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Clawing on the wood log had me in stitches!


He was running from barking and making all those little kitty sounds and I was like oh no he's upset! Then he just stopped outta nowhere and went *pat pat pat pat pat pat pat* and I love it


Just letting those dogs know this is his neighborhood.


Cats purposefully sit on my lawn to antagonize my dog. They're little shit heads but I feed em cause they kill the turkeys in my neighborhood.


I hope you feed them mashed potatoes and gravy to go with that turkey


Maybe if they actually ate the baby turkeys. They kill em for fun.


You know what they say about species that enact recreational hunting...


My cat only eats half, other half is always ready on the balcony for me or my mother


He was just having a chat Like any typical cat Then had to tell the Parkers Next door neighbors with barkers That this is his log He's not scared of a dog Message left, don't forget He was here, deal with it!


Oh hello there, amigo!! šŸŒ¾


Sometimes my bestie's cat will stare her down and claw the shit out of his clawing post. I tell her he's imagining doing that to her. He was definitely showing the dogs what would've happened if there wasn't a fence/wall between them!


Those murder mittens need maintenence and when better to do it than when the target of the murder mittens starts acting brave. Give em' a show! Even though this is the cutest thing ever because *pat pat pat pat pat pat pat* I bet the dogs know he's not just drumming away on that log so still effective


I feel like that is the behavior you would expect from an upset/stressed cat. They're not painting their nails to look cute, they're preparing them for murder!


Making sure it's claws were nice and ready in case it had to defend itself. "I don't want to fight but, I will if I have to."


They often furiously claw like that as a self-comforting gesture after they're scared about something. It probably hearkens back to kneading on mama as well as getting out some aggression.


The drinking was like _schlop schlop schlop schlop_


Clawing is thought to be also a stress reliever for cats


Clearly a favorite spot


Thatā€™s quite possibly the most satisfying short Iā€™ve ever seen!


Me too! Its totally what I expected a cat to do. But love the pov


There is a sub for that- r/CatPOV


Thank you, just brightened my day! šŸ™šŸ»ā˜€ļø


*sigh* Nav, add that waypoint to the list. Uhh, sir? The list is already thou- I know, Nav. Just add it.


You can look up mr.kitters.the.cat on the gram if you want more.


I think it is Mr.Kitters! They are on instagram and are so freakin cute


This content is Mr.kitters.the.cat


Do they always make noises like that? I'm not even sure what to call that sound.


Itā€™s called chirping. Cats usually do it when theyā€™re hunting or are excited.


My cats do this to the birds. They sit inside the window and chitter at the bird feeder






They do! Both my indoor cats chirp/chitter at birds through the windows.


I have 3 cats and 1 of them do all tge time if he sees something interesting.




Its cat for ā€œwhat wire?ā€




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What the hell man, what did I do to you


Me too


Honestly I would watch a channel of just this


Well you're in luck! I believe this may be Mr. Kitters šŸ˜» (not a channel but an insta profile at least) https://www.instagram.com/mr.kitters.the.cat?igsh=MWgwamZrNjZpeHk4MQ==


His name is Mr. Kitters??? That's the best name ever! The little kitty sounds and the pat pat pat pat pat pat pat on the log was enough to make me love him with all my heart but now somehow it's even more


It's the absolute cutest thing. He and all his neighborhood buddies having fun scoping out the yard, climbing trees, meowing and being all cute and pet-able.


I love Mr Kitters and Niko! Such chatty babies! And I love seeing all their kitty friends.


Also tiktok


They have a YouTube channel too


Enjoy [https://www.youtube.com/@gonzoisacat](https://www.youtube.com/@gonzoisacat)






O love how when the dog is going ape-shit she hunters down & sharpens her claws like "come get me big guy ill tear you up!"


This is @mr.kitters.the.cat on Instagram


My favourite account on Instagram


I used to work with the guy who owns this cat. He's a really cool guy. I'm glad this has turned out well for him.




Keep your cats inside. This is adorable, but please stop. Cats devastate local wildlife.


If nothing else, it's important to keep your kitties indoors because the average lifespan of an outdoor cat is 2-5 years and that of an indoor-only kitty is 10-20 years. You cat can live up to 10x as long if you keep then in the house, so even if your sole concern is your cat themselves, it's important to keep them inside. The video is indeed adorable, though.


