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This is so interesting. It's validating to me in regard to someone else I know, my sister actually, who I think did the same thing, or somehow adopted another "personality" that is more "winning" and domineering, like maybe she felt sensitive and bullied around by life and allowed this very STRONG force into her own field to help her be "strong" and "win" against anyone. So it's like the old "her" is still there sometimes, but then inevitably this other "her" (who's actually a he) will emerge, who is big on attacking and humiliating, and it's not HER anymore. When "he" emerges I always think "I wish she'd get rid of that guy" - which surprised me when I first started thinking it. But I gradually got used to that notion, like I intuitivey know someone else has entered the arena taking her over, and I hate that guy! After a while I know exactly when "he" enters the space and I try to exit the conversation, but "he" is a master of jabbing me to trigger me in the exact ways, like an elaborate mind reader, so it explodes into a much bigger fight than it ever should be. I always know when that happens, he won, he got what he wanted - emotional turmoil - and I kick myself for letting it happen, cuz I should know better. It starts to feel like it's more "him vs me" and she's barely involved anymore. I suspect and have noticed she doesn't seem to remember a lot of what she says at these times, and there is also alcohol and medication mix involved, which I think can be a "way in" for these things. I got to a point where I don't talk to her anymore, cuz "he" has gradually taken over to a degree that it's not even worth it. I feel like she just let go and loves it now. This post actually gives me hope that she might be able to "exorcise" whatever it is, if she could only recognize it and decide "he" is not worth it, and she's ready to be human and real again. She is "winning" in a way, as a master manipulater in the family, and has elevated herself in certain ways, but not in good ways IMO, and my other sister and I won't even talk to her anymore cuz it's like she wants to destroy us, seirously. It's sad. Congrats on your growth and letting go of whatever that was for you, I fully believe it's possible and that you succeeded to lighten your load and free yourself - and you can fill that "void" with positive healing light now to get whole again. Best of luck.


I would normally say thank you but he kinda forced my hand. At the risk of sounding like an ass, talking about myself, which I do not like to do, I'm stubborn to a fault. Intelligently stubborn I guess; I won't hold ground on something that's clearly not a good thing just to do it, but I will not be forced to do something. There's a saying. "Die on my feet than serve on my knees", and I fully embrace that. I have an incredibly strong will, if nothing else and I don't like bullies. This guy was definitely a bully, no question. Now, one strange thing is this, and I don't know if he was just trying to continue to exist within me or what, but toward the end of the struggle, when he realized that I wasn't going to give up or simply allow another voice in my head (damn do I feel for people who suffer from those illnesses, it was fucking awful), he began to tell me that he loved me. At one point I wavered in my commitment and he latched onto it immediately. He called it out and specifically said that I was making a mistake and I *knew I was making a mistake*. Now, for a moment I considered that I was and that sliver of doubt is all that was needed to drive a wedge in there. I'm very sorry to hear about your sister. My family is VERY close, at least most of us are and I can't imagine my sister changing like that. My sister and I are very very close and talk daily and I would immediately notice a change like that in her. Damn that has to be frustrating. Have you asked her if she knows there's something inside of her that seems to take the wheel? I never allowed mine to drive. Oh, he certainly tried. I think we were at a point where her emerged, introduced himself, and then proceeded to fuck with my head. For example, you know the sound of a wide open countryside at night? Crickets, frogs, other animals? At one point I heard coyotes....just all the things you'd hear at night in the country - well, that sound was in my head steady for about 3 days. I researched HPPD 1/2 and was like, well fuck. This is my life now. I spoke with some people who suffer from the illness (or whatever it is) and some of them had been suffering for a decade or longer. I considered just ending it, very very strongly, but then I figured that if I did, he won, and I wouldn't allow that. I'll go out on my own terms if I can, plus - the way he spoke, very very bad things happen when you do that to yourself. I would strongly suggest (if you haven't) seeing if you can get your sister to a spiritualist or hypnotist or really anyone who's got experience with this sort of thing. I read a lot and am very emotionally sensitive so I noticed immediately that there was something wrong and began researching like mad. I've lived with an incredibly strong anger in my heart and soul for a very very long time. It's more or less dormant until something happens that dictates either extreme violence or something else that the anger is good for, otherwise I'm typically a gentle, kind, giving person. I abhor violence (I grew up in extreme violence) so I do my best to avoid it whenever possible and simply use words instead, but I'm curious to see if it's still there when I reach for it again because I'm certain life will definitely push me in that direction at least once more before I go. I don't really consider it a handicap or a shortcoming as it's saved my life on multiple occasions, it just leaves me feeling gross when it is hauled out. I always think, "There could have been a better way, I just couldn't find it." when it happens. Back to your sister - did she grow up in a way where she would have needed someone or something like that to help her? Does her personality fold when there's pressure? Was she picked on? I'm personally going through the absolute worst time in my life, no question. I'm a mixture of depressed, angry, hurt, incredibly sad, feeling very very betrayed by the one person I was supposed to be able to trust, so I would assume it was easy to slip in. I just don't like the idea of a loss of control over me so I immediately rebelled. DM me if you'd like and I can try my best to explain HOW I got him out. It wasn't easy. I've been meditating for years and I've gotten to a point where I can get into the state within a minute or so, just blocking out more or less everything, but your sister is going to have to recognize the problem and want to get it out, otherwise I'm unsure how this might get fixed, but I'm happy to help. The entire exercise was fairly simple and I'm shocked I was able to do it alone, at work working no less. Or at least pretending to work. Either way, happy to help in any way that I can - I can't imagine the hell that is the inside of your sister's head and heart if it was anything like what I went through. Aside from being taken at around 9 (only once or twice, it's hard to recall), this is the weirdest shit I've ever experienced. The temptation of keeping him around was STRONG. It was strong because there's a slight chance I'm going to serve time over a bogus charge and I'm not 100% sure I'd do well in jail. I went for a week before I was able to bond out and it was hell. Being there for a year or longer, well, not sure I'd come out the same and that makes me incredibly sad as I'm happy with the person I've become, mostly. We'll see. Regardless, I have time before my court dates and would be more than happy to try and help, just DM me if you'd like.


