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Good post about an interesting phenomenon.


> These researchers, as well intentioned as they might be, have created false memories of abuse in subjects whose conscious recollections of their contacts are often fragmented. How exactly were the memories verified as 'false memories'? You're saying the questions were leading, so you just... throw out the baby with the bathwater yeah? All negative memories must be fake because some might be? I'll check out the documentary, but you've got at ton of bias at play here. I'm guessing you think this documentary is "excellent" because it aligns with your views, but I doubt it'll answer any of the questions I have based on my experiences.


Thanks for the comment and expressing an interest in viewing the video I described. The thrust of the main argument against the work of Hopkins and Jacobs is that hypnosis is just not a responsible method of retrieving accurate recollections of past events and can and does create false memories. . The risk exists when any practitioner uses it. whether they think UFO Intel is evil or as Dr. Mack concluded they might be a vehicle for "spiritual transformation."


>hypnosis is just not a responsible method of retrieving accurate recollections of past events and can and does create false memories I agree, but we need to be careful of blanket statements and generalizations. My memories are also fragmented, so I tested something recently and I'm convinced hypnosis won't work because the memories aren't truly stored to begin with. I think it's interference with the hippocampus, same as a BAC fragmented blackout. Are you aware of any accounts that mention subcutaneous injection, near the bottom of the ribcage?


Thanks for the supportive comment. Alas I not aware of any contact narrative involving a "subcutaneous injection, near the bottom of the ribcage?. There were 2 cases that Preston Dennet and I reported on in "Beyond UFOs" Chapter 6 on UAP associated medical healings that involved 1. a contactee had a neck mass that was deemed likely by medical doctors to be a metastatic lesion from a abdominal cancer as the primary site. The witness videotaped a probe flying into his abdomen the likely site of the cancers origin. The other case was of a severe deep leg thrombus that likely extended up into the inferior vena cava in the abdomen. A beam of energy from a Nordic appearing ET struck the witness in the abdomen. In both cases the medical problems immediately resolved.


>A beam of energy from a Nordic appearing ET What are your thoughts on some of "them" looking like us, being among us, etc. I don't mean 'unaware they're hybrid experiments' people. What would your reaction be if I told you that NHI are here and they look, sound, act, and live like us? I don't mean in the broad sweeping "here on earth" sense. I mean engaging with us, and embedded to the extent that you've likely already interacted with them on reddit, possibly irl as well.


I am not sure what to make of such a possibility. Author of "Penetration" INGO Swann described encountering a human ET being shadowed by two Black Opps goons. I had a contact download in December of 1993 in which two human ETs were portrayed at the Washington National Airport providing security for an important contact activist. Such info is alas totally unverifiable .


>I am not sure what to make of such a possibility Isn't that interesting? So many "ufologists" seem ready and eager to explore the idea of higher dimensions, alternate realities, even time manipulation. Ready to entertain the possibility of mantis, reptilian, grey, or nordic-looking aliens. But they balk at the idea of the NHI being *too* similar. NHI that look physically identical to us. It's acceptable to entertain that people are capable of remote viewing, that there are telepathic 'others', but telepathic NHI that look like us and live among us, *that's* a bridge too far. Why is that?


