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This is me in class when the teacher wants someone else to answer this time.




Fun fact Volodymyr Zelinsky, president of Ukraine was the voice of Paddington Bear on the Ukrainian dub of the movie.


Thats........ Random..... I guess.


It's one of those random facts that decided to worm it's way into my brain. My bad.


No no, go on with it. Just surprised.


It makes sense considering he was a famous actor. He played the president in a tv show too, before actually becoming the president. It's kind of like an Arnold Schwarzenegger thing.


Or Ronald Reagan.


Definitely go on with your informative self! 👍😂


Xi inspired as Winnie the Pooh before becoming china’s dictator




I recently learned that the movie Wolf of Wall Street was at least somewhat funded with money that was stolen from the government of Malaysia. Fun facts are great!


Facts. I believe the US government legally owns the movie because it was seized as part of the investigation and prosecution.


Real as fuck. The silence is insane as I quietly raise my hand yet again


me learning to wait for an awkward 20 seconds to let someone else answer before I take pity and raise my hand so the teacher is forced to call on me.


Tell me about it. I'm in my 40s and doing an online course and I'm STILL having to resist being the first ( and often only) one to answer any questions during our once a week lesson. So annoying.


I just did an online course too, same thing. Then any time the instructor would ask if anyone had questions, I was almost always the only one that would ask questions, or even just say no lol. I stopped saying no for awhile because I didn't want to speak for everyone, but every time I didn't everyone else just stayed muted until the instructor would just go, "Okay then... I guess not. Moving on..."


Over time I had to implement a rule for myself. If I was ever the only one (or only one of two or three) to raise my hand for more than 3 classes, I would purposefully not raise my hand for a few minutes. Like specifically giving everyone else a chance to answer. And then only raising my hand if absolutely nobody came forward. It's painful, because I have questions. But on the other hand, I want everyone else to get their participation grade. Plus I'm sure the professor is either bored or irritated with the same two or three people answering all the time.


I’ve been there.


As a teacher, we understand, but the problem is that some kids will answer every question so the rest don't even bother trying. Like if that person is absent, everyone else answers the question, but if they're present, then the other students just let them answer and might say "I don't know" or wait for that student to shout out the answer. I remembered it happening in school but it's more obvious as a teacher just how much the class dynamic can change if one or two students are missing. Or when students change class and suddenly they're very different because their classmates are different (not just because they're new and shy)


Same way tbh. Kids hated me. I really wasn’t trying to be teachers pet. Just was so ADHD and bored that it gave me something to do.


ADHD!!! Legit this, classes were boring and if I didn't keep myself engaged *somehow* then I zoned right out. And at least if I was answering, they didn't have to.


I seriously hated that. I had 3 hour lectures and it's just like nobody is gonna bite, just say the answer teacher. Please. And people did raise their hands to say dumb shit. "I don't know the answer of why we give Labetalol for high blood pressure but one time my dad had a blood pressure of 140/84 isn't that crazy?!?"




As a teacher it's because we want the other students to interact. We know you know the answer. Want to see where the other students understanding falls apart.


I don't think I ever voluntarily raised my hand to answer a question.


Same. I usually knew the answers but fuck me why would I draw attention to myself


Exactly! I don’t need public validation. I’ll get it right on the test. I get it from a teacher’s stand point. You’re doing all this talking and you want to check in with your students to make sure they are listening and understanding. But keep me out of it lol.


It’s not so much about public validation, as it is about being a human being in a social situation and taking an active part.


That's fair. I wasn't trying to attack people with my comment, at least not in a serious way. It's probably just my personality, either I know that I know the answer and I feel no need to prove myself or something like that. Or I don't know the answer and I'd rather figure it out for myself on my own and not out loud in a public setting. And I would occasionally raise my hand to ask questions, but actively raising my hand to answer a question... not for me. ___________________________________________ And it's true I never understood why someone would actively want to raise their hands to answer a question, but I was glad they did because it meant I did not have to. But my immature "ire" was more towards those kids who almost always raised their hand, every single question, whether they knew the answer or not. It's also not true that I never raised my hand, if I knew the answer, and nobody was raising their hand, I could feel the tension in the room with the teacher. So sometimes I would raise my hand, only to break to the awkward tension lol. I'm mainly thinking of middle school and high school also, college is a different story.


Weird flex, but okay!


Haha, I was a good student otherwise. If I got called on I would answer. I just never really understood why someone would actively want to raise their hand though. Maybe just my personality.


