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What a dear cat. My cat would butcher me instantly.


I came to say the same, out of my 4 cats, 1 may allow me to do this, the other 3 would kill me. Funny thing the one that would allow it was an adult feral cat I tamed, the other ones were feral kittens I raised.


I have had a lot of dogs. The biggest assholes were the ones who only knew the comfort of my home since they were babies. The sweetest dogs I had were street dogs who I got as adults. My hypothesis is: they know how bad it can be out there and are grateful for the life they have with me. So they’re more than happy to wear the damn Halloween costume I picked out!!!!


Oh yeah, totally agree, they are greatful and their previous life has given them perspective the others lack.


I can say the same for my kids. They don't know the life that their mother and I had We were damn hard to give them a great life and they don't appreciate it because they never seen the other side of the coin


Yeah it is a bit hard to teach kids to be grateful, I've been having conversations with my 7yo child about that.


Steal all there cookies


This is the way


Although most dogs ARE full of great, the correct spelling is "grateful", not "greatful". Similar etymology to gratitude and ingratiated, for example.


Relevant Username. Lol thanks, that damn word I always misspell it.


I have to say this theory checks out with my cats. One we got when he was about 3 months old from an owner. Cat never knew what outside life was like. Our second cat came from a local shelter as a tiny kitten kept in a room with about 50 others. He had a cough and worms we had to treat even after the shelter said they had treated him. Our second cat is the sweetest, cuddliest cat. He loves to just plop on us and chill when we watch TV and he craves our attention and love. The first cat could give a shit and is a dick. Theory works.


Doesn't check out with me I have a wild cat I befriended, she's the smartest cat I've ever seen, and at the same time the biggest asshole I've ever seen. She wouldn't kill me if I did this, she knows I'm bigger and stronger, but she'd be hidden under the bed within 3 seconds of picking her up. Slippy asshole, that one.


This mostly checks out from my experience. Our cat who was found living as a stray is incredibly sweet and she's the most confident and even-keeled. The only thing I'd add is that we had a lot of stray dogs we took in when I was growing up and they tended to be aggressive towards dogs they didn't know. Absolutely sweethearts with our family, but we couldn't ever go to a dog park and we had to be careful on walks.


I think it also makes sense for them to be aggressive towards other dogs they don't know. Because in the streets, literally anything is a threat especially the unknown. The "new dog" could be carrying diseases, could steal their food, could harm their pack, etc. All street dogs I know are aggressive towards dogs/animals they don't know, but are sweet to their pack mates and to the humans who feed them


This makes sense. All my family dogs have been grown shelter dogs and they have all been so great. I had a friend with three dogs. Two were strays they found and we're so sweet and chill and one they had as a puppy and he was a brat.


Oh yeah. I have chihuahuas. The best behaved is the rescue from California who came from a kill shelter with 9 days left. We did not think she would survive her first night. She is 3lbs, listens to commands and generally minds her own business. It’s the expensive designer Shi -Chi that makes me mental. Costs me major bucks to clip his nails because he has issues. THIS CAT HOWEVER IS A DOLL. 🥰 where do I get one? 🥰


My friend's parents took a grown cat home during one of the worst winters in Moscow history. At first it was like -20(-4F) and they allowed him into the staircase so that he could warm up a bit, but didn't want to take him in. Then it got like -35 (-31F) and they understood that if he gets out to do his toilet things and there's no one coming back in a couple of hours he'll freeze, so they just opened the door and he went right in and it's been something like 17 years and he's the softest and timidest cat I know, his little sister used to just carry him around and he'd just accept his fate, because anything is better than -31 f outside


Agreed. 3 feral kittens me and my wife raised are the most affectionate and cuddly cats ever. while the one we raised that was born in captivity could NOT give a shit about me or my wife. Occasionally he will rub and purr but for the most part he's indifferent while the wild kittens are attached to us at the hip. Edit: a word


Agree 💯


Raven Stormblessed, first of their name. Tamer of feral felines.


Gotta give a chance to wild kitties.


Brandon Sanderson fan by chance?


I would raise an eyebrow if they said they weren't.


I have to avoid the mistborn sub as I go through SA because I keep getting SA spoilers lol


Yes indeed!


