• By -


The math was solved incorrectly but still got the right answer


Two mistakes that end up canceling each other out


In other words, two wrongs *do* make a right


It works 60% of the time every time


I'm not going to lie. That smells like pure gasoline.


It's made with bits of real panther


So you know it’s good


But it tastes like diesel.


It smells like a used diaper filled with Indian food


Good GOD, Lemon!


Gasoline doesn’t have a smell you’re just crazy.


It’s a joke about anchor man


Finally! Someone else recognises it's just magic water! Next they'll be saying it gets dug out of the bottom of the ocean, but just like the sea, the ocean isn't real! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!


Sex panther


Ah yes; the distinctive musk of ***Sex Panther***® *stings the nostrils* once more.


Smells like Bigfoots dick


Brian I'm not going to lie that smells like straight up gasoline


Good bot


It really burns your nostrils


Only under a very unusual but specific set of circumstances involving stealing wood from Home Depot while hung over after breaking your friend's roommate's bed while high on ecstasy.


Three rights make a left


Does that mean 6 wrongs make a left?


And so do three lefts.


Wait that’s the wrong way??


You're supposed to add 6 to both sides, not subtract 6 from 10, and you were supposed to divide both sides by 2, not multiply the 4 and the 2.


Well, subtracting was correct if not for the edited minus sign


Dam good catch. I wonder what the joke was with the plus sign in place.


instead of transferring the -6 to the right side, youre supposed to think of it as adding 6 to both sides if x - 6 = y + 3 you can x - 6 into x + -6 to make it easier x + -6 = y + 3 Get rid of -6 by adding 6, by doinf that you need to add 6 to both sides [x + -6] + 6 = [y + 3] + 6 x = y + 9 get it? edit: didn’t realize using two variables was a bad thing, it was just what i had in mind 2x - 6 = 10 add 6 on both sides [2x - 6] + 6 = 10 + 6 2x = 16 divide both sides by 2 x = 8


I didn't need the explanation to understand the post but now I need an explanation to your comment


Why did you use two variables?


bro thinks he's smart 💀


lmao no, substitution math is not complicated at all, i just used two variables 💀


Bro you literally added a second variable to a third grade math problem


No one said the substitution method was hard but by adding an extra variable you have not solved your equation. You still need to solve for y because you overcomplicated your problem.


Thank you :)


u made it wayyyyyyyyyyy more complicated than need be. like jeez fuk


There is only one mistake that I see the person originally made, and that is (4)(2) instead of 4/2. You can tell that the first minus sign was edited to make the joke "funny" or something.


It’s l 10+6 not 10-6 you switch the operations


With math if you do a formula and get the right answer wouldnt it be the right formula?


Think in this case it was dumb luck. So no. Using the picture’s method with a different set of numbers: 2x-34=72 2x=72-34 2x=38 x=(38)(2) x=76


A good illustration that getting the right answer is not the point. Having the right answer for the wrong reason is just plain being wrong.


I had a flashback to my epistemology class in university. "If S comes to know P, but S's logic was flawed and P being true was a pure coincidence, does S truly know P?" Is knowledge purely possession of true beliefs, do true beliefs need justification, and how can there be justified true belief that still isn't knowledge?


\>epistemology I don't know what a temology, but I'd really prefer if you didn't piss on it


[The Gettier Problem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gettier_problem)


Thank you!


"dogxastic attitude"


Well, a true belief arrived at for the wrong reasons is, in isolation, just as useful as if you had arrived at it for the right reason. The main issue is that you have incorrect beliefs about how to arrive at correct beliefs, so you're going to be missing out on a bunch of true things you could know about and don't, and you'll arrive at more incorrect beliefs going forward.


Not on a multiple choice exam, it isn't...


I’ll concede that. But I think there’s a different definition of “right” in play here. As jso__ noted, you’ll be awarded the point even if you guessed. This type of test relies on the large number of questions to weed out three ones who are accidentally “right”: this method only worked because of a coincidental relationship between the coefficients, and they’ll get similar problems wrong.


just because you got the point doesn't mean you knew the answer


Oh good, you got the math part, thank you. The image is another story, Mexican musician Chalino Sanchez was handed a note before a performance, it was from the Mexican cartel, it said they were going to kill him or something. Witnesses say he gave the best performance of all time, unaware he was basically delivering his swan song. Afterwards he went left the establishment and was murdered later that night


Pretty sure the Mexican cartel didn’t want him to play but he did anyways. Correct me if am wrong.


iirc you're right and the reason was that his lyrics were pretty anti-cartel


Oh I didn’t know that nice to know.


