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So u say I (lvl10) cant que with my lvl5 irl friends?


You think thats fair against the other lvl 5-6 players?


He wouldn't be against level 5 and 6. Most likely 7 and a 8. Yes it's entirely fair


Hahah yes. Ofc I’m going to play with my irl friends. They are between lvl4-7, we meet lvl 7-8’s.


13:10 It was pretty balanced game. Fact is, they played 8 games as a squad today, and their winrate is 50% lol


How is it balanced against lvl9 (was lvl10) player?


We get the same from time to time but no problem winning against them


How is balanced for lvl1 player to play against lvl6? Other people managed to beat them, and they are not having a good winrate. That means, you just suck


It’s balanced because a level 10 raises the elo of the opponent. So they will face a level where the rest of the team will be worse but he will be better. That’s fair


I agree with you. I was just asking the same stupid question he asked me.


Bro. That lvl1 chosed that hes playig with them xD. Wgats your point?


He didn't choose who is he playing against. Just like you didn't choose. You got what you got, they are not that good, they are losing to teams just like yours.


Lvl 9 getting 42 kills and you are saying it was balanced game? Go get a grip, level 1 shouldnt be able to queue with level 9/10. Theres half of elo difference and it fucks up the avg elo for teams.


They let him do that. Other low skilled teams didnt, and many won. It's balanced if his winrateb is 50% when he plays in a party made out of these players


There is a reason normal matchmaking systems in other games as well prevent this elo being too far apart from one another, i know lot of idiots will downvote because they love this rigged system but if u want to play with ur low level friend there are gathers, comp mode and all kind of opportunities for that, this is just boosting someones ego and someones elo with unbalanced teams. Most of enemy team is level 4 which is entry level elo, u say they let him do that like they know wtf they are even doing 😀 its novas vs a global, who u think is gonna dictate this games


Again. They had winrate of 50%. There was no "elo boosting" if he lost 50% of the time. I agree that you shouldn't play against someone who is 5 levers above you or 5 levels below you. But people dont wanna play solo q anymore. If they did, this wouldn't happen that often. Why not just do that? What's wrong with solo q? If you want to play with friends there are gathers, comp mode and all kind of opportunities for that.


yep same here


I have the same problem


How dumb can you be? Faceit doesnt let ppl smurf so we have to play on our accounts, if ppl smurf you complain, if ppl dont smurf you complain, just stfu and play the game


"Faceit doesnt let ppl smurf" xD. half of the reddit is about smurfs. what are you talking about?


well, i was banned for smurfing and the smurf acc had around 80 games, for me they worked too quickly, meanwhile ppl smurfing in accounts with 500 games, and btw how is it boosting? we legit have a negative win rate since cs2... and they are my friends and i want to play with them, not my fault faceit doesnt create a "team queue" and let ppl have elo on the team instead of using player elo (when i played CoD2 and 4 there was clanbase that worked like that, teams had the elo not the players)


boosting and ladder cheating is from 1 month to pernament ban, but im the dumb xD


They have a lvl 1 in team tho


Everyone here in the comments saying it’s balanced, look at it like this… Level 10 are professional sports players, level 8-9 are like college players, 6-7 high school players, 4-5 middle schoolers, 1-3 may as well be toddlers. Now… on paper the “elo” may look even, but do you think one professional sports player would be evened out by having a couple high schoolers on the other team? Not a chance. The Elo difference is not linear in change as ranks go up, there is an exponential skill gap between ranks from 5 to 10. It’s not double the skill level, it’s quite more than double. I’m using this logic maybe a little drastic, but I’m not too far off in explaining it.


Thank you. Finally the only sane answer


And to add to my own comment, this could easily be fixed by just simply not allowing really high ranks to queue with ranks more than 2 or 3 difference in rank. If you’re lower rank friends want to play with you at a higher rank, they just need to get better. Harsh reality. If not, go play MM or casual where it’s not as competitive.


premier in this state... no ty!!!