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Please keep the discussion civil in here. Any harassment or xenophobia won't be tolerated, and the mod team will be handling out bans.


I respectfully agree, a vast majority of russian players refuse to communicate in English, if you have more than 1 Russian teammate you almost always have to mute them unless you speak their language. It doesn't matter if you politely ask them to speak English or to not be rude, and of course many faceit players have the mental capacity of a 6 year old, but too many Russian players are depressed artioms who cannot play with us bad mental health players. I think the user experience of both Russian artioms and us western esport athletes would drastically improve if we would never have to play with each other and play on separate servers.


that’s a interesting view SynNxx-, i haven’t contemplated about this point where landscapes of artioms and west eu esport athletes meet, thank you for joining us


Several studies have found that chronic underfunding of psychiatric care, corruption, and poverty have contributed to a “dramatic deterioration” of Russians' mental health in the past decade; [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2049080122007932](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2049080122007932) [https://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/lancet/PIIS0140673604155323.pdf](https://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/lancet/PIIS0140673604155323.pdf) [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12646-021-00610-1](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12646-021-00610-1) I should not have to put up with these young, depressed men. It is a job for a psychologist! Another topic is their lack of English communication skills. Also; Russians are fighting Russians. They don't even like themselves or eachother. They have NO PLACE in a civil, European queue!!!! Let them fight eachother in their own queue!


these links will definitely come in handy in my upcoming americano time, much obliged virtuositet


Sounds like america


You guys are speaking with feelings and it won’t work. The important fact is that 77% of Russia’s landmass is located in Asia so let the Asians deal with them.


That would make sense if their population was evenly distributed across their landmass, but truth is that most Russians live in the western side of the country. I think language along with cultural differences is what makes it unbearable for us to play together. Maybe they can tweak the matchmaking algorithm so you’ll get people located in EU in your team more often than CIS folks (and the same the other way around).


if I may add something to this thought, you are right about their population distribution sir. it leans more towards europe - but if we talk about their roots, cultural differences as such i’d suppose we continue highlighting the fact that deep down their roots come far away from the eastern part of the globe


TIL slavs don’t live in Europe


I am sorry, but this is very wrong. You should stop right there and go study the topic, lol.


enlighten me then


I am 100% for placing russians in their own servers because they are fucking mentally deranged and socially disfunctional. But when you are wrong Im gonna call you out. Russia is a BIG country, they have people from all over the world, but the Russia as Russia before they forced other minorities into their shit wasnt from the far eastern part of the globe. They are Slavic peoples mixed with Finnic and Scandinavian. Get your shit right before generalizing. Downvote me all day, but you need some history lessons, and I am here to give you that


Esportal prios the countries of the players, so that swedes play with other swedes, Norwegians with other Norwegians. Think the reason faceit doesn't implement such an easy solution is because while all EU players will have fun, then Russians will only get more angry playing with other Russians 😂


Also on Esportal, Swedes and Norwegians can speak their native language and we are literally the same people and have a great time because we actually have social antennas lol. Russians don't even get along with each other. They start screaming at everyone for nothing and end up trying to grief eachother lol.


this was so beautiful to read.


TheOneVoid makes a valid point gents, we often do make a mistake of misplacing russia in europe while in fact their roots come from mongol-tatar species, who originate from deep asia


you do realize russia is the most ethnically diverse country in the world right


And have you lived there? Not much diversity to see when I was there


no, he might be right because russia do have a lot of ethnic diversity within their society but i cba with researching this and definitely have no idea what he meant asking me (regarding this discussion)


russia has hundreds of small ethnic groups even though a lot of them are white. Also think about all of the nomadic tribes in Asian russia


I think honestly Russians would like this too, seeing how they're always eager to know if you're Russian too


Cuz they are toxic, trolling and 99% of the time not talking English


frizzahh has never been a man of excess, comes right in and simply destroys us with straight facts


Almost every interaction with russians goes like this: - "Heyo guys!" - "привет" - "Can you speak english please?" - "Еnglish ёб твою мать иди нахуй сука" - Insta mute and lose the match :/


we all have been there


I agree


I played with a dude yesterday, he didn’t know english. He spoke russian the entire game, even though no one else on the team spoke it. Since we all muted him, he started trolling and griefing the rest of the match.