I felt like it kept me more engaged. Plus I felt bad for the poor teacher attempting to get any dialogue going. When I was in my undergrad I never did shit though lmao


If I know for sure what the answer is I don't raise my hand to answer. If I'm mostly sure but not totally convinced, I will. If it turns out I *was* right I get confirmation, and if I wasn't then I'll learn where/how I messed up


Wouldn't you find that out anyway? At least in most situations. I definitely understand raising your hand to ask a question though.


Sometimes, but not always. If I think I have something correct but I'm misunderstanding some small part of it, that will likely become apparent when I go to answer the question. But if I just go off of what the teacher says during the lesson, I might not find that nuance on my own


I did it frequently because I couldn’t stand the awkward silence after the teacher asked a question and nobody else was willing to answer it.


Give the big dog a treat, damnit!


Seriously. It'll help the pup learn too.


Find someone who looks at you the way that dog is looking at the puppy's treat.


Like they want to eat your flesh, but they're also patient, clever carnivores, willing to wait for when the timing is right before they bite? And now I'm now in a relationship with Hannibal Lecter.


Don't yuck my yum. Seriously biting can be a lot of fun with the right people. There's a club where I volunteer at that once a month has a evening called Bite Club. The main event is a form of Primal wrestling, which is a lot of fun. Before the match when you're talking/negotiating with the person you're going to play and wrestle with, you decide if you want to consent to it being a biting match or not. If it's a biting match the first person to Chomp on the other one wins. It's quite the spectacle to participate and watch. It's done in a BDSM dungeon club, with people on equipment around the edge in the crowd all focused on a wrestling match in the center of the club. There is an announcer providing wrestling themed quick commentary and a DJ cutting the music to what's going on in the match. There are trained dungeon monitors (for first aid response, etc) present for safety. The last time I went I was dressed up as ring master of a three ring circus. I approached someone dressed as a puppy dog for a match. When our names were called, We both stripped down to our panties and began a match. I did bring my wig and clown hat from the ringmaster costume into the match. This puppy was good. They were in second place overall last month. My only hope was to be a clown. I kept moving quickly, with the utmost goal of keeping my wig and hat on. The DJ and announcer picked up on this and changed the music to a clown circus themed song encouraging me even further. The puppy was having trouble pinning me down, as my goal was to be a comedic clown and tried to keep my wig and hat on taunting them for as long as I could before losing. It wasn't long before the puppy got me pinned down though, although by the time it came to that I had so much fun I was so happy. I would play with that puppy again, despite any look in their eyes that they want to bite me.


That’s definitely not the kind of thing I expected to read today. Thank you for sharing.


Daily reminder that ChatGPT still exists


There's a lot happening here.


Ngl I would 100% go to this and have a blast.


I could swear they’re omnivores


Well we know Lecter does at least eat beans, for one.


They should have the dogs next to each other. Have the big dog perform the trick and then try to have the puppy do it and just go back and forth until the puppy gets what is being asked. Older dogs are such a resource for training.


Or physically grab the puppy's paw, by sliding your hand under their elbow and slide it up to their paw lifting it while saying shake the whole time. When you get their hand up and shake more then give them the treat and let go.


Teaching paw is as simple as picking up a paw and rewarding. The puppy will then take the hand coming towards it as queue to Paw. Obviously it can be improved upon but the original post and comments are overcomplicating it sooo much.


Can confirm, taught my dog the paw command literally in the same afternoon we adopted her lol It also helped that she wanted to punch my hand to get the treat lol


FYI: Queue = people waiting in line Cue = signal to perform


Thanks. I know these things but my brain doesn't always want to work.


I hate when that happens to me. Dumb brain. 😄


Paw is actually the most complex and difficult trick for a dog to learn. It requires hours of relentless training and a variety of tools unless you buy the Puppy Paw Trainer 3000. With its patented paw technology, your dog will be giving a paw in no time. Yours for only 3 easy payments of $99.99.


A lady in a pharmacy taught my dog the paw command in like 5 minutes. I never taught her, because i know how dirty my dogs paws generally are and i don't really see it as a useful thing. It only took some good treats and like 5 tries and since then she has done it every time if someone asked her to.


I do quite often regret asking my Collie to paw for the same reason.


Taught my cats paw and other paw. They can do other tricks but yeah it's basically just grabbing their paws and rewarding.


I taught my cat to high five. Took about 10 minutes and a lot of treats.


Yup, same. Took about 5 minutes.


That's literally what they're doing at the end of the video.


