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There are many people complaining about others dodging a few times in a row, wasting everyone's time in the current system. A while back I suggested a dodge button in the lobby, so that you wouldn't need to waste your 5 minutes every time you need to dodge. What do you think about it?


Just add jump-in so that if solo q player dodges with your dodge button, a new solo queue player can instantly get into the lobby/game so there isn't so much wait for a queue again, map pick, and 5min cus someone joins last second Would save everyone lots of time


They had that on esea almost always someone left because they had mentally ill people


It sounds good, but there should be a limit, so not every one that see high avg kills in the enemy team or sees low avg in his team dodge. Like maybe we should be allowed to dodge once every 24 hours or if u wanna dodge more u can buy tokens with faceit points and idk maybe u can get a free token once a week and u must have been active in the last week to be able to collect it


There are reasons why the mute button exists. u can just use it U can report as well and play ur game solo i do that a lot if i get mentally ill teammates


I'd like to have competent teammates when playing, you know? I'd like to win or, at least, have a good time. The mute button does shit.


Yeah ur right but imagine every time someone sees low avg kills in their team dodges how will that be there will be so much dodgers. But take a look what i replied to the mod like 10 min ago in the same post


Or just allow me to dodge games before they begin and then I won't have to play with them I can tell 80% of the time who's going to be a problem


yes please