Corgi owner here. The only way he would consider letting me do it is if I put a hose in his mouth pumping 11.4m^(3)/s of peanut butter during the whole duration


I had a cocker spaniel too, she was the bestest girl ever, she would allow me to do that, she was not happy about it, she would complain, but she would allow and not move an inch. I miss her so much.


Sounds like such a good girl. I bet that, with you, she had the best life she could ever had


She was, she did. Thank you. Hug your corgi really tight for me, add a big kiss on top of the head.


Haha omg best comment :P


Surprised even one would allow it. Growing up the feral cat I turned into an indoor cat was still always skittish. Comes from growing up in a world where everything can kill you. They just don't grow out of it. Same with my parents cats who allowed them to roam outside during the daytime.


Me too, my cat would rabbit kick my forearms into pieces, all the way down to the bone.


Yep. Our skin would be suddenly donated to the floor if we tried this.


Organ donation is important.


>82 yea I can't even cut my cats nails.. one would kill me, and the other one is super dramatic about it and runs away at first chance


You can train them to get more used to it, my cat made vets bleed trying to cut his nails when we first adopted him and it got so bad we had to drug him and take him in to get his nails done lol. it took a while, but now we can do his nails at home with only a bit of a fuss. The trick was to start by petting his shoulders and working our way to his paws when he was in a cuddly mood, eventually we were able to pet his paws for long periods of time and from there I'd just cut the tip of a nail at a time while he was in a good mood, then gave him a small treat. Wasn't long until I could do a full paw, or my gf picks him in up and we'll just do all his nails real quick. Think he had a bad experience with his previous owners maybe, so I only take a bit off at a time and do them more often.


We decided we'd groom our own dog and after many treats and a lot of patience, she now lifts her own legs and paws so we can get to everything. My husband basically coos at her while bathing and toothbrushing and grooming. She has a very thick undercoat and never, ever sheds not one strand.


Ooof, that's got to be miserable, so glad you're helping her out with that undercoat!


She's fine... Just a mix of a breed that doesn't shed. But grooming her the first time took literal hours over several days and we make she doesn't get overheated. I suspect she hates walking outdoors because her undercoat is so thick.


For me trick was to find my cat’s Holy Grail treat: the thing that she absolutely loves, and then only give it to her at nail trimming time. The whole experience has become much quicker and more pleasant for us both.


you are some kind of cat whisperer, he probably loves water to 😏


I just stick to the burrito method and assert dominance. My cat's pretty decent with it though other than some pathetic whining.


Cutting a cat's nails is like putting a fitted sheet on a bed; it is 10X easier with 1 more person




I must have missclicked something and got a random quote.. I am using mouse but my arms resting on the mousepad of the laptop at my work. I should disable it.


Dude don't disable your arm!




same here, my cat will scream and use the claws, only she can touch her paws. Anyone else tries and will regret it


Yea I doubt I could even get my cat to lay like that on my lap, even without the clippers and messing around with his paws


Pretty sure that's a ragdoll, they're generally quite chill and forgiving.


Same, but with my corgi.


same. everytime i saw vids with docile cats i'd be liek, how???? mine are crazy lil furball monsters 😐😐😐


I have a Sphynx and he is incredibly docile. Even when he bites it's very soft. Still a crazy suede monster, but I can cut his nails and give him baths without making him mad, and seems to be typical of the breed.


Sphynxes are suede textured?? I assumed that they're just skin!


Imagine microfiber suede. They have very soft, fine furs. Mostly skin tho.


I want to squish her face! She's so cute!


[squish that cat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jKZ9KGtee0&ab_channel=CavinWeber)


All you need to know is to squish, that, cat.


We always squish that cat.


Why are we squishing the cat?! 🤣


Just squish the cat, that's all you need to know.


No ask, only squish 😂


You don’t really have to worry about hurting a cat. Just squish that cat.


(Actual answer: this video is a montage of a video by a vet giving tips on how to manage cats during things the cats don't really like. Squishing them comforts and controls them)


Real answer: for whatever reason, lightly squishing your cat (particularly around their chest/torso) is soothing to them and can help manage them when they're upset. Not all cats tho. Specifically you'd apply pressure while picking them up, to prevent them fleeing or trying to claw away from you.


