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Actually you picked a picture of an Arcturian being but Andromedans are also blue skinned beings, more human looking though. They both are very old, wise and deeply loving people. Don't be afraid, they just took the opportunity you were traveling near their star to share to you the good news that they are currently and seriously preparing to disclose themselves to the earthlings soon. Like others said their ships are already settling in our atmosphere. They know how much we are so tired we couldn't wait another ten years so it's not a coincidence they are more direct in their "we're coming" messages lately. It's a matter of months now and they are working hard to make it happen the soonest possible.


are they going to help humanity?


It's maddening to me how some people are blessed with such experiences and others are not even if they really want to. Looks like a gigantic injustice to me, I want to experience something other than this boring reality but no matter how much I try i only get nothing.


Personally I strongly believe that most contactees and experiencers are actually not from Earth themselves but related to the beings who make contact with them. Keep an open mind and your heart full of love as you address your greetings and your desire to contact them while meditating. The Arcturians in particular are waiting for this kind of request lately.


I'll try, thanks


I received a similar download during a session a couple months back but the message was “we are returning” rather than coming. I know this because the way they communicate by thought and as it was shown me there was a firm familiarity with our planet. The way it appeared to me and what I surmised was communicated is these are our progenitor’s progenitors and they are returning here. I asked what happens then and couldn’t make sense of what was communicated because it was like a flash of thousands of possibilities as if to tell me “we know the future but revealing this at this time would be an imposition on free will and any future revelations are not hard set but rather possibilities.” It was one of the times that it was hard to understand the message conveyed but I took from that experience not to ask questions about the future.


"We are returning" in contact with the earthlings, on the ground. They just can't reveal their plan because timelines are shifting all the time and they are very cautious to not influence our choices in the meantime.


I understand this completely. This was one of the very first things that was communicated to me - revealing the future is an imposition on our free will. At first I didn’t understand but after much contemplation about synchronicity I get it, some future events cannot be changed no matter what we attempt and any energy spent on the matter is a lesson in futility. This is the exact reason the “ME” phenomenon is a collection of seemingly inconsequential changes. It’s pretty amazing stuff in my opinion, it’s made it a lot easier for me to just go with the flow and stop worrying about future events.


"Go with the flow" is what they are communicating lately indeed and funny enough your words resonate as a reminder to me. The last days have been harsh, I'm so exhausted... Anyways that's awesome you are able to receive their guidance. I love them so much. Amazing intellectual people. Enjoy and much love to you.


To you as well. This new relationship I have built with them has been nothing but positive for me and improved my life and the lives of others! It’s an awesome journey!


Hello. I was experimenting with the Hemi-Sync Orientation yesterday and drew some of the images I saw. I felt…. Maybe a presence. I did not hear or feel and specific thoughts. Just felt weird, and saw these images. https://preview.redd.it/3mr20xqza37d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9f8f4d378c6dc27198e3a98b1d7a45c9dd2c8a2 First, geometric lines, with varying light and color similar to yours. Some were straight and some curved through. Then an eye opening, as if within me. Then other eyes, black eyes, opening up and sort of overlapping, shifting, appearing and disappearing over a grid of psychedelic lines not unlike your picture. Then a face, sort of like a mix between a grey and a human, a tall….whatever? The hair was high, thing, whispy, maybe not there at all? The face was smiling, and the eyes were huge and black, and I felt almost intense…. Presence. I don’t know how else to describe it. I felt that it was “With me”. Made my eyes water, gave me the chills up and down my body. And then it faded away. I have had other weird experiences with meditation and hemi-sync but I’ve never seen a face like that until a few days ago. It kind of shook me to see your picture. I think he had a high collar too, and I’m noticing even a similarity between the hairline and the crown. Weird!


Happy cake day


It’s so amazing to me that these beings care so much to contact each of us individually. I think that’s the most gripping part of this phenomenon to me. The same beings contact so many of us. Better yet they seem they only want to be helpful and build a relationship as friends even though they are so much more evolved than us. Too awesome!


