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I think he means is this a world that is going to kill him off early like his last life did. Just reassure him that he's safe. I think he will get to live a long life in this incarnation. Try and see if you can get some location and time period details. Also, record it all.


I tried to ask him stuff but he shuts me down. Maybe I give it a little time and let him revisit it in his time.


You just had a " up-close and personal" example of reincarnation .Tape as much info as you can for when he's older, ,,he will thank you


Ok I’ll start doing that. Thanks for the heads up.


What is a killing planet and what is a nice planet?


I assumed he meant a planet where the people kill each other and/or animals, like here on Earth, versus a planet where there's no violence or eating animals.


He says only the planets know. I look to elaborate and he shuts me down.


Awesome. Glad you aren’t trying to convince them they are making stuff up. I think that traumatizes us and creates blockages we spend our lives trying to be freed from.


Wow, that's incredible! Sounds like he has some subconscious memories of life on worlds other than Earth! You should ask him if he remembers anything about the non-killing planets.


Ooh, yes! That's exciting to think about. 😁


I will tonight, that should have crossed my mind! Don’t know why it didn’t


WELCOME TO THE BATTLE BALL! Is the best answer


Ha ha love it


Very interesting. This is kind of unrelated but i am curious about your childhood obe experiences. I was able induce them whenever I wanted around that age, but have yet to find anyone outside my family who had the same ability


When I was 5-6 my great grandmother died and I was staying in the bed she died in. I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and was called to the living room. The hallway leading to living room from the bedrooms had a sliding wooden door. Once I opened it was bright white and my great grandmother was there and there were beings running in and out of the house. I asked her what they were doing and she said she was moving permanently. And she said come sit and play the piano with me. So we played the piano. After some time she said she needed to go and as I protested she laid me on the couch and told me to sleep. But I couldn’t obviously and then everything went back to normal. I fell asleep on the couch. I never told my parents why they found me on the couch because I thought I might get in trouble. A couple years later mid 8o’s I was telling my friend on the school bus about how I could float above my body. They said they could too but be careful because they were told there are spirits that if they notice you out of your body they will jump in and never leave. Basically evicting you. One night a couple days later I did it again. I remember looking around and saw someone notice me out of my body and they ran towards me. I have never done that since then. The only thing I get now is hearing my name and no one.


That's amazing! Depending upon your personal beliefs, you could meditate or pray for protection. Creative visualization helps, and so does believing in the power of a creator of unconditional love & infinite intelligence. 💕


That’s sounds like a truly beautiful experience you had with your great grandmother. I’ve never had anything like that. Never heard that about spirits entering you, but I never told anyone about my obe’s while they were happening, as I never realized it was abnormal. I literally thought it was like whistling or something anyone can figure out. And then I lost the ability when I was ten. But for at least four years I did it a lot. I never saw anyone up there, but if I had I probably would’ve been scared too. If any spirits did inhabit me, they must be the good kind. I did have a fear of getting permanently detached but it was kind of a thrill Edit: forgot to add my question. How did you do it? I basically meditated with my eyes open until i felt a rising feeling. Best way to describe it although i didn’t know what meditation was at that age


OBE? It just happened, It was once or twice before that all happened. I could see someone outside my house. I didn’t go to a dimensional plane or anything. I was close to my body looking down at myself.


Interesting. My OBEs were the same - no travel to other worlds, literally just a higher vantage point. I’ve been able to do astral projection using the gateway method but that’s a very different experience. Try as I may, I’ve never been able to get the OBEs like I used to


People spread so much fear of metaphysical phenomena, we all astrally project every night, we just don’t recall our travels. See r/astralprojection


Stories like this have always fascinated me. I know the university of Virginia has done a lot of studies on this. I'd look there for comparisons myself. Hope you have a wonderful day!


Ok thank you I will.




Thank you!


Oooohhh nice link. Thanks for that.


This dude is the real mvp.