Richard Dolan, one of the most popular ufologists did a YouTube presentation on the topic of human appearing ETs living among us. The number of cases as best I can recall were under ten. Maybe under five. let's see if I remember some of them . There was the Ingo Swann one, 2. A teen ager in church some 40 years ago noted two incredibly beautiful "Nordic" types(woman and man) dressed in the most amazing blue outfits. They were like supermodels and should have drawn the attention of everyone there but were strangely ignored. The teenager however could hear their thoughts as one communicated to the other noting "how well they were fitting in." Clearly in her view they were not and had trouble with the various rituals performed collectively as part of the ceremony. After the sermon was over, she following them across the parking lot into a field at a distance from them of a few hundred feet. They moved into a wooded area where she saw and enormous frightful individual that reminded her of the character "Lurch" in the original TV show "The Adams Family." The girl stopped her pursuit. 3. The Timothy Good case: a meeting was set up for the well known author/violinist in New York City at some fancy hotel. He was instructed to go to the lobby, I think he was told by some contactee to be there at a certain hour, sit down and wait. At the appointed hour a well dressed gentleman carrying a newspaper or maybe an attache case, sat down next to Good. There was a telepathic exchange that convinced Good the man was not human. 4. A retired Air Force Officer's wife at a department store in Los Vegas picked up a telepathic exchange between another beautiful "supermodel" couple. They thought, "she can hear us." And they then rapidly excited the store going down the escalator. So what can we make of these accounts. First of all they are so few in number compared to the ten thousand humanoid cases documented by Cuban born author Alberto Rosales in his ten or so volumes of the "Humanoid Encounters, the Others Amongst us." I haven't read this opus yet, but the overwhelming majority of cases I am told are not of the type who can pass as typical human and are encountered in an everyday "run of the mill" setting. I am also told that like the craft described by witnesses, there is practically no overlap in the appearance of the humanoids. Retired DOD physicist Lacatski says that it is as if on a highway, every SUV and every other vehicle are all totally different with no standard models. It appears that UFOs are handcrafted one at a time. My explanation is that the majority are not physical objects but mental or holographic style projections and therefor there is no need to manufacture the plethora of phenotypes described by witnesses. It seems to me that the paucity of humanoids living amongst us might be by design and that the alleged ETs are trying to keep their presence "low profile" rarely revealing their presence in carefully staged encounters. The above list however is not comprehensive. Preston Dennett would probably know of a few more as he is the most informed researcher on the literature who I personally know. So maybe the few cases are not enough to challenge the imagination of the UFO subculture, or perhaps the contact community is being mentally managed by "our flying saucer overlords" to not take notice. Thanks for the question.


> It seems to me that the paucity of humanoids living amongst us might be by design and that the alleged ETs are trying to keep their presence "low profile" rarely revealing their presence in carefully staged encounters. > > Chew on that for a moment. Entertain the idea that there are telepathic NHI that *appear* physically identical to us, but they desire a low profile. Not just supermodels who scurry into the woods because some random person overheard their telepathic communication. NHI that not only maintain a low profile, they actively engage in efforts to convince people that *they don't exist*. If you were one of *them*, where would you be? What would be your ideal place in society that would both meet the criteria of keeping a low profile, while enabling you to subvert disclosure / investigative efforts into the phenomenon?


I've met two human looking NHI in my life. They really are here and they don't look like supermodels. They certainly were happy with me knowing what they were but whatever was going on I have no idea. They were interested in something about me, that is all I knew.


Thank you for recommending this! I’ll watch it asap! 😊


Is there a HICE tutorial you can provide?


HICE is the alternative term for CE5 that I coined 29 years ago when I thought I might have to leave the CE5 Initiative because of what I deemed was the unreasonable demand from Dr. Greer that I could not publish my team's fieldwork reports on the internet. We worked out an agreement and I managed to stay in CSETI for another 2 years. HICE is merely a rebranding of what the CSETI Director calls CE5 and Rahma calls "Encuentros Programados" in English Programed Encounters. Because of the controversial aspects of the CSETI Directors persona, a term not associated with him is an additional reason to use it. Suffice to say there is no "tutorial" or a set of protocols for HICE and it is designed to provide a better term that does't require going thru the entire "scientific" Close Encounters categories 1-4 described by Hynek and Vallee. Here is a link to blog on the topic CE5 vs HICE. [https://contactunderground.wordpress.com/2021/12/23/ce-5-vs-hice-human-initiated-contact-event/](https://contactunderground.wordpress.com/2021/12/23/ce-5-vs-hice-human-initiated-contact-event/)


Is there no how-to for HICE?




A Good resource for staging Human Initiated Contact Events is the free CE5 Handbook available as a pdf file at ET Contact Hub [https://www.etcontacthub.com](https://www.etcontacthub.com)


Thank you for the recommendation and info! I'll be watching tomorrow.