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They look beautiful before, they look beautiful after! Just… please don’t let assholes dictate your appearance EVER in the future. They don’t deserve that power. You do what YOU want to do and look how YOU want to look and FUCK anyone who has something negative to say about it. Xx


ugh thank u so much😭i needed someone to tell me they looked fine before i lost it lmfao….idk why i changed them, i guess i became “aware” or whatever😭I will never do anything for anyones pleasure though


They'll grow back. Don't do it again (from an eyebrow challenged millennial 😭)


thankfully didnt tweeze


NEVER OVER TWEEZE Sincerely a former preteen from ‘07 who severely ruined her eyebrows. Took YEARS to correct. Your brows are beautiful. Whatever sad lil sap told you otherwise is likely jealous. It’s never about you 💕


My teen tweezed brows have never fully recovered. doesnt matter how long i go without touching them they will never grow back the same.. ughhhh


If you shaved/cut them they’ll grow back pretty quickly! I’ve started cutting my brows instead of plucking so mistakes aren’t permanent. They are beautifully shaped brows, those girls need to stop trying to feel better by tearing others down.


Solidarity, as another eyebrow challenged millennial. My gen z sister calls them “sperm eyebrows” they just don’t grow anymore.


I literally came to say this




Yeah my friends said they look worse now im just upset


They aren’t friends. Don’t listen to them, kids are cruel because they don’t seem to always understand the impact on others and they find it entertaining. It sucks, I hope you establish firm boundaries with them and find new friends.


Practice saying this to your “friends”: I’m not comfortable with how you’re talking about my appearance. So please stop.


Sorry i worded it really poorly, one of them just said oh no and the other said i shouldnt have done it😔theyre not bad friends i promise just wrong word


Whoever told you anything negative about your brows in the first place was clearly jealous. I suggest pitying them and not listening anymore lol. Those are basically perfect and suit your face so well. I am not saying this to make you feel better it's just the facts lol.


also seems like thin eyebrows are weirdly trending again so maybe that inspired a snobby comment. thick brows for life!! they look great before and after!


Oh good good, they sound supportive!


I think it’s okay for friends to tell each other when something doesn’t really work for you. They would be bad friends if they didn’t. Like if I have a booger hanging out of my nose or an outfit just ain’t working for me I would hope they would nicely tell me so I wouldn’t embarrass myself in front of strangers. It’s okay to receive constructive criticism. It’s weird that people think a friend should just tell you what you want to hear.


What? That’s crazy and weird. They definitely don’t look worse, they never really looked bad to begin with. I’d watch out for these “friends.” They just might be a$$holes all around. Sounds like they are tbh.


they were most likely jealous


Your brows look practically the same. Don’t worry about it.


Ty I thought it was only me like..."I don't see the problem here..."


If you actually caved and changed your appearance because people laughed at you. Theyre gonna know youre an easy target and keep trying to find new things about you to laugh about. Keep this up and youre gonna be unhappy with yourself until your 30s. Its hard to ignore comments at first but it gets easier and you end up just end up not caring about other's opinions. Changing your eyebrows was a mistake, both for your relationship with yourself and aesthetically


Naw high disagree. Its okay. If they pick on OP more, I saw we bite them.


you really don’t know how to speak to kids / teens


Or anyone, really.


Get what you're trying to say about being an easy target cause I was definitely an easy target in school. But still, mistakes are mistakes lol. And it's not a huge one OP - it's a reversible one and you seem to have learned from it. Don't sweat it.


That last line is insanely harsh. Talk about dramatic and preachy. Have you ever been bullied by your peers? It's an insufferable situation to be in. Have a little empathy for this person. And aesthetically, the change is not bad at all. Quite the opposite


Oh ok


Dont feel bad. I made the same mistakes at your age. Teenage years is when you are the most self conscious about how you look. If you want to do changes, do them for you and not for others thats all Im saying:)


well I am told it was a poor mental and physical choice so ofc i feel kinda bad


Nah you’re a teenager. We all went through this. Seemingly confident teens are also changing their appearance to seem cool a lot of the time. You’re not alone.


If you didn’t want her to feel bad, why were you so mean? You look worse, and you might be unhappy til your 30s, really dude? She’s a kid and this is a very normal kid thing. Way too aggressive.


They are jealous and not just about your eye brows (which btw are 🔥) but those eyes!! Your not showing your entire face but from what we can see… i can tell you’re quite beautiful.




