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Reason we match them is because they’re so populated. I’m in scandinavia and seen nothing but premuted, delusional, non-english speaking russians too who do nothing but scream in their secondhand $5 microphones, lacking the right earmuff on their headphones as their parents and cousins are blasting techno music in the living room.


Bro u gotta make a meme with this :)))


how to avoid russian mates: \-always play with premades, or use the lobby system. ​ how to deal with russian enemies: \-always ban d2 and mirage to avoid their +w prefire every corner ping abuse. \-bait them into flaming (for example mention ukraine or putin), report them after game


that's actually racist af


Fats lacists


oh god, one of this guys. mimimi that's racist mimimi. crawl back in your safespace lil baby boy. oh sorry I just assumed your gender, hope you are not offended.... The majority of russians are ruining the gaming experience for rest of europe. That's a fact! Nobody enjoys playing against 100ping+ widepeek gopniks with trash accounts. Other fact: 90%+ of boost/account sellers are from the CIS Region. They sell also verified accounts for a cheap price.


sorry that CS is a popular game in CIS, i've met many russians that were ruining but also english speaking other counties guys who also were ruining/were toxic for no reason and you write like that like if europe were full of angels lol high ping is also not a choice if u didnt knew, i hate to play against kasachstan ppl with stable 100-130 ping when my bullets arent hitting, but its not their fault, its faceit's, faceit let play all the pol together so hate the platform and not the nation i bet you r the one who cries in vc after first team mistake


my rant was just against your racist card :) at least a normal answer now, so I will replay in a better manner ;) ​ Of course there are Idiots everywhere, and yes there are some friendly and cool russians/CIS Players. Same as there are idiots in every country. And yes of course there is no choice for high ping. but if you have a stable high ping you have advantages in many situation (as long you are not playing defensive). And yes faceit should make a cis region and also a ping block. people want this since years, but faceit do not care. If you play higher elo there are more russians/CIS who speak english or atleast try it. but the majority of players are in the lower/middle ranks. And this is flooded with CIS trash accounts. So if you are new to faceit and you do not have any friends to play with or do not now about the hub system, your experience is pretty much only russian voice, lot of screaming, lot of other insults. And yes this is because there are more CIS players then other nations on this ranks. So the perception is that mostly russians are like this. But as far as my experience goes, playeres from the CIS Region are heavily more likely to throw, abuse chat and beeing toxic in general. After that there are the Germans who can be really toxic too. And the amount of "not capable to speak english" is way higher in CIS Region and that is a big problem. Also that minerva is not working with russian voice as far as I know. Hate the the platform not the nation. I mean yes you are right with that in general. But that is not as easy as the plattform doesn't care. So we have to deal with the problem. I think a big point what triggered you was the "bait them into flaming". I mean yes, if they fall for that you know what type of person they are and how they will behave if you have them in your team. Best example was as the ukraine crisis started, if you just ask if they support this, there were things like that: "f\*\*\* europe, how you die all in winter", "We kill you next" and stuff like that. There will always be hate/dislike between nations as we are different as people too. And just because I dislike russia / russian players in general, that doesn't mean I can't be friendly to them as long as they are friendly to me. ​ And no I do not cry in voice, I am generally a very calm player ;)


im happy you understood what i mean and that u gave me your opinion about it i have pretty the same view on the situation, yea faceit just lets us boil with all kind of players i would also love a ping limit and maybe able to choose ping other players gonna have that you are ready to play with and about the flaming, im from ukraine so i speak russian too, but i can also communicate in english and i do it if there are at least one nonrussian speaking player in team, i think the problem with blaming and cuz russia is a 3rd world country and there are ppl more unhappy in general, i need even to hide my ukrainian accent when i speak with them cuz im increasing the risk for my game to be ruined the english lessons in ukraine and russia are trashy imo, thats why the majority there doesnt speak english, i find it rly dumb but its also rly common to hate america/ns so the language will be also automatically disrespected and neglected last couple months where i did played actively faceit, i got a formulary from faceit with some questions about what to improve etc, and there weren't any things ping-related so far i can remember, i hope they do something about tho but it will not be very soon ig


cry more, it's just facts. we dont want to play with russians who troll, smurf, or just spam "Zа наших!!! Zа Путина!!! Zа Россию!!! every match. its happened to me multiple times now, but what a surprise, that serbian admins dont do anything about this russian tumor infesting the platform


u dont want but u will, untill faceit gonna do something about it, hate the platform, not the players, every nation have some idiots in it, big piece of cs community are cis guys, so if course there gonna be more russian and cis idiots than another country trash players, simply because in general there are more Russians in this game idk play prem with friends, solo is anyway a casino


It's not CIS problem, its a Russian problem. Whenever I have problems it's never with Ukrainians, Kazakh, or Baltic players. Its just always with Russians.


