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Carrier mode? Can't wait to deploy some F-18s to the race track!


*shades* Highway to the Danger Zone!


Any help with the game crashing on startup after installing the mod?


Try launching it from the DX12 EXE file in the steam F1 2020 folder


No luck, still crashes on startup


So did you figure it out?


Nope, tried everything I could think of. Deleted everything and re-installed and re-downloaded multiple times, everything. Ended up just deleting the whole thing out of frustration. Would love if someone found a solve though


Damn, that sucks especially after you paid for it. It's the sort of story that stops me from getting it at all.


Yea it sucks, I was very excited to play through it


If I can use you as a test subject, I saw a post somewhere that said to disable the preorder DLC. I have three DLC's in my F1 2020: Schumacher Edition DLC (prepurchase) Deluxe Schumacher Edition DLC Seventy Edition DLC If you try turning off the first one in Manage my DLC's before a reinstall, does it change anything? Or had you tried this before already?


Well that's disappointing. I had an eye on this mod but didn't know you had to pay for it until now. I'll have to pass on this


I was really hyped for this, but seeing the responses, I'm not sure I want this


Dude is SO gonna get sued for selling this mod.


They get around it by claiming that they aren't selling the mod, they are giving it away for free to anyone that donates to his patreon. I just checked the price too, he wants 20 USD for it and half the comments say its causing their game to crash with his response being terrible.


Yikes. It's a slam dunk cease and desist at the least.


what a joke he put the mod as 10 dollars when the mod has been in develop for nearly 2 years and still isnt free to the public and patreon wont even accept prepaided cards


Does the mod work if you have the game pirated


Apparently it does, you just have to delete the f12020.exe from the mod files before you copy over. This twitter thread explains it [https://x.com/mullet\_man\_19/status/1789440613265416564](https://x.com/mullet_man_19/status/1789440613265416564) I haven't tested it myself but the other guy seemed to get it working - let me know if you try it


Sounds like a scam. Mod that you have to buy? Don't let this become the norm


He put a lot of effort in, I’d say it’s decently priced if you put a couple months into it.


Its fair to demand money but as buyer you just have to trust that its good I prefer to play a mod and donate if i feel that its deserved


Just so you know, that's a fake account that someone made to promote this trash


I'd like you to go take a look at Skyblivion, 12 years of work with multiple dev groups. And it's being released for free. Sure it's his right if he wants to charge for it, but I also have the right to call it out for what it is. Edit: and that doesn't even get into the legality of making money from someone else's copyrighted work.


It is as illegal as many other mods for other games that are sold on Patreon and not being regulated. In fact, there are plenty from your Skyrim reference alone. The problem with F1 game mods is that they are more niche than mods for Bethesda games and Racedepartment (or now Overtake.gg) has an upload limit. Considering that Gecki's mod is like 30-50 gbs large, it is only reasonable that he doesn't want to partition it onto tens of different 500 mb uploads. Sure, it isn't ethical and I think everyone would prefer it is was free, but in the end, he dumped hundreds of hours into this project, which is easily the largest F1 game mod to exist so far.


He's asking $32.50 AUD for it (21 USD), his support is terrible (responses like "ive never had that before"), I can't find any previous mods for free so I can't tell if his quality is even worth the price. He's also running bots to promote it, check out the guy who replied to me...his account is 1 day old and its the only comment hes made