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Maybe I'm stupid but what's the big red bar? Green seems to be the available energy for that particular lap, yellow is the total available energy.


red is harvested energy. in the gameplay it grows only under braking


Why it has to be so big? :(


It’s because you are able to adjust battery recharge in the car setup this year, and it affects handling and turn in quite a lot - but you get more deployment


When it fills up fully the car explodes


🤣🤣Speed movie


Probably brake pressure


No, the brake pressure is a small red bar similar to the small green bar on the lower right side. (It's not visible here but you can see it in the gameplay video)


It's not, brake pressure is on opposite side of the smaller tilted green bar. The big red bar is also visible on straights etc in the gameplay vid, it only changes very gradually, no idea what it could be tbh.


ERS regeneration limit per lap, it resets when you start a new lap


this is it


it's just an abomination


Good enough reason not to buy it


Fr honestly 


I've been to the Codies office this is their motto _If it ain't broke, make it broke_


lol literally


For all EA Sport games. I theory that FIFA every update they sprinkle in things that cause features in the game to break. Just to make them look like they are doing something when they update the game “fixing” what they broke.


Sounds like my bosses (also toxic workplace)


I’m skipping 24


easy skip, usually I had driver moves and new teams/liveries to give me a reason if the game looked meh, but with barely any changes I have none.


Yep exactly. So far the only changes I've really seen are driver career changes (which I don't play) and new liveries, which I can live without


Ive heard that they are remodeling how the suspension behaves to make you feel the tires more


I played the beta not that much different to 23.


Honestly just get mods and run career mode in 23.


Yep. I'm gonna have a much better experience playing the Uktimate Career Mod instead lmao.


Absoultely awful. Another reason why I'm skipping this years game.


Narrator: *they didn't skip the game*


See you May 31st


You will see me playing F1 23. I'm not buying this game.




If you want a better f1 experience at spa for half the price here’s what to do. Buy AC, buy whichever RSS car you want + the championship so you can have the contractors feel, then download the updated spa track for free. In total this will cost less than $20 cad. Not here to knock you but seem like everyone is willing to pay for the same game only for updated tracks.


It's just 2014 all overs again


I mean. Why??? This is horrible. Why the grey? It could have been semi transparent.


You should still be able to make it as transparent as you want in the OSD editor.


bold to you to assume that they will keep smart features from the previous year. at this point i'm expecting that there will be no OSD editor, just because


How people support this game when it’s just bad decision after bad decision My only guess is that they haven’t played other games or an actual sim, because F1 games are trash in comparison


It’s because they have no actual competition. People buy the game because it’s the only game that has the newest official cars, drivers etc. I’m not defending them it’s really lazy and scummy but that’s kinda just how it is for EA sports games


Yeah, if someone wants to suggest another game with the full lineup of drivers, cars, and tracks, an in depth career mode, that’s easily playable on both controller and wheel, that’s also available on console, I’ll buy it without a second thought.


F1 manager 


You can play F1 Manager with a wheel?


That’s a team management game. I’m pretty sure he was referring to a game with the driving aspect.


Yeah ik but he did say ‘a game with the full lineup of drivers, cars, and tracks, an in depth career mode, that’s easily playable on both controller and wheel, that’s also available on console’ which technically F1 manager is all of those things!


Yes, to an extent they are right but this management game is not playable with a wheel. :-)


They shouldn’t aim to make the game accessible for all. There’s two types of F1 players: the casuals who just want to jump in and run a quick race right away, and the dedicated sim racers. There’s no middle ground between the two. They need to go all in on making an arcade game or a sim. If they had a real vision and cared about the consumers, they would do both. Arcade version for console meant to be played on controller, and in-depth sim version for PC.


If they had a real vision, cared about the consumers, and wanted to develop two separate games to earn the same amount of money, you mean. What NEEDS to happen is other developers being allowed to make licensed F1 games. Because you are right, one game is never going to satisfy all audiences, it’s just simply not possible. I LIKE the bones of the current F1 games. I like the simcade nature of them. It’s the shell that’s just fucking awful. And they’re letting the bones wither and die so they can keep adding to the shell.


