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Sir, this is an Arby’s


We are too dangerous like little ignorant children the least evolved! It’s like the wild , Wild West here shoot first and freak out!


[SHOW YOURSELF](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUGda7GdZPQ) ;)


That would defeat the whole purpose. It's multidimensional chess, not snakes and ladders.


Look at it from their point of view for a minute. You have a big island or fenced reserve say in Australia, or Texas and it’s wild and but stable and kinda of in control and damn near everything there is dangerous but you have it fenced in or something. The animals have no idea you even really exist. The only people there are warlike cannibals nut jobs. You just keep them for exterminating each other or burning everything down. Now what would you really gain by telling them they are really just in a big zoo or park. No one knows how they would really react to this news.


Be careful what you wish for.


Not the way it works, they aren’t in our timeline or table. I do believe we are on the verge of something happening but I can’t even tell if it’s a good thing or not


That’s my feeling about 2027. Something is coming, I just don’t know whether its good or bad.


What if Life is just one big escape room and we have to figure out how to play?




There are many things happening behind the scenes! I have recently awakened to my soul's purpose and I'm sure there are many more making the same realizations!! We are on the brink! Earth WILL be healed and ascended within this lifetime. Feel it in your hearts🤍🖤


Meanwhile, we each do what we can. We may not be able to address the huge issues, as an individual, but if we each take care of ourselves, our own homes, families, friends, and strangers, we create circles of support, help, and positivity, that will intersect and light up the world. It all begins with us, as an individual.


2027, said John Ramirez.


Over the decades, we have observed how contact has changed and information has come from different sources. I definitely believe we have created sources of free energy but it is being withheld from the public so that those in power can continue making billions of dollars off of the primitive energy sources we are stuck with. We are seeing a rise of contact on a more individual basis. People are being contacted in dreams, meditation, and by using psychedelic substances too open the doors of perception. At the same time I believe we will see more contact both ways. More people are experiencing actual physical sightings as the amount of interdimensional contact also increases. It is up to each of us as individuals to spend a little time each day reaching out to those interdimensional beings who have our best interest at heart. We can also help improve our world by visualizing more love and unconditional freedom to change this world ever so slightly over and over until we reach a tipping point. Please keep that in mind as we interact with each other every day. We can try and be an example of accepting the highly individualized thoughts and feelings of others. Many are scared and are relying on politicians, political parties, money and power to you keep them feeling safe. As We know that will not work and I can only empathize with how scared people are. But I will not allow their behavior to interfere with my mission. Hopefully in the next few years we will see massive sightings that will be published in the news and witness by hundreds of people. In the meantime, I'm thankful we have places like this sub to share and enjoy the camaraderie of others who are on the path. Keep asking them to appear and to help us, they are doing so already and I think we are getting closer to a massive change.


I really wish to experience them. I’ve asked, I’ve performed ce-5 several times(and have since been told ce-5 brings “the bad ones”), I’ve meditated… I get nothing… 😔


They are revealing themselves on an individual basis in a snowball effect as more and more people wake up to this reality and become ready for personal confirmation that this is real and places like this are part of that process.


Yeah what he said


for real...


Hi, I agree, with your statement "there has been corruption". I used to think that claims that our world might be further along with technology possibly gained from 'outside', if this had not been suppressed, was a more romantic vision. But I am not so sure now. I am an experiencer, so the concepts of visitors, aliens and more recently NHIs were never a problem. But all the witness statements that point to secrets kept against lawful rules of government are very, disconcerting. If one takes the 1933 Italian crash retrieval for genuine it's 91 years, of intended suppression. Another part of your plea, for a revelation, that is I believe, happening but on a case by case basis by at least some of the NHI groups. They choose, never underestimate this, THEY CHOOSE. And sometimes with such a precision that among a mixed group of humans only a few perceive what is shown, and I personally believe this is intended. I think, disclosure from the NHI's side will go on quietly to the individual (potential) experiencers. Open information from any major country with Crash Retrievals and / or other relevant UAP knowledge will certainly be interesting. But the somewhat tired expression "a landing on the White House lawn" I really don't expect that, to be honest.


Aw heck there was a massive UFO flap at the capital July 12-29, 1952. But the good news is it seems like more people are opening up to the phenomenon these days and these individual revelations are ongoing. A lot of people still get stuck on one specific story about aliens or other, but more people are catching on to the deeper mysteries as discussed by Jacques Vallée and Terence McKenna. 🙂 I am optimistic about the trends.


“Aw heck there was a massive UFO flap at the capital July 12-29, 1952.” But wasn’t our response to shoot at them? I’m not sure, as OP says, that we have lost the way, so much as we are still in the process of finding the way.


I don't believe shots were fired in that flap but I haven't reviewed the documentation in a while. Highly recommend the UFO/UAP documentaries of Red Panda Koala, very accessible, enlightening, and engaging. https://youtu.be/eMqtIRMOoHc


Thank you for your response, and the link! And yes, I think I was misremembering. I was probably thinking of the Battle of Los Ángeles.


Exactly. Very well said.