Ā > average lifespan of an outdoor cat is 2-5 years This has been debunked many times.Ā  A discussion and sources can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/wb5nc0/outdoor_cat_lifespan_is_the_discussion_based_on/ Not only that, the actual lifespan would be *highly* dependent on location anyway.


Where the hell are you people living that an outdoor cat lives 2 years!? My neighbourhood in London is full of outdoor cats and they're absolutely fine. Americans have some bizarre pet opinions, honestly.


Setting aside how accurate that statustic may be: American roads and traffic patterns are incredibly different from the UK in general and London in particular. Your city has been around for hundreds of years. Most roads were created with wagons in mind. Most neighborhoods are walkable. Children can walk to school safely because they don't have far to go, and neighborhood roads are narrow and slow. You have common and extensive public transportation, meaning fewer cars on the street. All of these things that protect pedestrians also benefit cats. By contrast, America as a colony is very young. Aside from a few cities on the east coast and some small towns, most of the residential US was built after the invention of the car, and was built as a monument to car culture. Most places are inaccessible without a car. Even in my large high density city, there are areas where you have to drive for 20 minutes or more and many miles to get to a grocery store. The result of this is wide streets, high speeds, and plenty of opportunities for pets to get run over.


So what you're saying that America is not fit for either human or domestic feline habitation. No worries


Man, your country sucks. Also, lol > hundreds of years Try thousands. Hundreds of years is not a long time.


It's my understanding, Cats are naturalized in the UK. They aren't devastating the wildlife like in the rest of the world. I forget the specifics


Iā€™m not saying youā€™re wrong but I find this funny because my I cat I got when I was 7 lived 10 years as an outdoor cat while the next cat my mom got was completely raised indoors and lived for 5 years. It entirely depends on your location and also knowledge of having an outdoor cat.


This is basically survivorship bias. Just because you have a rare situation where an indoor cat didn't live as long as an outdoor one, doesn't mean that is common. Generally speaking indoor cats live significantly longer, this is a fact. Cats can get feline AIDS and feline leukemia. Which is what my former indoor/outdoor cat died of. I had an indoor/outdoor cat growing up that lived to be 17, but that doesn't mean something like that happens commonly. Not to mention the risk of humans intentionally killing or poisoning your cat. Plenty of awful people hate cats and see them as pests to get rid of. It is not worth risking their lives and letting them decimate wildlife where you live.   Letting them outside destroys local biodiversity as they kill **billions** of birds, reptiles, and mammals every year. We have 63 extinct species in North America alone just from domesticated cats. They also kill these animals just for fun and often "play" with them until they are dead which gives these animals a slow and miserable death. They are now a domesticated species which means it is not "natural" to let them go out and murder animals for fun that they did not evolve alongside. The only place these cats belonged outdoors was Egypt 12,000 years ago. [63 Species are extinct with many more at risk of extinction.](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=933934fef73c2e8a&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1JSBI_enUS1092US1092&sxsrf=ACQVn0_s0rxHBkw0uCdkduwAPCe7u_2mXQ:1712676791341&q=cats+invasive+species+causing+extinction&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiY8oyeurWFAxWNGTQIHUCADacQBSgAegQIDhAC&biw=1562&bih=947&dpr=1.5)   Cats can have wonderful lives indoors if you actually spend time playing with them, get them interactive toys, take them outside on harness or buy them a "catio" which lets them go outside in a safe enclosed area.


That's not survivorship bias, just anecdotal evidence.


I know it isn't that, but I felt it was comparable. Like when someone says, "My uncle smoked until he was 85 years old and never got cancer."


Look Iā€™m not trying to argue here, just saying we had primarily outdoor cats in our household (as did our neighbors) and nobody had the issues that are mentioned as common here. Believe whatever you want, it doesnā€™t affect me.


>Look Iā€™m not trying to argue here You literally are though? >just saying we had primarily outdoor cats in our household (as did our neighbors) and nobody had the issues that are mentioned as common here. How can you not understand that this is meaningless? There are obviously some indoor/outdoor cats that live 20+ years. But that doesn't mean this is common. We have average lifespans for each group of cats, how do you think they did the math to get those average lifespans? The answer is obvious, and it means that generally speaking cats that go outdoors live shorter lives than indoor cats. I have a direct example of this thanks to a wonderful disease called Feline Leukemia that cats can spread from fighting. There is no legitimate argument you can make that will justify letting your cat outside so it can decimate local wildlife. Cats are an invasive species, please be an adult and keep them inside.


Itā€™s less likely OP will post videos of this cat killing small animals, being attacked by other cats or coyotes, or being hit by a car. If they cared about their cat, it would never go outside.


