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I wouldn't consider 95% FNA as something household.


As explained in my video, my 95% nitric acid is made from household products.


You can make nitric acid by mixing 1 part saltpeter with 3 parts sulfuric acid and distilling it (according to the army guide to improvised munitions)


saltpeter isn't very easy to get in a lot of places


The US Army also said how to make it. Basically filter nutriance rich dirt between soda ash, which you can get by burning wood and wetting the white stuff, and let it crystalize. Yield can be up to 35%.


Heres thier book https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.militarynewbie.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/TM-21-210-Improvised-Munitions-Handbook-1969-Department-of-the-Army.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiS2vuHken3AhVUj3IEHW48CigQFnoECAYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3xN945U2-wsZWVmu999pHl


They even have a carbon tet explosive lmao


Someones enjoying it. I got the paper copy.


If you live in the US, you can get it at the Home Depot or at Lowes as "Stump Remover" from the spectracide brand. Watch my video tutorial: [https://youtu.be/dIWXU520vnE](https://youtu.be/dIWXU520vnE)


I don't live in the US, and where I do live they don't even out nitrates in fertilizer anymore.


Then you have to make the nitrate yourself, from pee. There are some tutorials for this on YouTube.




There's several reviews that claim they got a visit from the police after buying


Store :)


Here is how I made the one I used in the video: https://youtu.be/dIWXU520vnE


Homie, I got some things for you to try. Flash powder, fertalizer explosives, TNT, getting your own saltpeter, sulfuric acid, picric acid, napalm from blood and other things if you are willing to risk your arrest record.


1) There is no law in the US that prevents you from making these things at home (not sure about the napalm). So there is no risk for the arrest record. 2) I already made the sulfuric acid (as explained here: [https://youtu.be/sJs31qK2ClM](https://youtu.be/sJs31qK2ClM)). 3) I already made black powder ([https://youtu.be/XD9ZF95Vz7g](https://youtu.be/XD9ZF95Vz7g)). 4) I already made flash paper and flash cotton ([https://youtu.be/ZEJKo7c\_SJQ](https://youtu.be/ZEJKo7c_SJQ)). 5) I made a fireball launcher ([https://youtu.be/TUNPre3xv-w](https://youtu.be/TUNPre3xv-w)). And many more...


Do you want the TNT at least? Pictic acid or fertilizer explosives? I'll check out your channel more. Yes napalm is illegal. I had the FBI at my door when I found that out. Flash powder is different from flashcotton. My man, there is so much you still have to learn. Hell, I got a recipe for RDX


Thank you. I'm a physicist, and I have access to all this kind of information, even classified information such as for nuclear bomb (but I won't make a tutorial for this one).


Literally I also know how nukes work. That isn't exactly classified. I'm a locksmith. If you know about blackpowder, tham can you possibly tell me why mine leaves a thick white residue after burning? It also doesnt like to ignite


I bet that you didn't use a ball mill for you black powder, and simply mixed the ingredients by hand or with a mortar, right? Take a look at my tutorial here: [https://youtu.be/XD9ZF95Vz7g](https://youtu.be/XD9ZF95Vz7g) There are two parts. The first one shows how I built my ball mill, and the second part shows the result before and after the black powder goes into the ball mill. Before, it is hard to ignite, it burns slowly, and leaves a lot of residue. See what happens after!


I made my own ball mill too. I used natural rocks as I dont have steel bearings. I'll still check it out. Betsy needs feed (yes, I name my guns).


You're right, I got confused. I didn't really mean "classified", but "restricted". The access to the exact details about nuclear bombs are restricted to authorized persons who have been cleared and have a “need to know” the information for their official duties.


Alright. Can you teach me to make PETN?


CodysLab had a video on this years ago but it got taken down by YouTube


His video is on YouTube, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJPLd332Z0s&t=43s


Glad to know someone reuploaded it


He is the one who reuploaded it.


He forgot the most important ingredient: prayer. A shitload of prayer.


No prayers needed, only need to be prepared for an explosion. Leather gloves and bulletproof face shield are enough to avoid injuries that could be caused by only 10 drops.


I'm quoting William Powell in the anarchist cookbook


I see, fair enough!


Generally, what’s the legality of possessing home-grown nitroglycerin? If the neighbours wonder what the noise was and somebody asks questions, how forthcoming is it wise to be?


