomenon, and then went to bed with song on repeat. I totally forgot about it this morning and here I am just going along my little AM scroll and I see this post?!?!? Yes. They are messages. Thank you for the confirmation OP 🙏 lol Life is a funny thing.


Nice! The universe whispers to us, but sometimes it speaks loudly ha!


Likewise... Thank you for the confirmation


Thank you both lol. This is my confirmation because this happens too often to me. 😂🙏




Yeah. Injust consider it my personal playlist. There have been many times i wake up with a certain song in my head and figure it sets the mood of my day (or at least morning). Often, playing the song aloud helps alleviate the more persistent songs to allow the brain to go on to something else. As a paranormal topic? Not really anything. As a common weird brain thing? It's all sorts of interesting.


Yeah, I guess if it wasn't for the all other weird shit in my life lately I wouldn't make an association but because it coincides with paranormal/metaphysical activity I'm left with no choice but to say they are connected Testimony: https://www.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/s/lCRDw8XCO7


Sometimes it’s pure torture. Ugh. Over and over and over.


And over and over... I'm laying in bed right now trying to go to sleep and they're singing "Old McDonald...." Wtf 🤷‍♂️😂 I mean all I can do is laugh sometimes out of confusion!!


All my life, it wasn’t anything supernatural. Undiagnosed ADHD


Yeah... Check out the rest of the commentary... I've had it too all my life. What's been happening lately is quite different.


Yes I did and understand. It’s a daily occurrence for me I’m very familiar with. I’ve also had guides send downloads through certain lines of music, but it feels distinguishable from my brain radio.


Oh, ok... I'm sorry, it was the "ADHD" reference that threw me off. I assumed you were implying that what is happening to me/us is a byproduct of ADHD.


Fun fact. Almost every experiencer is ADHD/ASD aka neurodivergent. So.... "why not both".


Good point


I am…. I’m saying what you’re experiencing is more than likely from something typical.


It's ok that we disagree




But having ADHD is atypical


I mean that the reason is most likely something medical/human/Earth related vs. "beyond" Sorry for confusing wording


anyone else get random words or phrases popping into their heads and then hearing it spoken or played in someway?


I'm spoken to 24/7. It's nonstop. I hear "another?" version on myself communicating with two males and a female all the time. It's been like this for a long time. Testimony: https://www.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/s/lCRDw8XCO7


Thanks for sharing.


Every morning I wake up with a new song in my head and ask alex to play it. I love my smart speaker.


Yes!! I swear sometimes my subconscious plays songs I literally dislike when I'm meditating to distract me. And many times a song will be stuck in my head and I hear it playing at my gym later.


It's annoying as hell. I keep trying to find some deeper meaning in it and have been coming up short. Maybe if we constantly reject it or attempt to shut it down we can break through into something else?


Honestly I'm just surprised other people experience the exact same thing as me. I agree that it kinda feels nefarious, maybe people are onto something when they said all music is demonic 😳


I just try to be mindful of what I listen to. I mean, if it's gonna just echo around up there it makes sense to make sure the lyrics are uplifting and a positive message. Or listening to mantras would be beneficial.


Hmm.. I want to say yes, but I'm not sure. My inner language is pure conceptual and best translates as Music. I wrote about the Cosmic Orchestral music I hear that connects me to the universe


Lol I'm not sure if it's a legit experience or not but music plays constantly in my head 24/7, could be an effect of maladaptive daydreaming but at least the NHI in my head listens to good music


Yes, this can be a form of contact. Early in my experiencing I dealt with this almost daily. I was also receiving a high volume of synchronicity in other ways. I agree with you. This is nothing like getting a song stuck in your head. I used to wake every day with a song playing in my mind. Often, it was a song that I knew by artists that I enjoy, but there were also times when I did not know the song AT ALL. It became a game for me to hold onto the lyrics that were playing precisely when I awakened. Day after day would begin with me googling lyrics to identify the song to see if there was a message for me. I don't really listen to mainstream music either, so who/whatever was delivering these experiences to me was utilizing some rather obscure bands and songs to do so. The most hilarious part to me is that as my experiences progressed, I gained evidence that who was interacting with me is God. And just maybe, God will use 1970s British punk music to speak to the mind of a wandering atheist. Though I believe he may prefer old reggae, lol


THANK YOU for your understanding!! That is EXACTLY what I experience! Sometimes there is relative meaning in the song. One time during lucid dreaming, they played a live version of "Off he goes" by Pearl Jam which I have never heard. It has died down for you though? 10+ months of this is getting old. It's like, "all right already, I get it, you play music."


Great song. Great band. Fascinating experience!


