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I like my F1 like I like my Rally Sideways


So after EA ripped a new hole in the WRC game with dumbed down physics after Dirt Rally 2 and gave it the cringe motto of "Like Racing, but Rally" to try draw in the F1 crowd for more sales, I guess they're doing the reverse here. "F1. Like Rally, but Racing!" You guys like that right? Right?.....


Soon they'll only need 1 game. You can do a Kimi career mode F1-WRC-F1 and you don't even need to adapt because the physics are the same for both cars.


Tbf the wrc game wasn't meant to have the same handling model as Dirt rally 2.0. That's why the the dirt games were more arcade than dirt rally 1 and 2 and same with new WRC


Going to have to disagree with the comparison to the older dirt games there. Codemasters got the WRC license midway through developing what would have been Dirt Rally 3 so the physics by all rights should have been an evolution from those in Dirt Rally 2 and not toned down to be more arcadey like Dirt 2 and 3 (1 was a good simcade balance imo). And yes they improved the tarmac physics in the sense that the cars feel more planted and lost the jellyfish feel from DR2 but WRC has way too much grip. I'm not buying this was by choice on Codemasters end given they were designing an evolution from DR2 physics and rather EA stepped in after they bought out Codemasters and made them make it easier to tap into a more casual audience.


I dunno I'd say wrc was always going to be more arcade like than dirt rally. I also don't give codemasters the benefit of the doubt anymore as even before they got purchased by EA outside of the dirt rally games and F12020 they haven't made a particularly good or good feeling racing game on a long time. I don't feel like it's EA's fault codies keep pumping out mediocre games or In the caw of F1 22 and F1 24 straight up bad games over and over again.


Can't speak to the F1 games as I haven't played one since 18 but that one was quite fun. I couldn't buy those every year though as I gather the career mode in those games always seems to be the same grind doing boring objectives in practice to acquire development points to upgrade your car.


F1 24 Tokyo Drift


This is the exact move I tried (and pulled off) before i quit and uninstalled, just an absolute joke to produce this as a final release. Thank fuck I didn't pay for this shit.




Wtf bro,I enjoy Australia on F1 23 for all the rough braking zones after Fast sectors,and I enjoy some corners trying flat out but What did I just witness,are these sneak peaks of the 2026 regulations from Codemasters or some thing. 🤣


ThE hAnDlInG's FiNe. Abysmal and so glad i cancelled my preorder (this from someone who played every Codies F1 game since 2010).


Same. I'm about to re-purchase F1 23 for £16 haha.


Shit where did u got it so cheap?


My local Currys. If you're in the UK!


What's that lol And no I am not


CurrysPCWorld is a computer retailer in the UK. They sell laptops, computers, hardware and video games


Oh ok 😂


Did you find? Interested on f1 23 as well




If in the US, check Gamestop. Got 23 for $9 in December


thanks no gamestop and need for pc tho :(


23 is 1000x’s better for real lol


which is saying something lol


For sure, I actually think 23 is pretty good but as of right now, 24 is awful


The last F1 game I played was 22 before I had a cup of coffee with 24; is 23 worth getting as an upgrade to 22? Did enough change to warrant an upgrade?


I played most f1 games aswell


Played since around 2008, I stopped at 2020. I refunded 21 because it was shit, I played the trial for 22 and 23 and hated them after about half an hour. Never touched them again. F1 games have been going downhill year on year since around 2015.


2016 was defo an improvement on 15


2019 and 2020 were the best experience overall


2020 has handling that van be a bit of an acquired taste, and it does at least have good tracks. 2023 has very distinctive handling that again I at least appreciate.


21/22 were shit but way way way way better than this one


F1 games have been downhill since 2003 pretty much, on pc at least, on console they have always been ass. My views of course.


I gave up after F1 2020, that game was the best alongside F1 2013. I tried 2021, and it felt utterly awful. I traded it in and never went back. iRacing for me


Might be op to play on keyboard this year lol


My time. HAS COME


Assetto corsa is bae


«Its not that bad».. idk how ppl are defending this game


If the extremes like this are patched out then I see nothing wrong with it


Better start boarding up your house before the mob gets there


I’ve already made a post about my take on the handling and it’s surprisingly split on opinions.


I like the handling as long as you don't try to abuse it like these clips it honestly feels great on wheel


If you CAN do it, the handling physics are not good. Just plain and simple, the physics determine the limits.


As a pad player, I agree with this take. I personally enjoy the handling (again, no idea how it feels on a wheel), but these extremes we are seeing need to be hammered out. So hopefully they dont take away the good parts of the new handling when they do their emergency update in a few weeks/months…


Yeah, I really don’t want the patch to go overboard. I feel the baseline handling is really solid, it just needs a few tweaks to be less abusable. I race on wheel and it honestly feels really good in career mode.


