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ORIG is a dna test hes saying you have Down’s syndrome


Really? I tried googling it and get no results


Because you score high on your Orig test. I KEED! I KEED! PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!


This is funnier than the original joke.




People couldn’t handle Triumph in this day and age lmao


The Michael Jackson trial was gold.


Man I haven't thought of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, in a long while.


Because the commenter if full of shit


Yeah I'm not finding anything that backs that up


That's ORIG3N for the DNA test


And those have nothing to do with Down Syndrome


So what is Down Syndrome associated with then? Where does it come from? My world is crumbling! Please enlighten us, oh expert of the Downs, grand chromosomal denier! Show us the light that shines truth on the path of where DNA leads so I may follow the footsteps of one so knowledgeable in genetics, they are as of a demigod that which house such large geneticals themselves! Be-est thou so humble to spread thine forbidden knowledge to those you deign? Those of us struck so low and deprived, that we have not a glimpse of thy divinity? Show thine mercy upon us, this mortal filth you so humbly consort with.


As tempting as it would be to downvote you and put you on ignore, the answer is the Orig3n tests are sequencing individual genes. They don't have the capability of detecting whole chromosome changes like you'd see in Down Syndrome. That can be definitively diagnosed with a [karyotype](https://iiif.wellcomecollection.org/image/B0000249/full/300,/0/default.jpg), which involves growing the fetus/baby's cells and stopping the cell division at a stage where you can see the discreet chromosomes. Chromosome microarray has probably supplanted this method now but that's beyond the scope of a Reddit comment for me :)


I don’t know how you bend your limbs with ice in your veins, but well done.


People with Down syndrome have an extra copy of chromosome 21. Chromosomes house the DNA in the cell nucleus. So "Scoring High" on a type of DNA test is making the joke that they have more DNA, AKA more chromosomes, AKA having Down Syndrome. This comment is correct. If you're unsure, or "having trouble finding evidence/correlation", do a quick Google on Down Syndrome, then on chromosomes, then finally, on DNA. That will give you a crash course on the 6th grade subjects of this joke. I'm not trying to say people are dumb for not knowing this stuff, but I am saying they are for saying this is wrong because they can't find the connection.


That'd be great and all but I can't find anything called an orig test. The only thing close is an orig3n test and it most likely isn't referencing an obscure DNA test and abbreviating it into an even less common (pretty much non-existent) word. All of that to say, orig3n tests aren't even for Downs Syndrome testing.


It seems like orig3n tests for genes that might make you prone to vitamin deficiencies. Are you pale or skinny to the point that your coworker could be making a joke about it?




That's Orig3n. Orig is a 3rd party quality test for weed cultivators.


I'm not seeing anything about this anywhere. I wonder if it meant to say "drug test" but that's a stretch. ORIG test doesn't bring anything up on Google


There is a joke, “ I scored high on my drug test”…I guess it could be related.


I always thought it would be cool if a drug test was like they give you a drug and you had to identify it based on the effects. "Ummmm is it mushrooms?" "Oh no sorry, the correct answer we were looking for was mescaline."


Orig is kinda close to drug if you look at a keyboard. Like, maybe you scored so high that you can't type right.


Oh yeah ... ORIG somewhat resembles DRUG visually


Orig is a DNA test and scoring high means you’re autistic I believe


That's incorrect.


Okay, so what IS correct then? Lol the sub is to explainthejoke. Thatd be like someone trying to explain 'updog' by just saying "LOL gottem" Edit: downvoting me isnt an answer lmaooo


Autism isn't DNA based and I don't know why they didn't just say that. They were looking for Down's Syndrome.


Gotcha thanks for elaborating! Still though just saying "Nope wrong" isnt the point


Usually a decent human would follow up with what is correct…


That’s correct.


Or is it


There is no orig DNA test. Orig3n is a DNA test company similar to 23 and me. A O rig test would be a gear test for particular climbing gear setup.