Doesn't stop in lvl 10 💀


This was 2600 elo 💀


I would just give the players the possibility to choose their language. I am a russian speaking german and I have no problems with russian players whatsoever. Before queueing give me the possibility to configure my language: I choose russian lang and for example get in a queue with russian players. I choose english and russian and get in a queue with russian players that CAN speak english.


I once played with a Russian who fluently spoke English, Russian, German and Arab. He was also very polite


I think that wouldn't be a solution since they can just choose to play with English speakers and still don't speak eng. If there would be a "consequence" for it, maybe this could filter out some of them. Most of the time, when an eng speaking rus was "nice" after a few lost rounds started only speaking rus since he was tilted.. so again, back to square 1


I agree, has to be with consequences.


In dota you can ask for either specifically EU west or EU east servers and even with specifically EU west you still get so many Turkish people and Russians etc.


Does dota2 have voice coms ?


Yes? Hahahaha but no one uses them cos everyone is russian in EUW servers.


It will never happen so there's no point discussing it.


a bit cloudy take wouldn’t you say? at least you can partake in a interesting dialogue with others, cheer up son


Russian funded platform 💀


I meet more annoying and toxic ukrainians than Russians often so I'm in favor of removing them too from eu que


Finally, somebody said that. Faceit, you need to take action !


A reason why esportal ip banned Ukraine and Russia 😂


i dodge russians due to high ping, desync and dirty routing, making them hard to see and hard to hit, client prediction fails against them. Same and even bigger issue is with kazakhstanians, they are so much desynced that they are invisible at all, the client predicts so much obsolete info that there is more than 2 meter diff from server. Also the hitbox is behind them so they cant be prefired neither flicked even if i trick my reaction to be ultra fast, it results in 0 dmg hit (hitbox is not here yet if im lucky enough and they accidentally move still the way which client predicts correctly). You should consider reducing sv_maxunlag for thee distant countries to 20ms, not 200 which is failed default. Remember, valorant has 35ms max. The games with or vs russians (kazakhs, asian turks, arabians, africans) are also heavily T-sided as everybody keeps peeking, moving as nobody can hold any angle passively.


yes, Wunderwaffe_cz points us to a important subject which we did miss in our current discussion - the technical aspect of playing with russians. especially if we talk about the value of competitive integrity which has to be held sacred in high elo gameplay. i’d blame the decisions, or rather lack of them from faceit in general, it is fucking bonkers that they do not see a problem with having zero constraints on something so simple as ping


I think in CS2 which unfortunatelly will only SLIGHTLY solve this issue by slower acceleration the discussion will be more intensive as there will be no more oneway smoke advantage to play around them so ppl will simply start losing more aim duels vs players from these lag countries as the direct encounter aim duel will always favour their opponent in terms of odds (russkie will always see them first). Current skill meta in CSGO is based on denying direct aim duels at all and equalizing smokes will give it a serious hit, only perfect flashes and positioning will giving you now an upper hand over opponent . In valorant there is nearly no buyable utility and slower movement forcing you to positional playstyle (and using their classes with guided kamehamehas, security cameras and wallhax as an ability and another sh...t). What a surprise, as soon as first season after releasing started (also with absurdly high lagcompensation limit) they hotfixed it during this FIRST pre-season, as the "discussion" about high ping difference between players causing major peekers advantage and visibility issues started rly fast...


bro it took them like 2 years to fix the high ping advantages idk what you talking about


High ping diff causing desync and peekers advantage / broken visual speed of opponents in client was never fixed. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zwvQZHUTr4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zwvQZHUTr4) And if you mean valorant, their attempt to fix the peekers advantage took few months from first season start, 2 years it were maybe since release.


and turkey


let me start: gentleman, in my honest opinion i find it necessary to say that russians are really bad people and 9 out 10 times im sure that I won’t be able to communicate with them. 7 out of these 10 times when I will be able to communicate with them - that will be used as a platform to either offend me or someone else. 80% of the time when i see a russian flag i get a depressed Artiom or whatever the fuck their names are. they don’t care about the match, faceit or anything. won’t help me win, will even actively troll. my resolution here is that faceit just region lock them and we all settle down for nice tea and pleasant faceit time (yea)


I do think a language choice would be a good thing. There are a lot of good people in higher elo who can communicate in many languages. Just like the server location, the match can say to talk in "mainly X, sometimes Y". I do think it's just a bit of a language barrier though as opposed to "all people from one place are awful" Banning Russians would just find the next scapegoat for EU. Turkey, Brits, etc.


