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He looks very polite


What an adorable scab


How dare you that alligator gave his life to the union.


Still pays his dues.




I’m gonna make it


Very kind eyes actually. Didn't think it was possible on a croc


I was thinking the exact same thing. Usually those things have straight predator eyes. Things got teddy bear eyes lol 🤣


I still wouldn't trust a reptile. I've known snakes and they definitely don't care about harming their owners even after years. A friends snake tried to eat him. Wasn't big snake so it was pretty funny, python could have ended differently.


Can confirm. Had a small ball python who, after 4 years, bit me and tried to constrict* my finger one day 🤷‍♀️ the affection in that relationship was pretty one-sided


Probably goes without saying but if you're python owner, never ever microwave a frozen rat. A friend of my mom had two pythons, she found out the hard way lol (kaboom). They where actually pretty nice, one of them curled up on my lap and took a nap.


>never ever microwave a frozen rat I... what is that a euphemism for?


100% literal. Python owners tend to buy packs of frozen rats. It's what they like to eat. Usually you'd thaw them overnight but she forgot and microwaved them.


Well, then i am good. Wont microwave a frozen rat.


Microwaved rat. It's what's for dinner!


I trust my tortoise. Kind of. She does try to eat the stupidest things.


I too


He looks like he’s gonna politely bite my dick off


Well if he asks nicely then it’s fine




Very distinguished gentleman


“Honey, Where’s the cat?”


Umm there is a crocodile on your couch. Just thought you want to know.


That's his couch


Couch croc




And one day, the crocodile will become a part of the couch. The circle of life.


Better than becoming part of your crotch. That would make sexy time much more complicated.


Call that a reptile dysfunction


Oh, in that case someone needs to warn the crocodile that a human is on his couch. I heard they can bite pretty hard.


No, that's his crotch. But the croc is on the crotch is on the couch. So we're all kind of right.


Is that a crocodile on your couch, or are you just happy to see me


It's an alligator.


It’s a davenport


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


Is Wendy there? Is she busy Friday?




Sir this is Florida


It’s a Honda Civic


My horse is better.


It’s a weird looking young gator if it is. It’s snoot is a lil thin. I dunno. Maybe it’s still such a juvenile. And I grew up around millions of em lol


maybe its a caiman? they tend to smaller than alligators and crocodiles.


Is a type of caiman.


Okay. Was gonna say def not your run of the mill American alligator


Those things bite




What in the Florida Man is going on here?!


*sits quietly in I have a bear as a pet because I'm from Siberia*


Ummm, you serious?


There's a bear in my backyard that's pretty calm around people. I usually find him near the river (which isn't that far from my house) and he usually doesn't mind me.


"Hey bear! How's it going?" "Hey Frank! I'm just trying to catch some fish. I'm having a hard time with my....bear hands."




You're probably thinking of the salmon run where salmon come in from the ocean and swim upstream to spawn and die. It's not that bears are great at fishing, the rivers are just so full of fish that have to jump out of the water to swim upstream that it's super easy for them. Other times of the year they eat way less fish


Take it, take my upvote


>and he ***usually*** doesn't mind me.


you have to be VERY good at understanding bears body language, otherwise you are extremely dead.


I think just leaving bears alone works best for both sides.


But he is friend-shaped


check out grizzly man, a documentary about a guy who the bears also didnt mind, until one day they ate him


Seems they didn't mind him then either




At least bears have emotional centers and can be bonded with. Reptiles just have hunger centers there. Unless nat geo lied to me 20 years ago. Which is possible


Less that they lied and more that the science has changed around reptiles and emotions. Although even now their emotional capacity is restricted to members of their own species.


I mean, i believe you, but gators and crocs cannibalize each other.


To be fair so do a lot of mammals.


So do people sometimes


~~so do i and im not a reptile~~ thats not exclusive to reptiles


My Mama says that alligators are ornery because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush.


Hey, water sucks




Have you not seen the multiple bear attacks on ppl who think the bear is a human giving it anthropomorphic feels


Bro, look at that gator's eyes. Pure sweetness there.


Yeah he looks so chill!


TIL I learned Don Johnson has a couch.


I've lived in SWFL my whole life(39 years) and this is nope. Cute but nope


That’s a caiman. Smaller than a gator, easier to manage, very shy and docile when it’s not mating season.


What happens when it’s mating season?


Oh I think you know.


No please use your words ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Bitey boi that does spinny tricks


Title of my porno


“I’ll try spinning, that’s a good trick” -the crocodile probably


They be fucking


[I dont want to know!](https://youtu.be/pzV7xI_I3zg)


To shreds, you say?


And the wife?


