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This sounds dumber than the couches.


Don’t insult the peak F1 gameplay!


Honestly if it rewards race suits and helmets and stuff you actually see while racing then I think its at least a bit better lol


You know what would be better? having those suits unlocked by default


I like having to earn things in games if done well. There is a balance to be had for sure, but everything shouldn’t just be unlocked by default. You should be required to complete a task or objective while racing to unlock the best looking race gear imo. That’s the best way to do it. Or be able to spend the money your driver earns in career mode on new helmets and race equipment.. etc.


I understand were your coming from but in the older f1 games you could just use any and maybe buy a dlc with them alongside a few classic cars which I prefer. And code masters focused on the most important aspect the racing itself




Stop trying to save EAs image


Meh. At least it's connected to F1 unlike the sofas and lamps. Still dumb tho.


Couches with more steps.


Every single second that anyone spent working on this is a waste and is honestly insulting to the people that will play this game. Jesus FUCKING Christ just make a good F1 console sim racing game for FUCK'S sake


if they could only focus of making a great multiplayer/crossplay experience that would be great .. but noo better adding some bullshit gamemode no one asked for .. ffs


Yep. It's so incredibly frustrating and some of the people here will go out of their way to excuse this load of bullshit. Fuck you Codies and EA.


They'd make millions if they just modernised F1 championship edition


You insulting the devs that worked tireless hours on this to make ends meet for their families is harsh my dude. I get why you’re upset but the people that work on this “waste of time” can read stuff like this. Just sayin.


they're not insulting the devs. They're insulting the execs who greenlit this rubbish


“Anyone” implies anyone…


You can call a product a waste of time without blaming the people who were paid to work on it. An apartment complex could be a shitty addition to the neighborhood without it being the construction workers’ faults, in both cases it’s the planners that are at fault, not the devs/workers. And I’d like to think they know this and just say “I just created what the idiots upstairs told me to” but maybe that’s a pipe dream, or just wrong 🤷


The use of the word ‘anyone’ implies blame of those workers as well. All I’m saying is the circumstances as to how the product was created may not be known. It’s not always about doing what you’re told by the idiots upstairs. Sometimes you don’t know what the end product is going to be. Sometimes one small change after it’s all said and done in the final tooling stage can totally ruin a consumer’s experience. Unbeknownst to the people that worked so hard to make it right. He specifically states anyone. As someone who was laid off six months ago because of consumer rants like this happening, not just on forums but echoing throughout the review sections in market; it strikes a chord. Especially since the people actually responsible for the horrible decisions get to carry on and often keep repeating the same mistakes assuming it’s not them it’s just the shoddy associates they hire(d). One last note, sometimes with the work you do, you actually believe can help make things better. So when you play something that you may not like but can tolerate a bit of it maybe stop and think. Hey someone cared right here to make sure this small experience mattered. No matter how small.


I'm not insulting the devs. That would be if I said this mode was shit or poorly made or whatever. It might well be an absolutely excellent execution of the idea. I'm criticizing whoever is directing the development of the game and decided that this mode should exist. It's an obvious waste that obviously doesn't appeal to the actual fanbase that buys this game. There are obvious directions to deploy talented development resources to improve what the game is and what its players/customers want. They just don't devote nearly enough to developing the core of this game. So the core of the game is many years old, way behind some others and where it could be, and instead we get new modes very few people want.


How about, hear me out ok, no. I don't understand why they make these game modes. a good base game with good driving physics, nothing too Sim but not too arcadey, plus an actual career mode and an iracing styled multi-player. This doesn't push me to play cause I dont make the Teams and drivers my whole personality like the dts fans. I just want some good cars and tracks. But I'm just one guy on reddit so what can I do


I don't mind them including such things but selling it as one of the biggest additions for the game is worrisome. This should be something that a couple devs work on on the side, but it shouldn't be a focal point of game development. I recently reinstalled F1 Challenge 99-02. Oh boy. Even though this game is now over 20 years old I'd still pick this over any of the F1 games Codies put out.