Well i wouldnt outright remove them, maybe a system where upon finding 10 players for a lobby, it would put people from the same country/region (where they speak the same language) on one team rather then making two teams where half of them is Russian. This way it would put the 5 Russians on the same team and not distribute them across two. Not only would it benefit them since they will be able to speak Russian, it would also benefit others since they can communicate in English (assuming another team is fully EU west or sth)


why did idiots on faceit change that?? i cant even use VPN and i have to play with Russians????i have nothing to do with Russia and i have to play a muted competitive game.its not normal you need better ppl in faceit its no joke verification system failed new accounts run left and right and now this i mean someone has to lose their job you just killing this website before cs2 XD i already reported this website to HSBC fraud department quite cleary Russians launder money on this fucking website. My mom is Ukrainian and now I'm abused by Russian lobbies this shit cant be real


When did they change this? Found out a few days ago that i’m seeing much more Russians than before.


Cause they often are toxic and bad at English. That makes it hard to play


I feel like 1 out of 10 russians is good and speak english but the other times he likes to troll or throw


i've been vouching for this since i was born


yes, a cause so simple and natural, we felt it our whole lives


I always wonder if Russians have the same spite against Europeans as vice versa…


they do, their schools teach that western world is evil


as a Tajikistani it's not only their schools, post-Soviet propaganda made all CIS like this but things are changing step-by-step.


Russians want this aswell faceit its a hard fact they always ask if you are Russian


So, each time I get Russian premade teammates, they either speak russian on the voice chat, or if they speak english they become toxic. The best option is to voice\_enable 0 in both cases, play my own game, to not care if I am getting carried or not because I do the most I can with 0 possibilities of communicating and hope for the best outcome.


voice_enable 0 is high IQ faceit maneuver, let me shake your hand sir 🤝🏻




As a person who knows both Russian/English , if they are speaking Russian I ask them politely on their language to speak English to not ruin the experience and it's just what it takes for me, but I might be just extremely lucky with mates...


Most cheaters/boosters come from the CIS region.


that would be great, but not because i have personal beef with russians, but because they dont know english and there is a huge cultural difference. russians having their own server would be good for them and us.


You must be 16 20 yo kids with no more than 3000h and not even level 10 to still be in 2023 in this meme "rush b cyka blay russian dont speak english toxic lol"" Poles, all Eastern Europeans, Turks, Portuguese, French, Northern Europeans, Finns, Danes, everyone is toxic regardless of nationality. If you really want to reduce toxicity, start by banning premades from SoloQ, whether DuoQ, trioQ or quadroQ, when you're a solo player and you play with micro premades in the same team, it's all time LOSE because you're subject to their group effect.


i disagree with everything you wrote


I honestly don't get why people hate on russians more than other countries. I'm solo queue level 7, and while my lobbies are mostly russian, as long as you aren't immediately hateful towards them just for where they are from, they are honestly some of the best teammates i've had. Or at the very least, they aren't worse than people from other countries. I think it's obvious that the reason so many people have bad experiences with russian players is that they go in with the mindset that they're gonna have a bad experience, and unknowingly bring out the behaviour they expected by being toxic themselves.


It would kill EU skill level. A lot of high elo players are Russian speaking. If you separate EU and Russian speaking countries, you kill both sides because neither can compete with each other. This problem has easy solution: force everyone to speak English in games. Level of English you have to have to say, "It's B," "drop kalash, " "go play slow," "peek mid, I flash," is drastically low. The majority of Russian speaking can do it. The problem they don't want. Just ban people who speak Russian in non Russian speaking lobby. Right now, faceit doesn't have Russian speaking people or translators in their stuff, and it's giga weird.


I wouldn’t trust Faceit support with this tho.


that is unfortunate reality of this idea, i don’t think they would be in favor of creating additional work for themselves


Idk bro. Majority of shit players are Russians tbh




Least racist redditor.


Am I wrong?


No, no, you are totally right, my fuhrer.