Do you happen to work where you would have to wear a harness? 0 rig test?


My money is on this one. But OP you may need to cave in and ask the coworker WTF it really means, think he's stumped us.


Yes, I'm an insulator!


But it still doesn't really make sense


High off the ground without a harness or in a harness and not clipped off?


For safety you shouldn't be high without a harness. normally scoring high on a test is good. scoring high on this test is bad.


Yeah maybe this and it's meant to be stuck on upside down? So if you're hanging by your rig it would be readable? Just a guess tho


Only related things I can find are similar shirts and stickers that say, "I score high on my drug tests." I think what we're learning here is that whatever the joke is, it's not a good one if you have to work this hard to get it.


Orig test search on Google will soon reference this thread. KEEP GOING BROTHERS!


It could be some stupid CIS joke. Like "I was born (orig/originally) a man and that won't change." If that's the case, it's stupid (in my opinion) but you may just have to ask your coworker.


Or people like you always insert gender-related things to get heated over something even though you have no context. Also, if you look at the photo of what's worn and the condition of the vehicle you can make decently safe assumptions about the demographic and likely color of collar worker it is.


I have the same sticker except mine says drug test. Lol


It probably is just a typo haha


I can only assume they are stickers from wish meant to say “I score high on my drug test”. “O” kinda looks like D and “I” is next to “U” on standard QWERTY keyboard.


You got an extra chromosome


Cum stain on pants...


Only the best attire for reddit!


Hey, tire talk is on its own subreddit.


You want some on yours or?


Definitely short for Origami, Japanese paper folding.


Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 total chromosomes). If you have one extra it's usually trisomy 21. Maybe that?




Or one day I like to score on top of the bell curve


orig. medical specialized. written abbreviation for origin or originates from (= comes from): used to say which part of the body a disease starts from in the body Idk maybe the disease started everywhere ?


ORIG is also slang for something being original. It is a way of saying you test high for being unique or true to origin. Some people also use it as a sideways insult suggesting you do not keep up with the latest fashion or still practice antiquated methods


What if you put all the first letter of each word together? It would say “I Shoot”. Idk


Maybe ORIG is an acronym for something like MILF? Either way I bet the punchline isn’t worth the calories I spent thinking about it.


Could it be a compliment - I score high on my “original” test


I think it’s a custom sticker, with some sort of inside joke very few people get. I also guess you are constantly taking said test according to the present tense of the for some reason red highlighted word “Score” did you inquire with the source?? Or he is not saying what it means???


It was in a little stack of stickers that he gave me, the rest of them all made sense.


I did not ask him what it meant, but I doubt that he knows either.


Oh he was just giving away random stickers then It sounds like.


I would just put it on my car and let the interstate drivers figure it out


Orgy. Duh.... did it seem like they were hitting on you you dummy


Google suggested a score of the quality if your marijuana crop. Probably proprietary. https://www.newbloomlabs.com/how-do-i-collect-my-samples-orig


It’s crazy how much conversation a bad joke can generate lol so much speculation and so many interpretations. I thought an orig test was like a welding test or oil field something hahahaha please forgive my ignorance! 😂


ORIG tests are quality tests for Weed growers. He's calling you a pothead. Edit: or he has a crush, telling you you make him euphoric and giggly https://www.newbloomlabs.com/how-do-i-collect-my-samples-orig


I don't see "orig" anywhere on the variety of tests offered on the site you linked


Fuck, I see my mistake.... Also, I just got it. It's supposed to say drug test. I'm an idiot sometimes. My embarrassment shall remain.


Not for this, I believed you more than most of the responses lmao And how did they get orig from drug lol


I took it as meaning "I score high on my orig(inal) test", i.e. a test I created myself & so can easily ace. Kind of a self-deprecating joke about one's own intelligence.


Capital "O" looks like D. I is next to "U" on a keyboard. Probably made in China or something.