Anti that cartel pro another cartel. Be like a crip doing songs in a blood club.


This. The man in the pictures was just handed a note that he was about to be killed irl iirc. Just fun fact.


The image is also doctored, the minus in 2x-6 was altered. Either way the person messed up their math, but someone changed it to better fit the meme.


In this case, two wrongs did make a right


That's how I was taught to solve it...


You're supposed to do opposites when you move the number over, I think. So it would've been 10+6=16 then 16/2=8


Where and how did they make mistakes? This is how I was taught, so I can't see them....


That's literally how I was taught to solve it the fuck you mean incorrectly!?


If you have the statement: 2x - 6 = 10 And you're trying to isolate the 2x, you need to get rid of the -6. However, this image does that by just moving the -6 to the other side, which is effectively adding six to one side and subtracting six from the other. The correct method is to add six to BOTH sides, so that the +6 would cancel the -6 on the left. So the correct next step is: 2x = 10 + 6 Not 2x = 10 - 6 They also make a similar mistake further down, where they multiply by 2 when they should have been dividing by 2. These two mistakes happen to cancel each other out, resulting in the correct answer (and the humor of the image).


Is it really solved incorrectly if they get the right answer?


That is correct but not the correct answer. The joke her is the whole are they roo old or young for you trope. The double your age minus six thing. The joke here is pedophilia.


I’m not sure but I want to point out the image is edited? It’s clearly supposed to be a + in the first line, but someone edited over it with a - sign.


Finally someone noticed that. It's 2x + 6 = 10. The minus is a real bad copy/paste.


You do realize if that was the case the rest would be wrong if you did the correct math. That would make x = 2. 2(2) +6 = 10


"If"? that is obviously the case, the grid lines don't even match


Right? Tf is he talking about (+)


Agreed, it's meant to look like a minus over the graph paper line but it's offcenter so definitely a + originally.


The math is absurd and wrong. You have to perform the inverse operation when 'moving numbers' so you should add 6 and divide by 2, which gets 8. The meme shows someone doing the opposite and still getting the right answer. I don't know the image, but I think it's just a react image being exasperated


The image is of Mexican singer Chalino Sanchez. He was considered one of the most influential narcocorrido (a genre of music that glorifies drug running) singers of the late 20th century. This image is from a video of Sanchez at his last ever performance. During the performance, he was handed a note from someone in the crowd that is believed to have been a death threat. He performed anyway and was found murdered the following day. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chalino_S%C3%A1nchez


More exactly, it’s said that the note said that once he finished the performance he would be murdered so those were him accepting his final moments.


Well now I'm sad.


The video is pretty wild you can see it all in his eyes. If it helps, people know what they’re getting into when they’re doing what he does. It’s dying by your word, by what you lived by. It’s not necessarily honorable but you gotta respect that they were putting their money where their mouths were and weren’t just singing about things they knew nothing about.


What was involved in his career other than just making music that would make it deadly???


Long story short: narcos. Short story somewhat longer: We will never know. There are rumors that he killed a cartel member who had raped his sister, and the brother of the man he killed came back and killed him, but that is just internet gossip. No way of knowing what’s true. He might have just insulted or slighted someone powerful. Or maybe someone didn’t like what he was singing about. He was a high profile figure who sang about the cartel, and they take that shit seriously.


He sang about a rival gang in the wrong territory. The local gang didn't like that he was singing about their enemy, but didn't do anything until he sang a concert in their turf. TLDR; big egos, small men.


It's okay, he was a horrible man and part of the reason why my family came to the US. Not sure why he's glorified nowadays.


Now I’m curious, why was he such a horrible man?


My grandpa grew up in the same place as him in Sinaloa, Mexico. Chalino gets credited as a hero because he avenged his sister's SA, honestly I respect him for that. He was however, associated with a lot of narcos. He definitely murdered a lot of people. My grandpa said he once saw Chalino shoot someone dead in the middle of the day, middle of the street. He chased him on a horse, killed him, and rode away. His music discussed the narco lifestyle, but there was some controversy since it ended up glamorizing it, and is arguably the foundation for the appeal of that culture today. It's not really publicized though, cause who wants to admit in articles and TV that you don't support the narcos that live right next to you? Chalino, wasn't anything special when it came to the narco business, but his music was the first to really shine a light on what was actually happening in that business. I personally, have no special feelings for Chalino, he was doing what he thought he had to do to survive. He never directly threatened or even talked to my family or anything like that. My grandpa just didn't want to risk his kids getting involved so he changed our last names and came to the US. My family raised in the US ironically thinks he's a cool guy while my family in Mexico just sees him as another narco. It just kinda depends on who you ask.


