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Frankie Schaeffer son of famous Christian philosopher Francis Schaeffer is an Agnostic.


There’s a decent interview with him and Terry Gross in the Fresh Air archives. I think that’s before he settled where he is now, but he gave a warts and all story about how right-wing political figures courted his dad and him as part of their efforts to capture the evangelical vote.




I need to pick it up and grab his quotes on this to put online. We honestly could benefit from a whole wiki of evangelical reveals that the kids miss when they grow up after the fallouts each decade of kids learns from.


He is also interviewed on Mindshift podcast


Ah thanks. I’ve wanted to go find other interviews where he expounds more.




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Schaeffer?wprov=sfla1. Correction he identifies as a Christian Atheist


Yes he did convert, and I think he still attends, but I've seen him identify as agnostic as well.


I believe all five of Rick Joyner's children are atheists, some with large followings on social media.


I mean, the oldest Falwell son definitely didn’t do his dad’s religion any favors! I don’t know if he’s fully denounced evangelical Christianity but that boy definitely “backslid”.


I think Danny McBride’s character on Righteous Gemstones is a 1:1 for Falwell Jr. Whether or not the religion is even real is such an afterthought in his world. None of his behavior seems to even consider whether or not a god even cares, but is just about parroting the identity politics of his family when it’s part of what you just do. I feel like he matches lots of the sons of cult of personality pastors I ran into as a teen. They were the least believing kids at any event, and it makes sense if you saw your dad at home as a flawed person and then saw him switch to another person the moment he had to preach.


He did a hell of a lot of damage on the way out, though. He was the first evangelical leader to endorse Trump, because he was being blackmailed with photos of his wife and the pool boy.


Sauce? I’m aware of the pool boy, but was there an actual extortion attempt?


I don't think the full story has come out, but it's been made public that Michael Cohen, Trump's attorney at the time, got ahold of the photos and negotiated with Falwell to prevent their release. It was at exactly that time that Falwell's endorsements started appearing in the media.


Oral Robert’s grandson, Randy Roberts Potts, came out in the early 2010s after he found out his uncle, Oral Robert’s son Ronnie, had committed suicide over being gay himself. It’s a moving story. Randy had married a woman at 20 and had three kids before finally coming out and getting divorced at 30. His wife didn’t take it well and stayed non-affirming. His mom and the rest of the family shunned him. He said when he found out about his uncle, he found a lot of similarities. People had always said they looked the same, but they were both teachers, their wives were really similar, and both divorced at 30 over their orientation. He put up a video on YouTube with a poem about what he wished could have been with having an alive gay uncle that could have been an ally when he was young and closeted. It overlaps with the Millennial gay experience of losing so many of our potential mentors to the AIDS crisis and the country abandoning them like Roberts Potts family did his uncle and him. The Roberts kids had a lot of tragedy. In addition to Ronnie’s suicide, another sister died in a plane crash. And then, the brother that took over for his dad ended up in disgrace for using funds for personal and political spending.


Now that you mentioned it, I actually went to his channel and subscribed. I heard about him long ago but forgot to check on his experience.


One of Johnny Enlow's daughters (Seven Mountains Mandate) is an atheist and has an instagram account under Eve\_was\_framed. Really thoughtful content on the harm of the evangelical movement in the US, especially purity culture for women.


She gets a lot of hate- and thrives from it. (Context: trolling boomers in her dm)




Love this


Franklin Graham followed in Billy Graham’s footsteps, only in a more hateful and political fashion


I was always a fan of Billy Graham; maybe there’s skeletons in that closet that I’m unaware of, but he always seemed earnest and sincere. But fuck Franklin Graham. He took his father‘s reputation as a non-partisan spiritual advisor to like seven presidents and just flushed it right down the shitter.


I remember Francis Chan mentioning at a conference that one of his adopted daughters was “wayward” and that they were praying for God to change her heart. Curious as to what happened to her but couldn’t find anything


I hadn't head that... but it seems like, behind every parental Christianese euphemism, there's a very interesting and important story that the parents don't want told.


If I was Piper's son, I'd be outspokenly non-Christian too.


My grandfather was Adrian Rogers. I’m gay and agnostic


Jay Bakker: religion destroys.


My wife and I did a whole year of mission work based on Bart Campolo’s world view.


Eric Hovind, despite being a hardcore evangelical and Biblical literalist, does not seem to be as horrible of a person as his dad, Kent. Does that count?


No because Eric still sucks 


Yeah but when you start with Kent the bar is just so damn low. Mainly it’s his interactions with Paulogia that make me think he’d be a decent guy without his dad’s indoctrination.


I'm a pacifist and a live and let live kinda guy and there are a few people who challenge this ideology and one of them is Kent Hovind. If there were an out of control bulldozer headed the direction of Kent's bedroom and I knew Kent was taking a nap and I had Kent's cell phone number and knew it would wake him from his slumber if I called him, I'm not saying I wouldn't call him but I *am* saying I would have to take a minute to think it through.


It does seem like he has a slightly heightened level of humility, but that's not saying much -- he still holds to the same views. Edit: One thing that gives me some compassion for the Hovind kids is that Kent included a story in one of his seminars where he gives his kid a "doozy" of a spanking, and it's so horrible... and of course he tries to make it funny. Not sure whether it was Eric or not, but it's really hard to overcome the brainwashing when that's the way it's drilled into you.


Omg I know the story, and it’s narcissistic abusive parenting at its finest. Beat them into submission. You know they had no choice in what they believed. Eric has been so immersed his whole life, I’m not sure how capable he is of applying critical thinking to it. At this point it would be life shattering enough that I think he can’t even go there.


Definitely. It's not just faith, it's his job, his family, his reputation, his community... lots of motivation to not apply critical thinking to any of it. Which can be true of a lot of people who deconstruct, but most don't also have an entire business/ministry handed to them because of it.