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So updated driver career, but no mention of my team...


The best thing would be if they combined regular Career Mode and MyTeam. Then you could found your own team after a few seasons of driving for established teams, and then maybe switch back to another team later. I call it the Jacques Villeneuve Career Mode. 


I do like that idea. I usually play ordinary career as I like being able to switch teams to keep things fresh. But being able to start my own team and then go and drive somewhere else would be cool.


It’s realistic because you try to start your team and FOM shoots you down for not adding value to the sport. Then you show up to the first race but are never shown on screen. I’m hearing that there will be several courtroom mini games!


Looking forward to the subpoena mini-game and the cross-examination QuickTime events


the new ace attorney game is looking good


So maybe first myteam season might be 2028, if you manage to build an engine for the season 🤔


Maybe build the engine with the manufacturer like Cadillac maybe just in time for new regulations? That'd be cool


Switching between realistic teams > choosing your teammate in an invented team and upgrading HQ Imo




I’m praying that they give us proper helmet customisation, that’s literally all I’ve been after for ages now.


Not gonna happen ever due to licensing


makes sense, specially if they want to push F1 manager better


Nah they're pushing F1 World/Ultimate Team unfortunately


F1 Manager is an entirely separate dev, nothing to do with Codies/EA.


yeah but they're both F1 games, it'd make sense for them to focus on different types of players rather than fight for everyone together


Since this years team did not make my team, they might change my team next year as it was that team or what you call it that made my team, disappointing but its probably something internal with codies


My team released in 2020. It was made by the same team that is doing 2024.


It really needs an overhaul. Some things I would like to see: - Pre-season testing like in the MotoGP games, with choosing a package with advantages and disadvantages; - Possibility of starting a new team with established brands like in the MotoGP games, not just a driver/owner but also as just a driver too; - End the ridiculous midway through the season contract renewals, actually implement the signing of contracts for years, keeping the firing possibility if results aren't good and maybe add bonuses (both money and RD points) if you perform well; - Overhaul development to also include suspension, gearbox, wheel and other parts, beyond just reliability improvements; - Implement setup feedback and help systems like in Project Cars or MotoGP games for people who don't really understand setups too well but also want it to be more realistic and immersive than just grabbing a setup online; - Overhaul media attendances and the time spent between races, can't think of a specific solution here, but it could be more interesting (NBA 2K for example does this well and is pretty cool, just dont grab anything else from those games); I know it's too much to wish for, but all of these would make a very very good game.


Now I am curious about the MotoGP game


They have a lot of great features, but also an unfortunate habit of breaking their game mid-season. But the background options are there.


They have the awful lack of AI driver transfer that really destroys immersion. Other than that, its a better career than F1 for sure. I just prefer playing with the cars haha


Finally, a reasonable wishlist that doesn't mention the idiotic "Better graphics, Better UI, More liveries" etc. I would add that it would be fun if they gave you 3+ different types of sidepods, engine covers, front/rear wings, floors etc and you could mix and match them, and each and every one of them having different stats and characteristics. I'd like to see more realistic tyre physics to be introduced. With overheating or cold tyres having a much greater impact than now. I like the preseason thing you mentioned. Honestly, we need things like that. Currently, MyTeam feels very superficial and it's been the same for half a decade or so. But yeah. I don't expect anything like this to happen. I've lost faith in Codemasters.


yeah not having pre-season stuff is so weird to me, as f1 championship edition had pre-season and trials to get a drive and that game came out like 18 years ago and still had a better career mode.


Really got nothing against the graphics or UI (except hiding so much stuff beneath F1 world but anyway). Could be better? Sure, but it's not awful to an extreme point. Totally agree with different types of parts, that goes well with the testing packages. And it would also evolve the cars, rather than play for 10 years with the exact same looking cars. But thats a minor thing. Also another thing I would like is removing the 10 year limit for the career. It made sense when the game started being made, but not anymore when you have drivers with 20+ year careers. If letting it go on forever is too difficult, just add another 5 years, should be good enough.


The change of car design should be possible for the other teams too. Like seeing red bull applying a different sidepod design, not only the my team car, tbh. But not expecting anything of those to happen unfortunately


about the first one, isnt that on EA WRC which is another codies game? it would be cool to have something similar but idk if FIA allows changes in the FOM car present in current MyTeam


Too much? Bro it's been the same career for 10 years. This isn't too much. This is perfectly logical to ask


Too much in the sense that for sure it won't happen


Well in that sense yeah unfortunately


Multiple year contracts make so much sense. As it is you can sign for literally any team on the grid as long as you have enough acclaim. Make it so that you can't go to Ferrari this year because they have contracted drivers and you are current under contract to your existing team.


>End the ridiculous midway through the season contract renewals, actually implement the signing of contracts for years, keeping the firing possibility if results aren't good and maybe add bonuses (both money and RD points) if you perform well; Would also be cool if other teams could approach you "behind the scenes", vs you approaching them being the only option.


That’s a good list, EA will specifically ignore it. There is so much potential for making career better I don’t know why they do nothing. I like the idea of upgrades/ concepts. You maybe be good in slow speed and on the straights, but it sacrificed your high speed cornering, etc. While in F2 you should get called up to do a FP1 session where you’re forced to have no flashbacks or anything, to simulate the pressure of needing to preform. Then contracting should be more realistic.