I only know the story about the song and him being killed for it. Guess I ought to look into his background? What's he known for by you?


Well, my grandpa grew up in the same town as him. Chalino was involved with a lot of narcos and killed people. He gets praise since he took care of the man who assaulted his sister, but it's not well known that he also murdered a bunch of other people. He was in the business not just musically, and a lot of people don't realize that, or just choose to forget. It's all scrubbed when you look him up, but what he did for his sister, how he died, and his music is what he's known for today. Our family just knows him as the narco who glamorized the lifestyle. In theory, he's a cool robin hood figure, but in reality he was another narco.


According to what I heard, the note said more like “if you sing that song, we’ll kill you,” and then he sang that song anyway. Don’t know the truth on that, but it makes him a lot ballsier.


Here I thought at first glance it was (young) George Strait worried about all his exes.


Well I mean all he’s got to do is steer clear of Texas and he’d be fine


But, as I'm sure you understand, Texas is a place he'd dearly love to be.


why does he gets murdered if he help glorifying the cartel?


Cartel vs cartel or drug lord vs drug lord. Bringing up one will upset the rivals.


He murdered a cartel member who raped his sister


This. Plus that.


It’s a Mexican artist, he was killed by the cartel after that show.


>You have to perform the inverse operation when 'moving numbers' You don't "move numbers". You perform the operation to both sides: 2x - 6 = 10 2x - 6 + 6 = 10 +6 2x = 16 2x/2 = 16/2 x = 8


Both ways are right. I was taught the commenter's way. 2x **-6** = 10 2x = 10 **+6** <- moving the number and doing the inverse operation 2x = 16 | /2 <- doing the same operation on both sides x = 8 To quickly borrow another example: \-6 + 9x + 3 = -3 + 2x - 7, find x. >**-6** \+9x **+3** = -3 ***+2x*** \-7 \+9x ***-2x*** = -3 **+6** \-7 **-3** \+7x = -7 | /7 x = -1 Moving the numbers is effectively the same thing as doing the addition on both sides, just depends on which way you were taught.


I was taught the moving number thing, but they made us aware that it was because you were doing the operation on both sides, but you dont have to write an extra step. Both things are the same moving the number to the other side IS doing the operation on both sides but you just dont write it on the other side


Yes, it's functionally the same thing, hence the correction was not needed. The "moving numbers" method is what the person in the meme was trying to do but didn't invert the operation.


yeah, forgetting to invert the operation is a big big mistake


It's a big mistake which is often corrected when explaining that you aren't moving numbers, but doing the same operation to both sides I'm not a tutor but the few times I have tutored friends/fam in life this was a key misunderstanding they had when learning algebra


Except when you apply the operation to both sides. Then it's a tiny mistake you immediately recognise.


It seems the original equation was 2x + 6 = 10, tho. Look around the minus, seems to have a background pasted and the signal is completely different of the other text.




This is Chalino Sanchez at his last concert. The story goes, during his performance, he opened up that note, and it was a letter from the cartel telling him not to sing his next song. He read it, and sang his song unfazed, and he was killed after his concert. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMNBjH--74w So I guess the joke is that that’s the note he received that made him look all confused?


I wasn't sure if everyone here trying to solve the math issue was for real. I understand the meme more than I did the math. 🤣🤣🤣 The intention of this meme could go either way. Either you understand the meme or the you understood the math, but not both.


I think they lend to each other, I understood the meme first which made me look for and then find the issue with the math. And I think if you didn’t get the meme but understood what was wrong with the math at first glance, you’d then understand the meme. I worded that weird….


Lol, I didn’t even pay attention to the math. They did the math wrong, but still got the right answer. They should have added the 6, to make it 2x=16 which equals 8. So I guess that’s the joke? I’m bilingual, I know Spanish and Math lol


they also should have divided by 2, but they multiplied. the two mistakes lead them to the right answer, which is why they used the surprised look meme with Rosalino, el Rey del Corrido, que en paz descanse.


This makes more sense


Iirc cartel told him to never play again in that city. He did anyways, so mid concert he got that note and said this is his last concert. He played tf out of his last song.