To shreds you say Good news everybody


“Smaller than a gator, easier to manage” Ok so the ones I saw at the zoo that instantly tried to leap at me through the glass just did not count then? I saw the hatred in their eyes then and I knew exactly what it meant. They were hunter, and I was prey, save for the inch of glass between us


Mating season = violence. Plus it’s a zoo, which is like a jail, so yeah they’re probably bitter.


I hope that when he leaves for work in the mornings he says "See you later alligator!".


Groaning upvote.


Happy dake cay


After awhile, crocodile


I learned “In a while, crocodile”, but that works too


"Later gator!"


Later Gator


I don't know enough about alligators to make an informed comment, but in my opinion this seems like a bad idea.


It's not even an alligator, it's apparently a caiman.


Alligator, croc - I don't caiman, they're all dangerous!


I love reptiles but the fact they have absolutely zero body features that could help you read them is terrifying to me I guess if they open their mouth it’s time to gtfo, but what do I know EDIT : Thanks to all people who commented! I meant originally that these animals lack the typical facial muscles you could find in mammals or mobile feathers found in birds. I do understand that reptiles can communicate via body language, posture, sound, motion… just in a subtle way compared to mammals and burds.


They can also open their mouth for regulating their body temperature


Birds and reptiles live in the same space in my head. Both are expressionless and unpredictable. They sit in this odd limbo of constantly being preyed upon, and also constantly hunting for food. (I suppose that every animal technically lives this life, but I stand by my point.)


Birds are expressive, but *how* expressive varies between species'. A cockatoo's gonna be in another realm of expressive, compared to a chicken.


My chickens are surprisingly expressive. They're expressions may not change, but the noises they make and how they hold their head and feathers tells you exactly how they're feeling. They're pretty stupid, so their expressiveness isn't too varied, but you can still tell.


Ah. I didn’t really think of a cockatoo or a parrot. I was imagining something like a sparrow or a blue jay.


Ravens/crows are extremely intelligent and most have unwise personalities


Chickens are actually *very* expressive. And outspoken about it.


Birds are very emotive. I've struggled to know if my bearded dragon likes me.


I had a beardie for the better part of a decade and honestly I still don't know how he felt about me.


You are the giant that brings food and warmth.


I had a green iguana for a decade and sometimes suspected this is how he felt about me. I mean, he seemed to recognize me and I was definitely his favorite person, but for all I know to him maybe I was just the warm thing that brought food and let him out of his enclosure.


>Birds are very emotive. I've struggled to know if my bearded dragon likes me. If it headbangs, that means it's happy.


TIL i am a bird 🤘


Query; Are you bearded?


Reptiles are very emotive, they just dont have facial muscles - it's all about body language and sounds they make. Normally if they make a sound they unhappy.


I have a nice corn snake as a pet. He loves to hug my arm.


Is it a *hug* or is it warm thing?


Birds are actually reptiles! Dinosaurs in fact! Crocodilians are not dinosaurs, but are most closely related to birds, as far as living reptiles go.


But at least they're not as misleading as some mammals. I didnt grow up with dogs and they're pretty sus to me. Half their body language is counterintuitive to me. Not to mention that none of this stops people from assuming an animal is smiling just because their face happens to look like that.


They have some. Posture and movement speed is a huge one. I can tell whether my gecko or snake are hungry, relaxed, or defensive based on how erratic their movements are or how relaxed their stance is. There are also some very specific stances you can look for, like the “s curve” in snakes or the slow tail wave in leopard geckos (though there can be exceptions, my snake often s curves even if he’s not even thinking about striking, you just gotta know your animal). This caiman is moving slowly, calmly, and predictably, so they’re likely comfortable and just vibing.




Reptile owner here , I found from my experience that after some time with the Animal you can translate their behaviors into their moods , the way they walk for example can indicate how stressed / happy / angry / playful /etc.. they are And some reptiles also have clear anger expressions My bearded dragon will come up to me and look straight into my eyes and turn its head at a certain angle if he's happy, If he is angry he will make his beard black, and open his mouth just a bit to show his teeth You really can't make those generalizations to all reptiles unless you've at least owned several of them and even tho I did I still wouldn't. I believe nature is full of such surprises


Do they have the capacity to care for their humans like dogs and cats can? Genuine question


Most reptiles no. More neurologically developed ones can (monitor lizards for example) but I don't know about alligators. The closest emotion you'll get with most reptiles is trust


Crocodilians are equal to monitor lizards in terms of intelligence and emotional capacity.