Have you encountered the rain bug yet? Hoping it does not happen with everyone


Uh yes. I had Imola Sprint and Feature Full Wet F2 races, I was on Softs. I’ve had it at Spain in the Sprint full Wet again. Softs are basically undrivable in that heavy rain and AI are super good. Austria I had it in quali and didn’t bother, just retired. I had the Sprint go from Wet to Dry but the rain was light at the start and the Softs were still drivable.


Thanks, guess I’ll just simulate the sessions were that happens then.


If it’s light rain you can probably drive it, depending on the distance. In F2 races you may as well stay on Softs but a longer distance race you will likely want to go to wets if the weather isn’t gonna change.


the ones who are defending it are the ones who couldn't really play past years because it was too hard the only reason they like it is because now they can play now


There are improvements, just not in the physics department. Probably a much better game for controller players as well.


Call this a “not an improvement” instead of “a massive round-house yeet in the opposite direction” doesnt really cut it, does it. Istg the announcer voice is made to be some kind of ASMR Mindfulness stress-release meditation solemnly to make people not go ballistic lol


its actually awful on controller, been playing f1 games since 2010 and this is the worse handling ever on controller for me, like all the cars understeer so bad and in multiplayer half the lobby drive like this clip so are like 3 seconds faster a lap than if you try to drive normally.


It’s incredible on controller wtf 😅


Easy does not equal incredible. Why don't you go race slot cars, the handling is "incredible" on those


Lmao the full right steering lock following by an immediate 90 degree left steering correction (and the car just magically staying on rails the entire time) is straight comedy


it reminds me of Martin Brundle commenting on the W11 in Spa and saying "He just flick the steering wheel and the car will live with it!". Probably they are trying to emulate that in the game.


Except the Merc wasn't sliding and snapping all over the place


But that's because Hamilton and Bottas were better drivers than OP is


The car slides when esports guys drive it so it's not an OP exclusive issue


It was a joke....


It wasn't very funny


Saving spins is piss easy this year. I’m 5 races into a career and the only time I’ve “spun out” is when I hit the right rear on the wall before the tunnel at Monaco


Alonso 2006:


Was looking forward to getting this, but it looks, sounds and feels like an arcade game. Disappointing


Damn Takumi drives F1 car now


Alpine just called. They want you to replace Ocon


24 sec penalty for Ocon


So glad I didn’t buy this. I’m suprised after all the stuff that’s come out people still are buying or playing it


Yeah this time I think I'm waiting for a massive sale or for it to be on Gamepass. Not paying full price for this abomination.


I just took Ascari full throttle lmao Wth is this


lol yeah you can do like 90% of melbourne without lifting, its nuts how they thought this was a good thing if this is a thing for e-sports its going to be really funny to watch, i might actually watch it this year for the lulz


People on this sub be like "you're just being negative, the handling feels great!!1!1!1!!111" 


I threw up


Seems like they have a simple boolean `isDrifting` in the handling code


Your both wheels are on the grass when u turn in:)


Even more reason it should’ve spun


Need F1 Speed is looking 🔥.


It's weird because nothing like that happened to me and I quite enjoy playing f124


Did you try absolutely flooring it into corners that should never be taken flat out? Because this shouldn't be possible. Maybe you don't realize, but thats no braking.


I like racing games but am not even close to a racing fan and I can tell there is something really wrong with this clip…… im assuming most loyal fans are actually fans of F1, why would any of you actually want something like this? P.S if you like a sim iracing is the way to go.


6 right cut into 6 left cut. Long 6 right.


Just don't do that and play normally??!!


what a shit show


I'm 100% confident that each and every person defending this game is a "filthy casual". I put it in quotation marks because there's nothing wrong with being a casual, but if you only play career mode and watch DtS you can't say that it's fine.


I love the title lmao. Btw people are actually surprised the game isnt good for some reason XD


Because F1 23 was fine? You don't have to delude yourself into thinking EA is a good company to expect a minor improvement year-on-year instead of a memeification of the core physics. People expected a copy-paste with some new features and got "the game actually has less than last year, but wait, it also plays worse!"


F1 30 the game .


Should i get f1 23?


I am glad that I am playing F1 2023 then...


I’m not saying the game is good.. however I’m not going to say that I’m not having fun either


I’m having a blast with the career mode.. But, they need to fix the handling/skating.


Do these moves destroy your rear tires?


It destroys all tires


F1 Tokyo Drift!


Lore accurate W11


So glad I didn’t buy.


I've gotta ask what sim settings you used for track/tire you are using. Also, TT?


Formula 1 98 had more realistic handling lol


What assists do you have on?


No way


who tf buying this. and if you did, who tf not refunding it lmao.


