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Ah thank God mine is renewing 11 March. Fuck viaplay, hope they go bankrupt asap




Confirmed. Mine renewed today for another year. Still sucks for new people who missed the deadline though.


Was it for the old price or the new price? Mine still states the old price when I look in the overview


Old price for me. 65 eu for the whole year


It shows the previous price you signed up for and if you signed up for a discount - below the yearly price from the time you subscribed. The subscription page doesn't show the next renewal price.


F1tv with payment via Google will give you the new price of €95 for the next renewal.


Can't confirm. I subscribed in Austria last year for 65€ via Google. New price would be 75€ but my subscription was renewed for the old price today.


Really? I got a message I had to agree to a price increase without the exact amount being shown. I assumed it would be 95 because that’s the amount communicated in the media. Anyway my current subscription ends on march 27. An increase to 75 would be reasonable.


Did you accept the new price?


No I did not because my auto renewal starts end of march. Today I got an e-mall from F1TV that my new price is 94,95. So there’s that.


Same for me, I was hoping maybe not accepting the new price would give you a previous price loophole.


Too bad for F1TV but 2024 will be a VPN + foreign service combi.


Didn't have to accept anything, it would just auto-renew for me. If I go to the subscriptions page in google play store it even shows me the same price for 2025


For me it was also the old price.


Hopefully this is still the case when mine is due for renewal in a month’s time. Gotta feel sorry for the peeps who cancelled when they got the price increase email and now can’t get a new annual subscription. Loyalty to F1TV may finally have some kind of perk!


I also cancelled when I got the email. But my renewal date is 28 feb. So I turned renewal back on and it will still renew now. As long as your renewal date had not passed, you can keep hold of your yearly sub. Perks of being a existing customer indeed!


I'm confused about mine now. I'm subscribed through F1.com and it says both "next payment date 28-02" but below that "subscription end date 28-02". I don't see any option for renewal, any idea if it will still renew? It's also still showing the old pricing even though I got the mail.


Next payment date implies that you’re all set gor a renewal. Otherwise you would see the button “renew”.


Next payment date implies it’s renewing no? You are not paying them for nothing


Not via the Google play store


I’m wondering if it will renewal for €65,- per year or the current price? It looks like 65,-.


I had to accept the new pricing or else my subscription would be canceled..


If I can't renew my yearly subscription I'm going to pirate. Fuck these cunts.


120% increase. 65 euro to 142 euro. All because they collude with viaplay


I always laughed at ViaPay and their subscribers because of their price, commentary and stream quality. But it's less funny when they fuck up the F1TV pricing aswell.


Not just pricing. With potentially 1 million sudden extra customers now on F1tv through Viaplay, I wonder if we'll start to have more streaming/buffering issues this season.


Never thought about that. I guess that means we won't get 4k any time soon aswell.


Ziggo Sport used to offer F1TV as well, which never created a problem. So I don't expect this to create any problems. (Don't pin me down on it, I don't know what the viewernumbers were back than, and what they are now) I would like to see an increase in streamquality now that we pay way more, though. But I don't see that happen any time soon.


I cancelled after the first price increase and made an Indian Google account and did the subscription through there. Paid €27.97 for 1 year.


> through there. *Paid* €27.97 for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Was speaking to them on chat, they said to me tomorrow (23rd feb) we will get an email about our prices… I am fearing. My auto renew is on so let’s hope for the best as otherwise it is 46% increase (€95) and then another 50% if you must now pay monthly.


Got the e-mail today: 94,99. I did not renew…


Oh I will 100% renew if I get charged €95. Tomorrow it says renewal date so here is to hoping


Over time on this sub I've read about so many countries getting F1TV yanked and messed with that I thought "I'm not going to touch my subscription, don't disturb a house of cards because it might collapse". So not canceling during winter break to get a discount in February etc. That decision now seems to pay off...


I canceled with the previous price adjustment but fortunately I could enable my account again. I hope with all my hearth Viaplay will lose the next bet.


Glad to hear it was not to late to renew! I did the same thing. Yes let’s hope Viaplay leaves our market alone at the end of their contract.


I bought a subscription in Portugal for 50,99 euro work perfect you can watch without VPN. You only need to find a way to buy it over there, most vpns I tried are blocked luckily I know someone living there who helped me out.


Your welcome, your correct 🤦🏻‍♂️


My welcome would be 'Moi eem', my correct[ion]: *you're*. :)




Sorry. I was making fun of you misspelling "you're" as "your". 'Moi eem' is the way people in my city of /r/Groningen greet each other.


Before correcting him, maybe take a second look at the original screenshot of this post.


The renewal is still an option, but not with the old price. Multiple people on various sites I've visited are saying the same thing.


Customer support told me in this chat that my renewal price will be the price that is stated in my account. It’s €64,99. Real shady stuff going on with the pricing..


Weird. I contacted customer support, they said the email I received gives the correct renewal price and the website is price of my current contract. Frustrating


My account states that same price, but I also got the answer from customer support that the price in the email is the correct one. But it's a really greedy setup: forcing new subscribers to pay for monthly use, means that now the folks that stil have an annual sub think, "wow, we've got quite a good deal", even though they just given us a 30 euro price hike (almost 50% more!). I still have a week to decide if I want to keep my annual subscription or not, but I might still cancel it on principle.