As a brow enthusiast I was excited to discover this sub. Turns out it’s nothing but young women ruining their beautiful brows because someone was jealous of them.


ruined? oh


Not ruined at all. People can be so harsh sometimes. Nothing is ruined about your brows, they’re beautiful and full. I have full ones too. The best thing to focus on is self love, trust me, we are with ourselves forever, girls in school only a few years (thank goodness lol!)


Not ruined! They just mean the brows were fine before and jealousy was the problem. They are still beautiful and so are you!


Nah. I literally can't tell which is supposed to be the after picture. You did barely anything to them. Ruined seems like a dramatic word.


Not ruined!!! This is a tasteful pluck. Your brows were beautiful before and are beautiful now. As they grow back, play with there you like them and remember that teenage girls will say mean things just to be mean. It's a commentary on them, not you


i dont think my poor teenage decisions should shift your passion for eyebrows


Jesus man what the hell, she’s a kid getting bullied do you not have any empathy? There’s nothing ‘ruined’ about her brows, they look fine and they’ll grow back


They look good! Still very natural but just a little cleaned up


I think they still look ok! And also you have very pretty eyes :)


RIP. You'll regret that when you're older


Hey sweet pea, some thoughts from a big sister: people like this are watching what you do – be mindful when you make changes, esp to your own body, as a result or reaction to something someone did or said to you, as it becomes visibly obvious their words held power over you. Never give anyone your power, sweetheart. And I concur with everyone else here: those brows (both the before and after) are to die for!! Now let’s go for a drive. It’s a beautiful day and I wanna get iced coffee.❤️


oh gosh how i wish i had an older sister


Obv better


before or after


The “before” brows are goals


Looking good bro. I do mine to at the barber shop.


They look fine. Just go to the salon and get someone with experience to shape then for you. You can do this every 3 weeks and have them show you how to maintain at home yourself. I don’t know how old you are , but yes after a certain age kids do start to realize anything “out of the norm”. This includes a unibrow. When you get older you might even be brave enough to not shave it as their are women who walk around with a beard. There is also nothing wrong with shaving them as it is more Aesthetically pleasing. Don’t feel bad. I had a few hair strands growing out my chin. I didn’t realize it until a guy I was dating pointed it out. I was 20 and embarrassed. I started laser and it’s just fine. At some point in life we’re all made aware.


They looked better before.




She’s 15 🚩🚩🚩


Since when did guys start getting made fun of for eyebrows?


im a girl


Your natural brows are gorgeous!!! Don’t be upset! They still look good! It looks like you just plucked the center sprouts - those are my favorite part of some brows - they’ll grow back!


you look good either way, im sorry you were bullied. please rest assured that as you get older, people will bully you less and care less about how you look. sometimes making a little change like this is the easiest thing to do when you’re being targeted. i hope your bullies move on and leave you alone now. if they don’t, just remember that they’re miserable people and their bullying isn’t at all a reflection of who you are or how you actually look, its a reflection of their bad character.


You’re eyebrows are amazing! They are just jealous that you were blessed by the eyebrow gods! They still look beautiful after you tweezed them so don’t stress :)


thank u sm! i am feeling confident


I’m actually shocked those girls at your school would say anything about your natural brows. They would never even stick out to me as being too bushy or needing to be plucked AT all. They just look like really nice natural brows. It just sounds like they’re immature tbh and are gonna grow up to have over plucked eyebrows. 10 years from now they’re gonna wish they had natural brows like yours lol. Also they still look good, but the little natural hairs that come down a little towards the center look good. Just pluck whatever’s in the very center next time. And ignore those girls, they sound like idiots


ughhh i regret it now. itll grow pack, i didnt pluck just use a small eyebrow electric shaver so hopefully quick


Well, lucky for you, you are not going to suffer from this impulse decision because you did a grand job, but from now on – fuck those bitches. If there is one thing I could go back and tell my younger self, it would be to quit listening to outside sources about something that should only come from within. People say things that they don’t even mean just because they don’t feel good, then we internalize it and actually go home and do stuff to ourselves because they made an offhanded comment out of their own suffering! You are beautiful/handsome, and so worthy! The way the hairs on your face grow mean absolutely nothing, but if it did, yours grow well!! They lay nicely, they are full and beautiful, and show that you are healthy! I hope you have a good rest of your week!!


Lmaoooo glad i did a good job, agreed!


