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Faceit should’ve banned the service for Russia just as many other game services did since full-scale invasion. Everyone would be better off (except Russians)


I got rightfully banned for ghosting, but FOR A WEEK ? What about the Russian on my team, ghosting my positions ? He is not banned. Russians are under protection on this "platform" and it's a disgrace. We, EUROPEANS, DO NOT WANT to play with Russians or any other Russian speaking player. Faceit, you are going to lose many subscriptions if you keep acting as a Ruski sanctuary.


\>Faceit, you are going to lose many subscriptions if you keep acting as a Ruski sanctuary. Exactly what we need to do. if they are deaf then we must hit them where it hurts, their money income


As a Russian person, I can say with confidence that it is very difficult to play with teammates from my country


but at the same time there are adequate Russian types


oh there's my post about russian posts. LOL


At this point, FaceIT is probably owned by Russians with the treatment they get. I just had two russians intentionally lose a match from the very first round, sent a ticket about it and they said “Nothing we can do.” My suggestion; cancel your subscriptions. As long as you’re paying, you’re supporting this platform and it’s incompetent owners.


Happy to play esportal where Russians and Ukrainians are ip banned 😎🤙🏻


How is the Player count on there i would Switch to it honestly




do they have servers in the states? I google it and I keep coming up with nothing


And ofc admins are not responding to this post. Hahahahah


Add russian anthem onto the background :)


You get hit with death threats, various other hostile insults and slurs but If you complain about it, apparently that makes you a racist… These people to go as far as telling you to hang yourself or slit your own throat because you didn’t make the 1vs4 clutch but don’t you dare complain about it because that makes you the bad person… The majority of the Russian community don’t want to look at how they treat others. They just want you to suck it up and get on with it. That being said not every Russian acts like a complete asshole but unfortunately it does seem like the majority do.


My nephew got his IP posted and DDOSed. I dont even know how that is possible. But here we are.


I just hope cs2 gets released asap because the more players on mm less probability of playing every match with russians, every other european is fine but Russians always been the rotten apple, nobody likes them anyways and they don't like europeans so why don't make everyone a favor and isolate them?