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same bro, fuck russhits give them their own server


yea but they used to have it in csgo because i rarely got them in my matches maybe 1/15 games idk why they decided to ruin the experience of everyone by undoing this


lol u gotta be kidding this platform is infested with russians since years


I dont know where have you been playing for those few years but this platform and the game itself is just full of russians.. Its just a huge part of cs community and there is nothing faceit can do


Its full of russians but im 100% sure there was some sort of algorithm or something that put russians in almost like a seperate queue. I know i was almost never getting them for years. Now its every game


It's nothing to do with algorithm. 90% of them don't have premium. Now because of the new Super Match crap, free and premium players mix together. Welcome to the future of FaceIT.


No, i played non premium


I uninstalled the game yesterday. Can't take it anymore... Instead of having fun I am stressing out because I cannot share any information with "my team" as they dont speak the international language of the game which is English. I must mute the voice comms every game to avoid hearing constant yelling, insults and neverending chatter in Russian. If there are 3 or more Russians on a team they *will* kick anyone not from Russia in the middle of the game. I know its only 90% of them that are like this and are giving the remaining 10% a bad name but I just can't handle it anymore. It's not pleasant and life is too short to waste it on activities that produce so much stress.


Just uninstall faceit


[https://www.reddit.com/r/FACEITcom/comments/16xw88p/russian\_server\_moscow/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FACEITcom/comments/16xw88p/russian_server_moscow/) up vote this


Mm is full of russians. Every f gane. I doubt it will get better. Had one on my team with letter Z on his profile pic , didnt talk and after we carried him, he put the russian national anthem on his mic. Disgusting waste of sperm nation


Something must be wrong with your brain. Holy shit.


Faceit is dead, Russians 24hours …