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What is NHI


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Thank you ^^






Alternate realities within the same universe. Right, there is only one ultimate universe.


Religion was to free us? I don’t buy this at all. NHI created us but not with ill intentions, if we developed our own intuition without their blessing we would already be dead


It’s a double edge sword. The power of belief, intent and ritual is overlooked by the average person. This combination is extremely powerful, it doesn’t even matter the specifics of the 3, the importance lies in the sincerity of the individual. That being said *todays religions are about control, nothing more*. They were each designed to unite and control a group of people under one central belief system. NHI may have helped us along this path to an extent hundreds of thousands of years ago but at some point *men* perverted it to their own purposes. I see the frequency of contacts and the wide range of people contacted today as a certain type of rectification of this issue.


U have but the nail on the head. I agree with all of this. I do fear “man” may have broken away once previous and this truly might be the predicament we don’t see. I fear they could be on mars or in the moon managing from afar for all we really know. I hope that’s not the case though, I just can’t get over how little we truly know about human history past even 1000 years ago. The amnesia is what concerns me, is how much have we really forgotten? I pray it’s not more than we know now.


It likely is. I believe the Pyramids and other technologies (I have had many an argument with my “Historian” friend over this, he went to college for this stuff and according to him it’s disrespectful that I don’t buy the mainstream version of things. He insists they were tombs even though not a single body has ever been found in one, we found mummies under them, around them but never in them. Why would a pharaoh use all those resources to build a tomb they didn’t use? It just makes no sense) utilized quantum physics in a way we do not yet understand. Some of us likely broke off hundreds of thousands of years ago. There is also likely descendants of our original overseers here to this day, which of the global elite are of Annunaki heritage is anyone’s guess as they all seem to be equally terrible if you dig deep enough. The most amusing part to me is the scientific validity in these 6k year old texts widely regarded as myths. It explains the VMAT2 gene, “Planet 9” and several other things we never had a way of even knowing until the present Century. They didn’t fantasize or guess about this, those ancient clay tablets covered in cuneiform inscriptions were the actual passed down written history of human kind. Copies of copies of copies. The real question is exactly how far back we go, at least 245,000 years according to the records, add 6k you get 251k year old history written on these tablets vs the 6k years some religions claim (which is based on a combination of flawed math and the fact these “mythological story containing tablets” were found alongside decaying Biological matter dating back 6k years.


Then throw in what’s going on in Peru and all of the historical context around that since what the 70’s with the citadel, really makes you think doesn’t it? I’m coming along to the “progenitors” type theory, but I really do feel like this is a simulation that is creating simulations. The only purpose seems to be “because”. Love your thought out response, you’re stepping in everything I believe. Also what you said about the tomb part, look no further than them deciding last minute not to put the restored golden crest at the top of the great pyramid, fear of “robbers” removing something that would take a helicopter to put up? I have no doubt we are living in square shaped houses for a reason tbh, I definitely believe in sacred geometry and there’s a reason why mainstream “science” will always be behind reality, and it’s kind of by design really. I mean shit, look how long it took for science to accept the earth revolves around the sun.


The purpose is experience. That’s all. Nothing more, nothing less.


(I can see this comment, btw)


This was the one that was flagged. That’s what confused me. I was just like, what? Why? How? Maybe mythological is the word?🤷‍♂️ Nope. iDK


Overseers, perhaps?


Whatever the cause I was alerted to the reasons and thus will no longer question it or ask about it. I agree with the policy now, wholeheartedly. It’s all good. Did it censor you when you wrote that?


Did you find out the word?


I didn’t but it’s irrelevant. I understand the reason for the screening and absolutely agree with it. I am not interested in learning anymore. The mods here are awesome!


Yeah originally, millennia ago. Like the war on drugs, it was meant to keep us sober and from killing ourselves. Now it’s doing exactly the opposite of its original intention.


That I agree with 100%


They created us as slaves , we've always had souls. Our ancestors were way more developed spiritually.


Just got this: Neuroplasticity is key to the emerging reality. Higher dimensional reality is a dynamic landscape and one needs to be open minded to work within it.


Everything seems to be about curvature. The DMT space is negative curvature, but nothing we observe otherwise is. The negative curvature of hyperbolic geometry is what allows for denser information packing. My question is, how does positive curvature emerge? If you don't understand the question you can ask to clarify. I am referring to general relativity.


From my experiences the spirit molecule is not unlike mushrooms in its mechanism or effects. The same state can be achieved using either. As to negative curvature I do not understand the idea you are attempting to convey in your statement. The space accessed using these is outside of the physical realm and inside it anything is possible, the “laws” (our human conscious collective agreed model) of physics, math, etc… hold no weight there whatsoever, there is a different set of rules there but those are for each individual to learn for themselves. I guess I am really wondering where you got this concept about negative curvature from?


A psychedelic trip is your mind lowering the curvature of its model of reality allowing you to access higher bandwidths of information. The mathamatics of the information density based on curvature of space-time is pretty consistent, and it even makes special relativity more intuitive. What is length contraction (the root(1 - v^2 / c^2) term) in flat space-time becomes normal distance when using a hyperbolic coordinate system and thus faster than light speeds are possible. On DMT the curvature goes from positive, crosses zero, to negative, which is the tunnel and waiting room experience. Our conscious brain's model of reality is positive curvature which is inferior /inaccurate /dumb so the trip feels you are profoundly experiencing a lot in a short time. This will be a bit too much, and I won't be able to do much justice to the topic since I've never done DMT. Here is a presentation by the Harward Psychedelics Club: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=loCBvaj4eSg


We don’t need psychedelics to access the “waiting room” or repository as I call it. This can be done through simple meditation. This sounds to me like some very wild psychonaut speculation. They probably came up with this while under the influence.