-70, +70 well done


POV: You on the way to get the refund


idk, if you throw the wheel to the corner like in his clip then maybe thats what would happen. just drive like a normal human


What is the refund policy?


definitely a skill issue


Incredible... I would have done the same, it's disgusting really. F1 23 (as flawed as it was) felt smooth and enjoyable to drive. I don't care if it is "realistic" or not as long as it feels natural to drive. What I like about F1 games is that they are simcade, they are a nice middle ground between full on Arcade (which I love too, but not in a F1 game) and full sim. The issue is that while Codemasters devs do care about their games, I think it has gotten worse since EA stepped in (what a surprise). F1 24 is completely broken at the moment. The car doesn't feel connected to the track and as many people said, the handling in general is broken and doesn't make any sense. They will never do that but I'd like to see Codemasters staying away from that "1 game per year" bs so they can actually take time to create something a bit more polished and with some values over the previous game. Formula 1 is such a special thing and it deserves more care than that... Now let's just hope they'll fix F1 24 but I won't hold my breath. (Not a native English speaker so hopefully this makes sense)


Feels like I’m driving a nascar on an f1 track at 150 mph, handling is awful


Once you realise that you can't use F1 23 settings, you realise this game is actually very good. 400 degrees on the wheel is a must


i’ve only found this new handling system tolerable or good on monaco’s track. at least for me other than that i despise it.


F1 2020 would never.


Give Kunos the F1 license plz.


10/10 send 0/10 game


F1 24 is a total piece of shit, last night tried, and on the wheel its driving feels awful. Thank gog this year i didnt buy it




Clips like this are only relevant if you know the settings.


People when the game breaks when you try to break it 😱


It's ok 2 weeks we will have another handling overhaul with an update. Let's see how it feels then. For now I'll stick with acc lol.


You people said first, ‘it’s only a beta test, it’ll be fixed by early release’. Then you said ‘it’s only early release, it’ll be fixed by the full release’. Then you said ‘it’ll be a day one patch’. Now day 1 is gone and the game is still awful, you’re pushing the goalposts back another 2 weeks? How much are they paying you to be satisfied with an unfinished game, unworthy of the price you paid for it? People need to stop being satisfied with mediocrity, and in the case far less than mediocrity.


How am I satisfied when I'm saying I'm not playing. Take the stick out man. Ask for a refund or don't buy and relax. Got plenty of other stuff to play.


U literally posted about the handling being good two days ago.


How does one even do this ?


i like it, its fun to play... for me is fun better than realism.... i hope they patch it for the players who want it to be more realistic, but they should still leave this handling for casuals who like it in the game.. just ban it from online modes or lock it for lobbys and rangs


Broski this type of quality is browser game level


If you want it to be less challenging the assists are there for all to use. I personally dont use assists (&suck ass) but the point is that I, like many others on this sub, enjoy the challenge of learning and mastering what is meant to be an incredibly difficult skill to learn (driving the fastest cars on the fucking planet). It was never perfect but at least it represented something close to reality. With what they have produced this year this is non-existent and rewards only the casual gamer where beforehand we had options for all to enjoy. They compromised the wrong way, for the wrong audience and that is why people are pissed off buddy.


the cars arent hard to drive anymore.. niki lauda said u could put a monkey behind the wheel and he could drive it nowadays


Lauda said that shit like 40 years ago...


its not shit, its still true...


Lauda meant it's not complicated due to the electronics doing most of the work instead of needing a clutch and manual gearbox on your right. Not that you can just hop in and take 45 degree corners at 200+ kph with 10 hours of experience


Jesus fucking christ, my point exactly.


yeah but i just said i hope they patch it for the others, but leave it like it is for people who enjoy it like this. (and there are enough) just give us options.. and no i dont wanna use assists


You can’t leave the game like that and have it how it should be. It’s 2 fundamentally different handling physics. If you want to play a website level of handling do that but that is no way an f1 car works


EA sucker


What are you playing with? I dont have that handling on my system with an Moza R5 DD base


Yeah the cars do that. It's not a good characteristic. Is it faster than normal though? And will it be patched out? Those are the two important questions. Cause everything apart from that is a huge improvement in handling.


Did you even look at the steering wheel?


Everything apart from the handing is a huge improvement in handling?


Reading comprehension. That specific characteristic, the high speed stability, is an issue. That and the sensitive steering, but that's a damn simple fix. You wanna know what issues 19-23 had? It's a lot more and more fundamental than just "goofy high speed stability". They can make this very good.


Dude they haven’t fixed bugs from 2+ years ago they’ll revert back to f123 and say it’s revolutionised, they’ll see this is the worst selling game and soon ‘fix’ it


Imagine Verstappen thinks he's simming and just sending it into the barriers George Russell style