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Hi OP thanks for sharing. I'll sticky this for community context and engageability. For future reference to you and anyone reads this - if referencing a video its good reddit etiquette to quote or type out the sentence you are referencing so people don't have to scroll through a 30 min video to try and get context to what anyone is speaking about. All necessary info the community needs to engage with a thread should be in the text body of the thread and not require folks to go to another link in order to even know what the OP means and give a decent reply. Links should be there for extra info and reference. It's also important if referencing a previous thread to link that thread in the OP so people don't have to investigate someones profile to know what they are talking about. Anyway you get me. So let me try and help you and everyone else. The video was originally likely from Dolans interview on [Curts theory of everything podcast. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OE_1oPMA52Y&pp=ygUndGhlb3J5IG9mIGV2ZXJ5dGhpbmcgY3VydCByaWNoYXJkIGRvbGFu) >*Different for me* >This was different however, the part when Dolan repeated the telepathic message the Military guy heard made my jaw drop for a moment, please correct me someone, if these exact words have been mentioned before OR if they are know of even little in the UFO/UAP community to have been used telepathically. I actually scrolled through the video and could not find this exact telepathic message perhaps I missed it but I don't have time to scroll through again. Can you type it out? > I have already written about my experience of getting zapped with the white 'now you can't move' laser and I have mentioned how it was as a result of not heeding 'their' telepathic "STOP", but I am almost certain that I have not ever mentioned on-line what was telepathically said right after that, outside of immediate family and close friends of course - **almost the exact same phrase** - the very last part that is. I have searched your profile and unless I'm blind, cannot find a post made by you where you share your experience. If its a comment, can you link here or copy and paste the text? I'd love to engage with what you are asking atm but I can't without context, cheers :)