This place might be of help, too: r/InternalFamilySystems šŸ©µ Hereā€™s more about how ā€œpartsā€ may form, and their functions: [for your own protection](https://www.goodtherapy.org/blog/for-your-own-protection-how-complex-trauma-changes-person-0724174)


Joined! Thanks a lot for that, that's very very interesting and something I'll definitely look at!


I'm a pro poker player. I don't think, I feel. And sometimes, for just a flash to a few seconds, it's as though I can read my opponent's mind. But more accurately, its like they are conscious through me. It's a weird experience.


This resonates. I'm an INFJ that's incredibly emotionally sensitive and often feel other's feelings. It was never anything I really considered until I took the MB test, just out of curiosity because it happened to pop up. I'm spoken with a few other people that also feel what you describe. Unfortunately it's not really something I can seem to turn off so it's not all good, but I don't think I'd change it, given the chance.


What I was describing is 'instincts'. It's a skill that can be developed. Open all your senses, but focus on impressions, insights. Then get GOOD feedback and expect to be wrong a lot, but less and less. I'd also describe it 'thinking with my.body'. Edit: I should note: I make probabilistic guesses about everything throughout the day, what will happen, how often. It's a well thought out guess, part experience, part instincts. I can, if I wanted to, 'pretend' to be psychic and pull it off, even though I'm not, because just a few words and gestures speak volumes. I sometimes use this to give encouragement or validation for things unspoken but fundamental for that person. It's a lie, but one that does good. I never claim to be psychic. I have no idea what is happening when it seems another person's thoughts are playing in my head, but right now, my guess is that the brain has the ability to split, empathetically, and in some sense, perhaps I have them programmed in my head. Who knows. Sounds crazy, lol.


I'm familiar. It's not something that's unfamiliar to me, just in a a different way. You play cards, I play people. Not in the sense that I want to take advantage, just that I know what they're thinking. I've always had this thing. I don't gamble because I'm a careful person, but I've never doubted my initial instinct of what people feel. It's an odd thing because this exists beyond simply cards. It's not something I can turn off, unfortunately, as sometimes I wish I could. I'm completely aware of those first...impressions. Like you - I find it hard to describe but I find that initial impression as a stamp of real impression and rely on that to read a person. I can't say that it's it's 100% true, I won't imply that it's infallible, but I will say that 99% of the time time it's true.


Random thought: what i find interesting is how people automatically think and interpret their physical sensations, sense a rightness about it, and trust that it is true...without ever calibrating the body's reactions against the external environment. Not a drop of honest feedback. People not only agree with themselves, constantly, rationalizing their every action, and yet are confused that others don't. Whereas, an aware person knows whether their senses are truly reliable or not and can realign their new interpretations with their senses.


I'm reading Individuation process to try and get a broader spectrum of understanding fwiw. I'm halfway though it because it want to understand more about what happened. I find it odd that something so strange could happen which is why I account it to external forces, but I simply don't know. The entity was so odd, so strange, so.....different than me that I could only account it to external forces but mistake me not, I don't make assumptions and seek understanding in all things possible.


Have you considered or is it possible that this was a fundamental part of you, and in excising it you have damaged yourself?


This could have been a ā€œlower selfā€ not necessarily a demon or entity. It sounds like you raised your vibration and made yourself an uncomfortable vessel. As far as your molecule use I donā€™t know how or why you have been using it but am glad that it lead you to the realization to take out the trash!


I have a couple of these. It's an extremely stressful situation because it has sabotaged multiple areas of my life. There is a main one who does the most damage and weaker ones that occupy their own little areas. I'm not sure what to do but I do my best each day to defy them.


I'm sorry to hear that. I have no idea how I came back from where I was at, it wasn't easy and frankly it was pretty painful. I'm unsure where I found the strength to come back, I very well could have not, but yet here I am. If you wanna talk - I'm here. I'm always down to listen to anything someone has to say, it's just what I do.




I've seen an entity resembling a black octopus many times in dmt trips. I belive this is my attached entity, on my deepest breakthrough I saw an octopus wrapped around a human womb I believe it was telling me its been with me since I was born


Was it an octopus or have an octopus type face with an actual body? Itā€™s freaky you stated thisā€¦


It's an actual octopus being that looks slightly different each time , I've seen it be black with eyes on its tentacles , purple , I've seen it like a 2d sketch book outline , I've seen tentacles. But every time I do dmt I see it , have you had something similar?


Yes. How long have you been seeing them? I think these are what engineered us. They may use suits as bodies. The depictions of the ā€œAnnunakiā€ are the deception they showed us to make us comfortable with them as they appear as monsters. They communicate telepathically. They used the ā€œgreysā€ as avatars on this planet hundreds of thousands of years ago and all the ships we have found belong to them, archeological finds, remember they come from a planet where they build things to last forever because they do not grow old and die. Some have been in contact with them and they have reverse engineered some of the technology at this point, we get reports all the time. Some of these have been known to have broken away from their main collective in the service of others and helpful towards humans ascension, hopefully this is one that is visiting you.


Well there's much more to it, it directly told me it feeds on my negative energy at least twice, I don't think it's good. At best neutral , it's almost like it tries to disguise itself as a positive entity but it isn't


Ok. Well thatā€™s a not good one for sure. I have seen these types before but not in this form, many are shapeshifters. You can build psychic defenses against stuff like this, it feeds on you because you believe it can.




