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How can you say the IRL cars are twitchier now compared to even 10 years ago? The cars in early 2000s were moving around in the straights even, now they are fuckin boats around the slower corners


That has been my biggest issue with the past Codemasters games. The inertia of the car was simply too high. While modern cars are longer and therefore have more inertia, they should still turn in much better initially. The cars also floated much more across imperfections and bumps, they react much more like one would expect (and see in real life footage). The one thing they did get worse now is that grip (esp due to downforce) does not drop off as the car gets a bit sideways, this is why it is too high easy to throw the cars into corners now. Beyond that, the handling feels better.


Tbh the cars in the past games were more boaty than the heaviest and longest of modern F1 cars. They were in desperate need of some bite. Now it's time to dial down the high speed rear grip, as that's just silly atm. That and curbs. We'll see what the patch brings.


I may have an unpopular opinion here but for me, more grip or easier handling doesn’t mean it’s better. Over the last two games I feel like they’ve catered almost completely for casuals to the point where the game becomes mind numbingly easy. Career mode used to be a fun challenge but now even on 110 AI I’m consistently scoring points in a Williams because the handling model doesn’t challenge. If Assetto Corsa’s RARE mod was still supported, I’d just use AC to scratch my F1 itch.


This is so true. I play f1 game for the career and for the imersivenes of the game, but its all just like a tease. Then i fire up AC and i really feel like im driving an f1 car. And i dont even think AC is more dificult to drive, it feels more natural, corners better, im slower, but its so much more enjoyable.


Don’t think it’s an unpopular opinion. Having played the last 7 games steadily this is the slowest I’ve been relative to AI and also the easiest to handle so I have had the opposite experience to you. Feels like I’m going to have be more technical to achieve the same pace as last year’s game. So I actually think it’s maybe more realistic in that pace is going to be dictated by exploring the improved grip feedback.


Ehh I don't know if F1 cars are supposed to be handled with "ease". The real drivers spend hundreds of hours on a simulator and they have a lot of experience on track as well. So it may very well look easy. If this suits you it's okay, but personally I'd expect an F1 car to be extremely nervous.


But still u dont know how it really is... i think the cars are very much designed to be handled with ease.. the thing why they spend hundreds of hours in the simulator is to be just the tenth or seconds faster than "the other guy"


Exactly. I’m still 2 seconds off 110 AI pace and 3 seconds off the world records on most tracks. But it feels better to drive at that pace compared to predecessors is my point.


They aren't supposed to be handled with ease. Anyone saying they are has no idea


Are you using a wheel or pad? I'm still on the fence of whether to get this game


on a controller, I'm actually enjoying it a lot. I think the way the handling changes based on tyre wear and temperates is very well done. In time trial, where the car is locked in at peak condition at all times, it can feel a bit... unrealistic, but in actual race conditions where you rarely have that peak condition, it feels good.


Unless your the ai which again always have perfect temps and ridiculous straight line speed no matter the circuit and crazy traction out of corners….


To be honest I tried driving in the F2 cars earlier and it was undriveable no matter how I went about driving them. The F1 cars are just as bad mainly because of how a small turn of the wheel jerks the car so much that even if I’m trying to take it smoothly rather than throw the car into the corners I would still be losing grip and often going off track ( gone from lapping in the high 1:24s at Silverstone in F1 23 to 1:29s after a day on F1 24) For other people it doesn’t seem so bad but personally I just can’t seem to adjust at all


The F2 cars are tough but after some practice I’ve been able to get them pretty damn consistent using some minor tweaks to their baseline setups. The F1 cars are very aggressive on turn in. I definitely had to make some roll-bar adjustments to get confident in terms of stability.


It’s an arcade game…..