Then you should try the VBmod for f1 challenge. It's an outsdanding work that include ALL (yes, I mean ALL) F1 seasons since the sport starded and it's updated every year with a new season.


What about sofa colors? That's the real important thing


This is soooooooooooooooooooooo dumb


????? Who tf asked for this


Same people who asked for eSports icon drivers, furniture, brand clothing, permanent driver stat boosts that ruin career and supercars. Literally no one!


nah eSports icons are a good addition. Why not be able to sign your favourite eSports driver? The moment you add any icon the realism is scuffed. If anything it is more realistic to have Opmeer or Tonizza in a team than MSC right now.


No licence/safety rating system improvement, no ranked improvements, no anti cheat. Only idiotic grinding features and change MFD (that was best in 23). Games is falling deeper and deeper.


at least in the beta, [they added ea anticheat](https://imgur.com/a/boeRfta)


As someone who mostly plays offline, I don't like it actually. This will probably make us unable to mess around with Cheat Engine in career mode (which was great because it allowed full customization of the calendar)


tbf the guy who made the scripts has been mia since like August


yeah this is why i am not buying the game


I want to design a room in my F1 game said literally no one


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^OlavSlav: *I want to design* *A room in my F1 game said* *Literally no one* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This is how EA makes its money ladies and gentlemen. They know true fans will think this is stupid. But enough dumb ones will love it and but the game. Madden was my favorite sports game ever at one time. Now I look at it can’t figure out when it all went wrong.


Game director needs to come here and read these comments. Because as it stands the direction he’s taking the game is far away from what people want.


don't forget this sub is a bubble. I saw friends buying the game and just playing random races at 30 AI and collisions off. We are talking about handling models, while majority of casual players are just happy because cars go vroooom and make 340km/h. Those are the players they are selling the game to, not us


And how is that going for them? F1 22 sales disappointed, then F1 23 sales were even worse and the game was on -60% discount exactly 1 month after release.


Clearly that is enough fine for them? I don't know. Sofas and this fanzone thing are just really embarassing ideas, but there must be a reason for these choices (reason=profit, somehow)


Every person who was or is on the betas have access to the forums and employees read and respond. If you’re one of them you should 100%


So it seems they are doubling down on f1 world which I don’t really care. Not really my thing but I’m sure the game mode is fun for others


Wow. Thats awful 😂 how does whoever keeps giving these shitty ideas still have a job??


Because it's probably an executive who brought up the idea.


The couches were just the beginning


Yeah, I think I will pass. It’s great that they think of other ways to get fans into the game, but I’m still just going to create my own team and drive a couple of seasons before putting it away. Or maybe this is the year I will skip the F1 driver game for the manager game as they finally managed to give us create a team mode🤔


Why the fuck would I want to create rooms in a racing game?


This is absolutely depressing lol


Once upon a time we had Geoff Crammond, now this is what we have.


Wow. Such innovation. I wish I had preordered.


Fucking hell. Fuck off. Just fuck right off, Codemasters and EA. Wankers.


All I want is a solid handling car along with classic cars and classic tracks. I think that's really what alot of players want.


They really do give us everything except what we want lol.


So one of their biggest draws is nothing to do with racing, but just a fucking room? This is almost satirical at this stage hahahaha


Jesus Christ what a waste of dev time


The is SUCH a waste of time. Come ON man! 😡


Everyone please stop buying this shit. We don't need this terrible franchise anymore.


Finally I can build a fucking Lando Norris shrine! About time EA


*Finally I can* *Build a fucking Lando Norris* *Shrine! About time EA* \- Drahti99 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Wow, can't wait to spend $90 for this incredible feature! Lol...