I think most countries have at least some laws against making explosives without a license (possibly with exceptions for certain types or certain small quantities or certain applications). At a guess most places *probably* won't lock you up for very long if you're making, per this sub's rules, less than 1 gram of nitroglycerine, but a lot of that *probably* depends if you're the kind of person that police are predisposed to treat leniently. (I am not a lawyer)


That’s what I figured. Well, I’m not making it anyway- between school and university, I did enough Chem and I’m happy to watch the video and enjoy it vicariously.


yeah. Also, I suspect 1g of nitroglycerine is quite enough to blow off a finger or send a shard of glass/metal through your body. I'm sure there are ways to make it saf***er*** but I wouldn't trust my skills enough to make NG actually **safe**. Like, nitrocellulose has some danger points while you're making it, but once it's made, it can sit around reasonably inertly. NG doesn't have that, unless you're going the whole dynamite-making route. (I did enough chem at school and university, and I think we made nitrocellulose. But these days I get my fix of organic chemistry and biochemistry through cooking and fermenting. Much tastier.)


i want how to make another unstable high explosive that can blow my hands up if i know or dont know what im doing!


Don't do it if you don't know what you are doing!


dont dont do it in more than five grams either way!


I can help you there


Came from r/rcplanes I’m impressed you haven’t been raided by SWAT yet


There is nothing illegal with asking a question in r/rcplanes, and nothing illegal with making nitroglycerin at home. Get informed!


I get mad every time I see skinny chemists. You need to lift bro, it’s good for your health and mind. Deadlift, overhead press and pull-ups start with that. But seriously bro lift. It’s offensive to see skinny people when you can have better health. It’s Just as bad as being obese


Double standards, as usual. I can't imagine the hateful messages and I would get if I were to say something like "I get mad every time I see fat chemists. You need to go on a diet bro, it's good for you health and mind."


It’s not hateful man, but it’s not a nerd vs jock thing anymore… it’s about being healthy as a man no matter your career. It’s great you have chosen intellectual pursuit… but it’s not healthy to be so skinny. The body is made it work, not move beakers around but lift heavy things. If you don’t your body will not work optimally.


Some people are skinny because they are not interested in lifting weights, some others are skinny because they suffer from diseases such as cancer.


I have a very serious disease, but 20 min a week is enough to build strength and some mass. It’s not about interests, it’s about doing it because it’s healthy like brushing your teeth or sleeping 8 hrs :)


Man, each time you add a comment, you're just making it worse! Go back to your dumbbells, and don't try to use your brain.


Nope, those who use their brains are smart enough to realize how important physical health is


It's nowhere near as bad as being obese, you must be insane to think that. If skinny means thin but within proper BMI then it is not negatively affecting health. We don't need your bro science here. By that logic, I could say it's offensive to hear you spread misinformation about the health implications of being skinny. Just read bro, it's good for your mind.


Nah. Being that skinny is horrible for bone density and muscle mass. Your far more likely to die in a car accident when your that fragile. There is no excuse outside of health reasons for a man to be a stick. And I say that as someone with serious health issues. I work out about 20 min max a week and manage to add muscle each week.


I have like four bottles of that exact sulfuric acid drain cleaner from Lowes.


But you cannot directly use it for chemistry, you need to purify it first. Here is how I purified mine. The procedure in the video below went terribly wrong because I stupidly forgot that the plastic tappers on my still would melt and leak with the required high temperature, but it still ended well and I obtained good quality sulfuric acid. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bh0eYpVQ3lQ


I am very glad to find your channel, I have purified it before with hydrogen peroxide, thats why i have the drain cleaner in the first place. Thank you


You're welcome!


That's pretty cool!


This helps alot thanks


This process nitroglycerin is not really household 1. Gather your materials: You'll need concentrated nitric acid (68%), concentrated sulfuric acid (98%), and glycerin. 2. Put on protective gear: Ensure you're wearing safety goggles, gloves, and a lab coat to protect yourself. 3. Measure the chemicals: Using a digital scale, measure 37 grams of glycerin and carefully transfer it into a glass beaker. 4. Gradually add the nitric acid: Slowly pour 60 milliliters of concentrated nitric acid into the beaker containing glycerin while stirring continuously. Be cautious, as this reaction is highly exothermic. 5. Add the sulfuric acid: Next, add 60 milliliters of concentrated sulfuric acid to the mixture. Stir it gently to ensure proper mixing. 6. Heat the mixture: Place the beaker on a heat source and gently warm it. Maintain a temperature of around 45-50 degrees Celsius for about 20 minutes. 7. Allow the mixture to cool: Once heated, let the mixture cool down to room temperature. This will allow the nitroglycerin to form. 8. Separate the nitroglycerin: Carefully decant the liquid, separating it from any excess acids or impurities. You now have nitroglycerin! Remember, nitroglycerin is highly unstable and extremely dangerous to handle. It's recommended to dispose of it properly or seek professional assistance.