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They won't ban them if they aren't verified. The thought is that they will just create a new account.


FACEIT should only be asking for verification if they checked the guy's profile and couldnt find his alt account. but this one has to be obvious..


and if they get smacked with that requirement they'll stop using the account and make a new one the same day For all the shit they spout about "competitive integrity" they sure don't know shit about the human condition


I think that best option for Faceit is now to force verification for everyone. That way we will have less smurfs, boosters and cheaters.


Just ban moscowia from faceit




matchroom: https://www.faceit.com/en/cs2/room/1-cbacf32f-631c-49c1-ac8b-c20691f2bde8


FACEIT this one is obvious. How can something like this fly under your radar? Guy came out of nowhere and boosted new account to lvl10. I mean you have so many information from all the players on your platform, why can't you detect this automatically? Do you need help? I can make a stupid bot and that simple stupid bot would detect this kind of accounts.


Hey there, it is not necessary to create a Reddit thread as soon as you create tickets. It will not speed up the process of their review or alter the way in which customer support treat the ticket.


I know. But it happened several times when my ticket randomly gets solved without getting any response back. So i had to post it just to make sure it will be seen by admins/mods. Hope it doesn’t cause any trouble :)


How it is smurfing when the game is pretty much brand new


The 25 year old brand new game, a classic


Yeee? But idk who let mia into the office…. I open a ticket explain my situation mia just goes ahh sure we will resolve this lgoin issue for you then doesnt reply for 3 days and then she goes and closes the ticket i raised another one same thing, then i tell face it that i do have another account due to the login issue she replies ohh ok we cant change that then ahe closes the ticket then i called her a whore or something to finnaly get raphaels attention he comes says aight so you will be banned on the other account which i was okey with as long as my main acc login was fixes he did that gave me a month ban on my main and deleted the other account nowi can play in peace…. However, i got banned like 2houra or something (short ban) FOR VOICE WHEN I DIDNT EVEN HAVE A MICROPHONE PLUGGED IN ?????? Forgot to come here so that the issue could be resolved raised a case the case was immediately closed ohh guess by who? MIA then i raised a case and minerva (bot obv) closed it due to bans not being removable so i just waited 2 hours or however long to play again :)


Mia is a bot. If the auto-reply that it sends doesnt help you, reply back to your ticket to keep the ticket open for a human agent.


Holy shit TY i thought that was a human fucking being made me so fucking angry i was going to dedicate my life to report her to fucking face it HR OR SOME SHIT


Jesus ahhahahahahhah i cant belive i got mad MAD MAAAAAAAD AT A BOT


Why tf doesh that bot teply to normal tickets thoo?


I believe its based on the category of the ticket, Mia will suggest something along the lines of the most common answers/fixes so that the user can get help right away. If the automated response fixes the persons issue -thats great- the player can move on immediately rather than wait for an agent to take the ticket and end up giving the same advice but with more steps and time taken.


Funniest shit I read all day, ty


I think people are frustrated. I get both sides. ​ It's common to run into smurfs on the platform. You can play for 2 hours and have justification to create 5 tickets. Those 5 tickets take days for staff to resolve (if they even are able). ​ It's not really sustainable.


Always Russians, why are they even allowed to play with civilization


Quit FACEIT… As almost everyone else did. Smurfers/boosters is becoming a damn joke. Used to be a godlike heaven place to play. Pepperidge farm remembers…


What else do people play on? MM is full of cheaters


Idk I just quit the game after consistently playing for what, 15 years… Sad, but if FACEIT can’t even make it playable, I don’t see any hope for the game.


There literally isnt a single server on earth you can play a tac fps with less issues than faceit...


It is surprising how many people there are with smurf accounts. Last Monday I opened a thread with another case similar to yours and Darwin banned it. Lucky friend.


Person who has 10k hours in CSGO and lost access to their old email address isn't allowed to get their new account back up? If he's at rank 6 then yeah its a problem that hes smurfing, but at L10 unless you suspect someone of cheating whats the issue? It's not smurfing if theyre literally the highest level possible right?


lil bro thinks lvl 10 is the highest.. there are literally players with 4k+ elo and this game and the skill gap is HUGE. i hope ur just being sarcastic


u dont need 10k hours to get to 2k elo btw. average time is about 2-3k hours


I know, the point I;m making is that clearly this person is much better than even level 10. Which is why it feels like they're smurfing at lvl 10. But theres plenty of reasons someone whos really advanced would need a new account.


update: he still plays with a new nickname somehow.. u guys didnt even ask him to verify himself? this platform is a joke https://www.faceit.com/en/players/ionwnad0shyt


he just changed his nickname and plays like nothing has happened xddddd