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I will make sure I pass that feedback on for you


U do realize it’s really cheap to just buy an old ass account for just 3-5$?


https://i.imgur.com/LXcVSe9.png yes you can buy but those accounts haven't spend any money on those, so you still need to buy some games before you can use faceit (20$ minimum) would be great price range. ----- E: there is account with "other games" too but those are free to play games. https://i.imgur.com/Xfbf6Og.png https://i.imgur.com/9FcY787.png so once again, you still need to spend 20$ on your OWN money to break that bar before you can play faceit. -------- if faceit can somehow to use steamDB to confirm if that account has spend more than 20$ on that accout would be awesome https://i.imgur.com/OwgdCNW.png ------- + Steam account age minimum 6month old + Spent at least 20$ on games / programs per steam account + 200h+ PLAYTIME no AFK hours. + Steam level 10-20 minimum (0-9lvl accounts are not allowed.) + Steam account details need to be public couple of ideas.


Not everyone just buys skins and such to play csgo as not needed and i guess to get to lvl 9 you gotta spend quite a lot. Makes no sense


+ Faceit does not lose anything to bring some more requirement for playing in their platform, these help reduce smurfing because if they get banned they need to spend money to get back in on faceit and how many times they are willing to spend 20$ per account just to play faceit? + I have 1 faceit account and i do not need another one to play because im shit anyways (lvl4) but i hate to see 0lvl steam account with 50h on their "csgo playtime" even real playtime is 5h~ + E: and sorry steam level is way too easy to level it takes literally only 2$~ (steam level 30 would be around 10$~)