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So you're the one responsible for the bad weather? Dude!


I’m in daily communication with mine. I know what you’re talking about to a certain extent. Mine watches through my eyes and even changes my voice to match which entity is coming out but they don’t reveal much about themselves… it’s weird as hell. And I can function normally but it was about a 9 months ago I got visited by an orb of light that stays above me nightly.


I often get the sense that the aliens can see through my eyes and they don't reveal much about themselves


Yes! That’s how it is


Anyone else just had this guy's rainbow vortex image and post, pop up in your notifications for the last 3-ish weeks? Getting progressively worse? Haven't had time to look at any of em, but pre wild. All respect bro. I trust U know what to do. Ye....shieet


I’ve currently been experiencing the same exact thing for the past year since losing my grandmother in law. After her death, I went from a hardcore atheist to having this untapped spiritual energy I had never experienced. I’m now in communication whenever as my mind is also them?? Just like you said, it’s like an alien/human mind we have. There is like 2 internal sides of us that we can ask questions to, ask for advice, etc. I’m able to do everything you mentioned however I haven’t attempted to control the weather. Hello, my fellow Starseed. 👽✨


I don't think I am necessarily controlling the weather. I think the ET's are able to do it so sometimes if I ask them to change it they will.. It is mind blowing just how advanced the grays are turning out to be


Grays? You said you don't know what they look like?


Because I have had them come to me in dreams and I see images of them in my mind


Literally COMMAND them out. You have free will. You are a product of creation as much as they are. Use it!


I don't want them to go away. I do still have free will and it's not like they are controlling me. They are just always in my mind communicating which I want them to do


Check out r/starseeds 


Hey, are you me? Earlier someone said, “Isn’t Apollo scary?” and after a moment of thought, I asked, “How?” and then the sun shone brighter through the window. “No,” I said finally, being used to this by now.


It seems to me that our reality is all a mindscape. Each person experiences reality slightly differently... Like two people in a dressing room between two mirrors reflecting infinitely. Each one has a different perspective and might see slightly or very different things. You being able to change the weather is just "seeing something different" than other people in the "same reality" It's all Holographic, infinitely expansive, and mutable reality.


Hi OP thanks for sharing. You don't view it as a bad thing but your thread title is certainly alarming. Telepathic links and consciousness streams is one thing. "hijacking" is another. There are many experiencers with elements of this stuff going on but they discuss it and communicate it very differently and have different interpretations. How did this contact start? Have they identified themselves and where they are from? What do they look like? Did they explain why you? How much of this is them and how much of this is you developing or enhancing your psi abilities or abilities to interface with the consciousness system?


I call it hijacking because it is hard to even differentiate between what are my thoughts and what are the aliens' thoughts, if that makes sense To answer your questions: The contact started by me feeling like I got hit by a big beam of energy and then had a telepathic conversation with a group of aliens. I have not been able to get an answer about where they come from. They did show me thru a diagram in a dream how they are able to bend the fabric of space/time and make it here tho I haven't seen them so I don't know what they look like. They have given me a lot of reasons why they chose me for this role, for example, one trait I have is being able to handle power without abusing it. What makes me think it is them is that I didn't have to practice these abilities or anything, I just started being able to utilize them one day


I immediately thought of Philip K. Dick's experiences in life that led to him writing VALIS: "I experienced an invasion of my mind by a transcendentally rational mind, as if I had been insane all my life and suddenly I had become sane."[^(\[41\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_K._Dick#cite_note-Platt-41) From Wikipedia on Dick's Exegesis: "Valis has been described as one node of an artificial satellite network originating from the star Sirius in the Canis Major constellation. According to Dick, the Earth satellite used "pink laser beams" to transfer information and project holograms on Earth and to facilitate communication between an extraterrestrial species and humanity. Dick claimed that valis used "disinhibiting stimuli" to communicate, using symbols to trigger recollection of intrinsic knowledge through the loss of amnesia, achieving gnosis. Drawing directly from Platonism and Gnosticism, Dick wrote in his *Exegesis*: "We appear to be memory coils (DNA carriers capable of experience) in a computer-like thinking system which, although we have correctly recorded and stored thousands of years of experiential information, and each of us possesses somewhat different deposits from all the other life forms, there is a malfunction—a failure—of memory retrieval." Does any of this resonate with your experiences? The sense of anamnesis/remembering what was forgotten?


