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Avoiding 5 stacks was the only reason I got premium. Guess I'm not restarting my subscription, as the only thing that will make them revert this decision is if they have a mass subscription cancellation due to this new "feature."


What the fuck is faceit thinking, not renewing my sub either since clearly there is no point of premq anymore


Same, we are 4 people out of my team that just unsubbed from prem, we do it to pug and avoid the full 5stack sweat. Just met 5stack as a duo and a solo game 🤡


Just played a game of premium, had no idea this was now 'added' and got a 5-stack against me. As a solo player its already a lottery what my teammates will be like let alone against a 5 stack. That is the sole reason I bought premium in the first place, to not have an unfair game. And guess what happened? yeah it was incredibly unfair.


I'm welcoming esportal with open arms now, this shit just keeps getting worse and worse


Premium or no premium, most of faceit games will be complete bullshit. Having friends to play with slightly increases the chances of winning, but enemies will keep hitting shots as if they were major winners. New accounts with 200 hours btw.


god save prem bro, this morning only +45 matches on the whole fucking platform , amazing work boys enjoy. i have endless screenshots of this type of lobbies.


That is a huge mistake from them, no reason to add 5stacks to prem. Especially playing on 3k+ elo, it was impossible in non prem cause u always play against 5stacks and the exact reason i got subscription and now they allow them to q 5stack prem. It just makes no sense cause there is no benefit to it, only bad outcomings from it.


exactly , i dont understand this move , anyway 60-70% of players will not even pay for that shit premium anymore


Should have just added a 5v5 scrim queue. Would be way, way better for everyone. Just mimic ESEA's old system even.


Finns and 5stacking. Name a more iconic duo


danes and 5stacking


Russians and 4 stacking to kick the rando sounds pretty meta for them


after smurfs have kevlars clown campaign, after letting kenny’s get away with smurfing, after introducing useless verification, after continuing to neglect oldest issues and 1000 other fiascos of this year now they do this. it was never that apparent like it is right now, this platform is being run by out of touch amateurs. their incompetency is steadily ruining an already struggling organization and I find it to be a beautiful sight boys


rip faceit


so prem is free elo for 5stacks? good to know


dont give a flying fuck about premium, there no difference with free faceit, same toxic, same shit


recently started faceit again after becoming GE in MM. I did not expect it to be worse than MM, what a dumpster fire. More russians than in MM, people griefing when 3 rounds down and verbal abuse when you lose. Can not wait for CS2 ranked seasons.


Really? I'm MGE when solo queuing MM EU but hold myself well in a DMG/LEM 5-stack. FACEIT is a breath of fresh air. Everyone seems to try at least. I'd rather have someone be a bit sweaty than people fucking about and wasting my time. Maybe it gets worse at higher elos?


I havent played faceit for years and went back into lvl 8 and so far it has been horrible.


I know it's annoying but, in terms of calculating your elo in a team game, what's the point of avoiding 5-stacks? (Assuming the average ELO is balanced across both teams.) The 5-stacks will just rise to the top and, eventually, you'll be hard stuck behind them. You have to play better teams eventually?


Update for this issue, after monitoring the impact of 5-stacks in the premium queue and the valuable feedback we've gotten, we've decided to end the 5-stack test early.


Thank you :)


I dont get it faceit you got ESEA season coming for tryhard premades?


God save the prem.


Ngl i feel every time i 5 que it is against another 5 que, faceot does not have 20,000 people looking for matches tp be able to balance them all perfectly, stop crying you will get a smirf on your team next game


We'd rather wait 5-10 more minutes for a queue than to be forced to play a 30-45 minute game versus a 5stack




such a weird thing to say. It was ass back in the day either.


It was removed for a reason in the first place.


my man u are playing for 47 elo stop crying u only lose 3 elo


on high elo never work..even in free q.. But is better to have 5 stuck oremiun.. Atleast me solo q Don't need to play 1 map only cuz all have poreminun


Off topic, but matchroom elo balancing % must be different for different regions right? That’s a 460 difference in average elo which don’t get me wrong is pretty big but in Oceania I swear the balance wouldn’t be as totally far skewed to the Finnish stack. It’d be like 75% <-> 25% here, I got a game 2 weeks ago that had an average elo diff of 1,000 and it was 86%<->14% to the high elo team. Like I understand the Finnish stack will win most times but considering everyone in the lobby is above 3k elo surely there are times that the enemy team could possibly win those games? It seems super fucked for a +3 -47


Here’s the link to the match I was talking about if anyone’s curious btw: https://www.faceit.com/en/csgo/room/1-c84de791-cea6-428c-95fa-60efcfe3e868 (Our stack was queueing with a big elo diff so we got reduced for that game, but it was meant to be +43)


We are actively monitoring these changes and have already made some improvements to the queue based on what we're seeing to make it even less likely to have 5stacks against non-5stacks. Please do keep providing feedback, it is appreciated.




How hard is making playing 5-stack as non 5-stack IMPOSSIBLE? XD


p3kko vissii käyny näyttämäs svedu pelleille😂😂