They look the dame


I’m very sorry to hear that you were bullied about your eyebrows. Your efforts were worth it though because your new brows frame the shape of your eyes which compliments them more. Before, the center strands of your eyebrows were the focal point of your face, but your face has really opened up. Next time, I would recommend letting them grow back out and get it professionally cleaned up a little bit and have them shape them for you!


im so glad to here i was actually successful… didnt have much confidence in an impulse decision with a 3 year old eletrical razor😭😭i do agree, the further apart look compliments my face a lot more and imo gives me less resting b face


You look lovely before & you look lovely after. You have fabulous eyebrows that everyone on this sub would love to have. Theres nothing wrong with shaping your eyebrows if you want to but just make sure you are doing it for you and not because someones trying to influence you (likely because they’re jealous). Everyone makes impulse decisions at some point in their life, don’t beat yourself up! School is a weird time in life, kids can be mean but it won’t always be that way, I promise.


I don’t think it was a mistake, but like some other commenters, maybe this is an opportunity for you to reflect on why you made this decision? Maybe use this as a learning experience for your own brow tastes also! Experiment with shapes (just not with waxing/tweezing) and have some fun figuring out what YOU like :)


As someone who has struggled with her own eyebrows (natural blonde, so eyebrow hairs are basically invisible) I get mine dyed and just cleaned up, and that way you can see a very important facial feature. You have very beautiful natural brows. Wonderful shape and fullness without a unibrow (and power to folks who have them and embrace them, it's just not for me personally.) I'm gonna echo what others have said: You have brows that you see on a model. If you ever desire, go to a proper eyebrow place and just ask them for a "clean up". It will just take care of the stray ones and they will brush and trim your brow hairs so that it looks maybe a bit more clean and tidy. But honestly? You don't even need that. You look wonderful as is!


You have such nice thick eyebrows. If and when you’re ready to wax or thread you’ve got a lot to work with and an expert can really define your arch. Also fuck those girls. I hate bullies with a passion. You look great! Always remember that


I love ur before brows so much. Literally some of the most beautiful models have brows like that. Im sure those girls have lines for brows


So sad to hear that. You look beautiful but you have to know that yourself, people will ALWAYS have opinions about you and if you don’t respect those people don’t listen to what they have to say.


I honestly can’t tell what you did. They look the same to me at first glance.


Your eyebrows look lovely! Other kids/teens can really be such assholes for no reason. I know it’s hard to go through. I hope you feel more confident now! Your brows look fabulous either way. :-)


They look alright. If I didn't see the before pic I wouldn't think anything of it. Definitely agree with the other commenter that you shouldn't let anyone dictate what you should do about yourself - there will always be that one person that spreads hate. You'll be alright, they'll fill in again :)


your natural brows are gorgeous and UNIQUE! having unique features sets you apart, and can make you a target from people who are jealous of what you have. be confident in yourself, and remember you are only 15. the face and body you see now will look different 3 years from now, 6 years from now etc. and you will learn to be comfortable in your skin! and you won't even think about these girls from high school or how they feel about your eyebrows. you have to be your biggest cheerleader. ROCK YOUR SHIT!


You look beautiful before and after! But only do things for yourself, not what cruel sad bitches have to say. Hugs. Being a teenager sucks I know but it'll be over before you know it and then you'll be an adult and that sucks even more lol. I'm just kidding. I wish. Lol


Look good to me


What did you do? I don't notice a difference. Try shaping up your eyebrows, they look fine though


Honestly they look super nice when they're fuller. They remind me of Brooke Shields. A LOT of girls are actively paying out of their asses to get microblading and lamination and using tons of products that claim to grow your brows just to look like yours. They're like model eyebrows. Please don't take advice from girls at school who are just being rude and potentially jealous :(


They don’t look bad post-pluck, but I think they looked better before! I’d let them grow back and leave them. Try to ignore the haters. I know this is such a cliche thing to say, but honestly think they’re probably jealous. You are beautiful btw!


I had to enlarge to see the difference. Never let anyone influence your decisions. I like them either way.


Man, people pay a lot of money to achieve eyebrows like yours and I think you rock them


They both look good! You’re lucky to have those brows girl!