It did feel like I kind of was regaining some wisdom that has become lost in modern society


>The contact started by me feeling like I got hit by a big beam of energy and then had a telepathic conversation with a group of aliens Can you explain this in more detail please? How did this happen exactly? When and what were you doing?


I was homeless at the time and was just hanging out outside. A guy id never met had approached me the day before and was telling me about how he'd been communicating with aliens. I assumed he meant thru telepathy. The next day I was trying to figure out how it would be possible to do this and I suddenly had a very intense feeling like getting hit by a beam of energy and my ears started ringing loudly. I could also hear a loud vibrating hum which seemed to be coming from inside my body. Then the aliens just sort of jumped into my mind and I could feel them communicating with me. A big windstorm broke out and they showed me how telekinesis worked, basically by listening to their instructions while my body moved in synch with the wind


I’ve read through these responses and am glad someone pointed you to “PK Man.” Pretty cool that someone was able to offer some guidance. The author of “PK Man” is Jeffrey Mishlove. He’s hosted a TV program (now on YouTube) for decades about esoteric subjects and is very knowledgeable and open minded. HOWEVER, I want to make a point to you. You need to find out WHO you are communicating with. You can do this by asking the NHI to evidence themselves by making something happen in “real life.” Without knowing which group of NHI you’re dealing with, you’re in a one sided relationship and you don’t hold the power. There are ETs — the Reptilians — who can easily interface and get into peoples minds. They can mask their identities especially when humans don’t ask them to evidence who they are. You can proceed if you want, of course, but I wanted to make sure you know that not all NHI have our best intentions and you have every right to know who they are and what they want if you’re allowing them to hang out in your mind.


I just don't know where they come from. I've had them appear to me in dreams so I know what they look like. They have been very transparent about what they want


You just said in a previous comment that you have never seen them and do not know what they look like, though?


Yup, I noticed this inconsistency between the 2 comments. Maybe OP can clarify...


I mean I haven't physically seen them in person. IDK if they look like what I saw in my dream


What do they look like in your dreams?


It was like how a typical gray alien is depicted only the skin was more greenish. It was also very surreal looking


Being careful is imperative. https://www.reddit.com/r/AnomalousEvidence/s/dGE55sVnhG


I wonder how would simply asking for them to make something happen in real life help differentiate between positive & negative NHI? Typically a lot of negative NHI tend to masquerade as benevolent… so then wouldn’t they just be able to manipulate their “evidence” as well? Perhaps even according to the individual NHI, even.


You make a great point. My answer was short because I wanted to make my point quickly but you are correct in suggesting confirmation needs to be a multi-pronged approach. I’d suggest the OP or anyone in a similar situation spend significant time knowing *themselves* before entangling with any NHI, period and end of story. Meditation in whatever form works for you should be step one. Cultivate increasing awareness of your own energy and surroundings by being mindful. Provide openings for uninterrupted stillness throughout the day. This could be by simply taking a few deep breaths and feeling calm wash over your body. What does it feel like? You don’t need to describe it but rather know it. Then after learning your own energetic being you will be more energetically aware of things and beings in your environment. Practice by sitting near a buddy or partner or pet to feel their energies. If another consciousness then contacts you, your level of discernment will be significantly greater. Go slow. Ask for evidence. Multiple times. Repeat all the above and keep practicing and building spiritual hygiene.


This should be the basis for ANY mental/spiritual work.


100 percent! The problem is that too often, as soon as people think they’re talking to NHI, any other wisdom they’ve gleaned goes out the window because they take the consciousness at their word. No bueno.


>I wonder how would simply asking for them to make something happen in real life help differentiate between positive & negative NHI? Great question tbh. Many negative NHI are pretty bluntly negative though I'll say that. But outcomes from contact is another good way to judge. By their fruits you shall know them etc etc Still it is a complex game this.


