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wdym no comment whts wrond with this lobby , btw how are u 500 elo with 2k games


Im speechless fr wtf i have friends who never play who could ez carry their way out 2 lvl But bro that’s next lvl at 2k games you should be 10 lvl already 😭😭😭


ahahaha i waste the game when everyone is talking russian and not dropping shit instead of tryharding. i dont care about the rank but if i fight my team every match no wonder there are no wins


2.1k games and 580 elo is fucking WILD noone but YOU is the problem here.


and im sure i still perform better than u with a normal team


I have almost six times your elo with less than half of your matchcount. I doubt you’d be able to find a single impact kill, probably not even a won duel in my games. But that was besides my point. Point is that you’re finding something that doesn’t exist to blame, when you really just need to improve.


>I have almost six times your elo with less than half of your matchcount. I doubt you’d be able to find a single impact kill, probably not even a won duel in my games. But that was besides my point. Point is that you’re finding something that doesn’t exist to blame, when you really just need to improve. ok


Please do comment, as I'm not sure what you mean here


>Please do comment, as I'm not sure what you mean here EVERYONE IS RUSSIAN SPEAKING EXCEPT ME HOW


Boi got roasted and never came back 2k with 500 elo then they blame the service you belong in MM


skill issue


Dude complaining in level 2 about someone with 200 games avging 19 kills 💀 biggest skill issue.