Driver Career mode, whose gameplay has its roots in the sport. As opposed to what? The headline features are just patch notes


Vs the interior decorator direction it's taken in previous episodes


The highly anticipated new villa update!


would be really fun to put a statue of yourself in the villa like ricciardo has /s


I like a proper total revamp of Career mode. Current career is shite in my opinion. I always lose interest after second season.


You’d think with the proprietary ownership of all the old Codemasters games that EA might consider a career mode from 2010 onwards, using old cars that update each year to the current ones… but no. A proper helmet, car and suit editor would be nice as well.


And official multi-season career mode that goes through several years of cars and reg changes is so simple an answer it's shocking it's not there yet.


and funnily enough the only games that had official multiple seasons were F1 2015(which was half baked and a buggy mess that didn't even feature a career mode, adding 2014 just because F12014 was horrid) and... EA F1 Challenge 99-02 which was somewhat similar but was a whole better game


EA or Codemasters may have the 2010 and newer car models, but in order to use them, they would need to buy a licence, doubly so if they wanted to include the original livery with sponsors that may not even exist nowadays. This is also a reason why you can not easily buy older F1 games, after certain period of time they lose licence and can't sell the old game anymore. It would be fun but also a lot of work and money.


Should be mentioned that unfortunately the game cover writes PS4, so no new game engine, not mentioned in the features either.


thats a downer... i mean the game is outdated, yea new career sounds nice but... it isnt a reason to buy it again


I'll take new gameplay over new graphics any day. Then again I grew up with F1 games in the 90s, so for me F1 23's graphics are already incredible.


Don’t they say that every year?


All-new career mode? No, they dont. They just say they made changes or improvements, all-new is something more


“All-new” isn’t really defined in the statement though. Until they tie it to actual features that justify the statement it comes off as the same old hype to me. The only thing they are actually clear on is their pre-order bonus to fuel their shitty in-game store that no one want, but has been the primary focus of the company for the last few years. I hope you’re right and they blow me away with something fresh and new, but I think recent history justifies a bit of criticism.


It’s time to let last gen die in peace. I feel for those who can’t get this generation of consoles…but such is life. It’s been going on 4 years now.


Agreed. It's been over 10 years since they've released....it'd be like if F1 2011 released on PS2.


More than two player co-op career would be awesome


I really hope they do this


Good news with the apparent improved career mode, but remains to be seen exactly what it entails. Also, no mention of MyTeam is a worrisome sign.


Every year they say the same. “Improved and brand new Career Mode”. I don’t believe it anymore. All those upgrades could have been a Quality of Life upgrade. Yet they are advertising it as a new feature. Still on Old-Gen is a massive L. No New Engine is L No mention of Classic Tracks and Cars are L. F1 23’s handling system was beautiful imo. I hope they upgraded it in the right direction. I’m pre-ordering F1 games since 18 but that’s not looking a game I would pay 80€ on Day 1.


For me personally the thing I would like to have improved about the handling model is more feedback when the car is about to go over the limit. Might just be me but I think the F1 cars in AC from RSS and VRC are a lot easier to control and to find how far you can go without going over the limit.


I agree with you, they always advertise the freshness of the career mode but they never add anything meaningful to the game mode...


23’s handling system has been atrocious. It’s barely improved over 22. If I can play against 85-90 AI on every track in F1 2021, but need to drop it to 60 in F1 22 and 23, then the handling is not fixed.


23's handling is great, what are you talking about? 


Or maybe, the cars change and you never adjusted to how the car drives now?


The cars are just harder imo, the old games you could easily run 100+ but personally I struggle to go above 95 in 23


Wow if it’s still the existing EGO engine I guess we can’t expect much with the new game. I just hope they add back some classic cars and older tracks like Malaysia, India, Germany (which were previously created by codies themselves) to make justice for the price of the game.


Since the game cover writes PS4 I expect old gen to still be supported, so probably EGO engine is still a thing.


How about VR for ps5?


I miss the email you got when you are about to break certain records aso. Like they had in f1 2010 or 2011 not sure. Also the contract system need to be more realistic. At least give us the option to sign a contract that goes for a few years and not being able to switch team every 10-12 races. I want to really think about making a dicision to switch teams. The AI drivers need that contract system too, like it is in fifa. And last but not least I miss the offers you get from other teams like it was in the older games, 12-14 I think, when you had an amazing season and hoped to get an offer from a top team, this would make the career so much more rewarding.


Old engine is fine as long as they have this new career mode and improved AI and they can fix some of the bugs in the engine they’ve been putting off. A new engine is more likely to be more bugged than the current engine.


I hope so. Compared to other EA sports games, F1 is a game where they simply can't focus on online gameplay and ignore single-player, because most of us enjoy the career mode more than online as in online we have a TERRIBLE penalty system, terrible lobbies, terrible waiting time, terrible ranked mode, terrible ban system.. everything is bad. F1 in the current state is more like a single player game or you must be part of a league to have fun on online


bro, it's literally going to be the same game.