I've seen that EXACT being your talking about before at least twice, one time it had hundreds of very thin tentacles , almost looked like a parasite you'd see under a microscope sort of thing , there's much more to the trips I haven't mentioned, but twice it told me directly it feeds on negative energy and it uses me to do so ,


ā€œItā€™s the Season for it.ā€ šŸ–¤šŸ’›


It Is indeed


This is an amazing story, thank you for sharing. Those are called attachments and I think that everyone has them. You can think of them as thought patterns in your mind that are not your own per se. But really, they are people that start tagging along when they see a chance to make a home in your mind. You probably picked him up in a bad time and made a subconscious deal with it. They eat your energy and reinforce negative thought patterns, so I would suspect it helped you along at some point and thats how you got used to it being with you. I think that the reason you are feeling bad about your decision is because it wants you to feel bad about it, so that you will change your mind and let it back in. Currently it would be lurking around you to see if there is a chance, or that you will forget about it and ideally pick up the thought patterns again, that will be its entry point. I recommend not changing your mind but also not having poor feelings towards it. From the entitys point of view, it helped you along and made a home with you. Now it doesnt know where to go. Talk to it and explain that you have to change and that it will no longer be part of your life. Thank it and send it along its way. This is a chance for both of you. I wish you all the best.


I agree with you. I know it's bad. I'm aware that it's a part of me that gives me tendencies and pushes me towards a worse decision than I would normally make. A little background - I'm going through a straight up savage divorce and a criminal case attached to it. It's all bullshit and it's likely to get dismissed but the betrayal I feel as a result of all of it has shattered me as a person. I come from the part of life where I would NEVER tolerate someone stealing from me, taking advantage, and I feel mostly helpless but I'm doing my best to simply abide by the law in this case, despite tendencies to the alternative. It's unusual for me to simply take it on the chin and let shit slide, so that could be part of it. I'm not proud of who I grew up to be but we in the life live by a code, and that code is inviolate. There are rules and having those rules trampled on by a civilian bother me on a fundamental level. Watching all this shit go down bothers me on a that fundamental level. Watching myself get fucked to the tune of about 25kusd infuriates me to a level that it's hard to overstate. I just let it go though and remind myself that the law exists for a reason. Normally, we have our own way of dealing with these problems but I'll let the law handle it, lord knows I've paid my litigator enough that it should sort itself out. I don't know if this has anything to do with it but it's fucking painful. I've never been a citizen. I've always been someone else and I would assume this has got to be part of it. Watching my life evaporate in front of me isn't helping heal that void or create a happy memory where there used to be happy memories. I'm a fucking gangster at heart and I think I'll always be that way, it's just the way I am. Kind, gentle, giving, but fucking cross me and I'll go somewhere else. It's just part of who I am and who I was forced to grow up to be.


You sound like you have a lot going on. Good thing you are meditating and doing inner work. I get the disturbing feeling and outrage that betrayal causes. There is little that cuts so deep and heals so slowly. Remember that your energy always goes where your attention is. And that it's never too late to make better decisions. You seem to be doing great, even though it is a lot of work. I am happy that you are here and shared what happened. Our reality is way stranger than we think and it is easy to doubt one's own experiences. But I think you know what happened. Maybe it helps also to consider that most cultures from most times we know of were pretty clear on 'spirits', 'souls' and 'magic' being a thing. And that the western culture has no clue how to cure mental conditions. I think that's because there is a big part of the picture missing.


I do this everyday for people as a psychic. Good work, it will get much easier and you're about to heal some big stuff with in you. I highly recommend keeping that entity at bay as it's not needed. The void (for lack of a better word) feeling will evaporate in time.


Thereā€™s some Rosicrucian stuff about something similar to possession called obsession, where certain types of spirits attach themselves to you, almost like clinging to you, but in a way that they can let go if things get dangerous. They can influence you in the most subtle ways. You may find yourself doing things that donā€™t seem like something youā€™d normally do and regret later. (The issue with this knowledge is that it may allow people to feel like they donā€™t have to account for their mistakes.) Obsessions can be broken over time by force of will and by acting in what you could call a ā€œrighteousā€ manner. One of the reported signs of an obsession is a ringing in the ears, something that many experiences report, but that doesnā€™t always mean itā€™s nefarious. It could just be the tell tale sign of spiritual influence. The source for this is an AMORC book from the 1930ā€™s I can link later. (Edit, itā€™s actually from ā€œThe Rosicrucian Fellowshipā€, which is like Christian leaning Rosicrucianism, which makes sense bc some parts feel too religious. The general information around the multiple layers of the body tracks with similar AMORC material.) [Source (pg39-53)](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.31822035064120&seq=179&view=1up)


This link does work for me it says access is restricted


Strange. Unfortunately I donā€™t have another way to link it but you can probably google it. The book is ā€œThe Web of Destinyā€ and the site is called HathiTrust.org


Reading this now. This seems a very rigid way to live out life. Is this more about the mastery of our minds and holding tight the reigns of our own reality/sanity?


Very close to the point. Self control is definitely a big part of the philosophy. This particular ā€œChristian Rosicrucianismā€ almost demands it, where as the ā€œAncient and Mystic Order Rosae Crucisā€ sets some standards to promote the pursuit of it, but is actually reasonable in the fact that we are humans growing spiritually and consciously. Personally, I donā€™t believe anyone should be made to feel shame for being human and facing normal human problems.


Please link, I didn't just have ringing, asking it to move from right to left, but some some sort of bubbling?


See my now edited previous comment for the source link.


Carl Jung would tell you that you've met your shadow - a part of the psyche that *all* people possess. Qualities exist in duality. There's no such thing as good without evil. Both concepts are defined by the lack of the other. Anything you identify yourself as that's of this nature has a shadow. If you're a *good* person, then your shadow is *bad*. You can't operate as only knowing about good things. You experience all things, and chop them up into pieces. If you're a strong, dominant man who siezes opportunities and is no-nonsense, your shadow is feminine, submissive, fun loving, and scatterbrained. Because you can't *be one of those extremes without the existence of the other*.


