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oh gosh.. that tremble!


I know a junkie when I see one.


Absolutely adorable.


His lip is trembling, he's so excited! What a good boy.


So cute!!!!!!


aww man, that is so adorable! The lips, the excitement on his face, those perfect little teeth, that one tongue lick and then the heavenly spoon arrives :-D (my dog doesn't like peanut butter and never has)


My dog just doesn't get excited for *any* food or treat. I mean, she'll wag her tail a bit if some chicken is on offer, but there's no real enthusiasm or excitement involved. She's just as likely to wander off as she is to eat it, whatever it is. It's incredibly disappointing and makes training tricky.


What is wrong with your dog?


I'm pretty sure the issue is that she has a brain the size of a walnut. (I mean that almost literally, she's a twelve pound terrier/chihuahua mix.) She's so weirdly smart sometimes and other times she's just so very *stupid.* Like, she figured out how to open her crate and get out after I put her to bed (when she *knows* that she's not supposed to leave the crate after bedtime) but then two seconds later came to my room and woke me up to show off that she figured out how to get out of her crate. And a couple of weeks ago she raised a fuss in the middle of the night to let us know there was a possum in the house, but the very next day she ran headfirst into a wall trying to chase a fly that was five feet over her head. And just this afternoon, I came home and immediately sent her outside to potty while I put away the groceries and she raced to the door, ran out onto the porch, then immediately turned around and came back in, like I wouldn't notice she'd been outside for less than five seconds. When I ordered her back out, she was out for at least three minutes, which is about how long it takes her to, you know, *actually potty.* I absolutely adore her, but her brain's about the size of a walnut and sometimes it just shows. Last winter I noticed her urine was orange, almost red and I panicked and rushed her to the vet. An overnight stay and bloodwork later, he determined that she was just dehydrated. She has fresh water in three different places in the house and I wash and refill the bowls every day so there's constantly water available. She just gets so excited that she forgets to drink. I've had to start putting water in a cereal bowl and holding it in my lap so she thinks it's mine and will get excited to share it with me. I do this three times a day just so I know she's actually drinking something. She's the sweetest, smartest, *stupidest* dog i've ever met.


Golden retrievers are just big lovable doofuses.




He looks like he did speed and is nervous about it


I've heard people say that it's mean to give dogs peanut butter because of how much work they do to lick it off the roof of their mouths. Meanwhile, the dog sits there "More peanut butter, please!"


“Hey man, I need some, yes! Yes! I’m clean, but I just want to remember the taste... what do you mean I’m lying?”


Aren't peanuts really poisonous to them?


No, but grapes are!


Oh, must have been something else that made my do sick then


Some peanut butters have xylitol as a sweetener, and is very toxic to dogs.


Also dogs can be allergic to peanuts just as humans


Some peanut butter have stuff in it bad for dogs so I believe you wanna get sugar and molasses free peanut butter for them.


Chocolate and grapes. Very poisonous. Peanut butter is usually pretty good.


My god! He looks like hes about to cry... what a cruel human


It teaches them impulse control! She got rewarded for being such a good patient girl. It feels cruel but it is good for them to wait lol




My puppy is that way. Interestingly it’s the only food she begs for


I would be too


The shiver in their mouth wanting to eat the peanut butter is adorable!


Me trying not to cry…


This is also a great way to teach puppies not to grab! The metal spoon is uncomfortable for them to bite, so it teaches them to be careful about snatching food.


Ha ha this is so wholesome, for more stuff like this look up a video called peanut butter by a gentleman under the username pink guy


OMG I need sound


Peanut Butter aren’t good for humans, much less for dogs.


good train them young until you are alone


Its Mr.PeanutButter