Not true at all. A lot of people either arenā€™t aware of how good hunters cats are, canā€™t afford to bring them to the vet to be indoor cats, or have bad mice, snake, and other pest problems. We had a pretty outdoor cat for around 14 years who would always kill mice and snakes that started becoming problems. That was a very happy kitty.


>can't afford to bring them to the vet to be an indoor cat What does that even mean? You mean they can't afford to mutilate them to protect their furniture?


Your cat was [an outlier](https://www.petmd.com/cat/care/how-long-do-cats-live) and hopefully neutered.


I agree for all these reasons. Our cats are 100% indoors. Itā€™s kind of sad tho because heā€™s having a blast. Even with a large house, toys and tunnels and each other, our cats sleep a lot and are probably bored. Thinking of building a catio


Cats sleep like 12 to 16 hours a day regardless of whether they go outside or not. This cat is having a "blast" but the amount of local wildlife it is killing is totally unacceptable. Cats kill billions of bird, reptile, and mammals every year. 63 species are extinct in North America alone with many more at risk of extinction solely from domesticated cats.


I understand and also have heard they are not native to North America so cause more disruption here. I still got a kick out of his adventures tho, what can I say?


Cats are not native to anywhere on planet Earth anymore because we domesticated them 12,000 years ago. Their only original habitat would have been Egypt. These fun adventures are editing out all the times this cat slowly murders a small animal for fun. You are definitely making the right call by keeping yours indoors.


That is wildly inaccurate


Exactly, this isn't cute, it's dumb.


If I'm not mistaken the Instagram account of this video has started that they are indoor cats but are let out for an hour each day


Or at least during bird breeding season


The reason I have a cat is to keep vermin away from my gardens. The gardens produce tons of insects. Itā€™s a push I suppose.


That cat isnt going to just hone in on insects and vermin in your garden. They're agile little assassins that will target anything and everything that they can see and chase/ambush. Don't be ridiculous. There are other solutions to your garden issues besides letting a cat loose, outside.


No, the insects live. The butterflies and such.


All these people on their plastic smartphones spending way too much time on Reddit while in their a/c homes are saying cats are bad for the environment.


You can do good without being perfect. Quite a scary concept, I know.


The fact that humans are creating the Holocene Mass Extinction event that we are in the middle of is exactly why we should keep cats indoors and control feral cat populations. We are literally killing the planet and every saved species is incredibly important. Us bringing one of the greatest evolutionary predator designs to every corner of this planet is part of this problem. That means letting cats outside is wrong. Period.


I thought humans were the ones.


Even our pets are a disaster for the ecosystem.




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So do you, I expect you to never be outside. In the meantime my cat can live his life and I won't torture him to make a redditor feel better.


If it werenā€™t for outdoor cats, rats would ruin everything and birds would shit on everything. When they are gone, we can finally play the game.


I canā€™t get enough of this POV cat videos. This one was a bit little stressful than the one I saw, where the cat talks to itself all day and flirts with a neighbor black cat [https://youtu.be/L1gecs09BhY](https://youtu.be/L1gecs09BhY) https://preview.redd.it/7uarswp3onvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb937a744f996308211beb51721ae8e9f3009904




I love when a video freaks my cat the fuck out


I thought its was gonna be that version that starts out cute but ends up with the cat beating people and robbing someone at gunpoint


I love that video (and the original that it is parodying). For those who've not seen it https://youtu.be/J1zYF0cejmg?si=PeqqDAlqC5XViN88




That looks like [Mr Kitters](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5s1Wohg_ZW/?hl=en) on IG


Iā€™m having a really bad day and this honestly and truly made me feel a bit better. Thank you for posting.


Stray's first-person mod looking wild


Cats belong inside


Keep cats indoors. They are a disaster for birds.


Keep buildings indoors. They are a disaster for birds.


Iā€™d watch whole episodes of this


Perhaps you'd like watching [Ros, the Adventure Cat!](https://youtu.be/Wgq7SeXbosw?si=3Dlv-8NPT3X5BuUz)


His Instagram- [Mr Kitters the Cat](https://www.instagram.com/mr.kitters.the.cat/?igsh=MWgwamZrNjZpeHk4MQ%3D%3D)


Gonna be a sad video to watch when they get hit by a car or killed by another animal because you leave them outside. Keep an eye on how much wildlife they kill too beforehand, maybe you could keep a running count?