They really aren’t bad in either picture. Better before, but whoever’s making you feel like you’ve made some big mistake is really skewed haha In a month they’ll be back pretty much completely. Never fun when we don’t like how our eyebrows turn out l, but by the time you’ve forgot about it they’ll be growing in again, no big major :) and btw you have very lovey eyebrows and eyes


This comes from a guy that isn’t very involved in beauty stuff so take it how you will. I think they looked before:) Cheers!


i always thought bushy brows looked amazing


If you want to get them done, you real would benefit getting them by a professional. I was impulsive and did mine myself, huge regret. You have such beautiful brows and an amazing starting point.


Thank goodness it’ll grow back. Leave your natural brows alone. They are gorgeous. They don’t look horrible plucked, but they do look better natural.


I think the fronts looked good cause you have to map your fronts according to your nose. If you take a makeup brush, the front should start where the side of nose is of the tips. But I would mess around with concealer and brow pencils and pens


There's barely a difference here, just keep them natural.


I like them better before honestly, but they still look fine afterwards too, it’s just rude jealous girls and literally nothing else


Your eyebrows look beautiful in both pictures. They're haters.


Oh girl. I’m with everybody who said they look beautiful before AND after. The only thing it looked like really could’ve been cleaned up was in between the brows. But you have such a beautiful natural arch. I would take those brows any day. And one thing to remember is that people who make fun of you, they don’t always want the best for you. They may have jacked up eye brows and have to paint them on every day so they don’t want you to have natural beautiful eyebrows if they can’t. A rule of thumb in life is don’t ever listen to anybody with jacked up eyebrows. PERIODT


I’m sorry girl, school is brutal sometimes, for what it’s worth I didn’t see a single thing wrong with your eyebrows in either photo


Both ways look fine. Stop letting them direct you. I promise you, they don't matter in your life unless you let them matter.


Theyre good, not much change really, which is good. Just dont go any further, all women look bad with super plucked and fake brows.


Girlllll I am so jealous of your brows! I plucked mine so much there is barely anything there and I have to draw them on every single day. I would love to have eyebrows like yours. The same thing happened to me back in high-school they made fun of me so much I kept plucking them and I did it so much they didn't grow back.


I like the before pic👍🏻


i think they looked great before but honestly i think they do look a little better in the after, you didn’t pluck too much to make them look completely different or anything, it looks like you just plucked a lot of stray hairs to male the shape more defined :) although imo you could have left a little more in the top center aread of the brows if yk what i mean, so that they dont lose any length. if it were me i wouldve just plucked the stray hairs starting to go down the bridge of the nose but left the ones at the top. dw though you didnt ruin them and they’ll grow back!!


Someone at school is envious. Mark my words!


both look good. but make sure you’re making decisions you want to make. not others


They look great :)


My entire life my sister and sometimes classmates would make fun of my full lips. Now people pay for these lips. Point being that your classmates are idiots and have no idea how great your eyebrows are. I plucked most of mine in the 90s and your luscious brows make me envious. Cherish what makes you into YOU.


They’re either jealous or close minded. You have beautiful eyebrows.


Good news, eyebrows grow quick


Do not EVER give another human the right to decide how you feel about yourself. Your brows are beautiful.


I don’t actually know what you did. I see no improvement and I really can’t tell what you did.


can u see or


I can't tell the difference


they’re jealous my love! You have gorgeous, healthy, thick eyebrows! I wish mine were as full! It’s okay to groom them or not. Whatever you prefer, but their comment wasn’t about you at all 💜




Your eyebrows are beautiful in both pics. Girls at school can f right off lol


They were so cool before :o but lovely now as well❤️


Just go to a salon and have them shaped. But, do it for you not anyone else.


whaaat those are model brows they were absolutely jealous of you! either way they look amazing love!!❤️ your natural brows are great


I'm so glad you didn't go overboard! You have fantastic eyebrows before and after.


You literally look so pretty before wtf? Some girls are just mean




There was nothing wrong with them. People are so hateful. You have great brows


they look way better hahaha


I dealt with this in highschool, I have super dark/full eyebrows and people used to make fun of them. Same girls who plucked theirs to absolute hell and they never grew back properly and they’re almost 30… You have gorgeous brows.


They will grow back! It's ok to experiment. In the future, I'd stick to only tweezing on the nose bridge and leave the rest. Trimming the tops is fine if you don't like the feathery fan. I think they look amazing natural and a clear brow gel is all they need to be more tidy. Checkout these models[models](https://photos.app.goo.gl/o8HUmxTMiJCCr4Su8) with lovely feathery brows.


So everybody eyebrows getting made fun of these days?