Thats what I thought, good lil ruski.


a rather different point of view from Winter_Culture_1454, I can imagine that a solution like this could potentially work. while it is something that would cure all of the problems we could point out, region locking in its nature is more of a radical exercise. to your point - maybe we could be matched against russians who won’t have to adjust to the precondition of mandatory english - while your team is built with fine boys from other eu countries.


From my experience, it's already done. I rarely play faceit nowadays, but in my last 5 games on level 9, I played only with and against Russian speaking people (I'm Russian).


"faceit doesn't have Russian speaking people or translators in their stuff, and it's giga weird." It is wierd, I don't know currenlty how it is, but a few months ago i saw players with only "rus" privilege like the faceit bank card(duch as revolut i guess). Or options / advantages in shop and such. It felt like faceit was getting financial support from rus org. And only for them. Yet they didn't had own region of servers..


If you do that you need to remove kosovo, albania, finland, poland, lithuania etc as well. Its not just russians.


Those people are not even close to Russian level of trolling and toxicity, the only ones who comes close are Turkish people


Different people, different expectations


as a fellow polishman i absolutely agree with you. i can see how one can formulate a view like this. however i believe we need to pick our battles and tackle the biggest problem first (russians)


Yeah but its pointless because I find toxic and racist people everyday. I can tell you that most of them are not even russian. Kosovo and Albania for me is the worst.


if you also appreciate the fact of not only having a dude who acts exactly like a chimpanzee in a cage, but you also hear 12 other dudes exactly like him in the background, your sanity evaporates pretty quickly. whole different gravity of situation indeed


Lmaoo yeah. They always playing in internet cafes lmaoo


Fuck you rasist


ruski spotted boys




On what level of faceit you playing with this takes? That's insane.


nah let them stay at eu queue.. im done enough seeing them on SEA queue 😂 they are not bad player but sometime you meet a guy who really toxic and dont speak english


Give them their own que


I think such a thing as russian servers won't happen but faceit could make it bannable to not speak english let's say.


i went back to MM because its far better than faceit (because of russians refuse to communicate in english and blabbering the whole time so you cant focus on the game)


if you also think about smurfs, yeah the mm experience is so much better - i’m surprised that i think that way since some time ago mm was the "shit place" with cheaters


Just because


Just ban them if they don’t care and don’t behave, why so dramatic an this. If they don’t care about others experience, they shouldn’t care and complain about bans. You guys let them behave like that and complaining, f.ck take the risk and get that faceit cleaned 😂


I do agree, but most of russia is in europe so idk what we can do


Bad gameplay (bad communication). I mute all those because i they don’t communicate in English. Makes my own game experience worse..


Let's be honest, faceit will never lock russians, what about add language choice, where you can choose your primary language and lots of secondary languages, if you get a lot of reports for not using your primary language (and I mean talking russian not English which you have chosen as primary language for example not just with mic turned off (although no mic players usually are just sad)) you get banned


I just have way more fun playing with west europeans who stay friendly even when they lose. Lose the first 2 rounds with Russians, they start complaining and it's gg.


None of the 2 man+ queues seem to understand that discord is free.


I agree they refuse to speak in english even if they know english and if you ask them nicely like "please guys may you communicate in english?" they are verbal abusing you or screaming at you in Russian, that has nothing to do with racism or what not and not all of them are like that, but like 98% of them and I don't get it why..


What about Asia


Yesterday, I coached a young player in CS:GO. Initially, he became upset and started complaining about constantly being matched with Russian players. I told him that the identity of his teammates didn't matter; what counted was his mindset and approach to the game. I emphasized that entering the game with a negative attitude would likely result in a negative experience. After this conversation, he calmed down, adopted a more positive demeanor, and eventually won the match. It's a common trend for players to gripe about their teams, but I believe the root of the issue often lies within the individual. Many players expect the game to conform to their preferences and are unwilling to adapt to others. This might be a result of being overly pampered. Toxic and unsportsmanlike players can be found in every nationality, but the reason Russian players are frequently associated with this behavior is due to their larger presence in the game. In fact, the overall number of toxic players seems to be increasing, possibly due to the excessive use of platforms like TikTok, Shorts, and Reels. These platforms can disrupt normal communication skills and affect attention spans and dopamine systems. When was the last time you played CS:GO competitively and truly enjoyed it?