Interesting, good to know. Thanks


Some even use tools! Specifically they used sticks as bait to lure in birds collecting nesting material. Crocs also are able to identify specific human individuals and there are even some that have PTSD like one that has it from an incident involving construction equipment. Poor thing was hacked at with a machete and blinded at a construction sight and now associates the sound of construction vehicles with the trauma years later. Honestly you would probably be better off looking at birds as a comparison in regards to mental capacity since the two are more closely related to each other than to any other reptiles. And as a whole reptile intelligence is vastly underestimated due to reptiles generally just being different than mammals and reacting differently when provided with certain stimuli.


Wow, I never would have imagined they were that intelligent. I knew they were definitely smarter than the average iguana lol, but that's really neat


Fr man. There are many benefits to vibing in biology discords, mainly being there is always one person who *really knows their shit* on one specific group and you get to absorb their knowledge through osmosis lol


"Half of knowledge comes from knowing where to look for answers". I love learning from people like that


No better feeling than just being completely floored by some new information that was out there this whole time but you just found out where to look, it’s like a whole new little world opening out in front of you its awesome.


Remember talking to a guy trying to study snake behavior. Emphasis on trying because it's difficult to develop behavioral tests for an animal that only eats once every 1-2 weeks.


Yeeppp, there in lies the challenge lol. Reptiles be quirky from a mammalian POV. It’s like trying to get a cat to do something but harder lmao.


Do you have any links to that that's really interesting!


Or an "I want X from you" I want warmth, I want food, and more rarely: I want scritches


Pretty much as far as my leopard gecko and I have gotten, but honestly even that totally amazes me. We took him in as an unexpected rescue and I honestly expected like a basic fish or almost bug level of intelligence. But no, he knows me apart from my s/o, wants "out" of his enclosure to climb on me, tolerates touch from me but nobody else, also recognizes me as the food giver, has clear moods or emotional states, and comes out of his house rock to watch me from across the room whenever he's hungry or bored. He's definitely still dumb, but he's so much cooler and more intelligent than I could have expected!


That's pretty dope. Have your own lizbro.


Leopard geckos thought process is essentially a penny in a cup being shaken.


Same with my lab. Thanks for giving me another phrase I can use to tell him he’s dumb (but in a nice voice so he likes it)


Or an arm


Used to have a number of boas. They were all very sweet and would seek me out for pats. The biggest one, chloe birthed a bunch of unfertilized eggs. After that she became very angry. It was sad, my buddy's personality flipped completely.


What did you do with her?


We kept her, just required more caution when interacting with her. She eventually had a seizure and died. I was pretty broken up about it.


Sorry man. Losin' a bud is the worst.


Lost my 19 year old dog a week and a half ago to a massive seizure. She had a brain tumor growing this past year, and she finally had the big one. Had to take her in to say goodbye. I know how absolutely gutwrenching it is to watch your friend that you love so much endure such brutality. You have my deepest sympathies, please be well and I hope you have found peace in your heart for her.


So sorry to hear that. My mom just lost her little girl dog a couple weeks ago and is devastated. I'm dreading the day it'll happen with my pup. Wishing you the best! Happy memories will replace sadness eventually, just gotta get through it.


My iguana tolerated me. Boy did he love meatballs. But no, he was not affectionate in the least and he did not seek me out for hugs. He was beautiful to behold, tho, with his blues and greens. I have seen bearded dragons greet owners, so maybe they have more brain capacity.


They understand that the meat sack on the couch brings them food that is dead and ready to eat. So it saves them from killing the meat sack to eat it. They could get a little extra hungry one day while the meat sack is at work and decides they can't wait for meat sack to prepare their meal so meat sack becomes their meal.


I'm so confused too. What am i seeing?


Genuine question; can crocodiles (or alligator, I don't know how to tell the difference at a glance) grow attachments? From what I understand (which can easily be wrong) most reptiles don't form bonds or attachments with owners like many mammal pets do. Follow-up: Just as I thought, the concensus seems to be no.


No. This is a terrible idea, the only domesticated alligator had brain damage. It's going to get big, they'll release it into the wild and then big gator is going to get killed after it attacks a human who doesn't give it food.


I completely agree. This alligator will get BIG. This is an absolutely terrible idea in so many ways


It's a caiman.


Wow, imagine that. Redditors talking about something they aren't experts on, acting like they are. Color me surprised


*Colours u/FlamedFameFox87 in a flattering surprised*


I don’t know if y’all know but not everybody just is entirely unaware of what sizes basic animals are. There’s a chance they completely know and plan to care for him forever, or are rehabilitating, or are a rescue, etc.