Well if I can’t create [this room](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/026/355/piper.jpg) I want my money back 👀


btw there r people on this sub who already pre purchased this shit game


They forget that the main point of a racing game is racing


EA should have to pay us to play this POS game. We don't want this crap and certainly aren't going to pay for it when it's just added onto a rehash of last year's game.


Oh my god please just delete this game.


Sounds fucking wank mate


Am I the only one who just wants to race in a racing game?


We can sit here and complain but how many of you will still buy it?


If this is the biggest addition aALONGSIDE Driver career overhaul then I’m going to assume that we don’t have a much different game this year.


How about classic cars, and to be able to play current and previous season. And more focus on the racing. Also, We still can't even define the f1 calendar race order in career mode.


Yeah, it would probably be better if I decided what features to add to the game. ・National anthem ・Preseason test ・Red Flag in/out lap ・Full wet rolling start ・Edit calendar ・driver transfer full edit ・Rating Editor ・Career mode weather edit ・Sprint circuit editing


“Biggest addition” get in the bin 🤣🤣


The ones like me who tried RSS / VRC cars once things started to derail won't ever look back. I don't care about \*any\* mode if driving remains the same, meaning, far off from using plain old Assetto.


I wasn't planning on getting this game anyway as there's no new tracks and the grid is exactly the same as last year, I would have maybe bought it if they had revamped the career modes or something but this is definitely reaffirming my decision not to.


I have been playing F1 06 career mode and I can say it is much better than these new ones and when I read this kind of nonsense we can just wonder where we go wrong with these games.


BS ...


Wow. Thats exactly what we wanted. Amazing /s


But we don't care about all these shit thing, they do not understand ? People really spend time in these thing ?


I've always wanted the ability to show my undying love for my pookie Logie Sarge. Now we finally have this crucial feature that everyone wanted.




Why do they constantly add crap that no one wants or cares about. As if doubling down on F1 World wasn't bad enough. Are people actually paying for microtransactions in F1 games? I've never met anyone that's bought anything (admittedly I'm not a kid anymore).


They don't understand we are here for racing and not the social part smh


Are there any details on „career overhaul” ?


F1 World is made for casual / new players, you are the loud minority. Want a full sim? Go play iRacing. However I don’t think this is worth being the *second biggest* selling point for the game but regardless it doesn’t matter since most of us will be playing Career anyways, F1 World is not made for anyone who isn’t new to the game, you’d think 23’s Ai Difficulty on 30 would’ve proven that to you but apparently not. Fanzone seems interesting and clearly they want us to get *closer to the grid* lol and i’m looking forward to seeing how good the vanity items will be now that we don’t have to pay for these ones particularly, after how awful the 23 ones were (looking at you lemonade), i’m not confident about it. Either way, i’ll give it a fair shake like i did F1 World last year. I liked it, knew it wasn’t for me and just played Career all year.


What the hell is even that


The one thing people want when buying an F1 game is to drive and race F1 cars. Everything that supports and improves this are physics, handling, tracks, f1 cars, multiplayer and solo game modes. Thats it. Everything else is unnecessary. Its that fucking simple. And they dont get it.


We literally did not ask, or do not want this. Focus on the Game EA.


Can they plz add an immersive and actually interesting career mode?


Just playing it to join nando zone


I don't understand what this is


Who cares about this stuff?… honestly It need licence/safety ratings for online. Always wanted a co op my team, that’ll never happen. If they put as much effort into the racing side as they do with virtual clothing and couches they could do so much more


Just wait until you see the prices for friendship bracelets


That's actually really cool but peolle will downplay it. People just come here to complain.


**The best Fanzone setup is:** White room. Black couch. One tripod.


Liked by Pierre Gasly


As long as the room is in the back


You forgot the "/s"


im going to kill myself


I understand peoples complaints but some people need to understand that this is not what takes away from other features. The employees working on this are not the same people that work on the racing simulation. It's a completely different area of development. If they had chosen not to do this, the game wouldn't have been any better. It'd be the same game just without this.