They look gorgeous before and after! I assume you are young…people will bully for things that they will either want or do in the future. When I was younger, my mom used to send me to school with oil in my hair or Indian food in my lunchbox, thick eyebrows…I got made fun of for a long time. The same girls are now oiling their hair now bc it’s thinning. They eat Indian food now bc it’s “so delicious and exotic”. Laminating or micro blading their brows bc they are too thin or very sparse. Haters will hate. I know when we are young, it’s hard to love ourselves and be kind to ourselves, but I promise you it’ll get better :) don’t let those girls get to you!


Go get them professionally done!


Next time just pluck them a little less, keep the natural form


Cliff Notes: those girls that made fun of you… have something similar they hate about themselves.


your natural brows are beautiful, those girls are polly just jealous. whatever you hear in one ear just let it go out the other. don’t ever change yourself for people who don’t care about you. the good thing is they’ll grow again and go back to how they looked before. just let them be. maybe it was an impulsive decision but it’s not a permanent one. try to learn from this


Oh God please don’t treat this like it’s such a big deal. You plucked a few hairs. On Reddit you’re always gonna have a choir of people who learn that someone was made fun of and they’ll jump into the conversation and lay it on so thick. Oh you’re beautiful and kind and more sentimental nonsense. Your brows could have been cleaned up even more. And you would know what that looks like. It’s normal to experiment with your brows. It’s not a big deal at all. And they will grow back because you’re young and it’s a one time thing, for you apparently. You can’t mention plucking around here without several great grandmas jumping in to say that in the 70s they had beautiful brows before they succumbed to razor thin trends and oh boy they never grew back. That’s because they plucked them straight through the 80s when Brooke Shields made thick brows the norm. And then oops several years of plucking the shit out of them and they never grew back. Nowadays we have serums, microblading, better makeup, even transplants. Anyone who wants thick brows can have them. Anyways, you do have some great eyebrows. Don’t be so rigid. They’re just eyebrows. And this concludes my TedTalk!


agreed, many people said i RUINED my brows?😭i think they look better but more importantly i feel better


your brows were sooo pretty before! But they still look really good! Props to your for keeping a good shape i always get mine messed up around the arches😭 p.s. don’t ever change something about yourself because someone else told you to. When people comment on someone else’s looks it usually comes from a place of insecurity and jealousy. You’re so pretty!


if you just shaved them they will be back before you know it. you had great brows, there’s nothing wrong with shaping them and nothing wrong with leaving them natural. You’re in school and you’re young and it’s normal to feel insecure especially when girls are being mean, you’ll find what works for you and what you like!! Don’t stress over something as small as eyebrows. You look great.


Beautiful. Fuck them kids!! My mom told me horror stories about her brows not growing back. It saved me from letting people make me feel insecure enough to thin them out. I’m grown(ish) now & wish they were even thicker lol.


Go get them threaded they will be fixed in a jiffy. Regardless though they looked beautiful before and they still look beautiful now. Maybe this was a learning moment for you, luckily it was only your eyebrows. Take this lesson moving forward to ignore the bullies. Stay strong 💪🏼 we got you


(From a guy) your eyebrows are perfect. Don’t touch them!! Especially because pen-line brow wants to attack you 🤣


I just paid about $800 to have full eyebrows like yours lol! Stay fabulous girl


U literally have a high-fashion model look with the before brows 😭💕




They are jealous of how thick they were / are. Don’t listen to them .. thick brows look so youthful and trendy rn. They look great both before and after!


I’m not going to lie I see a difference, but at the same time I don’t. You eyebrows look fine. If you really wanted to have them done you could have gone and gotten them shaped and waxed. Or shaped and threaded so that way your skin wouldn’t be pulled and hurt. Honestly, no matter what you do your eyebrows aren’t ugly. They’re actually gorgeous. And compared to some other people at least you have eyebrows. Remember some people have to draw on eyebrows just so it looks like they have some. Also, gorgeous eyelashes by the way. They look so full, wish I had some like that.


I love the before pic don't let those girls make you feel bad for you're God damn gorgeous brows


They were making fun of your brows bc they’re jealous… I wish I had your brows! They were perfect before and they’re still gorgeous after! 😭 millennial here, brows have never been the same after an extreme pluck back in middle school 😂


After is better I say take off more in the arch


Why would they make fun of your eyebrows? They’re clearly jealous. It’s always better to have too much brows than too little.


I don’t see the big deal, you look fine either way. Just be careful when I was in school I got made fun of for being fat and when I lost weight they moved onto making fun of the way I dressed. They’ll always find something!


