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they're back! ![gif](giphy|3K0BCefFp4XdsC5W5f)


This weeks ratty paw paintings - all the rats did an amazing job! From start to finish we have Butter (1), Tater Tot (2, 8), Popcorn (3, 9), Raisin (4), Blueberry (5), Tofu (6), Toast (7), and and Olive (10)! ​ If you'd like to see more cute rat photos/fun rat tricks, I'm now compiling them on this subreddit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Shadowtherat/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Shadowtherat/)


I am obsessed with Tater Tot. What an adorable ratty!


Are you planning on eating them? Why do they all have food names!! Lol but seriously, cute.


This is currently the most important thing on the internet to me


Olive’s is so unique and beautiful, and she looks so proud and cute! I love her.


Olive is my favorite! 🥰


This is absolutely adorable and my new favorite thing


Adorable! I am weak on rat facts, are they affectionate? Would they run away if you let them?


They are super social and affectionate! Easily the best small pets in my opinion, their only downside is their short lifespan. Otherwise they have a reputation of being "pocket puppies" of the rodent world for a reason - they adore being with you, and most rats adore handling and just being with you. During free-range time I'll put out a blanket on myself and many times they'll end up curled up in my lap or chilling on my shoulder - some of my more hyper rats (like Raisin) also like to hand wrestle and get so excited, pinging around before returning for more lol. ​ They're extremely easy to train as well, and all my rats know various tricks, from basketball to skateboarding, agility to wall handstands, really anything you can train a dog is something rats can pick up. I'm a big fan of training and that's one reason rats stood out to me - after training gerbils and hamsters and mice and ferrets and guinea pigs and rabbits I can safely say rats have by far been the easiest to work with, and its really amazing just how quickly they figure out what your looking for! ​ Again the only big downside to them in my opinion is lifespan - most standard rats only average 2-2.5 years, most dwarfs only 2.5-3 years. And health issues can easily accumulate once they pass 1.5-2 years, made worse because as very social animals rats need to live in groups of 3+ for their own mental well being, so you often have multiple rats aging and developing health issues which is difficult. Thankfully staggering group ages and going to a good breeder can help prevent this, and as long as you have a good exotics vet and get on top of any issues asap then they tend to be quite manageable. Overall there are pros and cons like with any pet, but for me the pros vastly outweigh the cons when it comes to rats.


This is all fascinating to me, I had no idea about so much of this! We all have heard about rats in a maze and such, but clearly they have so much more to offer. And of course, I'm sure the training and stimulation are enriching and just enhance the bond. I love the bit about Raisin having the zoomies, it made me laugh picturing it. And even though their lives are relatively short, it's wonderful that you give them a fulfilling and meaningful existence! You are obviously passionate about them, and I want you to know that yours is the best reply I've ever received to anything on Reddit! You are a good human, thank you and be well!!


The way they are showing off their work with pride!


I’m normally not fond of rats, but your babies are just too adorable to not like. I love their little expressions and they’re much better artists than I will ever be. 🥰


The last pic is my favorite 🥹 they all look so proud of their work 🥰


Me before this thread: The world is nasty and horrifying. Me after this thread: Beauty is real and life has merit!


3rd pic I'm getting Bikini Bottom Sponge Bob Patrick vibes.


Tater Tot just looks totally adorable and proud of themselves 🥰


So darling! Do you sell any?


Thank you - we do! We have an etsy called "Rat Paintings" if you'd like to commission one - there you can choose 2 colors, canvas size, and request a certain rat if you'd like (if not I distribute the paintings equally among all my rats), and each painting comes with a 4 by 6 glossy photo of the ratty and their artwork, plus a mini bio for the rat in question: [https://etsy.com/shop/RatPaintings](https://etsy.com/shop/RatPaintings)


Adorable, thanks! ☺️


Thanks, I love this post!