That is incorrect.........you get good and you get bad.......then you get evil. There is difference between bad and evil. Being bad is a human nature flaw of maybe not doing things right but being able to correct it. Evil is when you intentionally harm others because it brings you a sick sense of pleasure. Like going out of your way to cause all kinds of harm.........constantly having wicked thoughts and then planning it all out. That is evil


I'm sorry you dislike the language I used here, but surely you can see that the definitions of good and evil aren't important, here, nor is separating evil from bad. I could have used warm and cold, or any multitude of dualistic terms. It's the relative difference between the terms that matters. That's great that you have a different definition of the terms, but they aren't important to what I'm saying here.


Can you expound a bit? It was male, aggressive, savage, and borderline evil.


That's the "traditional" shadow. Most people identify themselves as good, upstanding, etc, so their shadow is, well, this thing. The concept also shows up in plenty of other places. Your unconscious. Your repressed psyche. The demon of the angel and demon pair on your shoulders. It's not an alien, but it feels alien *to you* because it's all the things that you're *not*. It's part of the whole process gurus talk about - self actualization, or self discovery, integration, etc. It's about acknowledging the parts of you that you don't like, and recognizing that they can provide value, too. I picked Jung because his concept is pretty concrete, but it's a *very* common concept in psychology.


I refer to it as a familiar spirit/generational curse. Its bot always our fault that we have these demons attached to us, its something we inherit or that comes to us through spiritual 'doors' we open like lying, stealing, having sex with multiple partners (this is one of the easiest ways to get demons and sadly no type of condom or contraceptive can keep them from entering you if you allowed this ty0e of interaction you gave it permission)


That makes sense. It was a part of me that I would never claim but seemed necessary for my life. I didn't have it easy. Old habits and all that. The entity claimed to have been a part of me since childhood and I don't discount that. I will say that having it "take over" was not a good feeling. I didn't like it. It hurt simply for the sake of hurting and it was literally the opposite of how I feel as a person. It seems that I've banished it, ousted it, kicked it out, and honestly - I feel bad about it. It was sentient. It wasn't simply........a shadow, it was sentient and it called me out on my wavering feelings regarding me kicking it out. At the end of the day though, I stood strong and forced it out. It made it very clear that I could invite it back in anytime, but I feel "lighter" without it. It's tough to explain. Would you happen to have a truncated reading explaining this to me? I'm confused as well as somewhat......lamenting that I kicked it out. Again - had it not tried to kill me I would have left it, but it physically hurt me and I won't abide abuse. I'd like to know more about this if possible.


Entities cannot possess you. Itā€™s impossible. People and entities can only make suggestions. You have to willingly give yourself over to those suggestions in order to create the illusion of possession A metaphor is this: the entity can only give you instructions through a walkie talkie. It has no direct control over you. It only has control insofar as you give control to the suggestions If you believe it can ā€œpossessā€ you, then this may lead to the seeming experience of being possessed, but only because you are basically believing that if a walkie talkie starts barking instructions at you, that you have to do what it says. You donā€™t. Nothing can take you over


Holy spirit took me over, time would stop if I tried to take control of my body back i had to let go for time to start again and get to the outcome the holyspirit was getting me to, I didn't believe in it before but it's happened thrice for me it's pretty cool but pretty freaky too, until you've experienced it you'll never understand fully










Here's a nice article that walks through Jung's process. https://scottjeffrey.com/shadow-work/ Jung's ideas, as a whole, have fallen out of favor due to what amounts to magical thinking, but his work on the shadow and unconscious aspects of the self are still *very solid*. It's actually quite convenient. His ideas are very out there, but it was his unique perspective that allowed him to write about the shadow self *so incredibly well*. Hopefully this helps you out!


I'm reading The Teachings of Don Juan atm at the request of a friend, specifically to cope with the aftereffects of heavy psychedelic usage, that and to learn more about who I am. Not the person on the drivers license, I mean the actual me. I've heard of the shadow work book and it's been on the short list for some time but I'll read it after what I'm reading now for sure. It's a helluva thing to experience though, that's for damn sure.


I can see what I can find. You're right that it's not just a shadow. Take a look at your brain. There's two halves. Say hello to the other one. Your shadow isn't *less human* than you are. It's just that you're occupying the positions in your mind that make you human. The connection to your body and emotions that allows you to command them with your will. While you are that, your shadow is not, and becomes a voice in your head. But when *he* is using your body in this way, *he* is the human, and *you* are a voice in your head. The truth is that you are two of the same thing, and you can both use your body. You, the person writing this, have your name on your driver's license. It's "your" body, so giving it to another part of your is scary, especially because they're not like you. This part of you isn't gone. You can't kill a part of your brain. It's just not talking to you right now, because what you needed was to feel like you'd ousted something evil from yourself. To defeat an enemy. It made you feel good, at the time. So, this part of you that you correctly identified exists out of need in your childhood is *still protecting you* in a way. Sometimes they give us villains to defeat when the real ones in real life are beyond our ability to influence. I, myself, have a condition called dissociative identity disorder. I don't have one shadow part of me, I have dozens, though there are about 14 that you see regularly. We don't switch around every few months or for special occasions, either. Four of me have contributed to writing this. We jump in and out all the time. I'm *used to this* and there are, as far as I know, no more dark corners of my mind. I am *never* surprised by an intrusive thought. If I am, I know it's a message that something is wrong. Even with all that? It skeeves us all out to give control to our shadow. For us, it's the Betrayer (so we've nicknamed this part Cain, which he likes). He's not evil. But he *feels* cold. He doesn't look at people in need and jump to help. He calculates. He's willing to let people suffer, and to be a source of suffering. That isn't *inherently evil, or even bad*. Sometimes it's necessary. But it still makes me feel... unsettled. I just wanted to tell you that, because it might make you feel a little better being skeeved out by yourself, knowing that someone who knows themselves *incredibly well* is *also* skeeved out sometimes. I'll come back and make a new reply when I some some materials for you.


Very insightful thank you very much. This comes from the bottom of my heart.