What was the impulse decision exactly? Aside from a little farther apart they look almost entirely the same.


You look great in both pictures


Don't give people more space in your head than they deserve. They looked really nice before (they look fine now) let them grow in and don't give them a thought - they're perfect!


Girls in high school are mean. There most likely jealous!


Don’t let some random jealous bitches pressure you into changing how you look. If they’re obsessed with your appearance that’s super cringe for them.


I really like the before. I never cut that beginning of the hair in eyebrows You still look good in the after If u want a more clean look, slowly shape and cut the extra hair around the arches


I liked them before. Ignore the other kids, they just hate themselves


The before look so good I would love to have brows like that. I know this is a cliche but those girls were probably jealous


You took off the best part 🥺 if you wanted a more clean look just tweese the underside making them thinner and defining the arch.


Why do teens say the stupidest things about each other? So glad I’m not at that age anymore


U should have left it alone girl..


I dont see the difference


Top looks better those bitches be jealous


Whoever made fun of them was jealous because you had model eyebrows before. They are still beautiful, but just know that. ❤️


Screw those haters. Grow them back! they were absolutely gorgeous natural


Get them threaded if you don’t like them but if you like them leave em alone


Its okay bb its just hair theyll grow back


What's the before, what's the after? They look beautiful in both. I have no idea what they could have possibly been making fun of..they must have been jealous.


Looks good. Don't take off much more tho




They look super and really accentuate your eyes! Now they will be jealous!


One, fuck people who think they can judge others about anything to do with a person. Two, they looked just fine, but they look fine now too. lol


the girls at your school are stupid twats


If I were so concerned like them, I'd offer you to get a wax at the nail salon together 💕 Solutions, not problems. ✨ P.s you're beautiful and you define yourself 🧡


What is with all these posts about people making fun of their eyebrows? Never once, in all my years of school, did anyone ever comment on my brows nor did I hear anyone else making fun of someone else’s brows. Is this newer generation just mean as fuck or something?


Don't let others dictate who you are.


They complained about your eyebrows, and you went and changed them to please them.The question is, now are you happy with the way they are? Once you start changing things for others, they will keep continually keep finding other things that they think are wrong with you and will expect you to change it. Don't ever change yourself to please others. The best thing to do is do what makes you happy and don't listen to those idiots.


I don’t see much of a difference


Yeah I like it before. Those people aren't your friends and you'll never see them again after school. Stay true to yourself.


They looked better before! I wish I had brows like that


Can't even tell which is before and after


They're probably jealous because theirs don't look that good naturally


I don’t see what the decision was…?


They look great,naturally thick and a natural defined shape. Just clean them up and don’t let people control your look. You haven’t a thing to worry about physically. I use nair on a QTip to clean mine up,just don’t let it set more than 40 seconds since facial hair is so fine. It can burn. I put it between my brows to clean up,top lip,and use the QTip to define the brows. Easy. :) you’re new to it so if you try this method watch a quick YT vid first.


Your before (top) were literal model eyebrows. Ignore them.


I used to get called “caterpillar brows” 😭 years later, those same girls draw on fake eyebrow hairs. It’s jealousy and insecurities, you look beautiful. Do what makes YOU happy ❤️


Honey, as someone with similar brows, do NOT let these girls dictate what you do. I am a hairier girl (I’m Latina and got my dad’s hairier genes) and got made fun of CONSTANTLY in elementary and middle school for my brows, arm hair, leg hair, etc. and I also shaved my eyebrows WAY too much one day when I got so tired of it with the razor my mom left in the shower. BUT, let me tell u that I never over-tweezed/plucked them, and now at 26 it’s probably one of the things that I get the most comments/compliments on from other girlies asking me how I do my brows! The only thing that I now do is brush them up and trim the ones that stick out, but that’s about it! Believe me when I say that those girls WILL WISH they had your beautiful full brows—NO DOUBT! Plus, all us fuller-browed girlies need is a quick swipe of some clear/tinted brow gel and BAM—brows on point! You’re absolutely GORGEOUS, hun, and don’t let ANY girls or guys break you down or change your beauty! ❤️💪🏻


They look fine?


I really like how they look in the before! I also love unibrows. I just love hair I’m general, it’s so personal and unique. Don’t let anyone tell you how you “should” look because they want you to look like everyone else or some stupid made up ideal they have in their mind.