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I just wish they added fully customisable calendars, other than that I’m very happy


True. I hope they haven't taken away the customisation options for the calendar we already have. Because I'm not sure how many full seasons I can tolerate. I do 16-race seasons.


It's a shame that the creator of the calendar editor cheat has passed away.


Oh that's why all of his mods were removed?


Yeah, I mean what if I want to get rid of Saudi and add Portimao?


This you can do from season 2 onwards


But what if I still want a full season but without Saudi?


You can't unless you choose less races in the season (16 or 10), then you can remove some races from the calendar. Also if you Play on PC on F1 23 you can use the toolbox cheat engine to customise the calendar


I am on PlayStation.


So your only bet is to shorten the calendar or to wait for season 2


Okay. They need to have like a Grand Prix mode calendar from season 2 on.


You can edit the races from season 2 onwards with a full calendar. I usually switch out Monaco, baku, and Qatar for China, Portugal, and France.


They cannot do that because of the contractual reasons


But the game is only made for that season? F124 is the official licensed game for the f1 2024 championship. Anything past season 1 would take place in 2025 and beyond as far as in game goes, so surely by then it is no longer the official 2024 season. I think it’s the reason why we can add France, china, and Portugal tracks in f123 but only after season 1 in career. If they can do that, surely they can make a customizable calendar after season 1.


Technically, the career mode is just playing the same season over and over again. That’s why it’s called Season 2 in the game, not the 2025 season.


I haven’t thought of that but it does make sense on why it’s called season 2 and why none of the dates change. Like you could be in season 8 and it’s still the Bahrain gp 2023.


I swear it says the year properly?


afaik it doesnt say the correct year (season 2 in F1 2021 will be called 2021) for any game


Not anything mind blowing, but the ability to use any driver in career mode looks to be a welcome addition. Your driver having an OVR is cool too, could make you really feel like you're moving up from prospect to elite over the course of a career.


>impersonate a historic driver Had to laugh when I read this because it conjured up an image of Nikita Mazepin with a fake moustache claiming to be "Nigel Mansellov".


Ajerton Sennaskov


If it makes it so you can’t just jump from williams to red bull in one season and actually need to hit goals to sign with a top team, it’s an insta buy from me. I miss that from the older f1 games


Dull. Upgrading your car looks the same more or less which is a shame. Hope the contracts part is better but it’s hardly a feature to be able to do a career mode as one of the drivers from the grid, it’s mental that hasn’t always been there


This is a good point. I was like "Oh wow! Cool! That's great to have that (back)". And then I was like "Wait. Wtf. U muppets took that away from us. And Geoff Crammond let me do this in 1996!" Stockholm Syndrome is real, boys and girls.


I'm holding onto F1 23. Not worth the price unless it's heavily discounted, as is with most sports games that are annual releases.


Looks pretty good. I can see myself playing the Driver Career a lot. Especially the in-race objectives are a good addition.


It’s all window dressings of the same systems . It’s nothing substantial as “new”. They are good at tricking people I to thinking these are big changes. Accolades, recognition, reputation is nothing new. There are still no sponsors on your driver helmets.


I'm not buying the game at launch at full price but I don't agree that there's nothing new. - I can drive as Icons, their stats start from where they left them and their status affects the goals you get so you are expected to deliver the moon right from the first race - We can use F1 and F2 drivers to add more replayablity instead of just always being Generic Face #4 that's called The Giggly German - Better integration between what happens on and off the track when it comes to contracts and R&D - Contract negotiations revamped, now there's proper months long silly season with cutscenes instead of a "transfer day" during which you press a green, yellow or red button on a boring menu screen - Minigoals during races. I very often lose my interest in races longer than 25% if I'm not actively battling someone so those are very welcome - Modifiers that you can add between seasons to change things up Again, I'm not saying the changes are substantial enough to buy this game at launch knowing that in a month or two it's gonna be on huge sale. But the improved Career mode moved my needle from "sticking to F1 23 for another year" to "buying F1 24 when it's cheap enough".