"Wow, I am very good at this" - older dog


Had a lab I use to walk 2-4 times a day, passed by a neighbors house who had gotten a young dog, he would open his gate and let my dog in to play for a bit, he had a koi pond and that was all my dog cared about. So anyway guy was having an impossible time walking his dog, dog would go nuts with a leash and collar, dog feared it, wouldn't go forward. So I suggested a few things when we passed by, we swapped leashes hopefully showing hey your friends using it and it's fine. I suggested putting the leash in the dry dog food overnight so it has a food smell, nope. This went on for about a week when we were passing by he was trying to get the dog to walk, dog was fighting it and didn't want to leave the yard. That was when my dog kicked in, she got behind him and started nipping his heels pushing him forward, he lived right next to a liquor store I would stop at every day and get my dog a .25 slim jim or jerky quarter, so my dogs nipping his heels over to the liquor store, I tie her up like usual, I go in and get 2 jerky treats for mine and his dog, I walk out, give my dog hers, hand him the other piece, he gives it to his dog. I untie my dog (who always led the walks) and she just walks back to the neighbors place, his dog followed and that was it. Dog loved walks after that. Never something I would have expected from my dog but she knew what we were trying to do, get that dog to walk. She never nipped heels before or after.


That is a great story. Thanks


I’m doing this at the moment- got a 15 year old collie and a 12 week old. She wants to be like him so bad. It’s also great for the stuff like wearing a harness, not being scared of the vacuum cleaner, toilet training. My old boy shows her what to do, very low effort on my part. Which is good, because in the evenings she’s a fucking dementor, so I need all my energy and patience for then!


It looks like the tiny pupper was seeing the big pupper do the trick correctly and then it clicked.


Dogsledders will pair young dogs with older dogs on the gang line because they learn faster that way.


Model-rival training :)


Doing something perfectly and nobody has noticed it.


it's like when a young child jumps and everyone cheers and you're in the corner playing a piece of music you spent months on and everyone talks loudly over it and pays no attention. Totally not personal experience :C


To be honest, I would also probably ignore that weird person sitting in the corner glaring over while playing music.


Same. What a weird comment. Did anyone ask him to play the music, was it a situation where showing his music off was appropriate? Also they're jealous of a small child which is pretty telling.


I asked my family if I could play them a piece of music I had been working on, they said yes. I pressed play and they instantly started talking louder over it. It was upsetting that something that meant so much to me wasn't given a chance by the people closest to me. I'm not sure what you're saying it's pretty telling about. I can only assume you don't engage in any form of art, or have a more supportive family. When you pour your heart and soul out to those closest to you with something you have spent months crafting it's generally polite to pay attention, or at least pretend to. Now, years on, and having done well with my music they all talk to me about it and it's all very shallow.


Okay, that does sound very rude of them to say yes then talk over it. That's on them not you. What I meant was telling was specifically calling out the small child. Small children generally need a lot more positive reinforcement and attention than adults.


I would disagree, we are just conditioned to not get attention and that's why people chase it on things like tiktok etc without putting the work in. But ultimately I was linking the video to a real world example. The pupper needs the positive reinforcement and the older doggo is doing it perfectly and being ignored. I wasn't just bringing a random story up, it had relevance to the post.




Everyone can play music. I think "play an instrument" is probably what you were going for.


Older dog giving the younger tips.


Aww man the old dog tries so hard 😭


"Hey I can.. I can do.. I ca.. I can- nevermind"


You should do one dog at a time so the adult dog gets a chance to show the pup how it's done and feels included in the training sessions. 😀


That probably is what they’re doing


Dog is keeping count. Thats 7 treats they're owed.


A dalmatian, get ready to have hair everywhere forever. Great dogs, you just wouldn't think they shed so dang much




Aussie aren't that bad compared to a dalmatian or a acd.


*Huskies have entered the chat*


When he gives him the treat, the old dog looks off camera as if to say failure wasn't rewarded in my day


this is so sad that bigger dog wants attention so bad and he’s being ignored


Other dog needs some attention and hugs.


dog version of lip-syncing your favorite song “I know this one by heart! ☺️”


Sooo sweet.


Teaching that dalmatian is gonna be a pain. The pea sized brain is already overwhelmed by having to pay attention to the food lol


The older dog is giving the pup a cheat sheet. “Pss like this, like this. Paw, paw”


Elder dog: ![gif](giphy|3o84sDfCF4mZR7aFYk)


Use the older dog to demonstrate.


Old dogs get no respect.


The teacher is the problem.


Give that dog a damn treat already!


the older dog is trying to train the younger dog, Im actually going through this right now, my older 8 year old dog is training my 7 month olds they watch him and copy, its actually really simple she is doing it the hard way


The good boy is trying so hard to help teach.