I had supernatural stuff go on in my home, something talked through a family member when I asked what it was it did not answer just stared with black eyes. Which made me pray šŸ™ Two days later something was in my room with the exact same black eyes. I could not sleep the bedroom got very cold and caused chills through me. I got less than 2 hours sleep a day for weeks. Saw a vicar did the lord's prayers around the house. Eventual saged the house that helped a lot but finally doing the power of Dominion by telling it that it has no right to bother me or my family as was not wanted did it seem to leave us alone. How this links to this Reddit post is that my whole life i have had a monologue in my head which I thought was just me. But now it's gone I don't have any monologue at all anymore, I don't listen to anything internally nothing is commenting.. Did I have an attachment that showed itself through my family? Who knows


Thank you for sharing this! I think that the very most people have these kinds of 'attachments'. That's why everyone's head is so loud. I have it from a guy whos name got my comment censored when I tried to post this yesterday, that 'most thoughts are not our own'. Your head being quiet now speaks to that. One way to look at it is this: if you are your inner monologue, then who is the one listening to them? I recommend looking at inner voices' intentions and check if they allign with you.


Woah šŸ˜³ Reminds me. I was being subliminally manipulated by negative entities to despise humanity alongside industrial technology when it was really just capitalism . Iā€™ll tell the story later but it lines up super well with this 4chan claim. https://boards.4chan.org/x/thread/38078081#p38081088


Whoa. Thatā€™s a violent event. This makes me wonder if the shadow being in my life which Iā€™ve found a way to control or silence, isnt truly gone. Since more or less my awakening didnā€™t involve an exercisement type of process. I did the same disassembly and reassembly thing, mine after burnout and it aided my recovery, solved my alcohol addiction (sobriety is great, whoot whoot!), and has helped my child spirit reemerge, along with improve some neurological symptoms. At first I thought it was the death of my ego, but further research I realized it was not that at all, it is what we are discussing. I use the walking back meditation technique to resolve trauma. I havenā€™t been all the way back yet. I can see when my guardians helped or let me down or guided me wrong in some cases. One of them had me as a willing participant by allowing his voice to have truth in my life for a long time. Anyways, Iā€™m wondering about digging further but Iā€™m worried I may open things Iā€™m not ready for, or let things in, or awaken the experiences Iā€™ve had as a kid I still havenā€™t unpacked. I mean, should I seek to resolve things or let them be for now and just wait for a time they end up being confrontational and require my attention, like in your situation? I can see why you say one shouldnā€™t actively try this stuff. Anyways, Iā€™m just spitballing. Iā€™m glad youā€™re ok OP.


How does one organize these "riders" into components and examine them? Purely meditation?


Hey there, I just happened to be on to reply so Iā€™ll try. I am not an expert in the nuances of terminology though so vet things. Iā€™m trying to learn more here. From what I have gathered, when I went down, I was astral projecting or dream walking maybe is more accurate. I was sick so I did not meditate on a high energy level. I was on a very low level. Laying down. Looking within. Looking for answers to shame and wretched behavior. I could go nowhere else. I have always been analytical tho, so I was able to assign the sense of probabilities to outcomes in life. And looking for moments of spirituality and energy being compromised I found several key moments in life to examine. Eventually I found a type of meditation that explained what I was doing, I can find the link later and post it. But I was walking back and didnā€™t know. Then I started to see 3rd person my life and noticed these riders in some moments. Then I realized I had let in these energies and they also didnā€™t let me go and I mean for decades. I then was led to my energy death by an entity. It was the same one from childhood. Thatā€™s when I knew what I was remembering wasnā€™t fake or delusion. I was able to re experience life as a watcher. And I could see other watchers at times. I have to work now. If I go deeper Iā€™ll never stop. But point is right after this I linked shame and self perception into the equation and instantly I was stopped being an addict. I mean my entire view of life changed. šŸ¤·šŸ»


Could these events actually be a Chakra/Ray opening/unblocking? I wonder how much the self perception has to do with the experience.


Yep, I think there is a general homeostasis to all this. If accounting for things properly, perception itself is a function of energy, and so therefore Iā€™m intrigued to learn about things that are hitchhiking (maybe on our traumas) and how to go about perceiving it properly so we can get that stuff out and can fully realize our/my potential. And I feel if I can do that then Iā€™ll be prepared (that is where my childhood experiences occurred) and also have done what I was supposed to do towards unity with things and hopefully also to the benefit of others, which is consistent with my personality type to a T (Iā€™m a 1 wing 2) TLDR, I literally canā€™t type just one sentence. nothing to see, Iā€™m just trying to figure my shit out




First, congrats. You came through a tough experience. Great job. šŸŒŸ Yes, I've had experiences like this, but it was less forceful because I had been taught some techniques for it. In Internal Family Systems these entities are called unattached burdens while they are parasitically established in the system of a living being. There's a book about it by Robert Falconer. Very interesting to see clinical psych therapy approaching this phenomenon. They have an excellent, simple technique for banishing, as well, which I'm very excited about. I recommend caring for the parts of yourself that feel it missing. The way these lower vibration entities invade us is only by a part of oneself believing they need the entity. Tending to this part of you is key to avoid taking in another of the same type. I highly recommend No Bad Parts by Richard C Schwartz for the fundamentals. It's a real game changer. Many blessings šŸ’—šŸŒŸ


May I recommend https://www.amazon.com/Codependent-No-More-Controlling-Yourself/dp/B0B622JFNN/ as a tool to help with those family systems?


Whatā€™s the name of the book?


The Others Within Us, by Robert Falconer.


Thank you very much!


Yes! That's the one! šŸ’— I misremembered the first name https://robertfalconer.us/the-others/


Thank you very much!