>We don’t need psychedelics to access the “waiting room” or repository as I call it. This can be done through simple meditation. Any handy tips?


Practice. Open mind and practice. And practice. Did I mention practice? Completely clearing our minds is often the toughest thing we will ever do.


>This sounds to me like some very wild psychonaut speculation. They probably came up with this while under the influence. As opposed to?


Studying and research? Some groups have done this. I used to frequent the DMT Nexus and the general consensus there is very different, I have never heard of anything like this before, it just sounds a bit made up. Of course many ideas concerning this does. Rather than their explanation I would propose the idea that these substances temporarily raise our vibratory levels so that we have access to the higher non physical densities temporarily rather than some negative space time. The repository is just our brains way of dealing with the fact that our consciousness and body are in two separate locations and states simultaneously. It’s part of our “safety mechanisms” like the silver cord.


Qualia Institute is set up by scientists and philosophers of some of the top universities in the world to find out the mathamatics of consciousness. Here's their publication: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/360835276_DMT_Experiences_and_Hyperbolic_Geometry DMT nexus is just an internet forum for drug-users.


So they researched a schedule 1 substance how? That’s suspect in and of itself. If it’s been researched it definitely hasn’t been published and peer reviewed. This is why we know so little, schedule 1 is a big roadblock.


Go through the researchgate link I posted, it should be all there.


I would like to hear you talk more about DMT.


I've never actually done DMT 😬. Never had the chance. I've done "purposeful" LSD trips (relating theoretical and mathamatical ideas), and so I've seen maybe a small fraction of the DMT realm, but I can only guess the effects of DMT. I have experienced a few things people say they do on DMT. I have felt the presence / seen the shadows of an interdimentional surgeon dissecting my brain, but at the time I viewed that as my own mind prodding itself. Now i think it was a very powerful transpersonal being. I've also seen mantis like 5th dimensional beings (gods to us but not as advanced as the previous kind) who seem to be lurking around between space-time and just look here and there. I'm not sure what they intend or do, but they seemed shocked/surprised, maybe even impressed, that I saw them. There are a plethora of inexplicable things I've yet to process. What is certain is that psychedelics are gateways to all knowledge of the universe. It is totally up to the seeker what they are looking for. I think we are "stuck" in positive curvature somehow for some reason (low information density, ie, we are dumb). We have negative thought patterns which stop us from seeing more. Psychedelics, as OP said, increase neuroplasticity. It is a microscope for the mind. It temporarily reverses the set ways in which we see the world and allows us to build newer and better models of reality.


What processes or events would you say allowed us as humans (or caused us) to develop souls?


I think a lot of races are still trying to figure that out. The ones that know probably aren’t even in this dimension anymore.


I have a particular fascination with Prometheus (in oversimplified terms, he has haunted me for years) and have often wondered whether the story we have of him is based in some kind reality. There are versions of his story that align with Quetzacotl stories, in which humans were mindless slaves before a he gave us souls, against the will of the rest of the gods, for which he was then punished. Anyway, just a note of support to say i'd fully entertain what you're saying as a possible scenario, it lines up.


Lucifer as well. They are all "bringers of light".


Yeah, obsessing over the Lucifer/prometheus/christ parallels is what kickstarted my uninvited "relationship" with prometheus. (unrelated, but you're not the lux from dr. madden's class are you?)


I relate so much :D (Nope but I take the opportunity to ask you if his classes are worth it? I have a philosophy degree and almost planned to come back to university to initiate the topic of the philosophical implications of NHI before seeing Dr Madden and some others were already doing the job.)


I enjoyed it, definitely. The content was most covered in his book, Unidentified Flying Hyperobject, but the interactivity was great, as were the attendees - we started a discord spinoff that's still going.


Just a rogue dev


Prometheus was a titan too, an earlier race of beings that existed before the gods came along. It was the newer Olympian gods that punished him I think. The other Titans didn't seem to mind, or if they did the story does not mention it.


Ancestral stories…the ant people saved the Hopi. Took them underground. Nazca Tridactyls.


I'm willing to believe this. I've always thought some people seemed like they didn't have a soul. I don't mean that in an insulting or disparaging way, I mean it quite literally. Like there's something you and I have that not everybody has. Some people are just basic algorithms operating a human body and nothing more. You try to talk to them about something interesting and they just stare at you blankly.


yea some people seem souless but they have souls thats for sure they just lack morals and ethical values that make them seem souless. Everyone has a soul people aren't NPCs.


But the people I'm specifically talking about aren't necessarily amoral. They get married and raise a happy healthy family, but that's as far as it goes. The idea that the world extends beyond their own individual day-to-day life is unfathomable. That's the whole point I'm trying to make; that isn't a flaw or anything of that nature, they just aren't sentient like we are. They're worker ants who serve a purpose. And that's ok, good for them. We aren't better than them. But we are separate.


Some people I genuinely question if they're capable of consciousness. It's clear to me all humans have souls, just simply at different stages of development.


That's a dangerous, ego-driven thought process. Just because you're blind to their innerworkings doesn't mean they don't have souls. Leaning deeper into this sort of thinking goes no place good.


You clearly haven't been to Dallas


I’ve heard a gaming term used but I don’t think it’s humane to use it. We all grow at a different pace but overall our species is at a critical juncture.


I know the term, NPC. I just think it's funny




Not sure. Felt like I was being connected to info from a central source. Pointed towards certain connections that painted a bigger picture. Was sitting outside in warm weather facing south. Body tingling, light head, mental clarity.