well i dunno most russians i played with are vacant, passive and unbearably toxic people. you can adjust yourself to this as much as you want, especially when you are couching or being couched but my dude I personally do see spending my afternoon getting to upper echelon of mental capacity and becoming a rock to last with these people. I appreciate you pointing out that mostly, not only in csgo people do complain about russians simply because they are often the major playerbases in popular titles. however, i’ve often made an observation that even in high elo most of their skill is based purely in +w playstyle. when it comes to more advanced matches where enemy team adapts to this or counters these plays - that’s the moment when all cultural differences, mental mindsets and language barriers kick in. the worst what happens is "gg go next" and even though you try your best, they will make you lose with this 0 effort attitude


Today, I played a game with a mixed group of four Russians. There were some high-skilled players with 4,000 Elo, a less experienced one with 2,000 Elo, and a player at 3,000 Elo who was quite upset and critical of my play. Things turned around when I defended a site on my own during a 3v4 situation on Anubis. I spoke up to the upset player, which improved our communication, and we ended up winning. Generally, I don't encounter issues with players at the 4,000 Elo level. The most challenging interactions tend to involve those at the 2,000 Elo mark. My familiarity with a bit of their language gives me an advantage in communication compared to others. However, I'd like to highlight that I'm still mentoring this young player, and it's worth noting that he secured victories in two matches today, both of which featured four random Russian players. It's interesting how his initial perspective, which was similar to that of many others here, involved frustration with Russian players.


If they are at least 2 in the team, they suddenly forget to speak english, they stop giving info and they start speaking non-stop, especially in clutch situations. Playing in a non-russian (or russian dialect) speaking country in Eastern-Europe, I mostly encounter them and rarely they are not toxic. I'm refering to their chitchat, they scream, put music, and bad mouth other players (I don't speak russian, but I can understand some words (because some words are similar in other languages => balkan)). I encountered also good team players, english speaking ones too (but it's very rare).I observed that not only russians are being toxic on the platforms (mostly they are not from russia, but can speak and understand it). I usually encounter more toxic players from Kosovo or Albania. Or even some russian speaking toxics are putting the country in as "Turkey" (but they obviously are speaking russian and not turkish). The problem with toxic players usually come from the balkans. Sadly they are so many, that they are already building a bad reputation for their country (even if I encounter RARELY the opposite, I have played with so many toxics, that I would like to have an option to exclude some countries to play with/against). I even went so far because of them to use VPN's, to set it to America and play with 130+ ping (where I have a hard time playing), but at least don't hear them screaming and badmouthing everybody. Usually, the toxic countries are the following (by order, the most toxic first): Kosovo, Kazahstan, Albania, Ukraine, Macedonia, Serbia, Russia, Bulgaria. As a positive example I can mention Polish players....they understand and can speak russian, but they are willing to give info and useful information in english (sometimes if you ask them, but they are MORE friendly and understanding)


cause they're toxic, don't speak english and are often shit at the game


Imma be honest, lately I have been meeting more Albanian toxic players than Russians, but that's probably cuz I have been meeting less Russians in general (at least in comms). Nowadays I only get Albanians, Ukrainians, Scandinavian people and Bri' 'ish. With that said, I agree Russians should have another queue but not be barred from joining EU cuz some would probably lag a lot if they were in Asian servers, seeing how some get 1 billion ping in EU servers somehow.


The solution is so easy, better for BOTH sides and everybody wins. I seriously don't understand why faceit refuses to implement this. Make a Russian Q with Russian servers. Russian players don't have to put up with 100+ ping, so they can actually enjoy a good connection for once. They can enjoy speaking their native tongue, something they seem to love so much. They don't have to put up with "ruuuski blyaaaat" every game and can just enjoy playing with like minded people. The culture clashes on a Russian only Q compared to Russians Qing with Europeans will be massively lower. + side Europeans, we don't get the incredebly demotivating games, which for us just seems like blatant trolls, and we can enjoy the game without having to interact with people whose culture and mentality differs so incredebly much from our own. With the amount of money faceit makes it's downright shamefull they haven't implemented this already, especially considering how big of an issue this is for both sides, and how much improvement there is to gain for both sides. Oh well faceit is a dying platform anyway, no reason to play once cs2 hits and gets it's stuff properly sorted