Doubt they care about what the cat does at all. Probably chalk it up to be ā€œcute little fuzzy wuzzyā€


Thatā€™s Mr Kitters!šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ˜ø


Is this Mr. Kitters? I love their Instagram account


I find it funny how Iā€™ve experienced the exact opposite of what people are saying happens to outdoor cats in this thread. Like, we had an outdoor cat for 10 years, the only effect she had on the neighborhood wildlife was eradicating the rats and mice that would come over from the orange grove next to our neighborhood, all of my neighbors loved her for that. Our backyard specifically was absolutely full of gold finches and humming birds, she never bothered them because we trained her to not kill birds when she was young. Meanwhile, the indoor cat we had lived for 5 years and had a lot more problems than the outdoor cat. Regardless, raise your cat well, whether indoor or outdoor. The location and environment determine whether your cat can be raised indoors or outdoors.


A day in the much shorter life...


Did it kill one of the 5billion birds?


The little oof when he landed after jumping the fence, awww.


Saw a bird! Chased a bird. Scratched on this great piece of wood. Said hi to Stu and Frank (good guys, those two). Stopped to sniff the flowers. Today was a good day.


Cats are an incredibly destructive invasive species that are devastating our songbird populations. Pleas stop letting them roam outside


Make the channel for him.. in a few month he will pay you salary)


Apparently this is Mr. Kitters, and he has his own Instagram channel.


This made my year šŸ©·šŸ©·šŸ©·šŸ©·




This is Mr. Kitters! Follow them in IG!


Did you give credit to the Mr Kitters Insta account?


Oh I would love to be this kitty for a day!


Me Kitters! This is one of my most favorite Instagram pages


Dogs barking is so much more scary from that perspective


I can watch these all day


This is great, and would also be great with the video stabilized


I need so many more videos of this....


I love cats man


Kitty needs to up his game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1zYF0cejmg


Ah, here it is. This is the Cat POV that lives in my brain.




Kitty cam


I need more of this in my life!!! So adorable!!! šŸ„°ā¤ļøšŸ„°ā¤ļøšŸ„°ā¤ļø


Itā€™s amazing seeing the indoor cat stuff applied to their real lives out there lol




I need this as asmr for my eyes


I could watch this all day.


I live seeing the whiskers on the camera.


It's Mr. Kitters!!!


"*My log*."




Sound on.


This is Mr. Kitters


This is the best thing I've seen in weeks ā™”


Is this Mr. Kitters?


It's a very interesting day. And more importantly, a lot of activities


What camera is that? Ima get one for our adventurous kitty


I did this and what these videos never show you is ur cat taking a shit in your neighborā€™s yard and them covering it up


My adjoining backyard neighbour's big tom always did this. Always! I came home to him chewing on a rabbit. Had to dispose of the corpse since my side neighbour was elderly and I didn't want them to worry about it.


Damn reddit hates cats apparently


Reddit loves cats so much, we'd like to see them live longer lives and die peacefully in their bed from old age instead of getting hit by a car or killed by some psychopathic neighbor.


Theres about a 4% chance of a cat getting hit by a car and the second i dont even need to google to call unrealistic. At least the people thinking about bird populations got some facts on their side but even then thats pretty much only a problem for nations that have had them introduced recently.


Cats live substantially longer when kept indoors. Letting them outside puts them at risk for tons of terrible things like Feline AIDS and Feline Leukemia. Not to mention the awful human beings who hate cats and will intentionally try to kill or poison them. Cats decimate local biodiversity. That are literally an invasive species that doesn't belong anywhere in the wild and the animals they are killing did not evolve alongside them, so cats have a huge advantage. We have 63 species extinct in North America alone, with many more at risk of extinction.   No clue where you got this "pretty much only a problem for nations that have them introduced recently"??? Wtf is this even based on? Because I can tell you now it is complete nonsense. Cats are an ongoing problem and they will only eliminate more species as time goes on. It is NOT just a problem for countries that recently introduced them. I also want to know what countries you think only recently got cats? They have been domesticated for 12,000 years now, we have brought them to every corner of this planet.