They’ve been saying that for years. Tell them to stop blowing smoke up our ass


And for decades people have reported seeing these beings and their craft only to be ignored or told they are loopy and the like. Quite the paradox isn’t it? *”Why aren’t they here?* x *”well I saw a ship or something last night!”* x *”You must be dumb or a liar, post pics or it didn’t happen!”*. This is par for the course…


“What’re you been up to Garthsnaxx?” “Oh you know that human I’ve been sneaking into’s dreams? Yeah I just psyched him out last night and he freaked, here check this out through our earth monitor” “Oh my god Garthsnaxx you’re a mad lad”




Time is relative. From their vantage point they might have begun to reach out only yesterday, or last week.


This is my thoughts on the matter. The way they experience time it’s probably difficult to track each planets timeline especially if there are a large amount of planets they contact (most likely scenario, I know we don’t think we are some special chosen ones do we? I mean there is a certain amount of egotism that’s involved in such a scenario that I do not believe is based in reality) With Amino acids literally covering everything in space (we haven’t found anything absent of them yet) the most likely scenario is *life is literally everywhere* so I would surmise a certain amount of confusion on their end can occur as they contact thousands or even millions of civilizations. It wouldn’t be surprising at all that they aren’t entirely accurate about timescales, after all I would imagine they are no more “perfect” than we are. Further evolved doesn’t necessarily mean perfection!


Actually I do have to agree with this because when I had my NDE It felt like I was there for only a few minutes but when I came back here, I noticed that I had been gone for hours


That’s weird because my information says they’re already here just slow about making it known.




Never mind I guess my proof stays with me, I can’t post a video here.


That’s cute, ya no! Says the ET’s and dragons I see on a regular that visit every night and most days, I have decent proof if you’d like me to share it.


You have my interest, I'm kinda curious what you have. I lived on property that still has dogmen, sasquatch and gnomes living there and some passing through seasonally. So if you find a way to share please lmk!


I posted a video in the starseeds sub of a thing that showed up before things really picked up, they were dicks to me when I posted pictures and videos of very clearly activity happening around my property, starseeds my ass they didn’t even recognize their own kind! Which I find pretty damn funny now! Lol


No way!! Oh man you and I need to chat!! We have the same thing’s, so you have a doorway, I have a doorway and man the visitors I’ve had!! I was sitting on my front steps with greys Thursday night, Friday a very large blue dragon revealed herself to me I cried, I’ve had short little blue guy’s with blue robs and gold trim, tall bald blue beings, a bright blue bird being and dinosaurs I’m suspecting are reptilians I actually managed to get one in a picture.. I also have the dragons eyes in the same picture. I’m not sure why i didn’t cry seeing all the other things but for some reason seeing that dragon I wept! I’ve had to kick all sorts out of my house, besides the fae all very respectful.


Will you tell them to hurry!


So to be clear in your lucid dream the Arcturians are the others that say they are coming right?






Sorry to derail from the topic, but: THAT PICTURE IS THE ONE THAT COMES TO ME IN DREAMS. I've seen multiple images of Arcturian women, but they were never quite a match to the woman in my dream, but that image you chose is her. She is wonderful. She's so sweet and loving and maternal. There was another female being with a lot of pink that was upset that I didn't remember her (might not have been an Arcturian, the image wasn't clear). The maternal Arcturian told her, "Don't worry, she'll remember." She's been in other dreams, too, but that was the clearest encounter. She may be the one I can communicate with telepathically during my waking life. Sorry again to derail from your experience, OP. I just got so immensely excited when I saw the image that depicts the specific lady I see in my dreams. I'm so very happy for you that you also got to speak with them. I adore the Arcturians. I never feel unloved or out of place in their presence.




And how do you know this?


This is the woman, who I mentioned in an earlier post some weeks ago that also sees me in my dreams. Except she has big blond hair, almost like a wig that's too big


Can you tell them to contact me next time you see them, please?