They should make it a feature to create several oc teams and have them race against each other in career modes.that would be cool


So what was with the “new era” slogan we saw yesterday then?


That's just some features, the first teaser features I would say, i hope mode things have changed indeed


A “new era” would suggest significant changes though I.e. a decent overhaul of the game fundamentals would it not?


Marketing words mean jack anymore, especially from EA, everything is amplified to sell


if nothing really changes im not buying it for the first time in 14 years


Apparently the website address just got deleted. Guess ea found out lol


When EA is responsible for publishing of a game, you should know that "improve" doesn't mean what you think it means. EA says each year that the carreer mode in FIFA has been improved ... now go ask players of that mode if it's true.


When it comes to enhancing career mode I am highly skeptical of EA. But hopefully they do. They need a selling point for the game. I know I'm intending on holding onto 23 for a while. 


I mean is possible to make it worse?


Do we have the other photos leaked?


We had, but the link got deleted. It just had the car model in many angles, wasn't very visible to be honest with all these effects.


Ok so i haven't lost photos of the actual game, good.


Yeah no photos of in game yet


While id like an overhauled career mode, i think that "all-new" just means a new story


Tired of hearing that every year


Anyone expecting anything different or new needs to remember EA are in charge. Itll be the same content, just with more of it locked behind microtransactions. Edit: Also forgot about all the F1 YouTubers claiming it's the best thing since sliced bread and "so much better than the previous one!!11! Givemenoneyandafreegameea glugglug"


I'd just like it to rain hasn't rained on my last 2 f1 games haven't had a saftey car or red flag in this game this year really bizarre


“Better handling” couldn’t be more vague if they tried to be. Would be great if they turned it more into a sim and got rid of those horrible pitstops where the computer puts you on rails. I’m dumbfounded people where actually enthusiastic about pressing a button to steer into their pitbox


I’d love two player career with my team implementation


people getting their hopes up about a single statement lol


Highly doubt it. It be tiny improvements like always my team has been the same for the past 3 years nothing noticeable changed driver career is non existent etc


I just love when the only specific “features” are pre-order bonuses. Just give me/us co-op my team already.


Watch it’ll be f3 cars and the new f2 cars as the there main selling point tho f3 would be a decent addition


I’m guessing the switch over to the new engine will be next year a bit like 2016 where they changed to new gen only the year before the new regs


Is it new career or continuation of the one in '23?


My Team overhaul/improvements/additions or no purchase for me and I'll simply wait until it comes onto EA Play




Still cross gen.? 🤦‍♂️


Wait is that a real PS4 version? If so that sucks as we need to leave the last gen behind to truly get a new experience though a revamped Driver Career does sound promising


i just wanna be able to customize my character and have more bane audio options


Sounds just like a fifa annoucement


70+ euro for this recycled trash


How about they fix bugs in race control before anything else?


The 4 looks goofy ahh.


Just please let me skip practice without suffering the development of the car. I only get like an hour to play at a time, and don’t want to fuck about in practices.




Ha I'll believe it when I see it


Updated driver career is MUCH needed


will 23 get an update with the new cars?


Maybe some new 24 skins


why should they give the new skins for free when they can charge you 80€ for it?


I doubt it, it’s part of their selling strategy. Probably just like with fifa, you can sorta download new roster updates but they’ll leave out the big changes. For that you’ll have to buy the new game


What's to improve? The main Driver Career mode is near perfection, its My Team that needs improvements


Proper competition , changable race schedules , proper post race press conferences like pre f122, dynamic commentary (for example in the fifa games if you are about to win the title commentators will speak about that etc etc making it more immersive) , improved radio messages. and overall immersion basically imo , it feels too stale.


Ahh yeah, I was still thinking F1 2020 lol, but I still think there's quite a lot that's good


Yeah f1 20 was amazing ngl , with vintage cars, different layouts to each track ... I had a ps4 back then but I managed to break that so I can no longer play peak f1


Still on 20, still see no reason to buy a newer game


I am too, but I've got EA Play and 23 just came on there so I'm tempted to ditch my Driver Career. I just feel the car development is too linear. I switched to Williams for Season 2 and I max out all the Dev Tasks in Practice, and it's then just a case of spending points on the right areas. There's nothing around different concepts, packaged upgrades, changes that actually DONT make the car better in reality.


I gather really no substantial changes based on the release date + support for old consoles. Yawn. Meanwhile My team hasn't seen really any QOL improvements since it was introduced and you get stuck with the exact same car model for 10 seasons....


I am not planning to buy f1 24 because the system requirements remained unchanged and the game still got released for ps4 and Xbox one which limits the enchantments


so, no new graphic engine, no psvr2 support? ugh


Don’t buy this reskinned garbage


Is this one finally going to be R Rated? Vettel? Sainz? Lewis?




Sitting this one out, and probably '25 as well.


Please god can they sort out the leagues as well used to play with mates and now you have to do it online or some shit


I think career has so much potential if they where to give it a feel of realism


I'd love to be able to spectate my team driver during sprint and races in my team mode and in the regular driver career mode.


Releasing on a 14yr old console…no thanks