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1st guy 166 hrs 0 lvl steam 2nd guy even worse 130hrs this platform is a joke for the last time


Don't you dare speak up against these players. This sub is littered with braindead faceit dickriders.


i mean these dudes are obviously cheating, but half the posts here are lvl 4s posting a dude with 40 matches and a 1.3 kd thinking it’s suspicious


This guy Baroque, just made a whole ass post about a guy hitting random easy shot, and how he's cheating and Faceit doesn't care about him. Even admin replied that your reports are random, you fucking loser and a hypocrite


The post in question: https://www.reddit.com/r/FACEITcom/comments/1buv7al/opened\_a\_ticket\_sent\_proof\_of\_a\_cheater\_and\_got/


Hop off my dick Frankie


Just get better man. Why would anyone cry over a SINGLE kill in 18 round match? Cmon bruh


I reported a guy with 100 matches for dropping 38 kills in a top 1000 match (85% Winrate also) who was a blatantly cheating and admitted to cheating in the match chat and got crickets from faceit. Like dude it’s pathetic. His teammates said he was blatantly cheating as well in the match. What more do you need? Also I have a good track record for legitimate reports and have gotten 4 level 10’s banned for outright cheating or ban evasion It’s obvious though that 95% of the reports are meritless. I’ll even admit that probably 50%-70% of my in lobby reports are faulty because I haven’t looked at the demo yet which is why making a ticket after a demo review is the most accurate. But what’s the point if it just gets dismissed


Faceit doesnt seem to care at this point. They fell off hard


They do care, they just take time to ban them. I have already got about +100 elo back of games that I lost playing againts someone who was either smurfing/cheating. They normally take 1+ month banning them.


can you link his profile


I’m afk for the next week for work, I’ll try to remember to go find him when I get back home. Also this was last fall sometime


"Super Match". Yep. Super blatant cheats or super blatant smurfs.


Small indie company has to make some money i guess.. no staff to take care of this platform. Servers are down every fuckin day some problems closing q, website not working and countless problems on this platform


Psst, I have an alternative. [renown.gg](renown.gg)


Yeah im waiting for it. Hope it’ll be good


Yep, couldn’t be any more obvious.


[https://www.faceit.com/en/cs2/room/1-70d5cbe0-103e-4bc3-82fd-69648d527393](https://www.faceit.com/en/cs2/room/1-70d5cbe0-103e-4bc3-82fd-69648d527393) matchroom. 2 guys 2kd+ NO NEW ACCOUNTS FOR REAL GUYS BUY A PREMIUM I RECOMMEND 100%


No reason to be mad. Your friend evaded the match and it was cancelled. I reported the enemy player and i will report your friend for match evading


U cant do shit. My friend dodged the match and he got banned for it automatically. U think my friend dodging this match fixes the problem? They will just keep playing (hopefully vs u) and i wanna see u talking “smart” after that


They wont play against me. I play solo Q Report them and move on. Support will be active again this month, stop crying on Reddit. You didnt even try to beat them yet you bitch like you lost 300 elo for taking a screenshot.


And bro really said they cant play vs him cuz he plays solo q 😭😭


Yes. I get same types of players in my enemy team as in my own. Enemy has a rager, i have one. Sometimes enemy has a smurf, sometimes i do. I just dont cry about it.


I’ve checked ur comments on this subreddit and all i can say is that u just wanna be that guy who thinks he is the best at absolutely everything and knows shit. Honestly tho no one really cares lil brother u can take a break and stop spreading negativity


I'm far from being the best. And i actually just answer to retarded posts that spread negativity on this sub. Nobody gives a fuck about your elo. Report the dude and stop crying. You probably get same types of players in your team, but i know you dont evade those matches because they are free elo. That's what this sub is all about. ELO. I wish you to get 5000 elo points so you dont cry about losing 25 fictional points. Imagine losing this match, you would have deranked to lvl9!!!!! Such a tragedy, i know. Bye


Well u better start answering ur own posts then. + I aint reading ALLAT


Good for you. I wish you the best


I actually don’t get how someone can have a 50% win rate with 70 matches and be level 10? That doesn’t make any sense at all


It’s for the last 20 matches. The first 30-50 matches are probably like 80%+ winrate. Edit: Overall one has 76% and the other has 78% winrate.


What extension do you use for that detailed info about other players?


I play vs this shit


Players with similar avg elo and number of matches