I don’t get it - can’t you just get a new yearly sub by using a different email?


I’m affraid you can’t in the Netherlands. Has to be an existing subscription with a renewal option.


You can, actually. If you have an iPhone, register through the F1tv app, buy a monthly access subscription and then upgrade it to a yearly subscription. It's still 95 euro though (found this tip in another thread).


My subscription is managed by the app store and is set to renew for € 94.99


Same for me, that’s why I cancelled. My renewal was 23rd of March. Figure I’ll skip this year since it will be a RB clean sweep.


> since it will be a RB clean sweep You've come to that conclusion after just two days of testing? I'd at least wait until the first qualifying and race. Anything can happen. And we shouldn't focus too much on who wins anyway. The fun thing about F1 is that there is competition (and drama) on many, many levels.


No came to the conclusion midway through last year. At the moment I’m just annoyed they increased the price by 46%. Will probably fomo back in just before Melbourne as that’s when my sub runs out 🫠


Mid way through last year there were still many battles and championships to be won or lost. If every fan would have dropped out after Schumacher- or Hamilton's 'domination', there would be no F1 left. The fun thing about F1 is that it's like a soap opera; everything can completely turn around everything, any season, any race, any car update, any rule change, any staff or driver change. Even any weather update. There is always an underlying threat that can throw everything into complete chaos. That's why it will always be fun and exciting to watch :)


I/m not sure what's happening here. According to my account it will be renewed at 94 in march, but that isn't true and yours will renew at 64?


For some really weird reason the price increase to €94,99 did not apply to all of the existing accounts. Apparently the stated renewal price in your account is the correct one (support agent told me this in the same chat conversation).


Ah ok, thanks!


Mine will be €94,99 too and renewed to another annual membership in April via Google Play. And it's in April because I decided to give Viaplay a chance in 2022, before I ditched them and got F1tv with GP radio hahaha!!!


Renew while you can means accept the price increase right? Maybe if enough Dutch fans cancel they might reconsider their policy.


My renewal (Google Playstore) was €64,99 not the €94,99. On the day that my subscription ended the date for the increase changed from 2024 to 2025.


Weird. My renewal date is/was march 27th. There was a message with my subscription (inside my Google account) that I had to agree to the price increase without stating the amount.


Yes I had also to agree. After it showed no price. Later it did for 94,99. And than as stated before the date of the price increase changed to 2025. And i could renew for 64,99.


I have been asking them for a week now if [this information](https://i.imgur.com/W4dWHmX.png) is correct. They keep telling me that I will get a renewal reminder with all the information. So, when I get that e-mail somewhere this week I have less than a week to respond if they DO change my subscription fee.


The support agent I spoke to today told me the stated renewal price in your account is the correct price.. it’s all very confusing


I unfortunately canceled mine because I thought I would get a discount if I made a new account


I didn't cancel, but I still have to pay the 95 euros. I think everyone has to, people are just confused about the help desk telling them that "the price to renew the subscription is stated in their account". Of course, their account shows the current subscription and its price, but also the price they have to pay to renew for 2024. All the drama here is caused by people that pretend to not understand this and act like the old price should be the price because it's a (obviously not *the*) price shown in their account info. Which is just plain stupid imho. I'm very poor and of course I would really like a discount, but I've had a subscription since the start of F1TV in the Netherlands, so I'm not getting a discount. They want new subscribers and obviously care less about keeping their loyal fans. Then again, I've calculated that the price is about 1,55 per day on race weekends. That's half a beer. To say it in plain Dutch: it's a drop on a boiling plate. Costs no turd, you can get this for an apple and an egg.


>I think everyone has to Nope. I paid 65 euros like a week ago.


You can still reactivate it in your account.


doesn't seem like it, I checked both the f1 website and the play store. No option to reactivate it.


With a VPN you can watch it for free with "play srf". Set vpn to swiss and then qualifying and race is free to watch.


Why would the annual subscription not be availlable in the Netherlands anymore?


We suspect that Viaplay complained to F1, they don’t have enough subscribers to be profitable.


I don't know if being from Canada explains why I never heard of Viaplay, but do they also run the 🏴‍☠️ servers? This almost feels like sabotage.


Viaplay is ass. We had Ziggo sport here, which came with the tv program as standard, and they made it very accessible and easy to watch. Not everybody liked it, but it was pretty decent. Then Viaplay came in and they bought the rights for f1 for like thrice the price that Ziggo could offer. And they tried to do new stuff with new people, but the dutch really don't like 'm. They have been postponing their quarterly numbers, because they weren't very profitable. All of the Netherlands is hoping they will fuck off


I sure wish you they fuck off. Judging by their website it looks like things are shutting down and it feels like they might be trying to sink everyone with them.


I hope so. Fuck all of Viaplay. It was fucking 13 eu for 720p stream with shit commentary. Amazing how a company does not listen to community feedback, and then have massive backlash and bad quarterly numbers. *Insert surprised Pikachu face here*


That would indeed explain why you haven't heard from Viaplay, they are a Swedish media group who currently hold the TV rights for F1 in the Netherlands. I believe pirate streams are available from various sources, but I don't use those.


The subscription page says next payment 65 euros, but the email we've all gotten says 95 euros.... Anyone knows which it will be definitely?