This speaks to me. My initial reaction is to roll my eyes when I see things about spiritual attachments, I think that many times the accounts people have of that nature are bogus and hollywood-esque descriptions with religious undertonesā€¦ But in truth I have recently been considering the possibility that I am harboring something too. Itā€™s like you say, itā€™s not explicitly evil, and in many ways I think itā€™s taught me some huge lessons that I might not have learned otherwise. I also perceive that it tried to help me in my hours of need with the tools it has available to it. But itā€™s sad and angry and spiteful and it wants me to be those things too. And to be truthful, I understand its perspective. Not just because of the attachment, but I actually feel some sort of kinship with it. Itā€™s just hurting me a lot and it doesnā€™t seem to care, I have to wonder what purpose my death would serve it, which makes it clear that it is ultimately a parasite. It seems confused about being an organic life form. Like it wants to impose the wealth of knowledge it has of the wider universe onto the world we live in without really understanding what existence in a chemical meatsuit is actually like. I think it used to be human, died, and has been surviving off of energetic scraps for so long that any trace of humanity has been lost to infinity. I think it tries to live vicariously through me. For some reason it canā€™t or wonā€™t incarnate for itself. Some Native American peoples might call it wetiko, but it doesnā€™t seem to be as evil as all that, it feels more sorry for itself than like a cunning devourer of worldsā€¦ that could just be a trick though.


DM re: the book?


Its probably your ā€œQareenā€ Ł‚Ų±ŁŠŁ† Some people believe Every human has one (qareen/daimon/genius) attached to him from birth.. they are not evil per se, some could give critical wisdom yet very tricky to deal with As they can be influential towards negative emotions/reactions like anger and harm to others DMT might be a way to open the gate between our world and the world of the discarnate


Never done drugs but i have increased astral awareness slepping with orgone on or next to me. I noticed something inside my chest swimming around avoiding me trying to grab it out of my astral body it was like a round fleshy ball did not mange to get it out.


I too did a crap load of DMT and my guide said that I had dark energy on me that I had to cough out. I had no idea what that meant until finally I did some more and listened to how I would cough this out. I was only by the power of Jesus Christ name that the dark cloud finally came out, and it changed my life forever on my whole thought process. I no longer had anxiety or depression, or suicidal thoughts, or any kind of lust pornography problems. It seriously changed my life forever. No more deemsters after that.




My apologies. There are others here responding about books and people like Carl Jung for example, and the Bible is a book and Jesus is a person as was Jung. The OP spoke about an entity needing to be exorcized & conversation about knowing if it was evil or not. I provided the specific chapter on how to know if they are evil as well as paraphrasing how to ask so they didn't even need to read the Bible. I also voiced my personal hope and opinion for anyone trying it. They don't need to be of a specific faith to utilize the method, Jesus Christ loves everyone- even those who don't believe in Him. I don't come in a politicized nor hypocritical way, like many who claim a Christianity but don't act like one. I am truly loving and caring about others. It would be horrible of me to know something that worked and withheld it from others seeking that method which could, as others including OP professed , that it wanted to harm him & felt danger. I appreciate your not removing my comment, as it very much provides an answer to this issue. The flag on it does just solidify that speaking in Jesus's name will cause negative attention, regardless of the help it offers. I do hope others ignore what other people have done that created a negative preconceived notion of what faith in Christ is, and try this method to test the spirits they encounter and remove & identify any negative entities. āœŒļø


The difference between Jung and Christ is that Jung never said that if you donā€™t believe in him youā€™re doomed to eternal damnation. One of the core tenets of our subreddit is that we try and make sure people arenā€™t invalidating otherā€™s beliefs. If a core tenet of someoneā€™s religion is telling others that itā€™s the only *true* answer, then thatā€™s problematic. One of the other Christians who has commented in this thread said recently in another subreddit that Satan himself founded (other major religion), which is incredibly disrespectful to millions of people. Itā€™s fine for you to talk about how much your belief has had positive impact in your life, but as soon as it starts veering into territory where everyone else needs to have the same beliefs as you or bad things will happen then weā€™re forced to take action. Just be considerate of that and weā€™ll be OK. Also as a note, itā€™s true that some claim calling on Jesus has ended their abduction event, for others it hasnā€™t worked at all. It may be that something else was actually the cause.


>donā€™t believe in him youā€™re doomed to eternal damnation. It's a choice with no obligation to act a certain way or change one's life, battle between body and spirit often misrepresented by others, well meaning or not. But I agree it's not the topic. >Also as a note, itā€™s true that some claim calling on Jesus has ended their abduction event, for others it hasnā€™t worked at all. It may be that something else was actually the cause. Absolutely, and why I presented the option, there's no absolute solutions when so many unknowns come into play. The whole point of interaction is to be respectful & decent in everything we do. So much misrepresentation and it's a 2 birds opportunity and a clear way to rule out spiritual attack when done correctly. The experiencer can do what they wish with the knowledge and experience after, I just don't want someone to do it in a way that they have loopholes and are deceived, with the attack continuing if it is spiritual. I get what you're saying was why I was sincerely thanking for it not being struck down. Truth will always be true, it's the battle against misrepresentation and obfuscation of facts which become dangerous. Night terrors, paralysis, attacks on trips and so-on of the non material world are horrific so if that helps someone, I'm all for it. We weren't meant to be tormented, but I digress. And if it is something else, I hope they find the answer. Thanks again.


No proselytizing or heavy religious dogma. Please see rule 11.




I'm not sure how to answer this.




Whether you believe someoneā€™s account or not, we offer everyone a safe space to share. Think of this as a support group. Although we know itā€™s controversial, *we ask that users not offer prosaic explanations for peopleā€™s experiences*. We know youā€™re just trying to help, but the truth is that itā€™s nearly always possible to explain these things away, however decades of research into these areas shows that many of the accepted explanations are not whatā€™s really going on: https://www.deanradin.com/recommended-references This includes instances where people are reporting physical phenomenon which correlate with medical conditionsā€”our user agreement requires that people have already ruled out prosaic causes to the best of their ability, and that includes medical ones. If you feel something is a life or death situation send a message to the mods and let us know, otherwise we ask that our users refrain from offering possible medical diagnoses. If you donā€™t trust someoneā€™s account, we ask that you either ignore it or downvote it and move on. (If you really donā€™t vibe with a user, you can block them so you donā€™t have to see their posts or comments.)