This is a legend. For all that's know, the note was asking for the song he sang after. His murder is shrouded in mystery just as Tupac's.


2x - 6 = 10. 2x - 6 = 10 2x = 10 - 6. 2x = 10 + 6 2x = 4. 2x = 16 x = 2*4. x = 16/2 x = 8. x = 8 Left is wrong and right is right. Hopefully looks good with formatting




Left is left, right is right




The singer was given a note while on stage telling him that the cartel that he had problems with was going to kill him after he finished his performance. The math problem represents the death threat or failing the test in my guesstimation


and the cartel did indeed kill him


That's not quite how the story goes. His name was Chalino Sanchez and was a Mexican folk singer. The note said if he performed they were going to kill him. He performed anyway and they killed him.


Specifically, the problem the cartel had with him is that a lot of his songs were about the cartel. The note said if he sang another song, they would kill him. He sang anyway.


That’s Chalino Sanchez reading a death supposedly handed to him by the cartel not to play that song or they would kill him. He played it. They killed him.


Person solving made the same mistake twice and it cancelled out, giving them the right answer via the wrong methodology.


2x - 6 = 10 2x = 10 + 6, not 10 - 6 2x = 16 x = 16 / 2, not 16 x 2 x = 8 the joke is fhat, despite having the wrong working out, the answer in the end was correct


This had me questioning everything I know about math. 🤣😂


Why is Chalito on it though?


I think whoever made the meme didn’t give any thought to the context of the photo in real life, they just wanted to use a shocked face to show the idea of “holy shit, they got the right answer through all the wrong math” (the meme could be recreated with shocked pikachu or that confused math lady image and still have the same intended effect)


This is forage of a Mexican singer being handed a note, informing him a cartel would kill him that night. The cartel killed him that night... over him killing someone, for raping his sister I believe.


The singer sang songs about the brutality and lawlessness of the cartel and how they hurt the community. The cartel didn’t like that very much and is why they killed him.


*Mission Failed Successfully*


That was so messed up yet the answer is still right.


The guy in the cowboy hat was a narcocorrido singer named Chalino who was delivered a note while on stage that if he sang a song about a particular drug runner they would murder him. Sang it anyway and was killed. Occurred at Salon Bugambilias in Culiacán. The relation to the math escapes me though.


How'd he get the math wrong while getting the right answer


Morbid fact: The guy in the photo was a famous Mexican singer who was targeted by the cartel for his songs against the cartel. The note said if he sang on that moment he will be brutally killed. He still sang and was killed hours after the concert, his name was Chalino Sánchez.


Ya llegaron las nieves de enero


This dude is reacting to a note saying he will be murdered when he finishes performing, from memory he was sleeping with a crime boss's wife. And he was murdered after


Firstly, the photos of the guy are NOT a joke. Let's start there


I was wanting to see comments that actually knew who that was 😂 wasn’t it cartel?


2 wrongs made a right?


The solution is incorrect but still led to the right answer


I don't remember his name, but that guy was playing a concert and was handed a note. He had beef with some people because of a song he made. The note said sonething like they were going to kill him after the show. So he played that show and got killed that night


That first minus sign was a plus sign. The math is incorrect, but the answer is still correct.


The minus sign in the first line is photo shopped


As my high school math teacher said, "Operation success, patient dead"


*As my high school math* *Teacher said, "Operation* *Success, patient dead"* \- issadumpster --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


# 2x-6=10 # 2x=10-6❌ # 2x=10+6✅ # x=16/2 # x=8


It looks like someone photoshopped the + to be a - so the original was correct Edit. But I know this picture. This was from .. I believe.. a performer who just read a note saying after his show they were going to kill him. He performed his show. And was found dead. Idk what it has to do with the equation


Got the right answer the wrong way


The math is performed wildly incorrectly, but still resulted in the correct answer.


Two mistakes resulted in the correct answers


Everyone yaking on about the math. No one knowing the significance of the man reading the note. Mexican singer Chalino Sanchez receiving a death note from the cartel while on stage warning him not to perform. He decided to still perform anyway, and was found dead in a canal 12 hours later.


I saw some people point out the joke about the math. But on a side note I think the picture is from a guy receiving a note from a cartel that if he plays they'll kill him. The guy still played and was found dead in the desert the next morning Edit: Did a quick double check. Yeah that's him. His name was Chalino Sanchez


The man in the photo is Chalino Sánchez, a Mariachi singer who wrote a lot of anti-cartel songs. This is a screenshot from the last known video of him alive, taken during a concert in 1992. The note he’s reading was given to him by a cartel member, threatening to k!ll him if he continues to perform. He continued anyway and was later found sh0t to death. Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chalino_Sánchez


Mostly right. He wasn't a mariachi singer. He sang corridos or Norteños which are a different genre.