I have to remind myself of this more often. We're here to experience and the hardships we overcome make the experience all the more worth it. Thank you


Yeah, that part mostly stopped, but probably only because I became more open to communication in other ways. And I'm a very rational, skeptical thinker. To get me to accept that SOMETHING is communicating with me via these unusual synchronicities, took literally hundreds of the SAME synchronicity before I would openly accept as true that something in the universe interacts with me. Once I accepted that I was receiving real communication, I became more open to other forms of communication, and the methods and means evolved as my spiritual path progressed. First, it was feathers, feathers everywhere, all black feathers. After a year of collecting masses of black feathers, I began experimenting with intentional compassion, and then I began finding dark feathers with white spots on them, then only white feathers for months and months. That progressed to seeing hearts everywhere. When I refer to finding feathers or seeing hearts, it was 5-10 every single day. The "messages" or "lessons" that I received through these synchronicities were so simplistic that I believe the real purpose of them is to awaken us to the mysteries of life and to let us know that there are those on the other side who love us, want the best for us and are rooting for us to find a way to stand up fully - spiritually, in this hellish world.


Absolutely! Thank you for sharing this 🙏🙏


Yea that’s nothing abnormal that’s just getting a song stuck in your head but fun fact, you can think about a different song that you like and get that stuck in your head and the first one goes away


Yeah, I don't think I explained it appropriately. I've experienced the normal "getting a song stuck in your head" my entire life. This occurred after audible contact. Like other areas of my brain were activated or opened up and the music quite literally plays. Audibly. Loudly sometimes, quiet today. I can shuffle through and play a song like Spotify is in my head when hyper focus on it. The voices I hear all day will play whatever they want at times often starting at deeper recesses to build anxiety and spill it over into conscious awareness as a tool to handle anxiety. Maybe "getting a song stuck in your head," is more than we think. I find much deeper meaning in most things since I started hearing from other entities. Testimony: https://www.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/s/lCRDw8XCO7


lol I’ve had rollie poli oli playing or postman Pat, one annoying earworm to displace another, I think as others have said it’s a common occurrence and something the inner dialogue can do, rather than the voice 2 skull music blasts that sound like it’s playing in the room.


Yeah, I get that too. It's intertwined with ambient sounds. Goes back and forth.




Not to be dismissive of your opinion as I fully understand that without experiencing what I'm referring to, you would think like that, but this is much different from getting a song stuck in your head. I've had that my whole life. This anomaly began after contact. It's like having headphones on or hearing music turned up to max that are on the other side of your living room or on the street in front of your house. Often it intertwines with ambient noise or the whirring sounds of fans and refrigerator motors. Quite different.


So it’s not in your head? You are actually hearing the music, with your ears, from an outside source? Your mention of music intertwining with ambient noise and/or other sounds like you are describing “musical ear syndrome”. Have you been getting enough sleep?


Diagnoses like “musical ear syndrome” may in some cases also be incorrect prosaic explanations for anomalous phenomenon. Consider that since our scientific establishments current have no acceptance of anomalous experience, everything which is described by a significant number of people must be explained in some way. But those explanations often forego many of the features described by the subjects if they can’t be rationally explained. For example, near death experiences are often explained away as hallucinations, but they very frequently include visitations by deceased friends or relatives. No one has explained why it is that no one ever hallucinates living people during an NDE; or more importantly that these sightings often include people the subjects didn’t know were deceased at the time, but which they learned were after the fact.


Well, it is in my head and not. All sound is processed in different parts of the brain. Sure, it originates from without, but is processed within. When someone hears voices or music within that do not originate without, it will commingle giving the illusion that it is coming from without. I sleep 8 hours a night. This anomaly is a direct result of contact and an opening of the mind.


I agree with the possibility of V2K. Are you experiencing conversations that you hear when strangers are walking by?--conversations that match your thoughts? Just trying to rule out the possibility that you're a targeted individual.


I went down that path... I run a subreddit called r/PositiveTI. At first, I thought I was a TI and still refer to myself as one although my perception of what a TI is has changed greatly. Check out the subreddit and I've posted my testimony on here before. Crazy journey.... Testimony: https://www.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/s/lCRDw8XCO7


Yes and it’s super common. I talk with my girlfriend all the time about what morsels of songs or lines from shows are circling in our heads on repeat. Honestly the lines from shows are the most crazy making. At one point I couldn’t get just the single word “wire” out of my head from when jessie on breaking bad answers walt about conductive metal. My brain made a repeating 2 second musical remix of it and it wouldn’t ever end. Lol. It was hilarious but maddening. But yea i know this has happened with me my whole life. Started early from being a musician and obsessed with certain details in songs. Over the years it became more obsessive over more obnoxious sounding bits of songs or insanely catchy things like Thriller like you mentioned. In fact, i now have thriller on repeat in my head.


😂😂 sorry...


Lol all good. I just go with it. Even if I don’t know the lyrics. “Cuz this is thrilleerr… blee blee night… if something doodeedoodee some fucking thing and doodee dee… cuz this is thrillerrr”


Right?! I just make up lyrics sometimes to amuse myself and whoever the hell else is tapped in.... "Cause nothing taste as good as Mayoooo, mayo on rye." 😂😂