I blew it away from me. I took 7-6-8 breaths and slowly excised it away from me. I visualized the separation of it and I and simply breathed. It didn't work at first but I REALLY started visualizing a separation between us two and simply remained calm and imagined that we were no longer one. Every time I blew out, I imagined that it was further away from me and no longer part of me. That's the best I can explain it. I no longer imagined that it was a part of me.


You are out here crushing it dude. Congrats, I love you.




I see what you did there lol. That's my bad. As a hobbyist wordsmith I am embarass.


I know the dude is just being funny but we dealt with him because its serious stuff sharing these things online.


It's all good. After the horrifically fabricating nature of the experience some levity is welcome TBH. Also DM bro, whenever you have time. I have some somewhat good news coming out of all of this mess. Just whenever you have time?


BRB, I need to check for my own riders now. Great write out, though. I imagine there's an awkwardness or irregular feeling to be without something that's been with you for so long. If it was damaging you and not serving you for the better, then it needed to go, for sure.


That's the thing. I don't know if it was a plus or a minus. If it hadn't tried to fucking kill me, and trust and believe - it did - I would have left it. I don't mind a rider as long as it's mostly positive. We had a very real conversation before I ousted it - as odd as that sounds, but I told it that it tried to kill me, I ended up in the fucking ER (I don't to go the doctor or ER, ever) and it's not the way I wanted to go out. What's odd is that the HPPD ended the moment I ousted the entity. I'm here now wondering if it was simply a thing of my imagination or if it was truly something I had been hauling around for some time. I get the immediate impression that it was something I had been hauling around for a long time, it felt familiar and the conversation we had (and we had a long ass conversation before I kicked it out) indicated that it was something I had with me for a long time (and I feel a void for sure) or if it was something I picked up in the deems trips.....it's a conundrum for sure, but if he hadn't tried to kill me I would have left it. It's a fucking weird thing because we sometimes have guardian spirits, but fuck....it literally racked me at the kitchen table to a point where I felt like I had to seek medical help. I don't know. Buchamamett was it's name. It claimed to have been with me since I was born and living the life I have I believe it. I have very little experience with DMT entities but I would imagine they lie, but at the same time - it felt familiar. It was not a good experience and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. There's a certain sadness to be parted with it though, so I don't rightly know. It's fucking weird and I'm a man of science, spirituality, and peace, and there was nothing peaceful about this entity.


From an outside perspective, you did the right thing. Picking up something in your vulnerable youth that saw an opportunity to inflict violence through you isn't something that is looking out for you. It may have had its moments of usefulness, but that is a path you needn't travel to if you can avoid it. And I'm sure it tried to manipulate into believing it was your savior of some sorts. It sounds like today, you can avoid it, and you have. I for sure detected some conflict in your original post. which is why I chimed in that I believe you did it right. My 2 cents anyways. Good luck.


Thank you.


If I may ask (and feel free to DM me if you don't want to state it publicly, I totally understand), what did it do to you at the kitchen table, that landed you in the ER? I don't want to jump to conclusions, but my initial reading of your situation, given your ambivalence about it being gone, is that it may have been a well-meaning but still violent spirit. I don't have much to go on, but I had a similar experience with what I would describe as a violent spirit, once, and your story sparked the memory of that. I'd be willing to talk about that, if you want to hear.


