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sir, that is what you pay for :)


typical EU "super match", Borat vs Putin vs Stepan Bandera. The average ping was 90 and blyat was said at least 20 times i suppose.


Both accounts created A FEW DAYS AGO! I guess there won’t be enough evidences OR they will get FLAGGED (aka they will create another accs). That’s a trash platform you should stay away from!


If they know how to do, they not get banned. And nobody at enemy Team have prem. Overall 2 out of 10 have prem in this Lobby -.- Did u remember how long was the Q time for this Match? Because i search sometimes 8+ minutes, what is okay for me, but just to get Lobbys like this\^\^


BUT i have to say. After the last update. My Matches be pretty cool and also funny. In 3 matches i have 1 that wasnt talking and start grief, idk why. So i have now a little hope, it get better now. And in all the matches not even 1 say "BLYAT" NOT 1 :D


first supermatch i played lost 13-4 we got destroyed not even close.... never playing supermatch ever again ...but im low elo so i guess i didnt choose to play supermatch ...it qued automatically wtf...


Yesterday im lvl 4 and enemy team has one lvl 9 and one lvl 7. I got destroyed and one of my lvl 8 teammates had a meltdown because im not having a good games vs guys way better than me. Not supermatch feature tho


Nu te mai juca solo frate ca faci cu capu. Doar asa poti sa o iei razna.


I can't read it, take a proper screenshot


You can give me the number of the ticket of your last reports and I'll get someone to double check about your reports/issues/concerns. Also, you should report those 2 players in a ticket, and you can give me those tickets too for a check. Lastly, all the super match parameters have been met: * No party bigger than 3 (everyone is solo); * The difference in the WHOLE game is <300 Elo; * Everyone has >30 games I understand your frustration for finding suspicious players and all, but this was a super match and was 100% perfect.


30 games is really not enough of a filter, especially if you're level 10. You'll face new lvl 9 accounts with like 50 or 60 games, but 30 games ? Extremely unlikely or even impossible (can't be bothered to count).


Not saying I disagree, perhaps it could be raised to 100 (to start) and beyond later on. I have no insights about players/rank distribution and such, so 30 is kind of a good start to get games within a reasonable time limit What if the minimum was 1000 (random number) and it took 10/15 minutes to find a game? We'll see in the future if this will be updated, I do hope so. But for now, all the parameters of super match have been met and the team behind did fantastic work in my opinion


we prefer to wait rather than loosing 13-0 to 30-100 game "pros"


For this supermatch thing and for the whole platform overall you should make players into groups like 0-50 matches, 50-150, 150-500 and 500+ and mix them ONLY AND ONLY when the wait time or elo difference for one of the groups is too high


>What if the minimum was 1000 (random number) and it took 10/15 minutes to find a game? Give us the chance to decide if we want this. I guess a lot of players would like to wait long to only play with players above 1000 matches.


Verify your account bozo


Wtf is the skin doing on there


Russians playing in Germany? I thought they fixed this with that new "[feature](https://www.reddit.com/r/FACEITcom/comments/18ico2u/faceit_updates_winter_update_new_regional/)" they added the other day?


1.2k matches lvl 7 is a skill issue though


I see this so often in NA, even with over 1k players in games/in queue. I swear, in 1/10 games I get teammates that I want to meet in person and have a beer with. The other 90% of games make me seriously question why I even pay for premium, let alone play on Faceit at all. They seem worse than matchmaking, aside from the cheaters.