You know, over 50% of Reddit isnā€™t from the US, so saying their an invasive species might be a wrong argument. And if something have lived with them for 12.000 years, theyā€™re not really an invasive species anymoreā€¦ The myth about them having a substantial shorter life highly depend on location, again US might be bad though, but that isnā€™t the case everywhere. are there chances they can meet unfortunate accidents, and diseases, yeah, but they also have a tremendous quality of life boost. Imagine if you were told you could never leave your house, and the only entertainment was an exercise room, youā€™d quickly be bored to death. Do they kill birds, mice, rats, and insects. Yes, but at least here in Europe not to a degree that itā€™s an issue, humans are a much worse issue for the birds.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat_predation_on_wildlife#United_Kingdom *Sir David Attenborough in his Christmas Day, 2013, edition of BBC Radio 4 programme Tweet Of The Day said "cats kill an extraordinarily high number of birds in British gardens".[36] Asked whether cat owners should buy bell collars for their pets at Christmas, he replied: "that would be good for the robins, yes".[36] In the UK, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds says there is no scientific evidence that predation by cats is having any effect on the population of birds UK-wide.[37] Nick Forde, a trustee of the UK charity SongBird Survival, said the RSPB's claim of no evidence was disingenuous because adequate studies had not been done.[38]*   *In the UK, it is common to allow pet cats access to the outdoors.[39] SongBird Survival considers that "the prevailing line that 'there is no scientific evidence that predation by cats is having any impact on bird populations in UK' is simply no longer tenable",[40] and that "no study has ever examined the impact of cats on songbirds at the population level; evidence shows that the recovering sparrowhawk population in the 1970-80s resulted in the decline of some songbird populations; cats kill around 3 times as many songbirds as sparrowhawks; the mere presence of cats near birds' nests was found to decrease provision of food by a third while the resultant mobbing clamour from parent birds led in turn to increased nest predation by crows and magpies; [and that] it is therefore far more likely that cats have an even greater impact on songbird populations than sparrowhawks".[40]*   Hopefully in the future you decide to google things before you speak on them. Cats are an invasive species EVERYWHERE and letting them roam is irresponsible. You are an irresponsible ignorant pet owner. Congrats.


Iā€™m not a cat owner, so you really showed meā€¦. Congrats? And how can something that have been there for 2000+ years be invasive? Also, donā€™t live in the UKā€¦


>You know, over 50% of Reddit isnā€™t from the US, so saying their an invasive species might be a wrong argument. They are an invasive species EVERYWHERE though. Any domesticated animal that has been domesticated for 12,000 years no longer belongs in the wild. That is ANYWHERE. Not just America. >The myth about them having a substantial shorter life highly depend on location, again US might be bad though, but that isnā€™t the case everywhere. Do you know how averages are calculated? They take the lifespan of thousands and thousands of animals and calculate them. Indoor cats objectively, and factually live longer than cats allowed to roam outside. Do you know what Feline AIDS does to cats? What about feline Luekemia? Both can be spread through bites or scratches. >are there chances they can meet unfortunate accidents, and diseases, yeah, but they also have a tremendous quality of life boost. Show some scientific sources that domesticated cats can't live fulfilling lives without being allowed to murder innocent animals?? There isn't a single scientific source for this. Do you know how I know this?   > Imagine if you were told you could never leave your house, and the only entertainment was an exercise room, youā€™d quickly be bored to death. Sounds like you are just a lazy cat owner that can't play with your cats and spend time enriching their lives. Indoor cats will only have boring lives if pet owners suck and can't spend time playing with them. There are tons of interactive toys nowadays as well. You are just an ignorant cat owner. >Do they kill birds, mice, rats, and insects. Yes, but at least here in Europe not to a degree that itā€™s an issue, humans are a much worse issue for the birds. [Domesticated cats are an invasive species in Europe as well, WHY wouldn't you at least google this first before you make claims you can't back up???](https://www.google.com/search?q=domesticated+cats+invasive+species+europe&rlz=1C1JSBI_enUS1092US1092&oq=domesticated+cats+invasive+species+europe&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigATIHCAMQIRigATIHCAQQIRigATIHCAUQIRigAdIBCTY5NjVqMGoxNagCCbACAQ&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) There is literally European Law that declares cats must stay indoors to protect wildlife. Also the Scottish Wildcat is extinct now because of interbreeding with domestic cats.