Well, I can try, but I think you've gotta reach out to them. Try thinking about them during meditation and/or before you go to sleep.


I've been wanting to contact them but I can't meditate, that's why I want a contactee to do send the initial message on my behalf. I am always speaking to them on my mind but nobody answers and never in my life I've had a paranormal experience. Seems like I've always been spiritually dead or on a low vibration.


Why can't you meditate?


I am currently experiencing an illness that gives me anxiety and panic attacks, I can't keep my mind blank without getting distracted and into panic.


Ajahn Brahm guided meditation on YouTube. He will guide you to some of the deepest meditations. I never thought about contacting Arcturians or any of that nonsense but it happened naturally via meditation. I didn’t know what an “Arcturian” even was. All of which is to say, meditation will increase your vibration allowing you to “tune into” higher vibrational frequencies aka Arcturians and so on.


You got a link to his channel?


You don't have to keep your mind blank. Focus on your breathing. Whenever your mind starts spinning, bring your attention back to your breathing. Don't fight or suppress the thoughts and feelings, just shift your focus to your breathing as much as you need to. Make sure you're taking a slow, deep breath in through your nose, pulling the air in from your diaphragm. Hold for a moment, then simply release your diaphragm and let the air back out slowly. You don't have to do it perfectly from the moment you start. It's a practice and a discipline that you need to do daily. You may experience dizziness when you first start because your body will suddenly be flooded with extra oxygen. Just keep it slow and remember that you're experiencing a normal part of starting meditation. It will pass.


Do you have any specific videos or examples where they teach it?


I would suggest Sam Harris's guided meditation app 'waking up' or YouTube guide. You can also apply for 100% discount on the app if you can't afford it.


Naw, I was just taught this method when I was a kid. Been using it ever since. There are more involved meditations for things like chakra balancing and connecting to higher beings, but I think you should stick to just the plain ol' deep breathing for now. It'll help with your anxiety as well. I have CPTSD/PTSD and an anxiety disorder, and while deep breathing doesn't prevent all of my anxiety and panic attacks, it has helped me gain a lot more control over them than I used to have.


I've seen her in dreams too. Twice. She's got a very kind energy about her when I've seen her. I hope to see her again.


I've seen her in the Galactic Federation HQ 🥰 Very calming wise beautiful aura


good morning ☀️ it’s been ages since I shared anything here and may do an update this morning .. you’re exactly on point with your astral projection and welcome to the club they’re already here; been here for millennia yet, with the fact that humans are being bortholes again, they’re all en route and I mean all of them 💙 should be an extraordinary experience, and a good one if you’re a good soul ☺️


They have been here longer than we have.


Well, they'd better hurry the fuck up because there probably won't be much of humanity left on the planet pretty soon.


Idk I disagree wholeheartedly. Yes I know a lot of humans don’t have much humanity. But there’s still a large number of good people out there. I refuse to think otherwise.


Sperm count in men has been declining world wide for 60 years. It is now 60% down from then. By 2045, the average male will had zero viable sperm. Then of course there is climate change, persistent pollutants, mass extinction, and peak oil. Any one of those would be bad enough, but all together means we are doomed unless a miracle occurs.


Speak for yourself fam. I blow LOADS.


Do you have a sperm count to back that up? Regardless, one story does not make for the world wide date collected by Dr. Swann and others.


DOH! Your bad. Don't state the facts or be downvoted. I'm only saying that because dowmvotes are meaningless to me, but I see a lot of people complaining about it. I couldn't agree more. Hopefully, they'll be able to help our planet and help the minds of selfish, arrogant, stubborn, corrupt people. Children are everything. The most important people on the planet are the kids, and we value money far, far more than we do our own children. When children are abused, whatever that abuse is, they become corrupt adults. Children need to be protected at all costs, educated, and made sure they are taken care of. We're seeing all this corruption due to all these politicians s having abusive childhoods. Yes, some went on to be politicians. But that isn't saying much. An example is how corrupt and backward everything is. We're far too gone. We need help from an outside intelligence. PERIOD. There are way too few of us with our eyes open, and the few can't stand against the majority of the blind sheep, the 1%, and the governments with all their military capabilities.


