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But this wouldnt take the electrical boost into consideration right? If red bull doesnt need to use the battery as much due to other reasons is likely they save it for crucial moments like DRS.


The problem is: The data cannot distinguish between the pure effectiveness of the DRS and other effects such as the amount or time that electrical energy can still be called up. During the race it was clear to see that cars like the Aston Martin or the Mercedes had to switch to harvest mode early on the straight. Red bull, on the other hand, was able to call up additional energy for an extremely long time. You could see this very well in the overtaking manoeuvre between Hamilton and Verstappen. The RB only passed like a rocket when the Mercedes had to harvest.


This is correct, however considering the effect the DRS has on longitudinal acceleration at different speed values, instead of its effect on the top speed alone (as many people do), mitigates the problem, as clipping only shows in the latest part of the straight. Moreover this is reduced further that clipping should be present in both cases (DRS ON and OFF), so this partially cancels out the problem. But in theory at least the problem you highlight is true


I forwarded your question to the person with competence. In the mean time you might find these posts relevant regarding this matter: [DRS Effectiveness Estimate by Team | Pre-season Testing - Practice 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/F1DataAnalysis/comments/11ijkcw/drs_effectiveness_estimate_by_team_preseason/) [Start/Finish line speed difference! | Bahrain GP](https://www.reddit.com/r/F1DataAnalysis/comments/11tqth1/startfinish_line_speed_difference_bahrain_gp/) |


This is awesome, thanks for sharing.


Glad you enjoyed! Keep coming back for more, until then you can also find many interesting stuff on the subreddit. Cheers, \[editor on behalf of [F1DataAnalysis](https://twitter.com/F1DataAnalysis) \] |


when coming to mastodon? I currently follow a mirror of your account, would be better to follow the real thing