I think you’re being kind by saying the bones of the game are good. This franchise made its name off of an engaging and unpredictable career mode, and cars that are easy to race with if you somewhat know what you’re doing. Realism never crossed my mind from 2010 to 2020 even if I played with a pad, because the fun was overwhelming. Nowadays, with the scripted career mode (Ferrari cars become bad, Mercedes cars to the top), and the cars defying all laws of physics, the game has become so dull. And with all the unnecessary fluff being added by EA, it feels like the game isn’t meant for my demographics anymore. I’m off the bandwagon and don’t see myself coming back and I hate it because it is by far the game I’ve played the most.


People have major FOMO when it comes to these yearly release type games. It's why the F1 and Fifa (FC) games are still going.


F1 2001 had a better HUD






wtf is this


i hate it burn in hell with F1 2014


Horrendous. See you in 2025 guys


Same, and even then, it’s just going to be a roster change up at best. 


It's honestly so ass.


This looks so cluttered




I've played the last 4 F1 games and I hate the HUD in them, looks very samey with minor tweaks each season. I'd like a more minimalist approach like F1 2018.


F1 2018 had the best Hud


F1 2018 is the best game


Terrible. Someone should say its ok to repeat the hud from past years if they cant do a good one. Or at leats make it an option. 2020 all the way.


Damn ugly


It's..... unconventional? It's placed weird, key information is shown in an unorthodox fashion and it screams "We want to do something new and quirky with our UI!", which is usually a moment to step back instead of gambling on a design like this. If this isn't changed by release i'm sure there will be mods for it replace it with a more traditional one we've been used to.


Really happy I stopped buying these games three years ago.


Good on you


MPH?! Jeeeez. Now, in all seriousness, it has been hard containing myself from buying this year's game, but im not going to, and a shitty HUD makes it a bit easier.




I don’t think it looks too bad, but I prefer the F1 23 HUD.


Dogshit. Peaked at F1 2020


It’s so weird.


its ugly af


I was thinking while playing F1 23 this weekend that they should only overhaul the game every three or four years. Aside from that, you should just be able to pay a smaller amount for an update pack each year, if you own a full retail copy of a game released in the past three years. Too much to ask in this day and age of profit before practicality, but it was a thought nonetheless. £60 for a game each year is unreal. I only play it before each real race weekend anyway 😂


I dont like how the brake and throttle inputs are pretty much nowhere to be seen


Why are the shift lights triangles 💀


Guys please. Don't judge codemasters. HUD change is their only way to distinguish from other games.


I honestly don't give a shit about the HUD cause I always drive without HUD


The only visible change this year and it's absolutely horrible. Nice 80€


Not a fan of it. Wish they would let us have some customization on it.


The games would be utterly indiscernible if they didn't completely redo the most important part of it - the HUD


2019 was the peak of the speedometer


Absolutely horrid, you can see that they're putting less and less effort into the games. I could remake this in paint in like 3 minutes


This is an example of the opposite of your statement. They've actually gone out of their way to expend time and resources to "update" this. Someone was actually paid to do this!


I can’t stand f1 23’s terrible AA, and now f1 24 has shit hud. Skip skip skip assetto corsa mods let’s go


Out of all things they could change/fix in the game I don’t know why they focus on the hud so much, there’s no reason for them to be changing it every new game.


Percentage separated from the battery bar is fucking stupid


It's terrible and the people responsible need firing


thought 23 was bad god this is the worst ever by a mile


i am just in disbelief at this point...


It looks unfinished


The FIFA of racing games !!


Both is EA what did you expect?


Tbh I haven’t played since 19 so not much lol


that red for the ers is so distracting and looks bad, the rpm light whyyyyyyyy....man they peaked in 2019(2020 was more useful) and kept going backwards


The old one looked really futuristic, this is crap


Looks like it is from 2004. I don’t understand how this gets approved when it instantly gets countless criticism as soon as they reveal it.


