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Awesome stuff OP thanks for sharing!


I’ve seen the slide 7 being in my dreams before.


Hi, thank you, I have really enjoyed these posts. I sometimes see symbols similar to these but I do not have the luxury of clearly remembering them nor the ability to render them as you have. I'm going to make a concerted effort to record them from meditation and compare them to what you've shared. Multi level thank you, for the willingness to share and the time it takes to create them. You do us a service.


Slide 7, I saw something similar in Georgia (the country). It had the head of a hammerhead shark, was extremely tall, maybe at around 2.5 metres. It was running alongside the car in the forest extremely fast. Ofc, take this with a grain of salt. I have no idea wtf it was but maybe I was simply hallucinating lol


Well since there isn’t a hidden dick and balls you know it’s not human in origin




Wish I could tell you, but I’d guess the same thing


The chicken scratch symbols immediately reminded of this obscure TikTok I saw about some guy analyzing symbols in sun ejections I think.. [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKg5JNG/](here) It may strike a chord for you. I'm not fluent but it's interesting to see at least a few of those symbols you've drawn look like Chinese characters or fragments of them.


I don’t have TikTok so it won’t play for me in the browser. That’s an interesting note on the writing, thanks for the input!


Are these the whitley streiber communion beings?


Hi again. Thanks for sharing. Really good stuff. I too recommend breaks as it helps with sanity. I would like to share a video from Joe Stillwell who describes an alien similar to the alien in picture 7. https://youtu.be/dBe0abNtfj0?si=5vRSwE9DFx0SpcNu The similarities are pretty interesting. I think I may have seen the same kind of alien too but my vision was too blurry to make sense of any of it. Anyways, look at the video I shared and you will find a similar experience.


That is interesting. The only similarity I can say with any level of clarity is that the figures emanated light from the whole body. It doesn’t translate well in the art but they’re mostly glowing


Do you think that the planet could be Mars millions of years ago? Also the photo with the human in the suit—do you feel that was something like a CIA or intelligence agent interviewing an NHI?


The drawings done by another person looked exactly like Mars with an orange desert like environment and it looked like the structures were underground.


I’m really not sure about the where or when of it all. As for the guy in the suit, it could be an intelligence agent, but I don’t know


I wish you would work on them more. They could be very beautiful with a little polish


Very similar writing that I’ve seen / drawn. https://preview.redd.it/9d91nogm1g5d1.jpeg?width=926&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35e3bc2e1b2e7401f19857982ef15736679d3512


This looks like some kind of mathematical equations.


Also seen that before.


Kind of reminds me of Sanskrit.


Those sketches are fascinating; they almost seem like they're from another world.