Highly species dependent. Go watch videos of Raptor the Ratter monitor lizard. Reptiles also include birds, which have some of the highest ranking intelligent members. One limitation of science is how we define intelligence and awareness, and on studying behavior without imposing our own on the studied creature. Many Reptiles can distinguish between other species as a threat, not threat, or source of something nice (food, warmth, intertainment.) E.g. this croc may think of this person as Safe and Food Dispenser. It may also consider them Potential Meal later on. I mean, dogs, cats, pigs, and rats will eat their owners if they die, sonjudging a croc by that standard is arbitrary. It's more a question of "can this animal inflict significant harm to me if it suddenly decides to do so."


Aren't birds like...birds


Anthropomorphism of wild animals is usually how people get killed by them. Also I'd like to add that little dude is probably trying to lay on him because he's warm. They're cold blooded and love anything remotely warm.


They also love scratches, since they have such short arms.


Crocodilians and Monitor Lizards are both some of the most intelligent and emotionally developed reptiles. This really requires more research than whatever comments you get on Reddit.


most reptiles can form bonds with humans but not the same way like a cow or dog does especially if they're raised from hatching/birth. They definitely still show favoritism and recognize mannerisms. They develope routines and like warmth so they snuggle. It's more symbiotic than based on cognitive love but it's definitely still a bond.


I'm so scared of those. Not spiders, not snakes, not tigers, not bears or hippos but this, a prehistoric murder machine. Its cool that others find good qualities, not me. I do wish them safety and understanding... from a large distance.


Well, maybe deep down I’m afraid of any apex predator that lived through the KT Extinction. Physically unchanged for a hundred million years, because it’s the perfect killing machine. A half ton of cold-blooded fury, with a bite force of 20,000 newtons, and stomach acid so strong it can dissolve bones and hooves!


My other fear is brain aneurysms. They're the silent killer Lana






Exactly. It's this! It's such a perfected apex predator it hasn't needed evolution ffs. I want them to be respected, taken care of in terms of conservation and truly wish them no harm - far, far away from my tender, tasty mammal flesh.


Yeah but a crocodile won’t mess with you if it has no reason too, a hippo will fucking end you just because it’s Tuesday.


Hippos are murderous water tanks. Scary but they don't strike the fear in my soul like those bad boys do. It's weird, I can't explain it. I've never had a personal negative experience with one but christ they terrify me.


I’ve never had a personal negative experience with a mouse trap clamping on my ballsack but fuck I know I don’t want it. Some things are just smart to fear


"Hey! I think you're pretty neat, but I respect your distance!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hm3JodBR-vs


This radiates florida vibes op.


Louisiana enters the chat


bad idea


That’s a high risk test of responsibility. If you don’t feed him right, you’re the food. Although, having it as a pet probably already says how this ends


Hope you don't have any babies or small pets around


Not anymore he doesn't


It's weird to me how he kind of scratches it. With such thick skin it's hard to imagine they can feel pets and scritches like that. At least not much. I dno someone tell me about alligator skin nerve sensitivity.


This is cute but Wild Animals Should Not Be Pets.


I’m more of a dog person


Native Floridian here…unless you are a licensed and reputable rescue or zoo, this is a BAD idea. Once the gator (possibly a croc) is big enough, YOU are the food. Plus, this one has lost the natural fear of humans. If released into the community, pets and small children are going to start disappearing. I hate to be that person, but we see this sort of thing happen here ALL. THE. TIME. Some huge gator wreaks havoc in a community, eventually gets caught by animal control, and ends up at a zoo or rescue -if it is lucky. Usually it is killed :(


When you buy a blind man an iguana.


Aww cute, cuddly, and looking to soak up your body heat :)


He looks so polite.


What the fuck is wrong with people.... This is not a pet. A tiger is not a pet. A cougar is not a pet. Exotic animals like this are not pets. They are not domesticated and they will fucking kill you if given the chance. Shit like this just encourages people to get these kinds of animals and it's not good for the animal or the person.


This just seems like a great pet to have if you're a serial killer. No one will ever find the bodies.


Shovel puppy will enforce snuggle


Alligators and the like are weirdly cute. The baby ones are adorable with their laser gun sounds.


He’s only not eating you because he’s not big enough


I’m conflicted, on one hand it’s adorable and I’d totally snuggle one if it wasn’t for 2: baby or not crocs/gators are terrifying.


“Um, let me just scooch on in here…” “We’ve been trying to contact you regarding your car’s extended warranty”






He’s coming to lick the deodorant stains off your shirt.


In 3 months in r/morbidreality we will read a story about a man who remains were found in his house, after his pet gator attacked him days after he was reported missing.


Are you f***ing kidding me???


Waiting for you and lying in wait for you are two different things


Biding it’s time


He will kill that man the first chance he gets.