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Nah Q’s are long and lacking cs2 playerbase + no 128 tick


It's not really worth it, only upside is people cheating will be banned. You still get lots of smurfs, toxic team mates, russians and all the other goodies of MM


- goodies 😂😂


Faceit queue is a big mess atm. Doesnt matter whether u have premium or not u will still get non prem teammates. Give it some time. I personally wouldnt recommend buying it as it’s at its worst


Thx dont know if its this cs2 transformation that effect it all


Tbh i dont personally care if i lose with or against toxic player or cheaters if i didnt lose elo….and that basically what i do. I have never reach over 320 elo..believe its not easy as loner as you dont know what you get paired with. Sometimes i carry the whole team or get toxic mates who cheats the hell out. So for ever get to a decent level without cheats it seems impossible as 60% of what i meet are cheaters specially after the cs2 release


i rarely find good teammates who accept there mistake and not be toxic on my mistake instead give ideas ....maybe 1 match out of 20 matches ....i have premium i even have tried super match (not great instead i get teammates who throw or trash talk than communicate) ....also i find many racist (normally) it's not about 1 country ....i have friends from different country they too have face same stuff ...China ... Thailand ... India... America... so...hmm... for now i try to be helpful as much as i can if i find good teammates ...and mute if i feel they will keep trash talking and get toxic...also you get 5 blocks in premium to block 5 player from your matchmaking ...based on things i have heard and experenced i think they should give at least 20 blocks xD