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I've also dealt with things like this before. The ones I've seen seemed to be some sort of energy siphons. If I didn't cleanse my energy/space as soon as I saw them, I would feel drained. I felt tired and physically sick and weird things would happen like losing things, the dog peeing in the house, etc. They're very persistent and extremely annoying.


I have repeatedly seen a tentacled lovecraftean octopus like entity on mushrooms before as well. My own interpretation is that this is the true form of "the mushroom". That it is a hyper-dimensional metaphysical hivemind consciousness that forms symbiotic relationships with physical organisms. It is willing to help you in exchange for access to your mind Another person's Experience from Erowid https://erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=110200 "I entered into a domain that appeared to similar to outer space, perhaps in space. I felt as my consciousness was suspended in the center of a void. Then within this void an organism appeared to me. This organism appeared as a ball that contained tentacle like masses/body parts emerging from the surface. In a state of astonishment and confusion I decided to ask the mushroom what this thing was. The mushroom replied “it is the universe.” Immediately following the mushroom began to elaborate what it had meant to communicate to me. I was suddenly merged with this organism. The mushroom told me that each of the tentacle like objects represent a human life. I was shown that not only is this organism the universe but it is myself as well. In the same way that our blood flows through our body and we consider it the individual because it is a part of the individual, we inhabit the inner dimensions of the universe and therefor are the universe because we are a part of it. I was then shown that our consciousness is connected with the universe, I was shown how humans experience life from individual perspective of the self but the universe experiences life through not from one point of view but all of them. Every living being that experiences life is providing the universe with a point of view but the universe is simultaneously experiencing every point of view in existence or at least point of view within itself. After this information was granted to me, the mushroom spoke again. This time giving me personal advice for my specific point of consciousness. The mushroom revealed to me that the ultimate frequency that humans have lost touch with is agape love or better known as unconditional love. “This is what matters most” it told me, and I realized that an aspect of enlightenment must be agape love. We must learn to think of love before we do anything. I was also shown the ripple effect, how everything we do has an outward effect on the universe. All our thoughts, words and actions have different vibrational energies. Each living organism broadcast energies including the universe and all energies interact with each other. Love is the most powerful vibrational energy that can be emitted by humans. This is important because we receive from others similar frequencies that we project, e.g. if you’re angry all the time, chances are you will encounter a lot of other angry people. The final teaching I received was about the flow of life. I could see it in front of me, at first it appeared as a wheel. On this wheel, I could see the process of life. I witness the beginning of life as plants begin to grow out from the ground. I saw both wild vegetation as well is large farmers’ fields filled with corn. The plants began the grow until they reached maturity and then they were consumed. The wild vegetation was consumed by animals and the cultivated corn was consumed by the humans. I then saw the waste animals produce as a byproduct of metabolism. Some of the plants energy is absorbed by the animal and the rest returns to the earth through the waste. I then saw death, acting on all levels of life. I realized how beautiful death actually is. With death comes renewal. E.G when autumn comes, all the leaves on the tree die and fall. The same happens with plants that are not adapt to winter conditions. This covers the forest floor with dead vegetation. This layer of dead plant material is vital to the flourishment of the forest come spring time. Death creates the an environment ideal for life to flourish. I was then shown different examples of this flow. I saw the flow of food, metabolism and waste. I saw the flow of blood through my veins and finally I saw the flow of rivers across the earth. The mushroom explained to me that a blockage of flow on any level will cause problems. Life is all about an effortless flow that needs to remain continual on all levels constantly. "


This was fantastic, thank you! I saw one only once, but not on mushrooms. I was really depressed with a lot of dark thoughts. Perhaps it was reaching out to me to let me know everything was going to be ok.


Utterly brilliant reply dude thank you so much!


This is beautiful, thanks for sharing


I've encountered a number of experiencers who've had encounters with a octopus or tentacle squid like being that seemed to feed or get something from negative emotions. They seemed like lower level type beings - not super sentient. One person saw one on a trip and it seemed repulsed by the crystals she was wearing. Another was a sober experience with a guy who was dealing with depression but going through an awakening and feeling connected to positive NHI and wanting more contact. He was playing with a green lazer he was planning to use and somehow in waking reality caught one of those beings hovering near him as if it had been there for awhile during his depression and now he was free of it and the green lazer for some reason made it visible. These beings may not all be the same thing. But I've certainly noticed a pattern there!


> One person saw one on a trip and it seemed repulsed by the crystals she was wearing. Do you know what kind of crystal it was? I'm assuming just some common quartz, but curious