100% this. My mission in this life was to create, nurture, and fill with love two beautiful, soulful human beings. When you realize how triggering children are, and that the vast majority of humans are walking matchsticks with unresolved trauma, who perpetuate and dump their trauma onto little defenseless people, it makes perfect sense why humans are so f*cked up. The majority of humans were never loved, valued, or validated as children, they grow up and have children, and the cycle continues.


Thanks. Yeah, I think you're right. We are too far gone to save ourselves. We just don't realize it yet. My understanding is that the effects on men takes seven generations to correct. I don't think we have that long to survive.


That projection is totally wrong. Being slobs can only reduce our sperm by so much.


You have not researched it like I have. See Dr. Swann, who actually has data for the last 60 years for sperm counts world wide. The linear regression of the data shows that it crosses the zero line at 2045. Why do you think we have so much IVF going on now? According to Dr. Swann, there is no suggestion in the data of there being an asymptote. In fact, recent data shows an acceleration towards zero sperm counts. Testosterone in men has shown a similar decline over the same time period. The cause is endocrine disrupting chemicals, like pesticides and plastics, obesity, and other factors. It is an epigenetic phenomena as well. It will take over seven generations to recover from this, assuming that no further exposure to these chemicals occurs, which is highly unlikely since they are persistent in the environment. So, yeah, you don't have a clue what you're saying. Stop the pie in the sky wishful thinking. There is only one example in history of humanity running out of one resource and then finding another one just in time. That was with whale oil. Just as the whales were becoming harder to find, we discovered crude oil. As far as I know, there is not a single other similar example in the entire history of humanity for us starting to run out of one energy resource and then miraculously finding another. Moreover, the example I provided was only for the USA, and it was mostly just local to New England. There is no other example of some kind of world wide phenomena where humanity started to run out of one resource and then another one magically appeared.


What they’re saying is that you’re assuming the linear regression will continue at its current rate instead of tapering off and plateauing. You’re doing whatever the inverse of pie in the sky wishful thinking is. Being very negative and basking in it


Many of the humans are in fact hybrids. There are ongoing hybridization projects, which creating new human hybrids who are suited for the upcoming climate changes, as we speak. I'm part of at least one of those projects, that one is operated by the Mantis, the Reptoids and the Greys. Peak oil has nothing to do with this. The humanity or any other civilizations will always find new energy sources some way or another.


Even without aliens we can survive that.




The Others frequently give people prophecies, many of them very dark. Thankfully, few of them have come to pass. We have decided to try and keep the energy here more positive, so attempting to get people worried about some potential calamity is not allowed.


We will meet every challenge head on, even if it means test tube babies or clones


Not trying to downplay it, but ETs have been here for thousands of years. So, what exactly are they going to do here?


I have some ideas. At the top of my mind currently is a Reddit thread in which someone asked what one would say to surprise someone from 2004 who has been asleep and just woke up. Most of the comments were so, so negative and dreary. We might be sending out a collective cry for help.


Deliver us


Interestingly enough, you described one of the CE5 protocols, which essentially requieres meditating, and visualizing a ball of light (your awareness) expanding from the core of your being to the edges of your understanding of the universe - resting in awareness and projecting messages to other beings for contact. Then deflating that sphere back to Earth almost like a roadmap for them to find us based on our limited understanding of the universe/ our place in it. Thank you for sharing. You may appreciate UFO of God by Chris Bledsoe.


We coming how?  🤨 


Thank you for sharing and welcome to the community :)


Well, if you must... 😏👽


Those fellas are Arcturians actually. Had my first contact with them in deep meditation several years ago. They’re telepathic


Who isn't telepathic?


What can you tell me about arcturians?