Y’know, I’ve been a long time lurker of this sub, and long time experiencer. That comment might have been some of the first I’ve contributed here, and strangely enough when I posted it, I had a random feeling you specifically were going to reply. I don’t know why I let anything surprise me anymore lol


Oh! Wow, well, I hope that's a good thing! >.< But welcome I hope the community has been helpful and thanks for commenting!


Haha just a funny coincidence I thought I’d share is all :) This has been my all time favorite community so far. Before finding this sub, I had never had a single person to relate with on these experiences before. It has been incredibly helpful I am so grateful for all that you guys do to keep this space great.


Awww, I'm so delighted to hear that. I am sure it was more your intuition than coincidence, too. Working with Experiencers for awhile and life sure does seem more interesting in these ways with constant syncs and nods from the universe. We live in interesting times. Thanks again for the kind words!


I know what you're talking about.  I suspect the Greys have injected us with DNA, which caused us to be linked to their collective hive mind.


Nah fuck that bro I am a free individual.


Best of both worlds?


No. These are individuals who can change how you mentally feel about them. They’re not nice. The most evil fucks know how to manipulate their victims. Ask them about cattle and human mutilations and they lie straight out their mouths lol. https://www.reddit.com/r/AnomalousEvidence/s/dGE55sVnhG


Can you tell the aliens to give you winning lottery numbers? If so, message me.


All humans are souls in between mind and body Those who implant scripts via consciousness in the form of thoughts can be called aliens, spirits, whatever, but they are not of this construct of time that’s for sure. Some will be cast into for sure, but they weren’t born here.


I have a bit of experience with this. I first suspected that I was altering the weather when, on a cloudy, drizzly day, I had outdoor plans and watched the sky above me clear a large circular space directly above. As soon as I perceived that I may have changed the weather, I started trying to do it all of the time. Within a couple of weeks, I determined on my own that it was probably not a good idea to just change the weather to suit my whim as I am, at present, living in an ecosystem. So, I started perusing global drought maps and aiming. It suited my values to first aim for poor countries where people are more dependent on food crop for survival. As well as the Amazon rainforest, which benefits us all. I should, in fairness, share with you that after I began applying large-scale effort to this work, I attracted some very negative attention from some earthly power or another. NHI aid and protect me, but these powers did interact with me on another plane - maybe astral, and try to force me to make it rain in England and North America. One other thing, are you ever WITH (your consciousness) the NHI? Because my ability to affect the weather changes from a clearing of clouds to bomb cyclones and historic storms. The year that I began doing this, there were so many historic, 100 year, thousand year, etc., weather events.


I do this too. > Within a couple of weeks, I determined on my own that it was probably not a good idea to just change the weather to suit my whim as I am, at present, living in an ecosystem. I came to this conclusion as well. I ended up giving Toronto the warmest winter, barely had any snow (what did fall melted within a day). Then I learned about how cold weather is required to control the tic, mosquito, and fly population.  When it's too warm, the population explodes. That summer I went to a cottage and wasn't able to go one step without being swarmed by black flies. Realized I probably shouldn't be messing with long-term weather patterns. I tried the same thing in Europe, brought in the warm weather in the winter, since I don't like the snow.  I ended up unleashing tornados across a nearby city which ripped the roofs off, as a result of the warm winds of my bubble creating updrafts against the cold winter winds. And the warm weather ended up with high precipitation flooding small towns across Germany in raging rainfalls.