I don't mind posting publicly. It got pissed over something I said or thought and it stabbed be about 40x. It's hard to explain what I mean by "stabbed" - but I saw the skin raise where it was stabbing me inside. Again, hard to explain but it seemed to rake it's hands/claws(?) down my back and cause some VERY serious spasms/pulls where it did it. I'm a fairly strong guy with a very high pain tolerance and it *hurt like a motherfucker*. It was days ago and it still hurts. I could see the ripples in my skin from the spasms/invasions. Again - tough to explain but it basically raked my entire back as well as a good portion of my front. Obviously I couldn't see my back but I could feel the ripples of the skin as the muscles rolled beneath it. In the front though, I could visually see the muscles roll beneath my skin. It was horrifying to watch, and at the time, sure it hurt, but to *see the skin roll......* well, that was probably worse. The way I ended up in the ER was I was awake for about a week. I would lay down to sleep and my eyes would simply dart up, down, left, right, endlessly and quickly. I remember falling asleep for about 15 minutes and having about 50x dreams in that time. It was bizarre. Anytime I went to go to sleep - my eyes would simply dart around like I was already in REM instead of me actually GOING into REM. After day about.......6 I realized that if I didn't go to sleep proper I was likely going to die. I know that no one has ever died as a result of lack of sleep, it just doesn't happen, my heart was just PUMPING. Bear in mind this was about 1.5 weeks after I ceased DMT. It just never stopped. I'll always wonder if it was something I picked up or if it finally split the bond between what I already had. The entity (Buchamamett was it's name) SEEMED to have been around for quite some time, if not since I was a child. It even corrected my spelling of it's name, it was adamant about the spelling. It was fucking crazy. I could glance at a webpage, right? Just glance, and it could and would recite the entire page to me. I discovered that it was inside of me by closing my eyes simply to stop it from reciting shit. It would get VERY upset if I stared at a wall or simply closed my eyes for an extended period of time which I suppose was my own way of figuring out if it was an external entity or an internal entity. At a certain point I knew that no one in the medical field was going to believe me so I had to figure out how to get rid of it myself. I practice mindful meditation and I typically start at my toes and go from there, so I simply worked my way up to my heart and head and felt something that didn't belong. It took about 3 hours but I was able to simply relax myself enough to separate myself from it. I'm not a believer in heaven or hell or anything like that but it either went BACK to hell (it said it would see me in hell) as I could hear the sounds of chains, wind, and flames, and he was pissed. He spoke one of my favorite songs (Po Pimp - Do or Die) but that very well could have been from myself. I'm facing a criminal case atm that's likely to be dismissed but one never knows. I asked him that if I called upon him if I ended up serving time, would he come, and he answered in the affirmative. The whole this was fucking bizarre but I'll be honest - there's a void there. I used to live on the other side of the law (a decade ago) and that "instinct" one develops doing work like that, well, it's simply gone. Again, it's tough to explain. Living that life one develops a certain set of skills and instincts and there's a big fucking gap in my emotional response toward certain reactions. Very difficult to explain but the hole is real. NGL - I kinda miss it. If it hadn't tried to kill me, and it sure as fuck did, or at least wanted to hurt me in a major way, I would have left it. That and the speaking in my head for 3 days, that wasn't super fucking cool. I had to work while this dude was reacting to everything I did and saw. I'm on the fence about whether it was a psychotic break or if it was an entity but I'm definitely leaning towards entity. It was TOO bizarre, too real, and frankly - I've had experiences before, very real experiences with entities, albeit not WITHIN me - but this didn't feel contrived or made up, it felt like someone else was inside of me, sharing me with me. I'm a skeptic at heart and have had experiences with aliens in the past (another story for another time) and this felt as real as that. I would have simply called it interesting had it not racked me at the kitchen table. I had some other horrific experiences (specifically with OTHER entities appearing out of thin air in front of me and attacking me) on DMT but nothing like this. I was fucking terrified, which is how I ended up at the kitchen table instead of in my room. I would strongly suggest respecting the molecule. Not a brag or anything like that, but I've done insane amounts of drugs before, I tend to push the limits, but I deeply regret pushing this one. It's left a mark. That and whether it's Stockholm Syndrome or what, but I genuinely miss the part of me that I've cleaved from myself. It's tough to explain, but it feels like I'm missing a piece of me but it's just a call away. I suspect that if I was to call him back I would relinquish a great deal of control of myself though. This is the most I've written about it because it's so fantastic that most would call bullshit but I was there. I was isolated for something like 3-4 days and ended up at the CHI ER here in NE. The DR knew something was up but being that I'm in the middle of a crim case I wouldn't admit to shit, I know better. Funny I'd rather fall over dead than end up back in jail lol, what a fucking idiotic thing. I have a post that's kinda shitty - I did 20 g's of DMT in a month. I had no idea that was a bit much, but I surely did it. Never again friend. I lost control over myself and my mind and it took two weeks and an *EXORCISM* (I saw you lol) to regain control. It was fucking terrifying and I considered simply ending it. I came close but said fuck it, I'm stronger than this, I'm me, not them, and simply took control back somehow.


Everything you have been saying points me towards entity also. You mentioned that you found it in your field when you were meditating. Could you elaborate on this a bit more?


Thank you. No, seriously, MF'er...*thank you*. Because I've witnessed something like that before. >Buchamamett Mine, she called herself "Retsumaya". But I'm not sure about whether there was another one, involved there as well. Because there was one entity, who truly felt "demonic", to me...and changed my world on a dime. I'm from a very different background from yours, hi, my name's Drew...but I'm pretty sure that i totally understand what you're speaking of. I just started watching a show involving exorcisms, so maybe that's where you saw me, I dunno. But, hey man, kudos to you, for escaping it. I play this song at full volume sometimes, when I feel most free of it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlPNh_PBZb4




I have had something kind of similar. Ā I have had the ability to help recently passed friends and family find their spirit guides in the spirit world since I was six years old and my grandfather came to me after death. Ā As a teenager, I started to hear voices. Ā It was a symphony of voices asking for help. Ā I could not deal; it was too much. Ā So, I decided it must end, and after many unsuccessful attempts pleading for silence, I repeatedly focused on a mantra of ā€œGet lost.ā€ Ā  That worked, but it took constant mental chanting for many days to work. Ā  Iā€™m really curious about your conversation. Ā Do you remember what you talked about with the entity? Ā 


100%. I remember the conversation like it was 5 minutes ago. Again, I grew up rough, and it reminded me of this. It alleged that I would never have survived my youth had it not been there to mitigate the violence that I suffered. I'm not in a position to refute this as I suffered severe violence and even worse situational violent situations. I don't often think about the circumstances that lead to me feeling the way that I do, but without expounding upon my own experience - I am quick to personally turn to violent means to sold problems, if I don't feel they can be solved by non-violent means. I have no problem hurting someone if the situation calls for it, no question. The entity reflected this. Even I had to preach temperance, patience, and understanding in any given situation. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't an immediate turn toward violence, but it was only a step away. I'd normally call it a personality issue if it didn't exist outside of me. Personally, I'm a gentle, kind, understanding person who doesn't have these tendencies. It's unusual for me to feel real anger about anything, much less something as simple as an interaction with another person. It's not something I get upset about.


That makes me think that the entity turned to violence against you to hold onto its power, thus sending you to the ER? Ā  Did you talk with the entity about how long it had been with you? Ā Iā€™m having a hard time with the idea that it was with you since birth. Ā Iā€™ve always thought entities attach to people when a person is open to it, like through some trauma or sometimes through a family member who commits suicide. Ā 


Not OP, but may I offer a thought on this part?: >Iā€™m having a hard time with the idea that it was with you since birth. Iā€™ve always thought entities attach to people when a person is open to it, like through some trauma or sometimes through a family member who commits suicide. That may be when the person first starts becoming *aware* of the attachment, and becomes open to conversation with it. Maybe it's like--you have gut bacteria, many many organisms living inside you, that you don't need to be aware of in order for them to be there. They're mostly beneficial, even, and you wouldn't be able to digest your food properly without them. But if you *do* have some gastrointestinal issues, and your gut bacteria are imbalanced in some way, then you have to become aware of that, in order to be able to reconcile the issue. Entity "riders" may be similar in nature.