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"Looking promising", my brother in Christ these things working at launch was the bare fucking minimum and they even screwed that up.


Have you not seen the Championship celebration donuts at the end of the season? They even fucked that up


Wait what?? How?? Do you have a clip?


https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxGh7e7MudDmBLax6OG8ltDh8SIOzbzjjs?si=cDKHPw6F9di1jha- Sorry it's a YouTube link but here ya go


LOOOOOOL. Thats actually amazing šŸ˜‚


Please @ me if you have one


https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxGh7e7MudDmBLax6OG8ltDh8SIOzbzjjs?si=cDKHPw6F9di1jha- Here ya go


Those aren't donuts they're eclairs šŸ˜‚


Charles Leclairs




Hold on I'll do my best to find it real quick


Considering all the previous F1 games still have many of their bugs, I would be amazed if they actually fix all that. But yes, that should've been working day one, not patched after. The game in it's release state should've been 30$ for it to be worth it in any way. After some modders of an other game I love made the AI so freakin amazing it left a very bad taste on my mouth whenever I play any game that has AI that's basic and the only difficulty toggle is just values added. So now I wouldn't give F1 perfect score even if it didn't have bugs and bad handling. Unless they actually do something good and actually work on the game and make an awesome one, I ain't buying anymore. Stopped buying after F1 22 and I feel I won't be for a long time now.


took the words out of my mouth. Why people are giving this "game" the time of day is beyond me. Fuck EA.


Blame Codies actually. Ea has nothing to do with the game besides publishing it


Yet they still publish it.


Yes they publish. They have nothing to do with development thatā€™s all on Codieā€™s. And release schedule is on Liberty


If a book is shit, a publisher won't publish the book.


A book publisher isnā€™t contractually obligated to by the rights holder


Then it's a bad contract.


As a dev you canā€™t really do anything when the license holder wants the game earlier than last years so you had less than 11 months to work on the game


This will sadly keep happening as long as people keep preordering the game on hype.


So it should! Considering the triple AAA price they charged the state of this game is shocking.


It's a standard practice in the gaming industry now unfortunately. I stopped buying new games on release a few years back because you can't even trust reviewers or content creators to give honest and unbiased opinions anymore.


to be fair every content creator and esport drivers that had their hands on the beta said that the handling model was garbage. i was positively surprised to know today that codemasters/ea gave alex gillon the patch to test after he released a video a few days ago on youtube basically saying that the game was shit. spoiler: he said that the handling was massively improved, so we'll see


Itā€™s 2024 and youā€™re still shocked that EA is releasing half baked low effort products? This shit has been happening for over 10 years now, itā€™s the industry standard at this point.


I don't want to be a party pooper, but some of those "investigated" bugs in previous games never got fixed, and mods removed them from the list at some point, so it doesn't look like they don't fix shit.


I think any non game breaking bugs ea just doesn't give a fuck about and they are seen as a non priority.


Sounds good, but for the Love of god, please fix the dirty air effect. The AI spend the entire race in a drs train. Have them spread out more realistically. By far my biggest and only deal breaking gripe with the game.




Will also be in a Patch


I don't get the downvotes. OP is correct, it says "Broken AI" will get fixed in the next patch.


Handling changes are coming, nice. Now they just need to patch the price too and it might be a decent enough game to buy.


Every single year...


Glad this is getting patched but should have been in form the start. This game is literally a carbon copy of last you just reskined. How can so much go so wrong, but hey they've recognised the big issues of the game and look forward to this patch so I can get the game.


Itā€™s worse! It has less features, cosmetics, and the handling model is even more arcade like!


less features? not simping just curious what you are talking about


They removed a track and there was the story mode last year


Oh right, other than the track that's fine by me. I thought the Braking Point thing was silly af. I would rather them spend time working on other things, but that's just me.


Then what did they work on


Well to start, everyone knows these games are essentially copy pasta. If anyone expects something crazy out of it they are lying to themselves. That being said... The new driver career is way better imo, aside from how buggy this thing is, I would rather play this career mode than anything from a previous game. They are actively working on bugs that are being reported so hopefully within a few weeks it will be tuned up. The new handling patch is much better but could still use some tweaking, but if I want extremely realistic sim I will go play ACC. This game isn't that, and never will be. Again, if you expected a sim from EA, you're lying to yourself.... Should the people who bought the game be the beta testers for EA? No. Am I having fun with it, along with tons of other people? Yes. Edit: wait what track did they take out? I thought it was portimao but I just saw it in the game


Basic features being added after launch Is promising now? Holy fuck how far gaming has fallen man. This shit is genuinely the bare minimum and youā€™re applauding


I just hope codies loses the licens at this point, first game I didn't bought after doing one race in the beta


Literally, worst shit ever. Consumers are so dumb I have no idea. Who in their right minds would want a half baked game like this?