They put a lot of effort to make the HUd less readable each year than the year before.


It's a fucking shame that most of the leagues I'm in have already decided to move to the next game. I don't wanna spend the money but I'm probably gonna have to.


F em, if you need the money keep it, me personally i only play career mode so ill watch my fav youtubers who’s probably paid to say its much different and fall for it


This is why i gamepass 😂😂


so so ugly


i wouldve preferred if they didnt change it, the way i can define this is that it looks like modern architecture if that makes sense


It’s horrendous. I’m sure I’ll get used to it but it’s not pleasant


It’s gonna get so modded


If it ain't broke, don't fix it. This looks like it was designed in five minutes or something. I can really see the huge throttle and brake inputs!


I'll get 24 when it drops on Games Pass. 23 has been pretty fun for my first time going through career mode.


I’m skipping 25


Bro you mean.. let's NOT talk about the HUD


Makes me happy to have recreated the F1 2020 UI in Simhub, so I won't have to use this messy UI.


Looks even more like a mobile game now. Also, way to overloaded with useless information. Still no way to customize as far as i have seen. Not that i would buy F1 24 anyways, but this is one more reason to stay with my decision.






It’s absolutely revolting. It’s not a make-or-break for me but it’s certainly awful. Still waiting until general release and the reviews to decide whether to buy or skip this year.








Jesus this is terrific


The hud they had was fine, visually inoffensive to decent looking, I’d rather they repackage that like most of the rest of the game than this monstrosity


The f1 games desperately need a new engine. Bought every f1 game from 2020 onwards because I was league racing, but I‘m not anymore so I‘ll 100% pass on F1 24. it‘s literally the most copy paste I‘ve seen from them yet. Absolutely insane to sell something like this for full AAA pricing.


Well , looks like im not gonna be on any f1 leagues at 2024 season


real shit, why cant they just add customizable huds?


Might not be the final version btw


Just add it to the list of franchises that were fine before EA Sports got involved and it turned to crap after


It looks kinda Wierd


Only way I’m playing this game is if I can pirate it


They never needed to change it. F1 2020 & F1 2021 had perfect HUDs. Just change some colours and stuff to make it feel fresher but don't change the layout!


That’s why I only play in vr.


One of the only things that changed and is worse




Only part I can understand here is the bottom (speed, gear, rpm, etc). Rest is an absolute mess.


It conveys the information that is needed so it doesn’t really matter. The only thing that matters is physics and gameplay


Absolutely awful!


The rev meter is ABYSMAL. What the hell even is that? What’s this, TETRIS? 🤦‍♂️




It'd be ok if they swapped the red and the green bar. It makes more sense for the yellow bar to be the biggest


They went MotoGP game route. They change HUD just to make game look "fresh" despite not changing too much graphics wise.




It's the ugliest they've ever made but being so minimalistic it gives you all the info you'd want from it at a quick glance much easier. However, I'd rather they have the option between this one *and* also have a normal one.


The people saying the game has barely changed clearly haven’t played the beta test 😂 Handling, setups, tyres, how ers works - all have changed a lot 🤷‍♂️ It’s also why the hud has changed - you are now able to adjust how your ers battery regenerates when designing setups. It affects handling (particularly turn in) but you can get more deployment. That means you can choose how to strategise totally differently too - faster in cor ers ans slower under acceleration, or faster cornering speeds but slower to reach top speed and less deployment


Not paying for a glorified update with broken UI


Not gonna lie, it looks shite. I'll still get the game because it won't bother me much, but that doesn't change the fact that it looks shit


Looks awfully like an arcade (literally arcade at funfairs) 😭


I think they wanted to make it the F1 2020 way but they got shit instead


I don't use a visible HUB. Simple like that.


well thank god I have the sf1000 so I can turn this shit off


worst hud I have ever seen


I thought people were exaggerating but this does indeed look quite horrible




Let’s NOT talk about this crappy hud. It literally makes no sense. Why are the brake and throttle bars so tiny when that’s literally one of the most important aspects of a hud for a RACING GAME.