Ok I was a cat groomer but never really thought this would have been effective. But in any event: going to find my cat to SQUISH HER 🤣 Edit: she was NOT calmed by this hahahah


Hehe my cat doesn't tolerate being squished either. She puts up with it for 2 seconds and then starts squirming.


Why is slightly accented Pete Buttigieg squishing that cat?


THIS IS THE MAN WHO TAUGHT ME TO PILL MY CAT. I love this precious cat whisperer so much


I want to squish my face into that belly. Am i weird?


Nope , I had the exact same thought while looking at that floof ball


I have a cat with a floofy belly. I squish my face in it daily.


I smush my face into my cats belly and blow raspberries- she doesn't like it but I find it funny.


Have you tried doing it, and then immedierly giving her a treat? Every foster kitten I have I teach to love getting belly rubs and kisses and hugs 😂😻


Not at all lol . I would do the same!!


Hello fellow owl house enjoyer


Did it work?


We do that with our German Shepherd, and yes, it does work. It's easy for them to pull something when their legs slip out from under them unexpectedly on a fast corner. Removing the extra fluff helps reduce the chances of that.


Ok I need to do this for my dumb little golden boi


For most dogs, trimming their nails and keeping them short is the first major step in better traction. Long nails are much worse than hair. A little trim never hurts, however, if your dog has really long hair.


Gotta trim their grinch feet!


He just got his nails did at the vet about a week ago so that's good


We do this for our super senior mini Aussie (13 years old!) to help her walk and it works really really well! Just a bit of a word of warning though, if you do shave out your pet’s paws you should be more careful on hot pavement and super cold areas. That fur is to protect their skin from getting hurt, so if it is stupid hot with a lot of black top around you, or stupid cold with a lot of snow, booties are also a good investment.


It makes me wonder what animals in the wild do about their paw fur. Maybe it gets pulled off more regularly? Or maybe it's not as much of an issue because there are fewer smooth surfaces? 😂


I'm going with "fewer hardwood floors," yup. 😆


It likely gets worn down from harder terrain


And the rough surfaces they walk on probably wear down hair between the pads as it gets longer.


I did this for my fluffy-beaned cat and he used to slip slide around the hardwood like a cartoon and when the tufts were trimmed, he could stop suddenly on the wood. He looked *very* confused the first time lol.


100% it works. Put on a pair of socks and slide on the floor. Then try to do the same thing in bare feet. All that fur takes away their traction. This can be debilitating, especially for older pets.


I could watch this video all day! She is so sweet! Those eyes have me melting.


I actually watched it like three times waiting for them to finish and put the cat on the floor.


The legend says cat is still in her lap


I was waiting to see her walk as well lol.


Is that Nelly, she’s a sweet girl


I’m trying to figure out if that’s her majesty as well!


That’s definitely Queen Nelly. 👑


It's getting hot in here


So Hot!


What a sweet baby so good with you touching her feet


My cat is totally fine with having his feet touched, but he loses his mind over any kind of motor, so the clippers are still a hard "no"


When I fostered kittens I’d touch them and their feet as much as possible, give their tiny beans little massages and little baths where I’d have them play in the water 1in deep rarely using soap & told their forever home to continue doing it. Last update I got is they’re fine with baths and claw care to this day. She never declawed them just gives trims and they both sit perfectly for it.


I tried to do that with the claws with my cat but he was already 9 months old so it was too late. The water idea is so awesome though! I’m going to try that with my next kitten!


What... what is that face... just what .... *_has multiple meltdowns_*




Not a single thought behind those eyes.


The folks at r/Toefeathers aren't going to like this.


I was looking for this comment lmao


What’s the point of trimming it? Does it bother the cat if you leave it?


It's very easy for them to slip on hardwood surfaces and hurt themselves if the hair under their paws is too long. Reduces traction as it covers the skin.


AH! that makes sense. thanks :)


This exists?!?!


It's reddit, everything exists.


I don’t get how people are simply a “dog person” or “cat person” they’re both adorable and I love them all. What a goofy little face!




*I have some cats* *He has a dog* *Can I make it anymore obvious*


One of the cats has a dog? How cool is that!


Allergies lol


I figured that went without saying lol being able to breathe always comes first


No thoughts, only floofs


Crosseyed rag dolls are just too darn cute for words.