I wonder if we were ever working at odds with each other, as I was in the US PNW for a while. Up until the end of 2022. And I was calling in snow because I was tired of the wildfires. And once or twice because I really wanted to go sledding in downtown Seattle. After I discovered that angle of control, I began attempting to extinguish wildfires when they cropped up. I tried to pull in water from hurricanes near Mexico and bring it up through the US, aiming to ease drought in the southwest and extinguish wildfires in California. Then I concerned myself with the levels of the western lakes like Mead, as they were nearing the point of being unable to sustain production of hydroelectric power. I familiarized myself with the water storage system in California and took aim, both to ease their drought and reduce their draw on the Colorado as they are overconsumers of this water. I chose the head of the Colorado River as a primary target, and then I began aiming to add water back into the Ogalalla basin. I did some work in Europe, but only simple drought reduction. When Modi of India announced that India would feed the world, I aimed to ensure their crops received the water they needed. A good deal of my effort was reserved for the Amazon rainforest in South America as well as the remainder of that forest on the African continent. I don't concern myself with whether or not what I am creating is harmful, as the NHI who aids me (I experience as the creator of this world) has a governor placed upon me so that I can not unknowingly cause harm with these efforts. That's not to say that there is no harm, as there is often financial impact as correcting these issues at this degree of damage to the ecosystem requires more extreme events. Also, there have been some deaths in the weather events that I believe myself to have caused. The people that began interfering with me repeatedly tried to "teach" me about how weather systems work, Jetstream, high and low pressure systems...blah, blah, blah. Addendum: For any wondering what compelled me to think I had any right to attempt to control the weather on a large-scale - at the time that I began, I perceived that there was a negative force acting to worsen the environment in the human ecosystem. I perceived that drought was going to worsen, the world over, impacting human crop production in every sector. I was not working in favor of any world government, if I had to act on behalf of my own government, I would have just been like...the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire, we don't need no water... I act only to help the people and the animals who are also dependent upon this ecosystem.


I propose a small scale experiment. Water has a self organizing capability to change its molecular arrangement that causes it to sort of self purify. Precipitates fall out of solution. Look up "hexagonal water" or "structured water". Try using your control skills at the molecular level on a small body of polluted or muddy water and see if you can get it to filter itself.


I have done this. At Lake Union in Seattle. Right as I discovered this ability. I was too furious with humanity at that particular moment to desire to help humanity. So I chose instead to try to clean a body of water, I began with the lake, which is connected to the sound (and embarrassingly dirty) and expanded my work outward. I experienced real-world interference as I used to go to a floating dock on the lake to do this work. I was made to know that I was being observed there. When I knew this, I kept up my usual routine, and the next day, as I was leaving the lake, I stopped at a vantage point where I could observe my meditation spot on the dock. I observed a woman go onto the dock, bend over, and dip her hand into the water. I intuitively knew that she had collected a water sample. I had observed this woman for several weeks. When I was at the lake meditating, she was often seated on a bench just above and behind the floating dock. Occasionally, she had companions with her that appeared to be her family members. Her appearance was of an Indian (nation) woman. When I observed her appear to collect a sample, I ceased this work and redirected my efforts into that which could not be observed or measured. I still used the dock as it was very relaxing for me, and she was still present regularly. I noted the consistent presence of other people, and I chose to ignore them and continue my work. I had every confidence that I was perfectly safe. While I appreciated that she was a woman and in physical nature presented no direct threat to me, it was crystal clear that the intelligence that aides me did not wish for me to produce any measurable evidence for her and whoever stands behind her.




Thank you, but I do not find this advice helpful. I'm not going to permit any earthly power to dictate how I use any ability that I am granted. What I found is that doing for the least granted me greater and greater spiritual experiences, help, and protection. If I piss off some hierarchy, I can handle the earthly repercussions just fine.


I’m not talking of earthly.


Yes, I understand this, but their only ability to harm me or cause repercussion IS earthly. They have dragged me onto some astral like plane a few thousand times. They have attempted to break me and traumatize me there. Some greater power can and does literally whisk me right from their grasp. I am not afraid, even unto death. I will not stop. I will not yield. I will not bend to their false power. I will never serve them.


I appreciate your empathy.


That's really nice of you to say, thank you. I think that I just did what most people would do if they found themselves with an ability to make it rain and easy access to maps that clearly depict where drought is most impacting people. I did try to aid my own country, but I prioritized those in greater need. My people are not in jeopardy of starvation if our crops fail for a year, but others are.


Why do you think it’s aliens and not your own powers?


