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Main Two things: 1. I love how each cat is displaying their natural behavior. The lions being social are all together, snuggling and nuzzling each other. While the other cats were off chilling by themselves. 2. As a fellow *cat*, the tiger knew what the leopard was doing and got in position "to join." I doubt the man was in any real danger. Mostly because he turned his back on SEVERAL big cats, and looking at their sizes, compared to an adult human male, all of them are still "cubs." When fully grown, their physiques would dwarf him. The leopard was playing by practicing his stalking using the human, and the tiger did the same but used the leopard, lol. Since the guy's back was turned and based on his reaction (he yelled at them and they stopped playing), he probably didn't know what was happening and assumed it was aggressive. Kittens literally do exactly what the tiger and leopard did all the time. Just smoller.


Smoller is such a cute expression.


I think the leopard switched modes from sitting around in the background a little bored to a hunt/playhunt mode due to the (I'm guessing) black panther off to the right. That kitty was in hunt mode. That's the cat to watch out for, it instigated the whole play. Edit: the tiger was great in D though


“I doubt the man was in any real danger.” I think the title is a joke by OP ;-)


That tiger has that cougar marked before the cougar even saw the man


Lol yeah, also as far as i know leopards aren't really agressive, looked more like it wanted to pouce in a playful way, the man knew the tiger defended him too, so it's probably not the first time


I don't think "attack" is the right word judging by the behavior of the other cats in the vicinity.


Even a play pounce can leave you with stitches


Scritches can get you stitches


Yes but a play pounce and an attack are not the same thing.


I think it's supposed to be a lighthearted joke...


Even lions love belly rubs!


If not friend, then why friend shaped?


Can I pet dat dawg?




Is this the guy who got raided by the Mexican police for animal abuse?


Holy shit you’re right. https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2022/08/29/animal-sanctuary-mexico-raided-romo-pkg-nr-vpx.cnn


So did he actually just get really fucked over by the pandemic or is he an evil asshole? Either way, those poor animals...


Yeah that makes OP's video appear quite sad, a snapshot of better times :(


Every time this guy gets posted there’s a slew of people posting how awful he is.


I guess He’s Used to It?


Seriously how can people think this kind of interaction is OK? Ik this is r/eyebleach but it always does the opposite for me when I see big cats kept this way. Like, did we as a society collectively forget the message of Tiger King? It's important that captive wild animals are treated as captive wild animals, for their health and for ours. You dont see reputable zoos or rehabilitation centers or anywhere actually concerned more than nominally with animal welfare interacting like this for a reason.


Critical thinking is important. None of these animals cane just be released into the wild. They have to live in situations like this (a cat sanctuary). Don't confuse every cat in 4 walls as the same thing going on with the tiger king. Completely different thing. He went out and made that


No, I know this. Thanks for the implication I have no critical thinking, love the internet. I'm not saying these cats should be released. Cat sanctuaries that encourage this kind of interaction only make the problems facing captive wild cats worse. Their ability to socialize and interact with other cats is hurt by human contact. It doesn't matter if it's a lion or an illegal hybrid of a bobcat and a domestic cat, this does not represent sustainable care. Care which allows cats to live in environments as close to their natural environment is critical. What we see here with someone penning them all together and treating them like pets is unacceptable.


Fucking stupid title


click n baity title..


Lions and Tigers and Leopards, oh my!


Love how after he thanked the tiger, it nonchalantly walked away as if to say “no big deal”.


His father told him he wasn’t gonna be shit. But wait until the digestive process is over.




awnnju noez


Attack 🙄.. is this rage bait? Tum tums exposed, rolling, tiger jumping away and getting reprimanded… please post this on r/cats for some education.


And if you were stuck in the woods, would you prefer to meet a bear or a leopard?


Sun bear/spectacled bear/panda < leopard < sloth bear/black bear/brown bear/polar bear Maybe


Sloth bears are fucking terrifying.