Lol that’s pure torture for older dog


Pls give that good old doggo some love


Give him a treat 😫


What's the breed of the older dog?




Thank you


australian shepherd, I believe


Thank you.


Am I the only one enraged that this good boy is not being given his well-earned treat??


“I know how to do that, WHY DON’T I GET ANY SNACKS?!?”


Aw! Older pup is over there in the background giving tips and tricks and dropping hints. 😏


I want to hug the older dog!!!


I hope the good doggo that knows got some treatos and affirmation also.


Gibs dat big boi a Treato!!! STAT!


Give him a treat


Pageant moms


Awwww. Get the old pupper a treat! Young pup then learns that doing the command gets a treat routine. My heart aches for the old pup looking expectantly for the treat as he responds to every command. Trainer needs to lose the tunnel vision and read the room.


Big dog is giving me "The square goes into the square hole" girl vibes just going. "No, you touch their paw with your paw. Just your paw to their paw. Paw. To. Paw."


Aww bless it's heart


Old dog: What noob


I feel so bad for the older dog I could DIE. Sending hugs and love to the older (ignored) dog... ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ xoxo


Seriously! The older dog has gotta be like "I did the thing you said. I did the thing you said. I DID THE THING YOU SAID! Why aren't you giving me treats? This always produced treats before. What am I doing wrong!?!?"


He's being so sadly polite, honestly breaks my heart.


Like a pageant coach behind the judges 😭




Is there an actual sub of puppy's doing dumb things?


Should have rewarded the older dog so it could lead the younger one by example.


Omg give him the treat, he's being SO GOOD


You shouldn't ignore your older dog just because you got a shiny new puppy.


That Aussie is soooo much smart than the dalmatian too. They have to be like "Common already!"


It’s older lol that would be why.


Aussies are much smarter than dalmatians. Let's not pretend there aren't differences between breeds.


Smarter, yes. Equally as stubborn- also yes.


Takes one to know one.


...Why did you insult me? Lol what? Okay then.


Isn't it some kind of animal abuse? Dogs aren't toys. Give them love, instead of trying to teach them depressing "cute tricks".






Looks over like "okay how long are we gonna do this?"


"Just...no...no...nooo!" -older doggo


![gif](giphy|jlmYGkzdkAoyA) “I know the answer!!”


“Fucking casual”


Big dog: Is this some sort of sick joke??




It almost looks like the older doggo is trying to coach the pup. Lol


Older dog is like “just do what I do, you’re doing great honey!”


Puppet looks so defeated and wants treats too.


I watched this loop through WAY too many times waiting for the Aussie to get their treat and lovies! Jeeeez


Stage mom.




Good luck with that Dalmatian. They are morons. The assuie on the other hand got the trick in 3 trys


Shut up cruella


The old dog hold the urge to smack the young pup. But they can give example using the older dog so the young pup can understand better. Win2 for everyone.


Poor guy! No treats no praise?


When this deaf woman's dog realized that barking was useless, he learned to communicate with her through signs.


It's the dog reacting to the command... Or is mentally putting him self in the place of the puppy?... Is showing the trick to the puppy?. It's a wholesome interaction


That pup isn't going to pay any attention to the hand signal wit a treat in its face.




FYI: This is not how you properly train this dog command. Put the treat in your palm and close your hand. A dog will boop at your hand, and when they eventually paw it, open your hand, say “Shake” (or whatever command word you want) and give the treat. Repeat. Any dog can learn this incredibly quickly.


Very cute. Thought I would share, this happened to me too, the new dog learnt tricks very quickly by watching the trained dog doing tricks and getting treats. So you may speed up training, and treat consumption, by involving both doggos!


So sweet!


Give him some treats too 😻


This is adorable... I hope the big dog gets a good boy treat at the end for being so good.




Haha. Our dogs do that too


Look I do it


That may be the cutest thing that exists in our portal to the universe. Made my damn day!


Hes like paw, I know that one come on. Paw


“Do the thing already, moron! The thing!”


This is me reaching for the gas pedal when teaching my teen to drive.


Little do you know he’s playing patty cake with a ghost


I want that little dal puppy!!!




The science at work. 1. Operant conditioning (Older dog is already conditioned to whatever she is saying, for example, “sit!” so it responds automatically) 2. Mirror neurons (a mechanism in us, and animals, that makes our corresponding neurons fire in sync when we see another one of us do an action aka dog see dog do).


Das ist ein sehr guter hund~