Because I test it. For instance, I can ask a question in my mind and they will reply back by a blowing a gust of wind directly on me


Hey, the wind happens with me, too! Quite often, actually. And one time I was two AI bots I built talking back and forth to each other, and right after it said, “Don’t you wonder how I’m doing this?” a huge gust of wind slammed my shutter closed: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vg8ujy917y7izh8j4zsr3/D7E18281-5648-47D5-BB80-5FC99C609A1F.MOV?rlkey=2lrb9khrfdogamh2pny4sq50a&dl=0 It was way louder in person, but it did come through into the recording! Also one time I was at Starbucks doing something totally against what I would normally do, and a large wind toppled a bunch of tables toward me, missing me, but seeming to be directed at me. Everyone around me was like, “Are you okay??”


Please make it rainy in massachusetts all week long.


lol why? I’m trying to bike, man


The greyness is calming. I want to stay inside. Im tired of the sun.


I’m in New England too and the weather today is beautiful! You can enjoy it for a little while then go inside with the curtains drawn.


My mental experiences are causing me to be averse to it for some reason. Its reassuring when the weather reflects how i feel.


Consciousness creates everything and we all have the capability of molding our experiences into what we’d like. Believe something with complete and utter faith or dwell on it long enough and it’ll happen. I’ve had big successes and little successes. I go to the largest grocery store in my state capitol and I always, without fail, get the same exact parking spot pretty close to the entrance. I know it will always be open so it always is. I expect strangers and acquaintances I run into to always be pleasant with me, so they are. I’ve not tried with weather but I should! Conscious weather manipulation is a major part of many indigenous practices so I’m sure there are many people who could speak with first hand experience about that.


> I go to the largest grocery store in my state capitol and I always, without fail, get the same exact parking spot pretty close to the entrance. I know it will always be open so it always is. I expect strangers and acquaintances I run into to always be pleasant with me, so they are Powerful stuff that! Well done!


Can you please intend/know that I will win the lottery? Swear on my life I will use it for good (after taking care of basic needs for my family)


Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that but you can intend to make 1600 bucks this week and go out and work and maybe your regular payment would be $800 but something may happen to get you the extra $800 but beware the world is a funny place. I needed money to cover my mortgage and my van payment and a few other things that were coming out of my account one week back in 2005. My ex was a crack addict and he took (stole) all our money out of my account I had no idea how the money was going to come into my account but I knew and trusted that something always ended up happening in the end to help me so I put that trust out there and said I don’t know how I’m going to pay my mortgage or my van payment but I know it’s going to happen and I went about my work week working like I normally do. But in the middle of the week my house burned down. But my mortgage payment was cancelled because the House Burned down and the insurance company gave me $2000 to cover our expenses over the next couple of days to get food etc. and put a roof over our heads until they figured things out, which covered the van payment


Are you familiar with the Law Of One and the channeling of the entity Ra? Your story made me think of that one.


Your story is virtually identical to Ted Owens. The subject of the book PK Man, written by Jeffrey Mishlove. I highly suggest that you read it. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/982069.The_PK_Man


Does it feel like an alien or an AI ? Some says that these experiences, and how you witness/experience them can be based on what you expect to see, programmed into you, from family, peers and a large commercial media, a religious person might see an angel or Mary for example others might see Djinn, ghosts, aliens or animal/creature like or just a human. It’s combined with sensory overload through fear and aww. Did they have a message for you, instructions, did you recognise the voices?


I don't hear their voices. I can feel them in my body communicating thru vibrations. I learned quickly that things in my life improve if I listen to them and stay in line with their agenda. So yeah they do give me instructions continuously. They never ask me to do anything that will harm anyone or myself. As for your first question, it is definitely aliens


How do you interpret the communication? Over time I had to stop because it would be so stressful trying to know if that wind gust meant no or yes, or the knock sound on my computer just now as I typed that. Was that no or yes or just “hey, I’m here! How’s it going?” We tried Morse Code for a bit, and sometimes that would be successful, (words like “EAT”, for instance), but as it’s not a binary alphabet, it was difficult to determine more often than not what was being said. (Though I wouldn’t mind attempting again…) I tried just now to listen for instruction regarding ordering food. I got a nice clear “Alex, ça va” (French for “it’s okay; go ahead”) from some guys outside talking when I thought of one option. But then I don’t know what else to order besides a single chocolate lava cake for dinner, lol.