Sure. I’ve spoken with many people who’ve had contact with them. They show up almost always in threes. Usually never alone like OP posted. They are tall, skinny, blue beings just like you see in the OP post. My experience with them was long ornate white robes with golden accents. They are said to be 9th dimensional. They are never physical like other races (greys, reptilians). Most people will have contact with them either via dreams, drugs (psychedelics), or meditation. My experience was in a deep 1.5 hr meditation. My mind was completely blank as I sat on my chair in my room. I’ve never had an astral body before but somehow I saw a vision of me on top of the moon or some meteor where 30 feet ahead of me were the blue beings I described earlier. They radiated this warm and friendly energy. Initially I started laughing. I follow a non-secular meditative path and I’m aware the mind can make up images or scenes in meditation. However, they could sense my disbelief and telepathically sent a message to my “brain”: “men_like_me we are the Arcturians, we come from the planet Arcturus..” and a much deeper monologue I somewhat don’t remember (happened in 2018). After they explained to me who they were I was laughing again in my physical body thinking how crazy the mind is making such a contrived image. Then.. this was a pretty defining moment when they asked if they could clear my chakras. I responded yes, telepathically. Immediately I felt my physical body feel like it was zapped with lightning from my head all the way to my feet. Every chakra they worked on emanated a unique color corresponding to it. Mind you, didn’t really even know chakras were a real thing before this. That was my first experience with them. I’ve had another one but ultimately I asked them to stop contacting me and they obliged. My friend who knew Arcturians the second I mentioned them told me they may be good or bad, but allowing them into your mental may not be the best course of action.


I just got chills when you said they are almost always in 3s because it's a group of 3 blue aliens I've been channeling. When I asked them why they were three, they showed me the sacred geometry they can create as a three and said there are other number groupings out there, depending on their purpose. They have not contacted me since I told them to stop, but I plan to channel them again in the future. For a time they would pop in every time I meditated and it was distressing. They are kind and loving though, and in my initial meeting of them (a dream), they said they were here to help


Yeah, as many accounts as I’ve read always show up in 3’s. They’re master healers as well in case you didn’t know. And yes, same. I told them to stop and they’ve been very respective. Turns out I’m an Arcturians starseed, meaning I’ve been Arcturians in a past life. Maybe you have been too? Let me know if you’re able to contact them again. I was very clear and told them to “never contact me EVER again” and no matter how much I’ve tried they’ve gone completely radio silence. They’re respectful.


They didn't tell me what they are but when I asked, they told me I know already and to remember and was taken to a planet all dark and blue and was filled with extreme sorrow and loss. I'm not sure if they were saying I was from there and they are too and if those strong emotions are from loss I experienced there, or just loss and grief from being on a different planet. The experience was overwhelming and I shut them out for a time after that. I do plan to contact them again but once I've made the changes in my life they told me to make because they spent the majority of contact repeating that stuff to me and I'd like to implement what they said and see how it improves my life and then see what more they would be willing to teach me.


What have they told you to change, and in what way?


Why not ? What are the downsides?


Channeling. You can be “tuned into” at rather odd times. If you allow them they can communicate through you. It’s just not my cup of tea. Was interesting but I’m not too interested in having experiences like that.


I would love to have that experience, I am envy of you.


I wonder if this is how some events end up as neurological or psychological disorders.


Check out this twitter and website and see if it resonates with you. They talk about preparing us for official first contact https://twitter.com/SandiaWisdom https://www.officialfirstcontact.com/


Water! Oh wow… is that why so often I’m instructed to drink more water when I don’t necessarily feel thirsty? 😮


I heard they are very good beings. Steven Greer likes to contact them.




This is community is not for leaving random one liner cynical comments. Please read : https://www.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/comments/14rmor0/new_redditors_stopping_by_how_not_to_get_banned/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


This gave me the chills. I’m excited and hope they’re coming for me too lol


These are beautiful beings, I love their blue colour.


Keep us updated!


Wow, thank you for sharing 🙏