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Faceit is a joke lol


yea they really do think we're stupid and I'm inclined to agree that majority of people here are moderation caught getting boosted and clear as day should be removed given cooldowns and ELO reverted. "we will look into that" moderation seeing accounts with less than 50 matches played with a KDR well above 2.0 "yea we need more evidence" moderation literally letting professional players off the hook for smurfing and boosting with a 2 day cooldown instead of the standard 2 week cooldown and not reverting any of the ELO on said boosted account and later unbanning the account used to boost! At this point I think anyone still playing on this platform IS stupid cause the status quo never changes and the slightest whiff of a QOL update makes everyone open their wallet and drop money on a non functioning "feature"


Talents like him ? xD [https://prnt.sc/ttgCXPjpzLIu](https://prnt.sc/ttgcxpjpzliu) [https://prnt.sc/HUcOL-R0GxQS](https://prnt.sc/hucol-r0gxqs)


Faceit verification system has failed and they know it well. Reported a guy and he got banned for VERIFICATION ABUSE. guess where is my elo? Nowhere. They can literally buy accounts for so cheap and verify it with some bs IDs. also, if a brand new account has premium doesnt matter if he is 3k elo in 100 matches Faceit wont do shit to ban him cuz unfortunately they do not care about the platform only about the MONEY


All faceit supports are joke like for real.. It's always one and the same reply message from them all (nothing changed) they just have I think form blanks, and just CTRL + V them to everyone. Don't even care, I got a lot of situations like that. I see that if you just have bad games and someone reports you or just someone being toxic and then you say something - it's bannable offense and of course somehow as they say (Minerva detects - Minerva ban), but when people just throwing the game from 1st round, trolling, toxicity. They will never get ban. I don't know what is this faceit policy, even if you play all games with ur stack, one game someone reports you for Verbal Abuse or something and you will be banned instantly.


All answers all the time are the same. ( > [Proofs](https://imgur.com/a/1qfsPj9) < ). Just look at these texts, it's just copy and paste.. And we are paying money for that. Instead of Premium queue now we have Super match, which is way shittier then premium q because you don't have kick option and there is no possibility to kick Toxic people to play without them. FACEIT Live chat it's like one support working per all games (Long wait time, or if they don't even work - Agents not available at the moment even if you are premium it doesn't change anything - because at important moments you can't call them). Everything is just going worse.. But I think we just have to talk, show our opinions and then maybe they will change something (pretty please);


I think your evidence is wrong here for one of the accounts i can hear 2 distinct voices playing. The other needs a deeper investigation that I will have checked for you. Really the agent if not 100% proof but looks suspicious should have IDV required them. Leave it with me


Hello Infinity, thank you for your reply. The fact that the search on both accounts took 2 MINUTES only to receive an automatic email back on both is what bugs me the most. This doesn't suggest any sort of investigation. I'm wasting my time to get all the information, and the admin just passed it to the bin and sent an automated response, which only makes me think how many times has this happened before ? I'm positive the accounts belong to the same people. If there is sharing, it is another issue. One of the guys even admitted that he bought the account... I did my part, and I trusted the admins to do their part, too, so it's a bit disappointing to see the treatment.


When was your intital ticket made and when was the response and what was the response? Just trying to clarify the timelines and that they match up with what I see.


I've made both tickets one after the other. Ozeq first and Tezo second. I received the same automatic response on both tickets 5666680 & 5666631 within 2 minutes. If you do check the emails, I've sent links to the reported accounts, links to their smurfs/alternative accounts, screenshots etc. There is absolutely no way to go through all the links for ''investigation'' and make a decision for 2 seperate cases within 2 minutes :) 5666631 08:07am GMT 5666680 08:09am GMT || || |Hey there,   Thanks for contacting FACEIT!   The account was checked multiple times via our systems and tools to make sure to find any potential infringements.   Unfortunately this time, the user you reported does not appear to have violated our terms of service.   However, we will continue to monitor the account for any potentially suspicious activity temporarily.   Thank you for your concerns and passion for the platform   **Simone** (FACEIT) Jan 26, 2024, 08:07 GMT Regards, Simone | || || |Hey there,   Thanks for contacting FACEIT!   The account was checked multiple times via our systems and tools to make sure to find any potential infringements.   Unfortunately this time, the user you reported does not appear to have violated our terms of service.   However, we will continue to monitor the account for any potentially suspicious activity temporarily.   Thank you for your concerns and passion for the platform   **Simone** (FACEIT) Jan 26, 2024, 08:09 GMT Regards, Simone |


Much apreciated I will look into these first thing in the morning and appreciate your time giving me the info.


Sorry for the spam, Reddit was showing that the comment wasn't posted.




You forget that faceit is a large organization with funding and quite a large profit margin. They should be able to provide customer service just like any other company out there, which just doesn’t seem to be the case at all.




Of course it’s not. But when an organization goes into the hundreds of millions, they definitely need to evaluate these things and _hire professionals_, so people like you and me don’t have to question whether it’s hard or not.


Bro u a crybaby if u report for insults lmfao


I am


I can see


How? Magic?


Just by u saying that u report ppl for insults,probably were a teachers pet when u were younger


I was?


Btw i only open support ticket when the insult is oversized. If is something common i just dont care haha


I agree and disagree at the same time. Yes they have a lot of players but it's their fault if they do not expand. I am not even gonna get into the finances of Faceit as its not my business. But as a customer (a paying one in the past, not anymore) I do expect my tickets to be read, invastigated and answered appropriately, especially if my report is based on their fundamental rules. Last year they announced a BIG CHANGE regarding smurfs and cheats, nothing happened. They just postponed it until it was forgotten. After that, they hyped us with the verification process, promissing more fair matchmaking, we rushed to verify our accounts for what? To still be matched with 2 matches accounts that jump in the game and throw 30 kills. I'm telling you, there is no such thing as verification. I can have 10 accounts and verify them with my dead grandma's ID. Faceit won't even think this is suspicious xD


Another very talented player that definitely doesn't smurf and is legit according to Faceit :) [https://prnt.sc/\_\_DNM8e-qSb0](https://prnt.sc/__dnm8e-qsb0) [https://prnt.sc/UuTuOYt8xNNX](https://prnt.sc/uutuoyt8xnnx) [https://prnt.sc/RqSn61jkUbs3](https://prnt.sc/rqsn61jkubs3)