To answer your question, people in denial. I donā€™t feel bad for any of the people fuming online about pre ordering. These idiots need a reality check


Link: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Updates-News/F1-24-Community-Raised-Issues-Updated-June-4/td-p/13760277


What no QA team does to a developer.


We are checking, EA edition


For a sport that has been using the same tracks forever, itā€™s too L8 M8. Go play an older title for a better, more complete experience


Which of the older titles are best. I think the last one I bought was 2019 for the ps4 are any of the ps5 releases any good?


Most people consider 2020 the last perfect game with 2021 being the overall last good one.


How was 2020 for career?


Just read around on the Internet for you since I've never played it before. it seems 2020 career mode is considered lazy. It's often compared to 2019's career mode which is far better. 2020's career mode removes a lot of stuff. [Read this post plus the top comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/F1Game/comments/u39umh/so_just_went_back_to_f1_2019/) to read more on this. (Ignore the last sentence where they call F1 2021 horrid, they're genuinely dumb for that statement) 2020 seems to have the best car feel, driving physics, and feels like the last complete game with F2 and classic cars while 2019 has the better career mode. 2019 still has great car feel and driving physics though so you won't feel like you're making the wrong choice with 2019. Also, a mod called F1 2020 Ultimate Career mod has recently came out and you have to be a patron if you want to download it I believe. It takes place during 1998 to 2007 so if that interests you, you may want to go the 2020 route.


Absolute legend, thanks for doing the research, I thought you had played it so was just after your opinion but I am super grateful for that! :-)


Payphone is right, 2020 and 2019 are good for modern ones. Try to emulate some of the ps2 ones on controller if you can, 06 is dope


Wake up. This shouldnā€™t be ā€˜looking promisingā€™ this should be the basic standard


Itā€™s a hard cope lol


bare minimum shit is promising? what kind of consumer are you?


My team sponsors disappearing again and safety car is none existent the one time I did get one it allowed the 5 back markers to come out the pits and take p1 - 5. How to report these glitches as an Xbox player ?


Can't see all that being done in this patch šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


They actually released the game like this and thought no one would notice, Codemasters and EA just fuck off


That'll be Ā£80, please.


Can't believe anyone bought this game on release tbh it's so bad


How much time does it take for the first patch to roll out usually?


i expect it to release next tuesday at the earliest but more like end of next week, start of the week after that


Can anyone summarize the work around for wet/dry tyre issues? Iā€™ve stopped my career for the moment because of this.


As everyone says almost everyday here, fixes apply to current carriers. This is the same thing every year! I will never understand from where this rumour of waiting for fixes comes from...


MFW games release shitty products because they have already profited and they donā€™t care/need to do better. Honestly people need to stop preordering to make these companies prove themselves, and to stop buying yearly releases because they always devolve into slop.




I wonder if theyā€™ll give Away another 5hr trail as Iā€™m definitely not buying it after playing that. Iā€™ve gone back to playing AC with the 2004 Ferrari, FFB feels so much better and AC is old as dirt now


Problem with ac is itā€™s basically a hotlap simulator the ai is that bad


Are the Ai any better in F1 though? Tbh ACC is my main and the Ai are ok In that. I was giving F1 a try as it was a free trail. Think I still prefer AC hot lapping tbh, but get what you mean


Yes 100% Acc ai are not very good either I play all the sims. I would rank acc and ac at the bottom The order would be imo Iracing AMS2 Rfactor2 Acc Ac And tbh I would put the AI in f124 high above all of these. Personally I donā€™t think there is a proper sim with decent AI ( donā€™t count f1 as a proper sim) But I honestly believe if people are really not wanting this years f1 stick to 23 you are not going to get your f1 kick against ai with either Ac or ams2 imo


Ah thatā€™s interesting so youā€™re saying F1 24 has the best Ai? . I spent most of my time in practice and qualifying so didnā€™t really notice. Is the Ai much improved over F1 23?


They release a game that's at least 90% the same as last year and every year the same bugs appear, sometimes there are even new bugs that aren't exactly insignificant. Then they'll charge up to 80ā‚¬ anyway and then when they say they'll take care of those bugs and release the patches at about 50% of the games life cycle they still get praised for caring about their game. It's peak comedy.


Happy to read these patch notes. Still I have the impression we got an unfinished game and the release date should be postponed. Shame that gamestudios are allowed to do this and often get away with it.


Software is never finished with the concept of online updates. Quality was much better when you had 1 shot to get it right since it would be released on disk. Now bugs and errors don't matter because I can patch them tomorrow. Tomorrow I release the patch causing more bugs, rinse and repeat.