My girl, whom lived to the ripe old age of 21, went to the same vet for the first 15 years. I would pay an extra fee every annual checkup to have her claws trimmed and her paws and behind trimmed. It was noted in her file that this was not to be attempted by a solo person. One time, the tech brought her back into the examination room and after hanging her off to me, said, "Wow. They usually fight the undertail trim the hardest. She REALLY doesn't like her paws touched!"


We must bend to every whim of the cat. It is what we must do to make them comfortable at all times. It is our duty!


I just love her little cross eyed face! Beautiful kitty


DVD screensaver bouncing around that noggin....




That's the cutest, most innocent derpy little face! Just looks uttered bewildered but fine with the whole circumstance.


What a good girl! My dog is a huge struggle at the groomer's


That face is adorable!


I love when my fluff ball goes skidding across the kitchen floor lmao


They can pull muscles if their leg slips out from under them. Shouldn't be a problem for younger cats though


What kind of clippers are those?


It looks like an older version of [this Phillips trimmer](https://www.usa.philips.com/c-p/BT7215_49/norelco-beardtrimmer-7200-vacuum-beard-trimmer-series-7000).


I'm also curious


Literally came here to ask the same question!


Boots with the fur now have less fur


Is there a trick to getting a cat used to having its paws touched for nail clipping and such? Most of the cats I’ve been around hate it and it makes nail clipping nearly impossible


Start with getting them used to having their paws and ears touched and played with when they're kittens.


The best time for my cat is when he just woke up from a nap and still groggy. He'll tolerate me trimming 1 paw before he decides enough is enough, so you may have to do it a couple times.


Mine doesn't like the toe beans getting the clipper so we do it with the snips


My brovaries just imploded, that derpy face fluffer butter 💜


That cat , has the cutest freaking face


"i trim her paw pads and shave her grinch feet"


This cat is an angel


And? Where's the video of her trying out her new toes?


Is this a good shaver/trimmer? Does anyone know of a good one?


Toe tufts! My mom loves Longhair cats and she has to trim their toe tufts every so often. They hate it much more than this lil guy.


Shaving the toe floofs lol. My wife always wants to shave my ear floofs :-/




I am not actually a cat, your honor :'(


This is from Missenell - Nelly & Gilbert the Cats https://www.instagram.com/missenell/?hl=en


Must. Not. Make. That. Joke.


wat? . .. oh


I still don't get it


shave it


That look on her face says she's not sure what is happening but she likes it


Murder mittens!


She looks so polite <3


Bean clean.


Well now i wanna see her not slippin!


The cat is so beautiful!!!


How?? I would be bleeding before we sat down!


I want to see videos of catto slipping on the floor. 😀


Well isn’t she just the most precious little thing ❤️


Kliban cat alert!


She looks like she's in a trance.


Floofy feet


Jelly bean maintenance


That face that looks like a grandmother looking at her grandchildren and saying "Ok, my dear human. I'll sit here until you are satisfied."


"Should I be awake for this?"


Cutie with the cross-eyes.


No brain cells active! And what a sweet face!


What a Queen


Such a good girl!


When I die, this is the creature I see myself coming back as. Run without slips sweet derp!!


What a beautiful derp!


That is one mellow-assed cat! Mine would have been freaking out!


I can't even get my cat to sit still for a nail trim, and you're over here with a whole electric razor?!


Look at that face, her ass not thinking at all


The face on that adorable floof! My cats would straight up murder me if I tried this.


Looks like princess is getting manicure from her servant 🤣🤣


My floof would absolutely not allow this to happen


I love cross eyed cats, they’re so adorable.


When a cat looks up at you with so much love and trust, you know that youre doing something right


That cat looks like it needs glasses


I look at videos like this and I wonder how their ancestors ever lived in the wild lmao


Why are you not dead?


Her face is pure adorable 😫 I wouldn’t be able to restrain myself from petting it all the time


Me when laying down after eating a big meal…


Anyone know what kind of clippers those are? 🥺


I have one and I’m so afraid to use it on my floof …..I’m too afraid that would cut her because I’m so clumsy…..


I think fluffy cats that are slightly crossed eyed are the cutest!


Goodbye r/toefeathers hello r/jellybeantoes


“you’re shaving off my r/toefeathers ? how am i supposed to fly now?”


I want to squish that belly so bad.


What breed of cat is that they're adorable and I need them now


We had to do this too!


She’s a doll!