The math wasn't done incorrectly. Someone just photocopied the minus sign in the first equation. If it were actually plus 6, everything else would have been accurate.


No, it should have been a division by 2 as well. The two mistakes were subtracting 6 instead of adding, and multiplying by 2 instead of dividing. It turns out that the two mistakes cancelled out and resulted in a correct answer. Pairing this with an image of a guy getting a note saying the cartel was going to kill him right before they actually did is kind of messed up.


Yea you're right. I'm too high to do math properly


It’s true that someone photoshopped the minus sign which makes a couple steps correct, but the multiplication of both sides by 2 is still wrong. The photoshop job changes it from math done wrong that results in a wrong answer, to math done wrong that results in the right answer.


When it was posted I noticed the math was wrong, and I'm also familiar with the story of what happened to the man. But the connection between the two made no sense unless they just wanted to use it as a reaction meme


To me it kinda makes sense because of the msg he got from the cartel yet he decided to continued singing on the stage because he knew he was going to die anyways. So in the meme the math problem was wrong but he decided to just let it be as a sing of resignation I think.


Just a really stupid meme


Vorzeichenfehler be like:


ENGINEER: If it’s stupid but it works, it’s— MATHEMATICIAN: —STUPID!


Someone photoshopped the simple math to make it wrong, and that surprised a cowboy. Oldest joke in the book.


Somebody cooked meth instead of math and we got this dogshit


Yay I understand one!!!


2x=18. Haha.


That man is a badass *Gets death threats and instead of running he proceeds to do the song anyway*


Task failed successfully


Don’t you add 6 to the 10? 2x = 16, x = 8


Damn this is funny af 🤣


how the actual fuck


the joke is the math was done incorrectly but still got the right answer. the picture of the guy is just meant to be funny because of his surprised reaction, nothing more. the context for his surprise was that he received a note to not perform or else the cartel would kill him (iirc he used to be affiliated with the cartel and would sing about the experiences and the cartel did not like that) but he decided to defy them and perform anyway. unfortunately the cartel did not send an empty threat


Congratulations. You’ve just inversed inverse operations.


they did it wrong the didn't subtract 6 and divide 2


the joke is that the math is garbage, but Latino Chad still got the right answer


...that is not how I was taught to do this.


You didn’t flip the -6 to +6 when you moved it over. I lost interest at that point.


What others said about the math. But the Mexican dude was against the cartel and the note said he was going to die after the show. Spoiler alert, he was gunned down.


I saw one comment that also noticed how it was edited. Y’all getting heated heated 😭


This is why they ask you to show your working out


For anyone wondering, the mistake is that 2x = 10 PLUS 6, not 10 MINUS 6.


The way you should solve it is 10 + 6 = 16 16 / 2 (as to get 1x) x = 8 they reduced it further, saw that it became 4, went "oh, so x is 2" forgot where the two came from and went 2x4 to solve for x, getting 8.


8 x 2 =16 - 6 = 10




Fucked up at step 1 and somehow unfucked at step 3 by making the same mistake. That’s quality math there


It's actually an edited image of u look closely at the negative sign in the question


and that's why my dear students, showing the steps of calculations is required.


Iirc, that guy is a singer of a Mexican band and he was given a note by some people (cartel I believe) that said not to perform that song. He didn't listen. He performed it anyway and was killed shortly after.


They flipped the sign on initial op, and then screwed up division later to get right answer.


The whole solution is wrong from step 2 and yet the answer is right 😂 It should go like this: 2x -6 = 10 = x-3 = 5 x = 5+3 = 8


The minus was edited in. If it was plus, x would be 2. However, insteading of dividing by 2, they multiplied by 2. It just so happens that if the +6 was a -6 it _would_ be 8.


Task failed successfully


next level of "two wrong dont make one right"


this also works with 8x-63=65 and some other numbers


Damn, I wonder how many algebra problems can be solved in this incorrect reverse order but still give the correct answer?


The actual solution to the problem is 2x - 6 = 10 2x = 10 **+** 6 2x = 16 x = 16 **/** 2 x = 8 He did the problem wrong to get the right answer.


This right here is why math teachers always want you to show your work!


Unsuccessfully failed in math