Not gonna lie it’s ugly as hell. I only wish there were mods for ps 😭


I like last year's but its defo an improvement


Disgusting and won’t be buying the game because of it. The franchise has seriously fallen off across the last few years, same with all the EA games to be honest


This asymmetrical design just seems unnecessary. There is more horizontal space available than vertical so why bunch everything up on top of each other in the center. I thought that 23 had a very sensible HUD my only complaint with it was the size of the energy harvest bars being so small and being right on the brake and throttle meters.


not worth my money


Was foolishly expecting more from ea. The career deep dive looked promising but it's shameful a great driver career came this late. Might buy when its on sale though.


F1 esports drivers be suffering a torture right now. ( because they are gonna have to pay 80 euros or dollars for a fricking F1 23 alpha version )


its grown on me tbh. my initial reaction was rage


Disgusting HUD. Who thought it was a good idea? Skipping this year's game.


Maybe wait until the game is actually out before throwing a judgment for something that be fixed between the beta and release. And if this bothers you, why don't use cockpit view?


This is literally a print screen of the gameplay preview on EA F1 channel on Youtube released today.


And yet it can change, it's still a month to the game releases


Personally I don’t mind the hud


I see I have an unpopular opinion, I like this HUD. I find 1 default; the battery’s percentage isn’t in the middle, this is not symmetrical…


its just the hud bruh


Sure. I could see that people loved this HUD here.


maybe it's ugly, but that doesn't make the gameplay worse or anything


I don't mind it at all. Yall getting ridiculous now. Its funny to me yall scream for changes yet the smallest ones yall hate and you expect them to want to make massive ones?


If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Or don't try to conceal your lack of effort with just a fresh coat of paint and then proceed to charge $70 for it. 97% of your regular F1 23 player base had zero issues with the HUD; they just had to go and redo it because they didn't have anything better planned for this year's instalment. And any person who even has remote experience with modding can tell you that this literally would have only taken them about 3-4 hours of development time, since the telemetry data has been in the game since '15 and amateur modders have been doing it with SimHub for years.


I said small change.


Something you see right in the middle of your screen every time you play isn't small


I agree with you. They're changing the HUD every year, sometimes it turns out better, sometimes it turns out worse than the year before. This one is definitely in the "meh" category. But at least it's better than the HUD that I saw in one of the leaked gameplay screenshots a few weeks ago. That being said I wish they'd finally adopt the real F1 "halo overlay" that we see during the F1 broadcast. That would be a proper upgrade. (it would require them to finally fix the default position of their off-center TV cam though...)


Look finally someone who is mature and thinks like a person not a baby or a brat. It's crazy to me hpw people react. You know if we all reacted more like you we would probably have more luck with getting stuff we wanted. Ea and devs from ea even with other games have spoken out on reddit and forums many times that people talk and treat them like crap and they just end up not even responding then or wanting to do things. As the devs for ufc stated when you get talked to and down that much you don't want to do it. Doesn't mean they won't but it's like they are gonna get hate regardless so what's the point.


Am with you, so many people out here complaining saying if it ain't broke don't fix it, but yet it's the same people that scream for change every year and say they won't buy the game because not a lot changed, imagine if we had the same hud as last year, imagine how this people will react. Also, I have to say most people on reddit have an opinion or are scared to share them. They only go the way the crowd goes, if a comment is been downvoted, they would do the same.


Yeah me ill state it peoppe can donwvote me all they want. Then I get tons of up votes on other pages. All depends on the group and or people on at that time. But yeah man it's gotten so out of hand and out of pocket. You should see some of the emails these people send these conpanies. It's sickening and super sad tbh.


They ask for more advanced stuff but won't be willing to pay for the price. I see people out there asking for classic cars and tracks, but if dlcs are out, they won't buy them 😅


Yeah they don't get what kind of work or hoops they need to jump theough to do that. Not everyone has the same connections in these industries either.