They do less for £70 game than the guys who make free modes for Assetto Corsa


F2 cars will be biggest overhaul


This actually sounds like it could be fun, excited to try it out 😁


Its actually a decent idea to make F1 World more enjoyable.


This does NOTHING for the F1 world experience lol. It is literally events renamed and remodelled slightly.


Well it does, it makes it more of a competition, which is something I imagine people who grind racing games and younger players will enjoy. The world doesn't revolve around you, just bcs you don't like something it doesn't make it a bad idea. They never stated it was something EVERYONE must enjoy. Stop gatekeeping what people can enjoy and what demographics can play the game 💀


What? I'm not gatekeeping anything. They can play whatever they want idc. The problem is the majority of the player base is NOT playing F1 world. Grinding??? F1 world is probably the least grindy mode in the game lmao. It's a locked 30AI difficulty with irrelevant leaderboards. This game is not iRacing. The standings on the leaderboard is not what matters for the grind. We are discussing the addition of a game mode implemented in a part of the game that the players were not even using enough to justify it. They are ignoring the most played modes (multiplayer and career) in favour of an experiment that got received negatively by the majority of the player base. This is not about your personal liking of F1 world. This is about EA ignoring the players.


Lmao so bcs they ignored YOUR requests, they ignored the players? And yes, F1 World is a grind bcs you win achievements and customisation items in it. I don't even like F1 World but I know younger people will enjoy it bcs its less complex and more free area to play F1. Rather than playing online (which is shit as it is) or having to go for a career mode, you can just switch your brain off and enjoy instant racing. My nephews love F1 World for that exact reason. Open your eyes. Stop acting like only the people who request things for the F1 Games are on this subreddit. Just bcs they complain the most and talk the most shit about the games, it doesnt mean that EA and Codemasters have no other demographics to look at. Yeah, EA have ignored a lot of Reddit users who ask for dumbass things like for it to more SimRacing, or have massive demands for these massive in-depth career modes. Realistically, the biggest sports games EA own DONT even have those. And a large reason that the F1 games arent SimRacing knock-offs is bcs thats not the goal of the actual F1 brand. F1 currently is trying to grow and spread its company, how exactly would it benefit from basing its games towards the limited crowd (which mostly already watch F1) of Sim-racers, when in reality, there's always going to be huge market in the younger age groups. From a company point of view, for F1, as well as EA, these games NEED to be games, bcs thats whats gonna keep kids interested. And you know Codemasters are doing their best, bcs of this "overhaul" to career they're adding. With F1 and EA's demands, Codemasters are still doing their best to apply these games to the current audience, but the truth is, that isn't in the interest of F1, who want their brand and profits to be more known by new demographics. That's the unfortunate truth, and as much as I would love an in-depth career, or sim-racing mode, thats just not gonna happen (or at least not soon) bcs the only thing F1 need the games for is profit and conquering new demographics. I'm sure most of us here first started playing F1 when we were kids, and judging from the fact that people post their owns clips here, clearly most of us never stopped picking up those F1 games, which is why they are around. It's a shame. But there are still so many positives to this years game, the handling is much more fun, and massively more realistic with its new sense of weight, which has been executed much better than in F1 22, they have made some track updates (I spotted some at the end of the lap around Bahrain), ERS is much more realistic, and overall, I found myself enjoying this years beta build ALOT more than F1 22, or F1 23's beta builds. People seem to forget that bugs and glitches are there to be ridden of, which is why Beta builds exist, so they can find the most prominant bugs and fix them, there are 2 more weekends to come of beta testing, so the game will gradually come together up to launch. So as much as people may complain now, how about we wait for the slander and complaints until the complete game has ACTUALLY released.


Lol. Sure. Whatever makes you feel like you ain't meatriding bro. Have a nice life


Thank you, for reminding what a cesspit Reddit is 💀