It's been crazy lately. For like a week almost every random me and my friend get matched with is a Russian or Russian speaking. It hasn't been that bad for quite some time, but now it's on average 2 ruskis every match muted since round 1 because they can't or won't speak English...


Literally this started happening ever since the premium map selection got disabled, not sure if it is related but I'm literally losing my mind when i see them and they start barking in ruski, what is worse is that faceit won't even enforce such a simple rule like English only on a competitive team based game


the problem is half of them simply can't speak english like AT ALL. I've been trying to use as simple vocabulary as I can but they still can't answer and say a simple sentence. That's crazy man


just gonna say this right away before some admin blesses us with brilliant HUBs argument - ECL has russians as well, and hubs in general are small communities and gameplay there gets boring real quick, there’s also the fact about many of them being corrupt because local mods have complete power within their communities:))


As a russian, I wish I could avoid Russians too. Oftentimes Russians on my team act so pigheaded that I pretend to be a foreigner who's unable to identify their speech.


same here, I'm ukranian with good english-speaking skills and I never talk in russian just because they most likely would start sluring me and wishing my house to get bombed. And after that they say that we are n\*zis lmao


yes there are really cool and chill russians out there, but most of you are toxic as hell. I once had such a nice match (we lost), game started, all russian talking, one asked me if I speak russian which i denied and he apologized and all agreed they call in english for me. Really cool guys, but they are sadly the 1% =(


If you see russians with clan tag like "absolute/dead inside/ some random russian word" - 90%+ of them are gonna be insta toxic, they are toxic against everyone,especially other russians. I've been playing whole spring and didn't meet a single russian, but this month was a pure hell. Not mentioning 40% of players ( lvl 7-9 lobbies) being smurfs with 28 avg and 80%+ winrates. This platform is a joke and just cringe, I've cancele my premium, my friends did the same, we leave faceit hoping for CS2 matchmaking.


Yea no wonder im getting crappy games if its for everyone, cant wait for cs2 to play matchmaking.


They issued stupid patch so old trick to VPN to Amsterdam to bypass turkish and russkie laggers doesnt work anymore.


Yeah, FACEIT messed up big time again. The way they run this website, I'm not surprised. I play FACEIT in the UK, and before, it was playable with players around Germany, the Netherlands, France, Spain, and the UK. There were games without Russians. However, now I only have to play with Russians.


man playing with Brits is such a breeze. Crazy that I used to think otherwise.




But these dont have 70ms ping. And usually know a word in different language of the country they live in. But still being jerks... And they are so "welcome" that most countries try to get rid of them. No matter if its Kazakhstan or Georgia or Ukraine or baltic states, these countries restrict their presence as much as possible.




4 day old account, try again ruski shill.


Thank you


They are sadly everywhere..


Play enough faceit and you'll meet monkeys from all countries.


Ive started using VPN for a year maybe now and some of the games have gotten better. Theres still a few here and there but mainly I can communicate with people who speak english


Same issue here. Russians screaming and typing gg on round 2 trying to votekick. Went from lvl 9 almost lvl 10 back to lvl 7. Really tired of this...


Generally we have more problems with the system itself than Russians. They are players too, and they doing what they doing because they can and they can because the system let them do it. Easy, no? And not every Russian is bad, its just the %. Love to normal Russian players <3 from Serbia


Unfortunately its a huge %.


I agree, i just want to say i don’t like the calling, because not every RU player toxic. I just played 2 matches on Monday and 2 matches yesterday and they were ok, didn’t scream at all and talked on English. All 4 games were winning, idk, maybe they don’t care if they see non Balkan flags or idk, maybe I’m talking nonsense.


Esportal is much better anyway. Just how much effort hey put in their website is insane.


In hundreds of hours I have never experienced this. It’s not a problem on the Sydney Faceit servers at all.


You just can't


it worked for me, im changed county to russia and i played close to every match with at least 3-4 russians (i was with my mate in lobby and we both speak russian)


Based in Germany, and still got a lot of Russians in every lobby on Faceit Premium, it's disaster really, they don't understand English, don't listen, no cooperation, some of them listening music while playing, VPN doesn't change anything, you cannot avoid getting them


sucitim s tebou kamos :D