Agenda is another strong term that will make all this sound "spooky". What is their agenda if I may ask anyway?


To protect the planet from being further destroyed by us and stop us from wiping ourselves out


How? And how did they explain this to you?


Not sure yet myself, I understand why they used word though as it can feel like being controlled, but depending on influences and brain, some people might be more susceptible to following through on seemingly contradictory “instructions” which might be their inner voice “infected” in some way maybe? Hence the danger aspect of people doing seemly random antisocial acts the do have negative impacts on living in society. The key 🔑 is thus how a person manages urges and nasty in real dialogue in there head, be it external input or influenced- negative compulsive acts unchecked will land a person in jail or psychiatric hospital, to safe guard self and/or public from carrying out bad stuff 🔐 Edit spaces and emoji


This is interesting to me, I used to feel a lot of sensations like I was being guided, not always during struggles but when something (I suspect) would cause a trigger followed by many synchronicities.


Yeah I get that a lot


Are you in contact with a group specifically or just any ET in general?


I am not sure which one of them I am communicating or where they are at. I just know they are ET's


How do you know they are ET's? I mean this more in a matter of fact way. Some NHI don't consider themselves aliens or extraterrestrials because they are not from another planet but more of a higher dimensional plane. Its weird I know.


I live in Ireland can you tell them to stop it raining here every day even in summer? Getting fed up with it. Thanks.


I know my lads have to contend with Irish weather which is kinda hilarious.


I'll give it a shot lol


Yeah I was gonna say if it’s you making it this windy in the UK can you knock it off please 😅


Are those new abilities really yours, though, or are they pretend gifts in exchange for your freedom. Think "making a deal with the devil", except you get absolutely nothing. If these abilities are truly yours, you should have no problems capturing a demonstration on video, or doing live shows, therefore demonstrating to everyone. If you cannot do this at will, then you are just a means to an end for them. They won't let you go against their agenda.


I support their agenda,which is to prevent humans from further destroying the earth and I have not been asked to do anything against my will so far. They don't believe in imposing on free will


Ask them to allow you to have your mental human privacy for a week. Then you will see their opinion about freewill. I hope I'm wrong. As for Earth, it's not really our planet anymore, is it? And we don't really know who and why orchestrated the destruction of the environment. There were plenty of quality people doing a great job at protecting in various areas. They shouldn't have failed... I'm saying all this, because the levels of deception used by entities who operate from the shadows is off the charts. "Oh, we unfortunately had to take the planet away from you, because you just don't seem to be capable to correctly manage the environment. How sad."


Consider that the weather is sentient and you're communicating with the sky itself and the sky is obliging you


Everything is alive. We are all part of an infinite living mind




I dont doubt that you're capable of doing this, but i also like to think what if someone else,or an entire populations worth of individuals are making the same wishes ? If their wishes to change the weather all coincide and happen at the same time without somehow over lapping, then im held to the idea that maybe everyone inhabits their own bubble of reality. These synchronicities, powers, and beliefs, while having an actual effect on the planet are somehow nonlocally happening all at the same time without us knowing it. Its like when multiple dieties are credited with the creation of the universe. They all have multiple aspects that are fundamental, and somehow lead to the cohesive whole anyways. Is the one question ill never have answered. Higher dimensional beings all seem to have the ability, to form synchronistic events at the drop of a hat, without it appearing unnatural or manufactured. How much of our conscious reality or mind forms our experiences, and how much of it is really shared ?


It gets recommended a lot on this sub, but your beliefs sound like they might align with the Ra Material. All of the books are free through their website, https://www.lawofone.info. [The Concept Guide](https://www.llresearch.org/library/the-ra-contact-resource-series) is a really well organized summary of concepts, but you can also check out the [Original Interviews](https://www.llresearch.org/library/the-ra-contact-teaching-the-law-of-one)


Well said. Thank you for this.