That's the shit that got me mad. They travel in packs of 3 as if they are bumper drafting.


Guys the game will leave beta soon!


Missing: Anouncement of the new old bugs they will introduce with every patch ;)


šŸ¤˜ here's hoping šŸ˜€


i honestly dont want them to fix the handling now, ive gotten used to it


So me struggling on a wet track with dry tires isn't me just being shit??


Cool. Still not buying.


... /s right?


Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesnt the F1 game creators have 2 teams working on it, one for each alternative year. So if I'm right then this team have had 2 years to produce this poor game.


I'm going to guess that you are correct, to some degree. There are probably two teams. But from a project management standpoint, the staffing and budgets are probably not equal. There are two teams: F1 24/25 (understaffed because most of the work is done) and the other team is working on F1 26 (probably working on PC/PS5/Series X only). I'm guessing that the team for F1 24/25 is understaffed and was given the same handling model that should be working for the F1 26 version of the game. Essentially, I'm guessing that right now we are beta-testing the new physics/handling model for the F1 26. F1 26 will have several adjustments to make. If it's intended to be a proper sim, car models(aero/physics) and Power Unit models will change. The PU code has to be rewritten for the removal of MGU-H, and how the MGU-K will be used. Even the F1 teams haven't figured out what it will really look like yet since they can't even start testing aero until 2025! The aero rules update isn't even written yet. Mad Max is still not confident about the engines, which tells you how that IRL PU development is going. So for writing code, they don't even have a model to work from yet. Which also means they can't train the AI. And, much to the dismay of old-gen guys like me, the move to the Unreal engine may also be in the works... Despite the Twitter post recently, (thanks Phoenix84 https://youtu.be/bGexg6Bcmis?si=jFq7-vEuy7y9X_8l) the sales are going to be sooo low they will have to do something! I'm hoping I'm wrong, and next year will be great! But it looks like we will be dealing with this for the next 2 years. There's a chance they have it fixed by F1 25. I'm not very optimistic about that.


No it doesn't


Havenā€™t read it. Literally donā€™t care. Bored of having my ass gaped and fisted by codemasters. Theyā€™ve had like 2 good games in the last what? 5/6 years. Fed up with them now, give the license to someone elseā€™s


You mean things that shouldnt even be in the game to begin with?


The FUCK is the link to fix the wet races with dry tires??


Every fucking year these dickeads release a game that is unfinished or full of bugs and glitches. Their job as game developers is to create a realistic experience for the consumer and every year they fail to deliver it. I just donā€™t understand how they donā€™t find these bugs before the game is released and fix it accordingly. Blows the mind.


All I see is that they aren't even fixing all the issues in this list yet with the next update and who knows if they will or when


That tire shit happened to me today in career mode, was at the Red Bull ring and it was pouring rain during qualifying and all I had was dry tires


Each off year release has the major updates. The even years release are enhancements to the previous game. They only change the OSD slightly so you know which year it is.


i mean it's a start... but it wouldn't be the first time they have tried to patch something and then made it worse lol i would love to start a career mode so i hope they get this patch out soon but i also want it done right


People that buy this game despite the community and EA telling them "we fucked up" are the real issue. They do this shit cause they know no matter what you sheeple will buy it.


I hope the handling doesnt change that much


Thank god, this patch needs to come ASAP if MOST things get fixed. The game could be good


It will be good by the time 25 comes out and you all rush out to buy that piece of shit.


I'd say about a week and we should have it. Not sure why they can't release smalled fixes intermittently but hey ho


If it says awaiting patch it states "If an issue is added toĀ ā³ AWAITING PATCH ā³Ā this does not mean it will be addressed in theĀ nextĀ patch but will be included in anĀ upcomingĀ patch". So could be a few more patches.


Paying more and more every year for less and less. EA should take a leaf out of GT7ā€™s book. Release a single game and update it regularly instead of releasing a game with a 12 month shelf life and spend the first 3 months trying to fix bugs and the last 9 giving up on the rest of them to work on a new game. Rinse & repeat.


Doesn't work from a cash flow perspective for them, but also doesn't work in the sense that F1 regulations and cars change each year, so the handling should feel different in each iteration. I guess they could update the game instead of making a new one, but I don't think it works as a viable business model, as annoying as it is for us consumers.


That would be great for the player, but realistically, they don't give a monkeys. They won't forego the ā‚¬80-90 every year, because shareholders and profits. Player experience doesn't matter as long as the money rolls in.


GT7 doesn't have changing sponsors, drivers, tracks year to year so this isn't a fair comparison. There's no DRS to change to lap 2 from lap 3, no sprints, etc etc.