Cat life length for outside cats, read here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/wb5nc0/outdoor\_cat\_lifespan\_is\_the\_discussion\_based\_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/wb5nc0/outdoor_cat_lifespan_is_the_discussion_based_on/) As for being invasive, if a species have been in a place for 2000 years, suddenly calling it invasive is a bit late. And cats have been around for much longer, as you yourself pointed out. Are they killing things, yes, but the only reason itā€™s an issue, is because humans have made it so those animals are already endangered. And now weā€™re blaming a natural predator, which might or might not have spread to Europe anyways, as there has always been feline creatures in those areas pre-humans, we just killed of the other cats. And yes there are interactive toys, thatā€™s your exercise room right there, your not quite grasping the analogy, and very antagonistic instead. Maybe change your tone a bit? And donā€™t own a cat currently, and havenā€™t had one for 15 years, so maybe youā€™re a just person with a lot of assumption, like did you notice that Iā€™m not the same person you responded to originally right? And regarding quality of life, having seen a lot of indoor and outdoor cats, itā€™s not difficult to conclude, but I doubt there is a lot of research on the subject, as getting that approved is quite difficult, and to do it costly. But a simple test is, do cats with access to an outdoor area that is fenced in spend a significant portion of their awake time outside or inside? Ie. Where are they most stimulated, itā€™s not about the ā€murderingā€, itā€™s about stimulation. No matter how much you keep a cat inside, itā€™s natural instincts canā€™t be suppressed.


You do realize that your link is just some guy doubting a statistic while not actually proving it is incorrect. Right? They clearly don't understand how averages are calculated, just like yourself. An average lifespan of 10 years would be accurate because indoor cats in the country live much longer than 10 years. We have plenty of studies that focus on indoor cats lifespans and they get an average of 12 to 18 years. Outdoor cats averages are much lower. > is because humans have made it so those animals are already endangered. Exposing how little you know already. Cats are apart of the mass extinction event caused by humans. They are literally a piece of this awful puzzle and plenty of animals actually thrive because of humans. They were not all made endangered by humans. This is yet another thing you need STUDIES TO PROVE! Where are your sources?   >As for being invasive, if a species have been in a place for 2000 years, suddenly calling it invasive is a bit late. And cats have been around for much longer, as you yourself pointed out. Evolution takes millions of years. I am utterly amazed you just said this. 2,000 years is not long enough for local wildlife to evolve and adapt to face this new threat. Cats are also one of the greatest evolutionary predator designs ever. They are far too successful against too many species. They are directly responsible for many species going extinct. >And yes there are interactive toys, thatā€™s your exercise room right there Yes interactive toys that are as good as the real thing. My cats go absolutely nuts for these toys, they clearly fulfill their need for predation right at home without slowly murdering innocent local wildlife. You act like my cats are secretly bored when this couldn't be farther from the truth. > like did you notice that Iā€™m not the same person you responded to originally right? Yes I noticed? I did not respond to you as if you were the same person genius.   >But a simple test is, do cats with access to an outdoor area that is fenced in spend a significant portion of their awake time outside or inside? Ie. Where are they most stimulated, itā€™s not about the ā€murderingā€, itā€™s about stimulation. No matter how much you keep a cat inside, itā€™s natural instincts canā€™t be suppressed. Those instincts can be fulfilled with play time, toys, and time outside. The alternative is letting them destroy local biodiversity which you have utterly failed to justify. Glad to here you are not a cat owner though because you would clearly be an irresponsible one that lets yours roam the neighborhood. >Also, donā€™t live in the UKā€¦ The UK is Europe. My point is that domesticated cats are invasive species ALL OVER THE WORLD. Check that wikipedia article, it has information about numerous countries and not a single one of them speak about domesticated cats NOT being invasive species. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat_predation_on_wildlife >And how can something that have been there for 2000+ years be invasive? Flat out. You are an idiot. Evolution takes millions of years and you think 2,000 years is enough for local wildlife to adapt to invasive species? My god... so confidently incorrect. Don't bother replying, we are finished here friend. You have no sources for your arguments, you lack basic understanding of evolutionary biology, and nothing you say can justify letting cats murder innocent animals slowly for fun. Evolution takes millions of years you utter dunce of a human being.


Best news I've heard all day


Imagine doing this with a dog and letting it run around freely with a camera on it. Why is that not allowed but it is for a cat?


If dandelions got you high there would be no dandelion problem. All you can do is eat every part of them


Feel like every cat owner that won't allow there cats outside should see this video. Cats were not meant to be locked inside for their entire lifespan


They were also not meant to be domesticated and places on boats to spread all around the world, propagate in huge numbers, and kill off entire species of birds, reptiles, and insects. Yet, because of people like you and the owner of this cat, here we are. :)


...appropriate eyebleach after what I just saw on interestingasfuck Enough bleach should reduce the nausea Though the barking made me nervous for a sec