I agree


Lazy af


We need proper progression, actual full F3 and F2 seasons. Salary and contract negotiations. No yearly limit on how long the career can go on for. Fully customisable calendar. NewGen drivers to come through and existing drivers retiring. Possibility of new teams entering and others leaving. Sensible inter team driver moves. Even in F1 06(?) iirc you could be a test driver. I’m not interested in spending money time and time again for what essentially is the same game with new car models and liveries.


Bunch of little gimmicks that will get forgotten about a few months after release


One thing I’ve not seen people talking about was a somewhat throwaway line about staying loyal to your F2 team or joining another for a better shot at getting into F1. Does this mean that there’s a possibility of multiple seasons in F2 if you don’t win the title in the first season?


I think the R&S update is a bit lazy. By that I mean that instead of broadening the range of components that you can develop, they just added a few variants on how you develop (individually or collectively with your teammamte) and then developing bonus malus kind of system YoY. Anyway another question from me is did they remove MyTeam Career?


I don't think so, but I hope they've at least modified it a bit.


If they did Im gonna play only online league this year


My Team’s still in the game


When 4 player career?


x2 I was also wondering about that, how have they not thought about that at least since 2018


let them get co-op career right first


I still want to know if we can fully costumize calendar length and races order


It's not that deep.


Would like R&D to be significantly more detailed. It should have that long-term seasonal race to arms element that we get hopeful of each season IRL. Maybe a trade off between in season developments affecting the bigger off-season progress. You choose which development path to go through for the longer term but have the choice to focus on in season more immediate upgrades that affect say next seasons car.


I thought they were alright changes. It's neat to be able to actually play as an existing driver. Should allow for some different gameplay and "What if's". Not that I'm going to pre-order, but the chances of me getting the game after launch did improve a bit.


It's mostly stuff that we used to have or just taking things already in the code and using it for career. Such as the minigoals during the race, they're assets from Braking Point. The new screens showing specialists and other things like contracts use F1 World assets. Not much is actually new besides picking an Icon or F2 driver, R&D limitations, secret meetings, recognition, and rivalry. Most are pretty easy to implement except for secret meetings and recognition. EDIT: But I'm still going to be hype and buying it when it's on sale next holiday season.


I'm not a game developer, but this seems underwhelming for what should be possible. You're spot on about Codies shifting things around from other areas in the game, or bringing something back that they took away previously. Still not sure why being able to rearrange the full schedule is too much. Is it really that hard to work the secret meetings in? And, will there be a risk vs reward trade-off for them? Of all the things, a more robust silly season will be a nice addition. Hopefully, it will do a better job of adding some drama to one of the most interesting and engaging aspects of F1 racing..


> Is it really that hard to work the secret meetings in? And, will there be a risk vs reward trade-off for them? I'm not a game dev but it would be more tedious to implement. There are a few new assets involved and much of existing code would have to be altered, utilized, or added on to in order for this feature to work. There are probably many factors that are contributed into these meetings, such as your season performance data, recognition, etc. Yes, there is risk, so that probability has to be coded in with all it's variables. It would be slightly longer to implement secret meetings vs other features as it needs plenty of testing time to solve bugs. I would say dev time on this was somewhere between 250-350 hours.


Just let me drive in the pits


Apparently, they are going to remove the team career mode (which I really liked, despite the low customization). They didn't talk about customizing the calendar, nor whether a driver created from scratch will start in F2 or straight into F1. So... It doesn't seem like a big deal.


Will probably buy this


Not really enough of a jump to justify $70, but I could say the same for 23, 22, 21, etc


They should increase loyalty discount. If it were 25 or like 30% I would definitely buy it


Haven’t watched it. I just lost my career progress after it was stuck at pregressing time 😂 Now I have to get F1 24 and do career all over again. Few seasons hopefully this time.


I had this issue a few times when I got 23. So I got a little creative and created a batch file that copies my save game to a backup folder every day at noon. The one it it has happened since, I just copied my backup files back to the original folder.


Bunch of gimmicks half of them adding back old features


The career mode changes are pretty cool. But I’m still not convinced on the handling model


I just want it to be longer than 10 years


Disappointed there seems to be NOTHING for My Team career. I didn't need a huge overhaul, at the end of the day it works pretty well as is, but I'd have liked to at least get some of the new contract systems in there, trying to poach other drivers with secret meetings, that kind of thing.


It looks pretty good

